feat(translations): Update Norwegian Bokmål translation

Currently translated at 99.1% (226 of 228 strings)

Translation: Discord Tickets/Bot
Translate-URL: http://i18n.capestar.net/projects/discord-tickets/bot/nb_NO/
This commit is contained in:
Allan Nordhøy 2021-09-10 02:54:05 +00:00 committed by Weblate
parent 559d1ffeef
commit ba8f02fc1c

View File

@ -1,487 +1,488 @@
"bot": {
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "Discord Tickets requires the following permissions:\n%s",
"title": "⚠️"
"version": "[Discord Tickets](%s) v%s Av [eartharoid](%s)"
"cmd_usage": {
"args": {
"description": "**Beskrivelse:** %s",
"example": "**Eksempel:** `%s`"
"description": "**Bruk:**\n`%s`\n\n**Eksempel:**\n`%s`\n\nObligatoriske felt er prefikset med `❗`.",
"invalid_named_args": {
"description": "There is an error in your command syntax: `%s`.\nType `%s` for an example.\nPlease ask a member of staff if you are unsure.",
"title": "❌ Invalid syntax"
"named_args": "Denne kommandoen bruker navngitte argumenter.\n\n",
"title": "'%s' kommandobruk"
"collector_expires_in": "Utløper om %d sekunder",
"commands": {
"add": {
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "The member to add to the ticket",
"example": "@someone",
"name": "member"
"ticket": {
"description": "The ticket to add the member to",
"example": "217",
"name": "billett"
"description": "Add a member to a ticket",
"name": "add",
"response": {
"added": {
"description": "%s has been added to %s.",
"title": "✅ Member added"
"no_member": {
"description": "Please mention the member you want to add.",
"title": "❌ Unknown member"
"no_permission": {
"description": "You are not the creator of this ticket and you are not a staff member; you can't add members to this ticket.",
"title": "❌ Insufficient permission"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in the ticket channel, or mention the channel.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"blacklist": {
"aliases": {
"unblacklist": "fjerne fra svarteliste"
"args": {
"member_or_role": {
"description": "The member or role to add/remove",
"example": "@NaughtyMember",
"name": "medlemEllerRolle"
"description": "Svarteliste/fjerne fra svarteliste et medlem fra og bruke denne botten",
"name": "svarteliste",
"response": {
"empty_list": {
"description": "Det er ingen medlemmer eller roller svartelistet. Skriv `%sblacklist <memberOrRole>` for og legge til et medlem eller rolle til svartelisten.",
"title": "📃 Svartelistet medlemmer og roller"
"illegal_action": {
"description": "%s er en moderator og kan ikke bli svartelistet.",
"title": "❌ Du kan ikke svarteliste dette medlemmet"
"list": {
"title": "📃 Svartelistet medlemmer og roller"
"member_added": {
"description": "<@%s> har blitt lagt til i svartelisten. De kan ikke lengre bruke botten.",
"title": "✅ La til medlemmet til svartelisten"
"member_removed": {
"description": "<@%s> har blitt fjernet fra svartelisten. De kan nå bruke botten igjen.",
"title": "✅ Fjernet medlemmet fra svartelisten"
"role_added": {
"description": "<@&%s> er lagt til i svartelisten. Medlemmer med denne rollen vil ikke lenger kunne bruke botten.",
"title": "✅ La til rollen i svartelisten"
"role_removed": {
"description": "<@&%s> er fjernet fra svartelisten. Medlemmer med denne rollen kan nå bruke botten igjen.",
"title": "✅ Fjernet rollen fra svartelisten"
"close": {
"aliases": {
"delete": "slett",
"lock": "lock"
"args": {
"reason": {
"alias": "r",
"description": "The reason for closing the ticket(s)",
"name": "reason"
"ticket": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "The ticket to close, either the number or the channel mention/ID",
"example": "217",
"name": "billett"
"time": {
"alias": "T",
"description": "Close all tickets that have been inactive for the specified time",
"example": "1w",
"name": "time"
"description": "Lukke en billettkanal",
"name": "lukke",
"response": {
"closed": {
"description": "Ticket #%s has been closed.",
"title": "✅ Billetten er stengt"
"closed_multiple": {
"description": [
"%d ticket has been closed.",
"%d tickets have been closed."
"title": [
"✅ Billetten er stengt",
"✅ Tickets closed"
"confirm": {
"description": "React with ✅ to close this ticket.",
"description_with_archive": "You will be able to view an archived version of it after.\nReact with ✅ to close this ticket.",
"title": "❔ Are you sure?"
"confirmation_timeout": {
"description": "You took too long to confirm.",
"title": "❌ Reaksjonstiden har utløpt"
"confirm_multiple": {
"description": [
"React with ✅ to close %d ticket.",
"React with ✅ to close %d tickets."
"title": "❔ Are you sure?"
"invalid_time": {
"description": "The time period provided could not be parsed.",
"title": "❌ Invalid input"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in a ticket channel or use the ticket flag.\nType `%shelp close` for more information.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"no_tickets": {
"description": "There are no tickets which have been inactive for this time period.",
"title": "❌ No tickets to close"
"unresolvable": {
"description": "`%s` could not be resolved to a ticket. Please provide the ticket ID/mention or number.",
"title": "❌ Error"
"help": {
"aliases": {
"command": "command",
"commands": "commands"
"args": {
"command": {
"description": "The command to display information about",
"example": "ny",
"name": "command"
"description": "List commands you have access to, or find out more about a command",
"name": "help",
"response": {
"list": {
"description": "The commands you have access to are listed below. For more information about a command, type `{prefix}help [command]`. To create a ticket, type `{prefix}new [topic]`.",
"fields": {
"commands": "Commands"
"title": "❔ Help"
"new": {
"aliases": {
"create": "opprette",
"open": "åpne",
"ticket": "billett"
"args": {
"topic": {
"description": "Temaet for billetten",
"example": "Problem med fakturering",
"name": "emne"
"description": "Opprett en ny billett",
"name": "ny",
"response": {
"created": {
"description": "Billetten er opprettet: %s.",
"title": "✅ Billetten er opprettet"
"error": {
"title": "❌ Error"
"has_a_ticket": {
"description": "Bruk din eksisterende billett ( <#%s>) eller lukk den før du oppretter en ny.",
"title": "❌ Du har allerede en åpen billett"
"max_tickets": {
"description": "Vennligst bruk '%sclose' for å lukke unødvendige billetter.\n\n%s",
"title": "❌ Du har allerede %d åpne billetter"
"no_categories": {
"description": "En serveradministrator må opprette minst én billettkategori før en ny billett kan åpnes.",
"title": "❌ Kan ikke opprette billett"
"select_category": {
"description": "Velg kategorien som er mest relevant for billettens emne:\n\n%s",
"title": "🔤 Velg billettkategori"
"select_category_timeout": {
"description": "Det tok for lang tid å velge billettkategorien.",
"title": "❌ Reaksjonstiden har utløpt"
"request_topic": {
"description": "Vennligst oppgi kort hva denne billetten handler om med noen få ord.",
"title": "Billettemne"
"panel": {
"args": {
"categories": {
"alias": "c",
"description": "A category ID",
"example": "451745464954650634",
"name": "categories"
"description": {
"alias": "d",
"description": "The description for the panel message",
"example": "\"React to this message to open a ticket.\"",
"name": "description"
"emoji": {
"alias": "e",
"description": "An emoji",
"example": "🎫",
"name": "emoji"
"title": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "The title for the panel message",
"example": "\"Support tickets\"",
"name": "title"
"description": "Create a new ticket panel",
"name": "panel",
"response": {
"invalid_category": {
"description": "One or more of the specified category IDs is invalid.",
"title": "❌ Invalid category"
"mismatch": {
"description": "Please provide the name number of emojis and category IDs.",
"title": "❌ Invalid input"
"remove": {
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "The member to remove from the ticket",
"example": "@someone",
"name": "member"
"ticket": {
"description": "The ticket to remove the member from",
"example": "217",
"name": "billett"
"description": "Remove a member from a ticket",
"name": "remove",
"response": {
"removed": {
"description": "%s has been removed from %s.",
"title": "✅ Member removed"
"no_member": {
"description": "Please mention the member you want to remove.",
"title": "❌ Unknown member"
"no_permission": {
"description": "You are not the creator of this ticket and you are not a staff member; you can't remove members from this ticket.",
"title": "❌ Insufficient permission"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in the ticket channel, or mention the channel.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"settings": {
"aliases": {
"config": "konfiguration"
"description": "Konfigurere Discord Tickets",
"name": "innstillinger",
"response": {
"invalid": "❌ Settings data is invalid; please refer to the documentation.\n%s",
"updated": "✅ innstillinger er oppdatert."
"stats": {
"description": "Display ticket statistics",
"fields": {
"messages": "Messages",
"response_time": {
"minutes": "%s minutes",
"title": "Avg. response time"
"tickets": "Tickets"
"name": "stats",
"response": {
"global": {
"description": "Statistics about tickets across all guilds where this Discord TIckets instance is used.",
"title": "📊 Global stats"
"guild": {
"description": "Statistics about tickets within this guild. This data is cached for an hour.",
"title": "📊 This server's stats"
"survey": {
"aliases": {
"surveys": "surveys"
"args": {
"survey": {
"description": "The name of the survey to view responses of",
"example": "support",
"name": "survey"
"description": "View survey responses",
"name": "survey",
"response": {
"list": {
"title": "📃 Surveys"
"tag": {
"aliases": {
"faq": "faq",
"t": "t",
"tags": "tags"
"args": {
"tag": {
"description": "The name of the tag to use",
"example": "website",
"name": "tag"
"description": "Use a tag response",
"name": "tag",
"response": {
"error": "❌ Error",
"list": {
"title": "📃 Tag list"
"missing": "This tag requires the following arguments:\n%s",
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "This tag can only be used within a ticket channel as it uses ticket references.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"topic": {
"args": {
"new_topic": {
"description": "The new topic of the ticket",
"example": "billing issue",
"name": "new_topic"
"description": "Change the topic of the ticket",
"name": "emne",
"response": {
"changed": {
"description": "This ticket's topic has been changed.",
"title": "✅ Topic changed"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in the ticket channel you want to change the topic of.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"command_execution_error": {
"description": "Det oppstod en uventet feil under kommandoutførelsen.\nBe en administrator kontrollere konsollutdataene/-loggene for mer informasjon.",
"title": "⚠️"
"message_will_be_deleted_in": "Denne meldingen vil bli slettet om %d sekunder",
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "You do not have the permissions required to use this command:\n%s",
"title": "❌"
"staff_only": {
"description": "Du må være medlem av staben for å bruke denne kommandoen.",
"title": "❌"
"ticket": {
"claimed": {
"description": "%s has claimed this ticket.",
"title": "✅ Ticket claimed"
"closed": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed.\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Billetten er stengt"
"closed_by_member": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed by %s.\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Billetten er stengt"
"closed_by_member_with_reason": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed by %s: `%s`\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Billetten er stengt"
"closed_with_reason": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed: `%s`\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Billetten er stengt"
"member_added": {
"description": "%s has been added by %s",
"title": "Member added"
"member_removed": {
"description": "%s has been removed by %s",
"title": "Member removed"
"opening_message": {
"fields": {
"topic": "Topic"
"questions": "Please answer the following questions:\n\n%s",
"released": {
"description": "%s has released this ticket.",
"title": "✅ Ticket released"
"survey": {
"complete": {
"description": "Thank you for your feedback.",
"title": "✅ Thank you"
"start": {
"description": "Hey, %s. Before this channel is deleted, would you mind completing a quick %d-question survey? React with ✅ to start, or ignore this message.",
"title": "❔ Feedback"
"bot": {
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "Discord-billetter krever følgende tilganger:\n%s",
"title": "⚠️"
"version": "[Discord Tickets](%s) v%s av [eartharoid](%s)"
"cmd_usage": {
"args": {
"description": "**Beskrivelse:** %s",
"example": "**Eksempel:** `%s`"
"description": "**Bruk:**\n`%s`\n\n**Eksempel:**\n`%s`\n\nObligatoriske felt er prefikset med `❗`.",
"invalid_named_args": {
"description": "There is an error in your command syntax: `%s`.\nType `%s` for an example.\nPlease ask a member of staff if you are unsure.",
"title": "❌ Ugyldig syntaks"
"named_args": "Denne kommandoen bruker navngitte argumenter.\n\n",
"title": "'%s' kommandobruk"
"collector_expires_in": "Utløper om %d sekunder",
"command_execution_error": {
"description": "Det oppstod en uventet feil under kommandoutførelsen.\nBe en administrator kontrollere konsollutdataene/-loggene for mer informasjon.",
"title": "⚠️"
"commands": {
"add": {
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "Medlem å legge til i billetten",
"example": "@noen",
"name": "medlem"
"ticket": {
"description": "The ticket to add the member to",
"example": "217",
"name": "billett"
"description": "Add a member to a ticket",
"name": "legg til",
"response": {
"added": {
"description": "%s har blitt lagt til i %s.",
"title": "✅ Medlem lagt til"
"no_member": {
"description": "Nevn medlemmet du ønsker å legge til.",
"title": "❌ Ukjent medlem"
"no_permission": {
"description": "You are not the creator of this ticket and you are not a staff member; you can't add members to this ticket.",
"title": "❌ Utilstrekkelige tilganger"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in the ticket channel, or mention the channel.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"blacklist": {
"aliases": {
"unblacklist": "fjern fra svarteliste"
"args": {
"member_or_role": {
"description": "Medlemmet eller rollen å legge til/fjerne",
"example": "@NaughtyMember",
"name": "medlemEllerRolle"
"description": "Svarteliste/fjerne fra svarteliste et medlem fra og bruke denne botten",
"name": "svarteliste",
"response": {
"empty_list": {
"description": "Det er ingen medlemmer eller roller svartelistet. Skriv `%sblacklist <memberOrRole>` for og legge til et medlem eller rolle til svartelisten.",
"title": "📃 Svartelistet medlemmer og roller"
"illegal_action": {
"description": "%s er en moderator og kan ikke bli svartelistet.",
"title": "❌ Du kan ikke svarteliste dette medlemmet"
"list": {
"title": "📃 Svartelistet medlemmer og roller"
"member_added": {
"description": "<@%s> har blitt lagt til i svartelisten. De kan ikke lengre bruke botten.",
"title": "✅ La til medlemmet i svartelisten"
"member_removed": {
"description": "<@%s> har blitt fjernet fra svartelisten. De kan nå bruke botten igjen.",
"title": "✅ Fjernet medlemmet fra svartelisten"
"role_added": {
"description": "<@&%s> er lagt til i svartelisten. Medlemmer med denne rollen vil ikke lenger kunne bruke botten.",
"title": "✅ La til rollen i svartelisten"
"role_removed": {
"description": "<@&%s> er fjernet fra svartelisten. Medlemmer med denne rollen kan nå bruke botten igjen.",
"title": "✅ Fjernet rollen fra svartelisten"
"close": {
"aliases": {
"delete": "slett",
"lock": "lock"
"args": {
"reason": {
"alias": "r",
"description": "The reason for closing the ticket(s)",
"example": "Løst",
"name": "grunn"
"ticket": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "The ticket to close, either the number or the channel mention/ID",
"example": "217",
"name": "billett"
"time": {
"alias": "T",
"description": "Close all tickets that have been inactive for the specified time",
"example": "1w",
"name": "time"
"description": "Lukke en billettkanal",
"name": "lukk",
"response": {
"closed": {
"description": "Billett #%s har blitt stengt.",
"title": "✅ Billetten er stengt"
"closed_multiple": {
"description": [
"%d billett har blitt stengt.",
"%d billetter har blitt stengt."
"title": [
"✅ Billetten er stengt",
"✅ Billetter lukket"
"confirm": {
"description": "Reager med ✅ for å stenge denne billetten.",
"description_with_archive": "You will be able to view an archived version of it after.\nReact with ✅ to close this ticket.",
"title": "❔ Er du sikker?"
"confirm_multiple": {
"description": [
"Reager med ✅ for å stenge %d billett.",
"Reager med ✅ for å stenge %d billetter."
"title": "❔ Er du sikker?"
"confirmation_timeout": {
"description": "Du brukte for lang tid på å bekrefte.",
"title": "❌ Reaksjonstiden har utløpt"
"invalid_time": {
"description": "The time period provided could not be parsed.",
"title": "❌ Ugyldig inndata"
"no_tickets": {
"description": "There are no tickets which have been inactive for this time period.",
"title": "❌ Ingen billetter å lukke"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in a ticket channel or use the ticket flag.\nType `%shelp close` for more information.",
"title": "❌ Dette er ikke en billett-kanal"
"unresolvable": {
"description": "`%s` could not be resolved to a ticket. Please provide the ticket ID/mention or number.",
"title": "❌ Feil"
"help": {
"aliases": {
"command": "kommando",
"commands": "kommandoer"
"args": {
"command": {
"description": "The command to display information about",
"example": "ny",
"name": "kommando"
"description": "List commands you have access to, or find out more about a command",
"name": "hjelp",
"response": {
"list": {
"description": "The commands you have access to are listed below. For more information about a command, type `{prefix}help [command]`. To create a ticket, type `{prefix}new [topic]`.",
"fields": {
"commands": "Kommandoer"
"title": "❔ Hjelp"
"new": {
"aliases": {
"create": "opprett",
"open": "åpne",
"ticket": "billett"
"args": {
"topic": {
"description": "Billettemnet",
"example": "Problem med fakturering",
"name": "emne"
"description": "Opprett en ny billett",
"name": "ny",
"request_topic": {
"description": "Vennligst oppgi kort hva denne billetten handler om med noen få ord.",
"title": "Billettemne"
"response": {
"created": {
"description": "Billetten er opprettet: %s.",
"title": "✅ Billetten er opprettet"
"error": {
"title": "❌ Feil"
"has_a_ticket": {
"description": "Bruk din eksisterende billett ( <#%s>) eller lukk den før du oppretter en ny.",
"title": "❌ Du har allerede en åpen billett"
"max_tickets": {
"description": "Bruk «%sclose» for å lukke unødvendige billetter.\n\n%s",
"title": "❌ Du har allerede %d åpne billetter"
"no_categories": {
"description": "En tjeneradministrator må opprette minst én billettkategori før en ny billett kan åpnes.",
"title": "❌ Kan ikke opprette billett"
"select_category": {
"description": "Velg kategorien som er mest relevant for billettens emne:\n\n%s",
"title": "🔤 Velg billettkategori"
"select_category_timeout": {
"description": "Det tok for lang tid å velge billettkategorien.",
"title": "❌ Reaksjonstiden har utløpt"
"panel": {
"args": {
"categories": {
"alias": "c",
"description": "En kategori-ID",
"example": "451745464954650634",
"name": "kategorier"
"description": {
"alias": "d",
"description": "The description for the panel message",
"example": "\"React to this message to open a ticket.\"",
"name": "description"
"emoji": {
"alias": "e",
"description": "An emoji",
"example": "🎫",
"name": "emoji"
"title": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "The title for the panel message",
"example": "\"Support tickets\"",
"name": "title"
"description": "Create a new ticket panel",
"name": "panel",
"response": {
"invalid_category": {
"description": "One or more of the specified category IDs is invalid.",
"title": "❌ Ugyldig kategori"
"mismatch": {
"description": "Please provide the name number of emojis and category IDs.",
"title": "❌ Ugyldig inndata"
"remove": {
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "The member to remove from the ticket",
"example": "@noen",
"name": "medlem"
"ticket": {
"description": "Billetten å fjerne medlemmet fra",
"example": "217",
"name": "billett"
"description": "Fjern et medlem fra en billett",
"name": "fjern",
"response": {
"no_member": {
"description": "Nevn medlemmet du ønsker å fjerne.",
"title": "❌ Ukjent medlem"
"no_permission": {
"description": "You are not the creator of this ticket and you are not a staff member; you can't remove members from this ticket.",
"title": "❌ Utilstrekkelige tilganger"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in the ticket channel, or mention the channel.",
"title": "❌ Dette er ikke en billettkanal"
"removed": {
"description": "%s har blitt fjernet fra %s.",
"title": "✅ Medlem fjernet"
"settings": {
"aliases": {
"config": "oppsett"
"description": "Sett opp Discord-billetter",
"name": "innstillinger",
"response": {
"invalid": "❌ Settings data is invalid; please refer to the documentation.\n%s",
"updated": "✅ innstillinger oppdatert."
"stats": {
"description": "Vis billett-statistikk",
"fields": {
"messages": "Meldinger",
"response_time": {
"minutes": "%s minutter",
"title": "Avg. response time"
"tickets": "Billetter"
"name": "statistikk",
"response": {
"global": {
"description": "Statistics about tickets across all guilds where this Discord TIckets instance is used.",
"title": "📊 Global stats"
"guild": {
"description": "Statistics about tickets within this guild. This data is cached for an hour.",
"title": "📊 This server's stats"
"survey": {
"aliases": {
"surveys": "surveys"
"args": {
"survey": {
"description": "The name of the survey to view responses of",
"example": "support",
"name": "survey"
"description": "View survey responses",
"name": "survey",
"response": {
"list": {
"title": "📃 Surveys"
"tag": {
"aliases": {
"faq": "OSS",
"t": "t",
"tags": "tags"
"args": {
"tag": {
"description": "The name of the tag to use",
"example": "website",
"name": "tag"
"description": "Use a tag response",
"name": "tag",
"response": {
"error": "❌ Error",
"list": {
"title": "📃 Tag list"
"missing": "This tag requires the following arguments:\n%s",
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "This tag can only be used within a ticket channel as it uses ticket references.",
"title": "❌ Dette er ikke en billettkanal"
"topic": {
"args": {
"new_topic": {
"description": "Nytt emne for billetten",
"example": "billing issue",
"name": "nytt_emne"
"description": "Change the topic of the ticket",
"name": "emne",
"response": {
"changed": {
"description": "This ticket's topic has been changed.",
"title": "✅ Emne endret"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in the ticket channel you want to change the topic of.",
"title": "❌ Dette er ikke en billettkanal"
"message_will_be_deleted_in": "Denne meldingen vil bli slettet om %d sekunder",
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "You do not have the permissions required to use this command:\n%s",
"title": "❌"
"staff_only": {
"description": "Du må være medlem av staben for å bruke denne kommandoen.",
"title": "❌"
"ticket": {
"claimed": {
"description": "%s has claimed this ticket.",
"title": "✅ Ticket claimed"
"closed": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed.\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Billetten er stengt"
"closed_by_member": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed by %s.\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Billetten er stengt"
"closed_by_member_with_reason": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed by %s: `%s`\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Billetten er stengt"
"closed_with_reason": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed: `%s`\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Billetten er stengt"
"member_added": {
"description": "%s has been added by %s",
"title": "Member added"
"member_removed": {
"description": "%s has been removed by %s",
"title": "Member removed"
"opening_message": {
"fields": {
"topic": "Emne"
"questions": "Please answer the following questions:\n\n%s",
"released": {
"description": "%s has released this ticket.",
"title": "✅ Ticket released"
"survey": {
"complete": {
"description": "Takk for din tilbakemelding.",
"title": "✅ Takk"
"start": {
"description": "Hey, %s. Before this channel is deleted, would you mind completing a quick %d-question survey? React with ✅ to start, or ignore this message.",
"title": "❔ Tilbakemelding"