/label command improved

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Profitroll 2022-12-11 01:31:30 +01:00
parent 9c611b436c
commit 32ebad29ca
1 changed files with 24 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -1,20 +1,33 @@
from app import app
from app import app, isAnAdmin
from pyrogram import filters
from modules.utils import should_quote, find_user
from pyrogram.types import ChatPrivileges
from modules.utils import should_quote, find_user, configGet
from classes.holo_user import HoloUser
@app.on_message(~ filters.scheduled & filters.private & filters.command(["label"], prefixes=["/"]))
async def cmd_label(app, msg):
if len(msg.command) < 3:
await msg.reply_text("Invalid syntax:\n`/label USER NICKNAME`")
if msg.chat.id == configGet("admin_group") or await isAnAdmin(msg.from_user.id):
target = await find_user(app, msg.command[1])
if len(msg.command) < 3:
await msg.reply_text("Invalid syntax:\n`/label USER NICKNAME`")
if target is not None:
target = await find_user(app, msg.command[1])
nickname = " ".join(msg.command[2:])
await msg.reply_text(f"Setting **{target.id}**'s label to **{nickname}**...", quote=should_quote(msg))
if target is not None:
await msg.reply_text(f"User not found")
target = HoloUser(target)
nickname = " ".join(msg.command[2:])
if nickname.lower() == "reset":
await target.reset_label(app, msg.chat)
await msg.reply_text(f"Resetting **{target.id}**'s label...", quote=should_quote(msg))
await target.set_label(app, msg.chat, nickname)
await msg.reply_text(f"Setting **{target.id}**'s label to **{nickname}**...", quote=should_quote(msg))
await msg.reply_text(f"User not found")