Update translation files

Updated by "Remove blank strings" hook in Weblate.

Translation: Discord Tickets/Bot
Translate-URL: http://i18n.capestar.net/projects/discord-tickets/bot/
This commit is contained in:
Weblate 2021-09-09 21:25:04 +00:00
parent 8cd93df4dc
commit 3549c7f10c
16 changed files with 7776 additions and 7888 deletions

View File

@ -1,494 +1,487 @@
"bot": {
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "Discord Tickets vyžaduje následující oprávnění:\n%s",
"title": "⚠️"
"version": "[Discord Tickets](%s) v%s od [eartharoid](%s)"
"cmd_usage": {
"args": {
"description": "**Popis:** %s",
"example": "**Příklad:** `%s`"
"description": "**Použití:**\n`%s`\n\n**Příklad:**\n`%s`\n\nPožadované argumenty jsou označeny `❗`.",
"invalid_named_args": {
"description": "V syntaxi příkazu je chyba: `%s`.\nPro zobrazení ukázky napište `%s`.\nPokud si nejsi jistý/á, zeptej se člena týmu.",
"title": "❌ Neplatná syntaxe"
"named_args": "Tento příkaz používá jmenné argumenty.\n\n",
"title": "Použití příkazu `%s`"
"collector_expires_in": "Vyprší za %d sekund",
"commands": {
"add": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "Člen k přidání do tiketu",
"example": "@někdo",
"name": "člen"
"ticket": {
"description": "Tiket, do kterého přidat člena",
"example": "217",
"name": "tiket"
"description": "Přidat člena do tiketu",
"name": "pridat",
"response": {
"added": {
"description": "%s byl přidán do %s.",
"title": "✅ Člen přidán"
"no_member": {
"description": "Označte prosím člena, kterého chcete přidat.",
"title": "❌ Neznámý člen"
"no_permission": {
"description": "Nejste tvůrcem tohoto tiketu a nejste ani člen týmu, nemůžete do tohoto tiketu přidávat členy.",
"title": "❌ Nedostatečná oprávnění"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Použijte tento příkaz c kanálu tiketu nebo označte kanál.",
"title": "❌ Toto není kanál tiketu"
"blacklist": {
"aliases": {
"unblacklist": "unblacklist"
"args": {
"member_or_role": {
"description": "Člen nebo role j přidání/odebrání",
"example": "@NeposlušnýUživatel",
"name": "uživatelNeboRole"
"description": "Zablokovat/povolit uživateli interakci s botem",
"name": "blacklist",
"response": {
"empty_list": {
"description": "Na černé listině nejsou žádní uživatelé nebo role. Použij `%sblacklist <členNeboRole>` pro přidání uživatele nebo role na černou listinu.",
"title": "📃 Zablokovaní uživatelé a role"
"illegal_action": {
"description": "%s je člen týmu a nemůže být na černé listině.",
"title": "❌ Tohoto člena nemůžeš přidat na černou listinu"
"list": {
"title": "📃 Zablokovaní uživatelé a role"
"member_added": {
"description": "Uživatel <@%s> byl přidán na černou listinu. Už nebude moci využívat bota.",
"title": "✅ Uživatel přidán na černou listinu"
"member_removed": {
"description": "Uživatel <@%s> byl odebrán z černé listiny. Nyní bude moci využívat bota.",
"title": "✅ Uživatel odebrán z z černé listiny"
"role_added": {
"description": "Role <@&%s> byla přidána na černou listinu. Uživatelé s touto rolí nyní nebudou moci využívat bota.",
"title": "✅ Role přidána na černou listinu"
"role_removed": {
"description": "Role <@&%s> byla odebrána z černé listiny. Nyní bude moci využívat bota.",
"title": "✅ Role odebrána z černé listiny"
"close": {
"aliases": {
"delete": "odstranit",
"lock": "uzamknout"
"args": {
"reason": {
"alias": "d",
"description": "Důvod k uzavření tiketu",
"example": "",
"name": "duvod"
"ticket": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "Tiket k uzavření, buď číslo nebo zmínka/ID kanálu",
"example": "217",
"name": "tiket"
"time": {
"alias": "c",
"description": "Zavřít všechny tikety, které byly neaktivní po určitou dobu",
"example": "1w",
"name": "cas"
"description": "Uzavře kanál s ticketem",
"name": "zavrit",
"response": {
"closed": {
"description": "Tiket #%s byl uzavřen.",
"title": "✅ Ticket uzavřen"
"closed_multiple": {
"description": [
"%d tiket byl uzavřen.",
"%d tiketů bylo uzavřeno."
"title": [
"✅ Ticket uzavřen",
"✅ Tikety uzavřeny"
"confirm": {
"description": "Zareagujte pomocí ✅ k uzavření tohoto tiketu.",
"description_with_archive": "Později si budete moci zobrazit archivovanou verzi.\nZareagujte pomocí ✅ pro uzavření tohoto tiketu.",
"title": "❔ Jste si jistí?"
"confirmation_timeout": {
"description": "Potvrzení vám trvalo příliš dlouho.",
"title": "❌ Doba pro reakci vypršela"
"confirm_multiple": {
"description": [
"Zareagujte pomocí ✅ pro uzavření %d tiketu.",
"Zareagujte pomocí ✅ pro uzavření %d tiketů."
"title": "❔ Jste si jistí?"
"invalid_time": {
"description": "Zadaný čas nebyl rozpoznán.",
"title": "❌ Neplatný vstup"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Tento příkaz prosím použijte v kanálu tiketu nebo použijte vlajku tiketu.\nZadejte `%shelp close` pro více informací.",
"title": "❌ Toto není kanál tiketu"
"no_tickets": {
"description": "Nejsou zde žádné tikety, které byly aktivní po zadané časově rozmezí.",
"title": "❌ Žádné tikety k uzavření"
"unresolvable": {
"description": "`%s` nebyl rozpoznán jako tiket. Zadejte prosím ID nebo číslo tiketu nebo jej označte.",
"title": "❌ Chyba"
"help": {
"aliases": {
"command": "příkaz",
"commands": "příkazy"
"args": {
"command": {
"description": "Příkaz, o němž zobrazit informace",
"example": "novy",
"name": "příkaz"
"description": "Seznam příkazů, ke kterým máš přístup, nebo k nalezení dalších informací o příkazu",
"name": "napoveda",
"response": {
"list": {
"description": "Příkazy, ke kterým máš přístup, jsou vypsány níže. Pro více informací o příkazu zadej `{prefix}napoveda [příkaz]`. Pro vytvoření ticketu zadej `{prefix}novy [téma]`.",
"fields": {
"commands": "Příkazy"
"title": "❔ Nápověda"
"new": {
"aliases": {
"create": "vytvorit",
"open": "otevrit",
"ticket": "tiket"
"args": {
"topic": {
"description": "Téma ticketu",
"example": "Problém s fakturací",
"name": "tema"
"description": "Vytvořit ticket",
"name": "novy",
"response": {
"created": {
"description": "Tvůj ticket byl vytvořen: %s.",
"title": "✅ Ticket vytvořen"
"error": {
"title": "❌ Chyba"
"has_a_ticket": {
"description": "Prosím použij již existující ticket (<#%s>) nebo jej uzavři pro vytvoření nového.",
"title": "❌ Již máš otevřený ticket"
"max_tickets": {
"description": "Prosím použij `%szavrit` pro uzavření nepotřebných ticketů.\n\n%s",
"title": "❌ Již máš %d otevřených ticketů"
"no_categories": {
"description": "Než budeš moci vytvořit nový ticket, musí správce serveru vytvořit alespoň jednu kategorii pro tickety.",
"title": "❌ Nelze vytvořit ticket"
"select_category": {
"description": "Vyber kategorii, která je nejrelevantnější pro téma ticketu:\n\n%s",
"title": "🔤 Prosím vyber kategorii ticketu"
"select_category_timeout": {
"description": "Výběr kategorie ticketu trval příliš dlouho.",
"title": "❌ Doba pro reakci vypršela"
"request_topic": {
"description": "Popiš prosím stručně několika slovy, o čem je tento ticket.",
"title": "Téma ticketu"
"panel": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"categories": {
"alias": "k",
"description": "ID kategorie",
"example": "451745464954650634",
"name": "kategorie"
"description": {
"alias": "p",
"description": "Popis zprávy panelu",
"example": "\"Zareaguj na tuto zprávu pro otevření ticketu.\"",
"name": "popis"
"emoji": {
"alias": "e",
"description": "Emoji",
"example": "🎫",
"name": "emoji"
"title": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "Nadpis pro zprávu panelu",
"example": "\"Tickety podpory\"",
"name": "nadpis"
"description": "Vytvořit nový ticket panel",
"name": "panel",
"response": {
"invalid_category": {
"description": "Jedno nebo více ID kategorií je vadných.",
"title": "❌ Neplatná kategorie"
"mismatch": {
"description": "Prosím zadej počet emoji a ID kategorií.",
"title": "❌ Neplatný vstup"
"remove": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "Člen k odebrání z ticketu",
"example": "@někdo",
"name": "člen"
"ticket": {
"description": "Ticket, ze kterého odebrat člena",
"example": "217",
"name": "tiket"
"description": "Odebrat člena z ticketu",
"name": "odebrat",
"response": {
"removed": {
"description": "%s byl/a odebrán/a z %s.",
"title": "✅ Člen odebrán"
"no_member": {
"description": "Označ prosím člena, kterého chceš přidat.",
"title": "❌ Neznámý člen"
"no_permission": {
"description": "Nejsi tvůrcem tohoto ticketu a nejsi ani členem týmu, nemůžeš z tohoto ticketu odebírat členy.",
"title": "❌ Nedostatečná oprávnění"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Použijte tento příkaz c kanálu tiketu nebo označte kanál.",
"title": "❌ Toto není kanál tiketu"
"settings": {
"aliases": {
"config": "konfigurace"
"description": "Konfigurace Discord Tickets",
"name": "nastaveni",
"response": {
"invalid": "❌ Data nastavení jsou neplatná; přečtěte si prosím dokumentaci.\n%s",
"updated": "✅ Nastavení byla aktualizována."
"stats": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {},
"description": "Zobrazit statistiky ticketu",
"fields": {
"messages": "Zprávy",
"response_time": {
"minutes": "%s minut",
"title": "Průměrná doba odpovědi"
"tickets": "Tickety"
"name": "statistiky",
"response": {
"global": {
"description": "Statistiky všech ticketů napříč všemi servery, kde je použita tato instance bota Discord Tickets.",
"title": "📊 Globální statistiky"
"guild": {
"description": "Statistiky o ticketech v tomto serveru. Tato data jsou v mezipaměti jednu hodinu.",
"title": "📊 Statistiky tohoto serveru"
"survey": {
"aliases": {
"surveys": "dotazniky"
"args": {
"survey": {
"description": "Název dotazníku, jehož odpověď zobrazit",
"example": "podpora",
"name": "dotazník"
"description": "Zobrazit odpovědi dotazníku",
"name": "dotazník",
"response": {
"list": {
"title": "📃 Dotazníky"
"tag": {
"aliases": {
"faq": "faq",
"t": "t",
"tags": "znacky"
"args": {
"tag": {
"description": "Název značky k použití",
"example": "web",
"name": "značka"
"description": "Použít odpověď na značku",
"name": "značka",
"response": {
"error": "❌ Chyba",
"list": {
"title": "📃 Seznam značek"
"missing": "Tato značka vyžaduje následující argumenty:\n%s",
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Tato značka může být použita pouze v kanálu ticketu, protože používá reference na tickety.",
"title": "❌ Toto není kanál tiketu"
"topic": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"new_topic": {
"description": "Nové téma ticketu",
"example": "problém s fakturací",
"name": "nove_tema"
"description": "Změnit téma ticketu",
"name": "tema",
"response": {
"changed": {
"description": "Téma tohoto ticketu bylo změněno.",
"title": "✅ Téma změněno"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Tento příkaz prosím použij kanálu ticketu, jehož téma chceš změnit.",
"title": "❌ Toto není kanál tiketu"
"command_execution_error": {
"description": "Během provádění příkazu došlo k neočekávané chybě.\nPožádej správce serveru, aby zkontroloval výstup konzole / protokoly pro více detailů.",
"title": "⚠️"
"message_will_be_deleted_in": "Tato zpráva bude smazána za %d sekund",
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "K provedení tohoto příkazu nemáš dostatečná oprávnění:\n%s",
"title": "❌"
"staff_only": {
"description": "K provedení tohoto příkazu musíš být členem týmu.",
"title": "❌"
"ticket": {
"claimed": {
"description": "%s si vzal tento ticket.",
"title": "✅ Ticket vzat"
"closed": {
"description": "Tento ticket byl uzavřen.\nKanál bude smazán za 5 sekund.",
"title": "✅ Ticket uzavřen"
"closed_by_member": {
"description": "Tento ticket byl uzavřen uživatelem %s.\nKanál bude smazán za 5 sekund.",
"title": "✅ Ticket uzavřen"
"closed_by_member_with_reason": {
"description": "Tento ticket byl uzavřen uživatelem %s: `%s`\nKanál bude smazán za 5 sekund.",
"title": "✅ Ticket uzavřen"
"closed_with_reason": {
"description": "Tento ticket byl uzavřen: `%s`\nKanál bude smazán za 5 sekund.",
"title": "✅ Ticket uzavřen"
"member_added": {
"description": "%s byl/a přidán/a uživatelem %s",
"title": "Člen přidán"
"member_removed": {
"description": "%s byl/a odebrán/a uživatelem %s",
"title": "Člen odebrán"
"opening_message": {
"fields": {
"topic": "Téma"
"questions": "Prosím odpověz na následující otázky:\n\n%s",
"released": {
"description": "%s uvolnil ticket.",
"title": "✅ Ticket uvolněn"
"survey": {
"complete": {
"description": "Děkujeme za zpětnou vazbu.",
"title": "✅ Děkujeme"
"start": {
"description": "Zdravíme, %s. Než bude tento kanál odstraněn, nevadilo by ti vyplnit rychlý %d-otázkový dotazník? Zareaguj pomocí ✅ pro spuštění, nebo ignoruj tuto zprávu.",
"title": "❔ Zpětná vazba"
"bot": {
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "Discord Tickets vyžaduje následující oprávnění:\n%s",
"title": "⚠️"
"version": "[Discord Tickets](%s) v%s od [eartharoid](%s)"
"cmd_usage": {
"args": {
"description": "**Popis:** %s",
"example": "**Příklad:** `%s`"
"description": "**Použití:**\n`%s`\n\n**Příklad:**\n`%s`\n\nPožadované argumenty jsou označeny `❗`.",
"invalid_named_args": {
"description": "V syntaxi příkazu je chyba: `%s`.\nPro zobrazení ukázky napište `%s`.\nPokud si nejsi jistý/á, zeptej se člena týmu.",
"title": "❌ Neplatná syntaxe"
"named_args": "Tento příkaz používá jmenné argumenty.\n\n",
"title": "Použití příkazu `%s`"
"collector_expires_in": "Vyprší za %d sekund",
"commands": {
"add": {
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "Člen k přidání do tiketu",
"example": "@někdo",
"name": "člen"
"ticket": {
"description": "Tiket, do kterého přidat člena",
"example": "217",
"name": "tiket"
"description": "Přidat člena do tiketu",
"name": "pridat",
"response": {
"added": {
"description": "%s byl přidán do %s.",
"title": "✅ Člen přidán"
"no_member": {
"description": "Označte prosím člena, kterého chcete přidat.",
"title": "❌ Neznámý člen"
"no_permission": {
"description": "Nejste tvůrcem tohoto tiketu a nejste ani člen týmu, nemůžete do tohoto tiketu přidávat členy.",
"title": "❌ Nedostatečná oprávnění"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Použijte tento příkaz c kanálu tiketu nebo označte kanál.",
"title": "❌ Toto není kanál tiketu"
"blacklist": {
"aliases": {
"unblacklist": "unblacklist"
"args": {
"member_or_role": {
"description": "Člen nebo role j přidání/odebrání",
"example": "@NeposlušnýUživatel",
"name": "uživatelNeboRole"
"description": "Zablokovat/povolit uživateli interakci s botem",
"name": "blacklist",
"response": {
"empty_list": {
"description": "Na černé listině nejsou žádní uživatelé nebo role. Použij `%sblacklist <členNeboRole>` pro přidání uživatele nebo role na černou listinu.",
"title": "📃 Zablokovaní uživatelé a role"
"illegal_action": {
"description": "%s je člen týmu a nemůže být na černé listině.",
"title": "❌ Tohoto člena nemůžeš přidat na černou listinu"
"list": {
"title": "📃 Zablokovaní uživatelé a role"
"member_added": {
"description": "Uživatel <@%s> byl přidán na černou listinu. Už nebude moci využívat bota.",
"title": "✅ Uživatel přidán na černou listinu"
"member_removed": {
"description": "Uživatel <@%s> byl odebrán z černé listiny. Nyní bude moci využívat bota.",
"title": "✅ Uživatel odebrán z z černé listiny"
"role_added": {
"description": "Role <@&%s> byla přidána na černou listinu. Uživatelé s touto rolí nyní nebudou moci využívat bota.",
"title": "✅ Role přidána na černou listinu"
"role_removed": {
"description": "Role <@&%s> byla odebrána z černé listiny. Nyní bude moci využívat bota.",
"title": "✅ Role odebrána z černé listiny"
"close": {
"aliases": {
"delete": "odstranit",
"lock": "uzamknout"
"args": {
"reason": {
"alias": "d",
"description": "Důvod k uzavření tiketu",
"name": "duvod"
"ticket": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "Tiket k uzavření, buď číslo nebo zmínka/ID kanálu",
"example": "217",
"name": "tiket"
"time": {
"alias": "c",
"description": "Zavřít všechny tikety, které byly neaktivní po určitou dobu",
"example": "1w",
"name": "cas"
"description": "Uzavře kanál s ticketem",
"name": "zavrit",
"response": {
"closed": {
"description": "Tiket #%s byl uzavřen.",
"title": "✅ Ticket uzavřen"
"closed_multiple": {
"description": [
"%d tiket byl uzavřen.",
"%d tiketů bylo uzavřeno."
"title": [
"✅ Ticket uzavřen",
"✅ Tikety uzavřeny"
"confirm": {
"description": "Zareagujte pomocí ✅ k uzavření tohoto tiketu.",
"description_with_archive": "Později si budete moci zobrazit archivovanou verzi.\nZareagujte pomocí ✅ pro uzavření tohoto tiketu.",
"title": "❔ Jste si jistí?"
"confirmation_timeout": {
"description": "Potvrzení vám trvalo příliš dlouho.",
"title": "❌ Doba pro reakci vypršela"
"confirm_multiple": {
"description": [
"Zareagujte pomocí ✅ pro uzavření %d tiketu.",
"Zareagujte pomocí ✅ pro uzavření %d tiketů."
"title": "❔ Jste si jistí?"
"invalid_time": {
"description": "Zadaný čas nebyl rozpoznán.",
"title": "❌ Neplatný vstup"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Tento příkaz prosím použijte v kanálu tiketu nebo použijte vlajku tiketu.\nZadejte `%shelp close` pro více informací.",
"title": "❌ Toto není kanál tiketu"
"no_tickets": {
"description": "Nejsou zde žádné tikety, které byly aktivní po zadané časově rozmezí.",
"title": "❌ Žádné tikety k uzavření"
"unresolvable": {
"description": "`%s` nebyl rozpoznán jako tiket. Zadejte prosím ID nebo číslo tiketu nebo jej označte.",
"title": "❌ Chyba"
"help": {
"aliases": {
"command": "příkaz",
"commands": "příkazy"
"args": {
"command": {
"description": "Příkaz, o němž zobrazit informace",
"example": "novy",
"name": "příkaz"
"description": "Seznam příkazů, ke kterým máš přístup, nebo k nalezení dalších informací o příkazu",
"name": "napoveda",
"response": {
"list": {
"description": "Příkazy, ke kterým máš přístup, jsou vypsány níže. Pro více informací o příkazu zadej `{prefix}napoveda [příkaz]`. Pro vytvoření ticketu zadej `{prefix}novy [téma]`.",
"fields": {
"commands": "Příkazy"
"title": "❔ Nápověda"
"new": {
"aliases": {
"create": "vytvorit",
"open": "otevrit",
"ticket": "tiket"
"args": {
"topic": {
"description": "Téma ticketu",
"example": "Problém s fakturací",
"name": "tema"
"description": "Vytvořit ticket",
"name": "novy",
"response": {
"created": {
"description": "Tvůj ticket byl vytvořen: %s.",
"title": "✅ Ticket vytvořen"
"error": {
"title": "❌ Chyba"
"has_a_ticket": {
"description": "Prosím použij již existující ticket (<#%s>) nebo jej uzavři pro vytvoření nového.",
"title": "❌ Již máš otevřený ticket"
"max_tickets": {
"description": "Prosím použij `%szavrit` pro uzavření nepotřebných ticketů.\n\n%s",
"title": "❌ Již máš %d otevřených ticketů"
"no_categories": {
"description": "Než budeš moci vytvořit nový ticket, musí správce serveru vytvořit alespoň jednu kategorii pro tickety.",
"title": "❌ Nelze vytvořit ticket"
"select_category": {
"description": "Vyber kategorii, která je nejrelevantnější pro téma ticketu:\n\n%s",
"title": "🔤 Prosím vyber kategorii ticketu"
"select_category_timeout": {
"description": "Výběr kategorie ticketu trval příliš dlouho.",
"title": "❌ Doba pro reakci vypršela"
"request_topic": {
"description": "Popiš prosím stručně několika slovy, o čem je tento ticket.",
"title": "Téma ticketu"
"panel": {
"args": {
"categories": {
"alias": "k",
"description": "ID kategorie",
"example": "451745464954650634",
"name": "kategorie"
"description": {
"alias": "p",
"description": "Popis zprávy panelu",
"example": "\"Zareaguj na tuto zprávu pro otevření ticketu.\"",
"name": "popis"
"emoji": {
"alias": "e",
"description": "Emoji",
"example": "🎫",
"name": "emoji"
"title": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "Nadpis pro zprávu panelu",
"example": "\"Tickety podpory\"",
"name": "nadpis"
"description": "Vytvořit nový ticket panel",
"name": "panel",
"response": {
"invalid_category": {
"description": "Jedno nebo více ID kategorií je vadných.",
"title": "❌ Neplatná kategorie"
"mismatch": {
"description": "Prosím zadej počet emoji a ID kategorií.",
"title": "❌ Neplatný vstup"
"remove": {
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "Člen k odebrání z ticketu",
"example": "@někdo",
"name": "člen"
"ticket": {
"description": "Ticket, ze kterého odebrat člena",
"example": "217",
"name": "tiket"
"description": "Odebrat člena z ticketu",
"name": "odebrat",
"response": {
"removed": {
"description": "%s byl/a odebrán/a z %s.",
"title": "✅ Člen odebrán"
"no_member": {
"description": "Označ prosím člena, kterého chceš přidat.",
"title": "❌ Neznámý člen"
"no_permission": {
"description": "Nejsi tvůrcem tohoto ticketu a nejsi ani členem týmu, nemůžeš z tohoto ticketu odebírat členy.",
"title": "❌ Nedostatečná oprávnění"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Použijte tento příkaz c kanálu tiketu nebo označte kanál.",
"title": "❌ Toto není kanál tiketu"
"settings": {
"aliases": {
"config": "konfigurace"
"description": "Konfigurace Discord Tickets",
"name": "nastaveni",
"response": {
"invalid": "❌ Data nastavení jsou neplatná; přečtěte si prosím dokumentaci.\n%s",
"updated": "✅ Nastavení byla aktualizována."
"stats": {
"description": "Zobrazit statistiky ticketu",
"fields": {
"messages": "Zprávy",
"response_time": {
"minutes": "%s minut",
"title": "Průměrná doba odpovědi"
"tickets": "Tickety"
"name": "statistiky",
"response": {
"global": {
"description": "Statistiky všech ticketů napříč všemi servery, kde je použita tato instance bota Discord Tickets.",
"title": "📊 Globální statistiky"
"guild": {
"description": "Statistiky o ticketech v tomto serveru. Tato data jsou v mezipaměti jednu hodinu.",
"title": "📊 Statistiky tohoto serveru"
"survey": {
"aliases": {
"surveys": "dotazniky"
"args": {
"survey": {
"description": "Název dotazníku, jehož odpověď zobrazit",
"example": "podpora",
"name": "dotazník"
"description": "Zobrazit odpovědi dotazníku",
"name": "dotazník",
"response": {
"list": {
"title": "📃 Dotazníky"
"tag": {
"aliases": {
"faq": "faq",
"t": "t",
"tags": "znacky"
"args": {
"tag": {
"description": "Název značky k použití",
"example": "web",
"name": "značka"
"description": "Použít odpověď na značku",
"name": "značka",
"response": {
"error": "❌ Chyba",
"list": {
"title": "📃 Seznam značek"
"missing": "Tato značka vyžaduje následující argumenty:\n%s",
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Tato značka může být použita pouze v kanálu ticketu, protože používá reference na tickety.",
"title": "❌ Toto není kanál tiketu"
"topic": {
"args": {
"new_topic": {
"description": "Nové téma ticketu",
"example": "problém s fakturací",
"name": "nove_tema"
"description": "Změnit téma ticketu",
"name": "tema",
"response": {
"changed": {
"description": "Téma tohoto ticketu bylo změněno.",
"title": "✅ Téma změněno"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Tento příkaz prosím použij kanálu ticketu, jehož téma chceš změnit.",
"title": "❌ Toto není kanál tiketu"
"command_execution_error": {
"description": "Během provádění příkazu došlo k neočekávané chybě.\nPožádej správce serveru, aby zkontroloval výstup konzole / protokoly pro více detailů.",
"title": "⚠️"
"message_will_be_deleted_in": "Tato zpráva bude smazána za %d sekund",
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "K provedení tohoto příkazu nemáš dostatečná oprávnění:\n%s",
"title": "❌"
"staff_only": {
"description": "K provedení tohoto příkazu musíš být členem týmu.",
"title": "❌"
"ticket": {
"claimed": {
"description": "%s si vzal tento ticket.",
"title": "✅ Ticket vzat"
"closed": {
"description": "Tento ticket byl uzavřen.\nKanál bude smazán za 5 sekund.",
"title": "✅ Ticket uzavřen"
"closed_by_member": {
"description": "Tento ticket byl uzavřen uživatelem %s.\nKanál bude smazán za 5 sekund.",
"title": "✅ Ticket uzavřen"
"closed_by_member_with_reason": {
"description": "Tento ticket byl uzavřen uživatelem %s: `%s`\nKanál bude smazán za 5 sekund.",
"title": "✅ Ticket uzavřen"
"closed_with_reason": {
"description": "Tento ticket byl uzavřen: `%s`\nKanál bude smazán za 5 sekund.",
"title": "✅ Ticket uzavřen"
"member_added": {
"description": "%s byl/a přidán/a uživatelem %s",
"title": "Člen přidán"
"member_removed": {
"description": "%s byl/a odebrán/a uživatelem %s",
"title": "Člen odebrán"
"opening_message": {
"fields": {
"topic": "Téma"
"questions": "Prosím odpověz na následující otázky:\n\n%s",
"released": {
"description": "%s uvolnil ticket.",
"title": "✅ Ticket uvolněn"
"survey": {
"complete": {
"description": "Děkujeme za zpětnou vazbu.",
"title": "✅ Děkujeme"
"start": {
"description": "Zdravíme, %s. Než bude tento kanál odstraněn, nevadilo by ti vyplnit rychlý %d-otázkový dotazník? Zareaguj pomocí ✅ pro spuštění, nebo ignoruj tuto zprávu.",
"title": "❔ Zpětná vazba"

View File

@ -1,494 +1,487 @@
"bot": {
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "Discord Tickets kræver følgende tilladelser:\n%s",
"title": "⚠️"
"version": "[Discord Tickets](%s) v%s af [eartharoid](%s)"
"cmd_usage": {
"args": {
"description": "**Beskrivelse:** %s",
"example": "**Eksempel:** '%s'"
"description": "**Brug:**\n'%s'\n\n**Eksempel:**\n'%s'\n\nObligatoriske argumenter er præfikset med '❗'.",
"invalid_named_args": {
"description": "Der er en fejl i kommandosyntaksen: '%s'.\nType '%s' for eksempel.\nSpørg en medarbejder, hvis du er i tvivl.",
"title": "❌ Ugyldig syntaks"
"named_args": "Denne kommando bruger navngivne argumenter.\n\n",
"title": "'%s' brug af kommandoen"
"collector_expires_in": "Udløber om %d sekunder",
"commands": {
"add": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "Det medlem, der skal føjes til billetten",
"example": "@someone",
"name": "medlem"
"ticket": {
"description": "Billetten, som medlemmet skal føjes til",
"example": "217",
"name": "billet"
"description": "Føje et medlem til en billet",
"name": "tilføj",
"response": {
"added": {
"description": "%s er føjet til %s.",
"title": "✅ Medlem tilføjet"
"no_member": {
"description": "Nævn det medlem, du vil tilføje.",
"title": "❌ Ukendt medlem"
"no_permission": {
"description": "Du er ikke skaberen af denne billet, og du er ikke en medarbejder; Du kan ikke føje medlemmer til denne billet.",
"title": "❌ Der er ikke tilstrækkelig tilladelse"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Brug denne kommando i billetkanalen, eller nævn kanalen.",
"title": "❌ Dette er ikke en billetkanal"
"blacklist": {
"aliases": {
"unblacklist": "unblacklist"
"args": {
"member_or_role": {
"description": "Det medlem eller den rolle, der skal tilføjes/fjernes",
"example": "@NaughtyMember",
"name": "medlemEllerRolle"
"description": "Sortliste/unsortliste et medlem fra at interagere med bot",
"name": "blacklist",
"response": {
"empty_list": {
"description": "Der er ingen medlemmer eller roller, der er sortlistet. Skriv `%sblacklist <memberOrRole>` for at tilføje et medlem eller en rolle til den sorte liste.",
"title": "📃 Sortlistede medlemmer og roller"
"illegal_action": {
"description": "%s er ansat og kan ikke sortlistes.",
"title": "❌ Du kan ikke sortliste dette medlem"
"list": {
"title": "📃 Sortlistede medlemmer og roller"
"member_added": {
"description": "<@%s> er blevet føjet til den sorte liste. De vil ikke længere være i stand til at interagere med botten.",
"title": "✅ Føjet medlem til sortliste"
"member_removed": {
"description": "<@%s> er blevet fjernet fra den sorte liste. De kan nu bruge botten igen.",
"title": "✅ fjernet medlem fra sortliste"
"role_added": {
"description": "<@&%s> er blevet føjet til den sorte liste. Medlemmer med denne rolle vil ikke længere være i stand til at interagere med botten.",
"title": "✅ Føjet rolle til sortliste"
"role_removed": {
"description": "<@&%s> er blevet fjernet fra den sorte liste. Medlemmer med denne rolle kan nu bruge botten igen.",
"title": "✅ Fjernede rollen fra sortlisten"
"close": {
"aliases": {
"delete": "slet",
"lock": "lås"
"args": {
"reason": {
"alias": "r",
"description": "Årsagen til lukning af billetten eller billetter(ne)",
"example": "",
"name": "årsag"
"ticket": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "Billetten til at lukke, enten nummeret eller kanalen omtale / ID",
"example": "217",
"name": "billet"
"time": {
"alias": "T",
"description": "Luk alle billetter, der har været inaktive i det angivne tidsrum",
"example": "1w",
"name": "tid"
"description": "Lukke en billetkanal",
"name": "luk",
"response": {
"closed": {
"description": "Billet #%s er blevet lukket.",
"title": "✅ Billet lukket"
"closed_multiple": {
"description": [
"%d billet er blevet lukket.",
"%d billetter er blevet lukket."
"title": [
"✅ Billet lukket",
"✅ Billetter lukket"
"confirm": {
"description": "Reagere med ✅ at lukke denne billet.",
"description_with_archive": "Du vil være i stand til at se en arkiveret version af det efter.\nReagere med ✅ at lukke denne billet.",
"title": "❔ Er du sikker?"
"confirmation_timeout": {
"description": "Du tog for lang tid på at bekræfte.",
"title": "❌ Reaktionstid er udløbet"
"confirm_multiple": {
"description": [
"Reagere med ✅ for at lukke %d billet.",
"Reagere med ✅ for at lukke %d billetter."
"title": "❔ Er du sikker?"
"invalid_time": {
"description": "Den angivne tidsperiode kunne ikke parses.",
"title": "❌ Ugyldigt input"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Brug denne kommando i en billetkanal, eller brug billetflaget.\nSkriv '%shelp close' for at få yderligere oplysninger.",
"title": "❌ Dette er ikke en billetkanal"
"no_tickets": {
"description": "Der er ingen billetter, der har været inaktive i denne periode.",
"title": "❌ Ingen billetter til at lukke"
"unresolvable": {
"description": "`%s` kunne ikke løses til en billet. Angiv billet-id / omtale eller nummer.",
"title": "❌ Fejl"
"help": {
"aliases": {
"command": "kommando",
"commands": "kommandoer"
"args": {
"command": {
"description": "Kommandoen til at få vist oplysninger om",
"example": "ny",
"name": "kommando"
"description": "Listekommandoer, du har adgang til, eller få mere at vide om en kommando",
"name": "hjælp",
"response": {
"list": {
"description": "De kommandoer, du har adgang til, er angivet nedenfor. Yderligere oplysninger om en kommando finder du ved at skrive '{prefix}help [command]'. Hvis du vil oprette en billet, skal du skrive '{prefix}new [topic]'.",
"fields": {
"commands": "Kommandoer"
"title": "❔ Hjælp"
"new": {
"aliases": {
"create": "skabe",
"open": "åben",
"ticket": "billet"
"args": {
"topic": {
"description": "Emnet for billetten",
"example": "Problem med fakturering",
"name": "emne"
"description": "Opret en ny billet",
"name": "ny",
"response": {
"created": {
"description": "Din billet er blevet oprettet: %s.",
"title": "✅ Ticket oprettet"
"error": {
"title": "❌ Fejl"
"has_a_ticket": {
"description": "Brug venligst din eksisterende billet <# (%s>) eller luk den, før du opretter en anden.",
"title": "❌ Du har allerede en åben billet"
"max_tickets": {
"description": "Brug venligst '%sclose' for at lukke unødvendige billetter.\n\n%s",
"title": "❌ Du har allerede %d åbne billetter"
"no_categories": {
"description": "En serveradministrator skal oprette mindst én billetkategori, før en ny billet kan åbnes.",
"title": "❌ Kan ikke oprette billet"
"select_category": {
"description": "Vælg den kategori, der er mest relevant for din billets emne:\n\n%s",
"title": "🔤 Vælg billetkategorien"
"select_category_timeout": {
"description": "Du tog for lang tid at vælge billetkategorien.",
"title": "❌ Reaktionstid er udløbet"
"request_topic": {
"description": "Angiv kort, hvad denne billet handler om, med et par ord.",
"title": "Billetemne"
"panel": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"categories": {
"alias": "c",
"description": "Et kategori-id",
"example": "451745464954650634",
"name": "kategorier"
"description": {
"alias": "d",
"description": "Beskrivelsen af panelmeddelelsen",
"example": "\"Reager på denne besked for at åbne en billet.\"",
"name": "beskrivelse"
"emoji": {
"alias": "e",
"description": "En emoji",
"example": "🎫",
"name": "emoji"
"title": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "Titel på panelmeddelelsen",
"example": "\"Supportbilletter\"",
"name": "titel"
"description": "Opret et nyt billetpanel",
"name": "panelet",
"response": {
"invalid_category": {
"description": "Et eller flere af de angivne kategori-id'er er ugyldige.",
"title": "❌ Ugyldig kategori"
"mismatch": {
"description": "Angiv navnenummeret på emojis og kategori-id'er.",
"title": "❌ Ugyldigt input"
"remove": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "Det medlem, der skal fjernes fra billetten",
"example": "@someone",
"name": "medlem"
"ticket": {
"description": "Billetten til at fjerne medlemmet fra",
"example": "217",
"name": "billet"
"description": "Fjerne et medlem fra en billet",
"name": "fjerne",
"response": {
"removed": {
"description": "%s er blevet fjernet fra %s.",
"title": "✅ Medlem fjernet"
"no_member": {
"description": "Nævn det medlem, du vil fjerne.",
"title": "❌ Ukendt medlem"
"no_permission": {
"description": "Du er ikke skaberen af denne billet, og du er ikke en medarbejder; Du kan ikke fjerne medlemmer fra denne billet.",
"title": "❌ Der er ikke tilstrækkelig tilladelse"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Brug denne kommando i billetkanalen, eller nævn kanalen.",
"title": "❌ Dette er ikke en billetkanal"
"settings": {
"aliases": {
"config": "konfiguration"
"description": "Konfigurer Discord Tickets",
"name": "indstillinger",
"response": {
"invalid": "❌ Indstillinger er ugyldige. Se dokumentationen.\n%s",
"updated": "✅ Indstillinger er blevet opdateret."
"stats": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {},
"description": "Vis billetstatistik",
"fields": {
"messages": "Meddelelser",
"response_time": {
"minutes": "%s minutter",
"title": "Gennemsnitlig svartid"
"tickets": "Billetter"
"name": "stats",
"response": {
"global": {
"description": "Statistik om billetter på tværs af alle guilds, hvor denne Discord Tickets instans bruges.",
"title": "📊 Global statistik"
"guild": {
"description": "Statistik om billetter i dette guild. Disse data cachelagres i en time.",
"title": "📊 Denne servers statistik"
"survey": {
"aliases": {
"surveys": "undersøgelser"
"args": {
"survey": {
"description": "Navnet på den undersøgelse, der skal vises svar fra",
"example": "support",
"name": "undersøgelser"
"description": "Vis undersøgelsessvar",
"name": "undersøgelser",
"response": {
"list": {
"title": "📃 Undersøgelser"
"tag": {
"aliases": {
"faq": "ofte stillede spørgsmål",
"t": "t",
"tags": "tags"
"args": {
"tag": {
"description": "Navnet på det tag, der skal bruges",
"example": "websted",
"name": "tag"
"description": "Brug et tagsvar",
"name": "tag",
"response": {
"error": "❌ Fejl",
"list": {
"title": "📃 Mærkeliste"
"missing": "Dette tag kræver følgende argumenter:\n%s",
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Dette tag kan kun bruges inden for en billetkanal, da det bruger billetreferencer.",
"title": "❌ Dette er ikke en billetkanal"
"topic": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"new_topic": {
"description": "Det nye emne for billetten",
"example": "faktureringsproblem",
"name": "nyt_emne"
"description": "Skift emnet på billetten",
"name": "emne",
"response": {
"changed": {
"description": "Emnet for denne billet er blevet ændret.",
"title": "✅ Emnet er ændret"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Brug venligst denne kommando i billetten kanal, du ønsker at ændre emnet.",
"title": "❌ Dette er ikke en billetkanal"
"command_execution_error": {
"description": "Der opstod en uventet fejl under udførelse af kommandoer.\nBed en administrator om at kontrollere konsoloutputtet/-logfilerne for at få flere oplysninger.",
"title": "⚠️"
"message_will_be_deleted_in": "Denne meddelelse slettes om %d sekunder",
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "Du har ikke de nødvendige tilladelser til at bruge denne kommando:\n%s",
"title": "❌"
"staff_only": {
"description": "Du skal være medlem af personalet til at bruge denne kommando.",
"title": "❌"
"ticket": {
"claimed": {
"description": "%s har gjort krav på denne billet.",
"title": "✅ Ticket hævdede"
"closed": {
"description": "Denne billet er blevet lukket.\nKanalen slettes om 5 sekunder.",
"title": "✅ Billet lukket"
"closed_by_member": {
"description": "Denne billet er blevet lukket af %s.\nKanalen slettes om 5 sekunder.",
"title": "✅ Billet lukket"
"closed_by_member_with_reason": {
"description": "Denne billet er blevet lukket af %s: '%s'\nKanalen slettes om 5 sekunder.",
"title": "✅ Billet lukket"
"closed_with_reason": {
"description": "Denne billet er blevet lukket: '%s'\nKanalen slettes om 5 sekunder.",
"title": "✅ Billet lukket"
"member_added": {
"description": "%s er blevet tilføjet af %s",
"title": "Medlem tilføjet"
"member_removed": {
"description": "%s er blevet fjernet af %s",
"title": "Medlem fjernet"
"opening_message": {
"fields": {
"topic": "Emne"
"questions": "Besvar venligst følgende spørgsmål:\n\n%s",
"released": {
"description": "%s har frigivet denne billet.",
"title": "✅ Billet frigivet"
"survey": {
"complete": {
"description": "Tak for din feedback.",
"title": "✅ Tak skal du have"
"start": {
"description": "Hej, %s. Før denne kanal slettes, har du noget imod at gennemføre en hurtig %d-spørgsmålsundersøgelse? Reagere med ✅ at starte, eller ignorere denne meddelelse.",
"title": "❔ Feedback"
"bot": {
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "Discord Tickets kræver følgende tilladelser:\n%s",
"title": "⚠️"
"version": "[Discord Tickets](%s) v%s af [eartharoid](%s)"
"cmd_usage": {
"args": {
"description": "**Beskrivelse:** %s",
"example": "**Eksempel:** '%s'"
"description": "**Brug:**\n'%s'\n\n**Eksempel:**\n'%s'\n\nObligatoriske argumenter er præfikset med '❗'.",
"invalid_named_args": {
"description": "Der er en fejl i kommandosyntaksen: '%s'.\nType '%s' for eksempel.\nSpørg en medarbejder, hvis du er i tvivl.",
"title": "❌ Ugyldig syntaks"
"named_args": "Denne kommando bruger navngivne argumenter.\n\n",
"title": "'%s' brug af kommandoen"
"collector_expires_in": "Udløber om %d sekunder",
"commands": {
"add": {
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "Det medlem, der skal føjes til billetten",
"example": "@someone",
"name": "medlem"
"ticket": {
"description": "Billetten, som medlemmet skal føjes til",
"example": "217",
"name": "billet"
"description": "Føje et medlem til en billet",
"name": "tilføj",
"response": {
"added": {
"description": "%s er føjet til %s.",
"title": "✅ Medlem tilføjet"
"no_member": {
"description": "Nævn det medlem, du vil tilføje.",
"title": "❌ Ukendt medlem"
"no_permission": {
"description": "Du er ikke skaberen af denne billet, og du er ikke en medarbejder; Du kan ikke føje medlemmer til denne billet.",
"title": "❌ Der er ikke tilstrækkelig tilladelse"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Brug denne kommando i billetkanalen, eller nævn kanalen.",
"title": "❌ Dette er ikke en billetkanal"
"blacklist": {
"aliases": {
"unblacklist": "unblacklist"
"args": {
"member_or_role": {
"description": "Det medlem eller den rolle, der skal tilføjes/fjernes",
"example": "@NaughtyMember",
"name": "medlemEllerRolle"
"description": "Sortliste/unsortliste et medlem fra at interagere med bot",
"name": "blacklist",
"response": {
"empty_list": {
"description": "Der er ingen medlemmer eller roller, der er sortlistet. Skriv `%sblacklist <memberOrRole>` for at tilføje et medlem eller en rolle til den sorte liste.",
"title": "📃 Sortlistede medlemmer og roller"
"illegal_action": {
"description": "%s er ansat og kan ikke sortlistes.",
"title": "❌ Du kan ikke sortliste dette medlem"
"list": {
"title": "📃 Sortlistede medlemmer og roller"
"member_added": {
"description": "<@%s> er blevet føjet til den sorte liste. De vil ikke længere være i stand til at interagere med botten.",
"title": "✅ Føjet medlem til sortliste"
"member_removed": {
"description": "<@%s> er blevet fjernet fra den sorte liste. De kan nu bruge botten igen.",
"title": "✅ fjernet medlem fra sortliste"
"role_added": {
"description": "<@&%s> er blevet føjet til den sorte liste. Medlemmer med denne rolle vil ikke længere være i stand til at interagere med botten.",
"title": "✅ Føjet rolle til sortliste"
"role_removed": {
"description": "<@&%s> er blevet fjernet fra den sorte liste. Medlemmer med denne rolle kan nu bruge botten igen.",
"title": "✅ Fjernede rollen fra sortlisten"
"close": {
"aliases": {
"delete": "slet",
"lock": "lås"
"args": {
"reason": {
"alias": "r",
"description": "Årsagen til lukning af billetten eller billetter(ne)",
"name": "årsag"
"ticket": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "Billetten til at lukke, enten nummeret eller kanalen omtale / ID",
"example": "217",
"name": "billet"
"time": {
"alias": "T",
"description": "Luk alle billetter, der har været inaktive i det angivne tidsrum",
"example": "1w",
"name": "tid"
"description": "Lukke en billetkanal",
"name": "luk",
"response": {
"closed": {
"description": "Billet #%s er blevet lukket.",
"title": "✅ Billet lukket"
"closed_multiple": {
"description": [
"%d billet er blevet lukket.",
"%d billetter er blevet lukket."
"title": [
"✅ Billet lukket",
"✅ Billetter lukket"
"confirm": {
"description": "Reagere med ✅ at lukke denne billet.",
"description_with_archive": "Du vil være i stand til at se en arkiveret version af det efter.\nReagere med ✅ at lukke denne billet.",
"title": "❔ Er du sikker?"
"confirmation_timeout": {
"description": "Du tog for lang tid på at bekræfte.",
"title": "❌ Reaktionstid er udløbet"
"confirm_multiple": {
"description": [
"Reagere med ✅ for at lukke %d billet.",
"Reagere med ✅ for at lukke %d billetter."
"title": "❔ Er du sikker?"
"invalid_time": {
"description": "Den angivne tidsperiode kunne ikke parses.",
"title": "❌ Ugyldigt input"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Brug denne kommando i en billetkanal, eller brug billetflaget.\nSkriv '%shelp close' for at få yderligere oplysninger.",
"title": "❌ Dette er ikke en billetkanal"
"no_tickets": {
"description": "Der er ingen billetter, der har været inaktive i denne periode.",
"title": "❌ Ingen billetter til at lukke"
"unresolvable": {
"description": "`%s` kunne ikke løses til en billet. Angiv billet-id / omtale eller nummer.",
"title": "❌ Fejl"
"help": {
"aliases": {
"command": "kommando",
"commands": "kommandoer"
"args": {
"command": {
"description": "Kommandoen til at få vist oplysninger om",
"example": "ny",
"name": "kommando"
"description": "Listekommandoer, du har adgang til, eller få mere at vide om en kommando",
"name": "hjælp",
"response": {
"list": {
"description": "De kommandoer, du har adgang til, er angivet nedenfor. Yderligere oplysninger om en kommando finder du ved at skrive '{prefix}help [command]'. Hvis du vil oprette en billet, skal du skrive '{prefix}new [topic]'.",
"fields": {
"commands": "Kommandoer"
"title": "❔ Hjælp"
"new": {
"aliases": {
"create": "skabe",
"open": "åben",
"ticket": "billet"
"args": {
"topic": {
"description": "Emnet for billetten",
"example": "Problem med fakturering",
"name": "emne"
"description": "Opret en ny billet",
"name": "ny",
"response": {
"created": {
"description": "Din billet er blevet oprettet: %s.",
"title": "✅ Ticket oprettet"
"error": {
"title": "❌ Fejl"
"has_a_ticket": {
"description": "Brug venligst din eksisterende billet <# (%s>) eller luk den, før du opretter en anden.",
"title": "❌ Du har allerede en åben billet"
"max_tickets": {
"description": "Brug venligst '%sclose' for at lukke unødvendige billetter.\n\n%s",
"title": "❌ Du har allerede %d åbne billetter"
"no_categories": {
"description": "En serveradministrator skal oprette mindst én billetkategori, før en ny billet kan åbnes.",
"title": "❌ Kan ikke oprette billet"
"select_category": {
"description": "Vælg den kategori, der er mest relevant for din billets emne:\n\n%s",
"title": "🔤 Vælg billetkategorien"
"select_category_timeout": {
"description": "Du tog for lang tid at vælge billetkategorien.",
"title": "❌ Reaktionstid er udløbet"
"request_topic": {
"description": "Angiv kort, hvad denne billet handler om, med et par ord.",
"title": "Billetemne"
"panel": {
"args": {
"categories": {
"alias": "c",
"description": "Et kategori-id",
"example": "451745464954650634",
"name": "kategorier"
"description": {
"alias": "d",
"description": "Beskrivelsen af panelmeddelelsen",
"example": "\"Reager på denne besked for at åbne en billet.\"",
"name": "beskrivelse"
"emoji": {
"alias": "e",
"description": "En emoji",
"example": "🎫",
"name": "emoji"
"title": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "Titel på panelmeddelelsen",
"example": "\"Supportbilletter\"",
"name": "titel"
"description": "Opret et nyt billetpanel",
"name": "panelet",
"response": {
"invalid_category": {
"description": "Et eller flere af de angivne kategori-id'er er ugyldige.",
"title": "❌ Ugyldig kategori"
"mismatch": {
"description": "Angiv navnenummeret på emojis og kategori-id'er.",
"title": "❌ Ugyldigt input"
"remove": {
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "Det medlem, der skal fjernes fra billetten",
"example": "@someone",
"name": "medlem"
"ticket": {
"description": "Billetten til at fjerne medlemmet fra",
"example": "217",
"name": "billet"
"description": "Fjerne et medlem fra en billet",
"name": "fjerne",
"response": {
"removed": {
"description": "%s er blevet fjernet fra %s.",
"title": "✅ Medlem fjernet"
"no_member": {
"description": "Nævn det medlem, du vil fjerne.",
"title": "❌ Ukendt medlem"
"no_permission": {
"description": "Du er ikke skaberen af denne billet, og du er ikke en medarbejder; Du kan ikke fjerne medlemmer fra denne billet.",
"title": "❌ Der er ikke tilstrækkelig tilladelse"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Brug denne kommando i billetkanalen, eller nævn kanalen.",
"title": "❌ Dette er ikke en billetkanal"
"settings": {
"aliases": {
"config": "konfiguration"
"description": "Konfigurer Discord Tickets",
"name": "indstillinger",
"response": {
"invalid": "❌ Indstillinger er ugyldige. Se dokumentationen.\n%s",
"updated": "✅ Indstillinger er blevet opdateret."
"stats": {
"description": "Vis billetstatistik",
"fields": {
"messages": "Meddelelser",
"response_time": {
"minutes": "%s minutter",
"title": "Gennemsnitlig svartid"
"tickets": "Billetter"
"name": "stats",
"response": {
"global": {
"description": "Statistik om billetter på tværs af alle guilds, hvor denne Discord Tickets instans bruges.",
"title": "📊 Global statistik"
"guild": {
"description": "Statistik om billetter i dette guild. Disse data cachelagres i en time.",
"title": "📊 Denne servers statistik"
"survey": {
"aliases": {
"surveys": "undersøgelser"
"args": {
"survey": {
"description": "Navnet på den undersøgelse, der skal vises svar fra",
"example": "support",
"name": "undersøgelser"
"description": "Vis undersøgelsessvar",
"name": "undersøgelser",
"response": {
"list": {
"title": "📃 Undersøgelser"
"tag": {
"aliases": {
"faq": "ofte stillede spørgsmål",
"t": "t",
"tags": "tags"
"args": {
"tag": {
"description": "Navnet på det tag, der skal bruges",
"example": "websted",
"name": "tag"
"description": "Brug et tagsvar",
"name": "tag",
"response": {
"error": "❌ Fejl",
"list": {
"title": "📃 Mærkeliste"
"missing": "Dette tag kræver følgende argumenter:\n%s",
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Dette tag kan kun bruges inden for en billetkanal, da det bruger billetreferencer.",
"title": "❌ Dette er ikke en billetkanal"
"topic": {
"args": {
"new_topic": {
"description": "Det nye emne for billetten",
"example": "faktureringsproblem",
"name": "nyt_emne"
"description": "Skift emnet på billetten",
"name": "emne",
"response": {
"changed": {
"description": "Emnet for denne billet er blevet ændret.",
"title": "✅ Emnet er ændret"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Brug venligst denne kommando i billetten kanal, du ønsker at ændre emnet.",
"title": "❌ Dette er ikke en billetkanal"
"command_execution_error": {
"description": "Der opstod en uventet fejl under udførelse af kommandoer.\nBed en administrator om at kontrollere konsoloutputtet/-logfilerne for at få flere oplysninger.",
"title": "⚠️"
"message_will_be_deleted_in": "Denne meddelelse slettes om %d sekunder",
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "Du har ikke de nødvendige tilladelser til at bruge denne kommando:\n%s",
"title": "❌"
"staff_only": {
"description": "Du skal være medlem af personalet til at bruge denne kommando.",
"title": "❌"
"ticket": {
"claimed": {
"description": "%s har gjort krav på denne billet.",
"title": "✅ Ticket hævdede"
"closed": {
"description": "Denne billet er blevet lukket.\nKanalen slettes om 5 sekunder.",
"title": "✅ Billet lukket"
"closed_by_member": {
"description": "Denne billet er blevet lukket af %s.\nKanalen slettes om 5 sekunder.",
"title": "✅ Billet lukket"
"closed_by_member_with_reason": {
"description": "Denne billet er blevet lukket af %s: '%s'\nKanalen slettes om 5 sekunder.",
"title": "✅ Billet lukket"
"closed_with_reason": {
"description": "Denne billet er blevet lukket: '%s'\nKanalen slettes om 5 sekunder.",
"title": "✅ Billet lukket"
"member_added": {
"description": "%s er blevet tilføjet af %s",
"title": "Medlem tilføjet"
"member_removed": {
"description": "%s er blevet fjernet af %s",
"title": "Medlem fjernet"
"opening_message": {
"fields": {
"topic": "Emne"
"questions": "Besvar venligst følgende spørgsmål:\n\n%s",
"released": {
"description": "%s har frigivet denne billet.",
"title": "✅ Billet frigivet"
"survey": {
"complete": {
"description": "Tak for din feedback.",
"title": "✅ Tak skal du have"
"start": {
"description": "Hej, %s. Før denne kanal slettes, har du noget imod at gennemføre en hurtig %d-spørgsmålsundersøgelse? Reagere med ✅ at starte, eller ignorere denne meddelelse.",
"title": "❔ Feedback"

View File

@ -1,494 +1,487 @@
"bot": {
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "Discord Tickets erfordert die folgenden Berechtigungen: %s",
"title": "⚠️"
"version": "[Discord Tickets] (%s) v%s von [eartharoid](%s)"
"cmd_usage": {
"args": {
"description": "**Beschreibung:** %s",
"example": "**Beispiel:** '%s'"
"description": "**Benutzung:**\n`%s`\n\n**Beispiel:**\n`%s`\n\nBenötigte Argumente sind makiert mit einem `❗`.",
"invalid_named_args": {
"description": "Es gibt einen Fehler in Ihrem Eingabe-Syntax: `%s`.\nTippen Sie `%s` für ein Beispiel.\nBitte fragen Sie ein Support-Mitglied wenn Sie unsicher sind.",
"title": "❌ Ungültiger Syntax"
"named_args": "Dieser Befehl verwendet benannte Argumente.\n\n",
"title": "`%s` Benutzung"
"collector_expires_in": "Läuft in %d Sekunden ab",
"commands": {
"add": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "Der Benutzer, der zum Tickt hinzugefügt werden soll",
"example": "@someone",
"name": "Mitglied"
"ticket": {
"description": "Das Ticket, dem der Benutzer hinzugefügt werden soll",
"example": "217",
"name": "Ticket"
"description": "Füge einen Benutzer zum Ticket hinzu",
"name": "hinzufügen",
"response": {
"added": {
"description": "%s wurde zu %s hinzugefügt.",
"title": "✅ Benutzer hinzugefügt"
"no_member": {
"description": "Bitte erwähnen Sie den Benutzer, den sie hinzufügen möchten.",
"title": "❌ Unbekannter Benutzer"
"no_permission": {
"description": "Sie sind weder der Ersteller dieses Tickets noch ein Support-Mitglied; Sie können keine neuen Benutzer zu diesem Ticket hinzufügen.",
"title": "❌ Keine Berechtigung"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Bitte führen Sie den Befehl im Ticket-Kanal aus, oder erwähnen Sie diesen.",
"title": "❌ Das ist kein Ticket-Kanal"
"blacklist": {
"aliases": {
"unblacklist": "unblacklist"
"args": {
"member_or_role": {
"description": "Benutzer oder Rolle hinzufügen/entfernen",
"example": "@NaughtyMember",
"name": "memberOrRole"
"description": "Erlaube/Blockiere einen Benutzer mit dem Bot zu interagieren",
"name": "blacklist",
"response": {
"empty_list": {
"description": "Es sind keine Benutzer oder Rollen blockiert. tippen Sie `%sblacklist <memberOrRole>` um einen Benutzer oder eine Rolle zu blockieren.",
"title": "📃 Blockierte Benutzer und Rollen"
"illegal_action": {
"description": "%s ist ein Support-Mitglied und kann nicht blockiert werden.",
"title": "❌ Sie können kein Support-Mitglied blockieren"
"list": {
"title": "📃 Blockierte Benutzer und Rollen"
"member_added": {
"description": "<@%s> wurde blockiert. Er kann nicht mehr mit dem Bot interagieren.",
"title": "✅ Benutzer blockiert"
"member_removed": {
"description": "<@%s> wurde freigegeben. Er kann den Bot wieder benutzen.",
"title": "✅ Benutzer Freigeben"
"role_added": {
"description": "<@&%s> wurde blockiert. Benutzer mit dieser Rolle können nicht mehr mit dem Bot interagieren.",
"title": "✅ Rolle blockiert"
"role_removed": {
"description": "<@&%s> wurde freigegeben. Benutzer mit dieser Rolle können den Bot wieder benutzen.",
"title": "✅ Rolle Freigegeben"
"close": {
"aliases": {
"delete": "löschen",
"lock": "lock"
"args": {
"reason": {
"alias": "r",
"description": "Der Grund das Ticket / die Tickets zu schließen",
"example": "",
"name": "Grund"
"ticket": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "Das zu schließende Ticket, entweder die Nummer oder die Kanal-ID",
"example": "217",
"name": "Ticket"
"time": {
"alias": "T",
"description": "Alle Tickets schließen die für eine bestimmte Zeit inaktiv waren",
"example": "1w",
"name": "Zeit"
"description": "Schließe einen Ticket-Kanal",
"name": "schließen",
"response": {
"closed": {
"description": "Ticket #%s wurde geschlossen.",
"title": "✅ Ticket geschlossen"
"closed_multiple": {
"description": [
"%d Ticket wurde geschlossen.",
"%d Tickets wurden geschlossen."
"title": [
"✅ Ticket geschlossen",
"✅ Tickets geschlossen"
"confirm": {
"description": "Reagiere mit ✅ um das Ticket zu schließen.",
"description_with_archive": "Sie können danach eine archivierte Version dieses Tickets ansehen.\nReagieren Sie mit ✅ um das Ticket zu schließen.",
"title": "❔ Sind Sie sicher?"
"confirmation_timeout": {
"description": "Sie haben zu lange zum Bestätigen gebraucht.",
"title": "❌ Zu lange gewartet"
"confirm_multiple": {
"description": [
"Reagieren Sie mit ✅ um %d Ticket zu schließen.",
"Reagieren Sie mit ✅ um %d Tickets zu schließen."
"title": "❔ Sind Sie sicher?"
"invalid_time": {
"description": "Die eingegebene Zeit konnte nicht verarbeitet werden.",
"title": "❌ Ungültige Eingabe"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Bitte nutzen Sie diesen Befehl in einem Ticket-Kanal oder erwähnen Sie diesen.\nTippen Sie `%shelp close` für mehr Informationen.",
"title": "❌ Das ist kein Ticket-Kanal"
"no_tickets": {
"description": "Es gibt keine inaktiven Tickets für den ausgewählten Zeitraum.",
"title": "❌ Keine Tickets zum schließen"
"unresolvable": {
"description": "`%s` konnte keinem Ticket zugeordnet werden. Bitte nutzen Sie die Ticket-ID oder die Nummer.",
"title": "❌ Fehler"
"help": {
"aliases": {
"command": "Befehl",
"commands": "Befehle"
"args": {
"command": {
"description": "Den Befehl über den Informationen angezeigt werden sollen",
"example": "neu",
"name": "Befehl"
"description": "Zeige alle Befehle die Sie benutzen dürfen oder mehr Informationen zu einem Befehl",
"name": "Hilfe",
"response": {
"list": {
"description": "Die Befehle die Sie benutzen dürfen sind aufgelistet. Für mehr Informationen über einen Befehl, tippen Sie `{prefix}help [command]`. Um ein Ticket zu öffnen, tippen Sie `{prefix}new [topic]`.",
"fields": {
"commands": "Befehle"
"title": "❔ Hilfe"
"new": {
"aliases": {
"create": "erstellen",
"open": "öffnen",
"ticket": "Ticket"
"args": {
"topic": {
"description": "Das Thema des Tickets",
"example": "Probleme mit der Bezahlung",
"name": "Thema"
"description": "Erstelle ein neues Ticket",
"name": "neu",
"response": {
"created": {
"description": "Ihr Ticket wurde erstellt: %s.",
"title": "✅ Ticket erstellt"
"error": {
"title": "❌ Fehler"
"has_a_ticket": {
"description": "Bitte benutzen Sie Ihr schon vorhandenes Ticket (<#%s>) oder schließen Sie es bevor Sie ein neues erstellen.",
"title": "❌ Sie haben bereits ein offenes Ticket"
"max_tickets": {
"description": "Bitte benutzen Sie `%sclose` um gelöste Tickets zu schließen.\n\n%s",
"title": "❌ Sie haben schon %d offene Tickets"
"no_categories": {
"description": "Ein Server Administrator muss zuerst eine Kategorie erstellen bevor Sie ein Ticket erstellen können. Dies geht über `%ssettings`",
"title": "❌ Kann kein neues Ticket erstellen"
"select_category": {
"description": "Wähle eine Kategorie für Ihr Ticket:\n\n%s",
"title": "🔤 Bitte wählen Sie eine Kategorie"
"select_category_timeout": {
"description": "Sie haben zu lange gebraucht um eine Ticket Kategorie zu wählen.",
"title": "❌ Zu lange gewartet"
"request_topic": {
"description": "Bitte erklären Sie Ihr Anliegen kurz in ein paar Wörtern",
"title": "Ticket Anliegen"
"panel": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"categories": {
"alias": "c",
"description": "Eine Kategorie ID",
"example": "451745464954650634",
"name": "Kategorien"
"description": {
"alias": "d",
"description": "Die Beschreibung für die Panel-Nachricht",
"example": "\"Ragieren Sie auf diese Nachricht um ein Ticket zu öffnen.\"",
"name": "Beschreibung"
"emoji": {
"alias": "e",
"description": "Ein Emoji",
"example": "🎫",
"name": "Emoji"
"title": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "Der Titel für die Panel-Nachricht",
"example": "\"Support Tickets\"",
"name": "Titel"
"description": "Erstellen Sie ein neues Ticket-Panel",
"name": "panel",
"response": {
"invalid_category": {
"description": "Eine oder mehrere der angegebenen Kategorie IDs sind nicht gültig.",
"title": "❌ Ungültige Kategorie"
"mismatch": {
"description": "Geben Sie bitte den Name des Emojis und die Kategorie ID an.",
"title": "❌ Ungültige Eingabe"
"remove": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "Den Benutzer der entfernt werden soll",
"example": "@someone",
"name": "Mitglied"
"ticket": {
"description": "Das Ticket von dem der Benutzer entfernt werden soll",
"example": "217",
"name": "Ticket"
"description": "Entferne einen Benutzer von einem Ticket",
"name": "remove",
"response": {
"removed": {
"description": "%s wurde von %s entfernt.",
"title": "✅ Benutzer entfernt"
"no_member": {
"description": "Bitte nennen Sie den Benutzer den Sie entfernen möchten.",
"title": "❌ Unbekannter Benutzer"
"no_permission": {
"description": "Sie sind weder Ersteller dieses Tickets, noch Support-Mitglied; Sie können keine Benutzer von diesem Ticket entfernen.",
"title": "❌ Keine Berechtigung"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Bitte führen Sie den Befehl im Ticket-Kanal aus, oder erwähnen Sie diesen.",
"title": "❌ Das ist kein Ticket-Kanal"
"settings": {
"aliases": {
"config": "config"
"description": "Konfiguriere Discord Tickets",
"name": "settings",
"response": {
"invalid": "❌ Einstellungen sind ungültig. Sehen Sie sich die Dokumentation (https://discordtickets.app/configuration/categories/) an.\n%s",
"updated": "✅ Die Einstellungen wurden aktualisiert."
"stats": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {},
"description": "Ticket Statistiken ansehen",
"fields": {
"messages": "Nachrichten",
"response_time": {
"minutes": "%s Minuten",
"title": "Durchschnittliche Reaktionszeit"
"tickets": "Tickets"
"name": "stats",
"response": {
"global": {
"description": "Statistiken von allen Servern auf denen dieser Bot läuft.",
"title": "📊 Globale Statistiken"
"guild": {
"description": "Statistiken von diesem Server. Die Daten sind für eine Stunde im Zwischenspeicher.",
"title": "📊 Statistiken von diesem Server"
"survey": {
"aliases": {
"surveys": "Umfragen"
"args": {
"survey": {
"description": "Der Name der Umfrage von der die Antworten angezeigt werden sollen",
"example": "support",
"name": "Umfrage"
"description": "Umfragen-Ergebnisse ansehen",
"name": "Umfrage",
"response": {
"list": {
"title": "📃 Umfragen"
"tag": {
"aliases": {
"faq": "faq",
"t": "t",
"tags": "tags"
"args": {
"tag": {
"description": "Der Name des Tags",
"example": "Website",
"name": "Tag"
"description": "Benutzen Sie einen 'Tag' als Antwort",
"name": "Tag",
"response": {
"error": "❌ Fehler",
"list": {
"title": "📃 Tag-Liste"
"missing": "Dieser Tag benötigt die folgenden Vorraussetzungen:\n%s",
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Dieser Tag kann nur in einem Ticket-Kanal benutzt werden",
"title": "❌ Das ist kein Ticket-Kanal"
"topic": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"new_topic": {
"description": "Das neue Anliegen des Tickets",
"example": "billing issue",
"name": "new_topic"
"description": "Ändern Sie das Anligen Ihres Tickets",
"name": "Thema",
"response": {
"changed": {
"description": "Das Anliegen dieses Tickets wurde erfolgreich geändert.",
"title": "✅ Anliegen geändert"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Bitte benutzen Sie diesen Befehl nur in einem Ticket-Kanal in dem Sie das Anliegen ändern wollen.",
"title": "❌ Das ist kein Ticket-Kanal"
"command_execution_error": {
"description": "Ein unerwarteter Fehler ist aufgetreten.\nFragen Sie bitte den Andministrator um Hilfe.",
"title": "⚠️"
"message_will_be_deleted_in": "Diese Nachricht wird in %d Sekunden gelöscht.",
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "Sie haben nicht die benötigten Berechtigungen um diesen Befehl zu benutzen:\n%s",
"title": "❌"
"staff_only": {
"description": "Sie müssen ein Support-Mitglied sein um diesen Befehl zu benutzen.",
"title": "❌"
"ticket": {
"claimed": {
"description": "Dieses Ticket gehört jetzt %s.",
"title": "✅ Ticket in Besitz genommen"
"closed": {
"description": "Dieses Ticket wurde geschlossen.\nDieser Kanal wird in 5 Sekunden gelöscht.",
"title": "✅ Ticket geschlossen"
"closed_by_member": {
"description": "Dieses Ticket wurde von %s geschlossen.\nDieser Kanal wird in 5 Sekunden gelöscht.",
"title": "✅ Ticket geschlossen"
"closed_by_member_with_reason": {
"description": "Dieses Ticket wurde von %s geschlossen: `%s`\nDieser Kanal wird in 5 Sekunden gelöscht.",
"title": "✅ Ticket geschlossen"
"closed_with_reason": {
"description": "Dieses Ticket wurde geschlossen: `%s`\nDieser Kanal wird in 5 Sekunden gelöscht.",
"title": "✅ Ticket geschlossen"
"member_added": {
"description": "%s wurde von %s hinzugefügt.",
"title": "Benutzer hinzugefügt"
"member_removed": {
"description": "%s wurde von %s entfernt.",
"title": "Benutzer entfernt"
"opening_message": {
"fields": {
"topic": "Anliegen"
"questions": "Bitte beantworten Sie die folgenden Fragen:\n\n%s",
"released": {
"description": "%s hat ein neues Ticket veröffentlicht.",
"title": "✅ Ticket veröffentlicht"
"survey": {
"complete": {
"description": "Vielen Dank für Ihr Feedback!",
"title": "✅ Danke"
"start": {
"description": "Hey, %s. Möchten Sie eine kurze %d-question Umfrage ausfüllen bevor dieser Kanal gelöscht wird? Reagieren Sie einfach mit ✅ um zu starten, oder ignorieren Sie diese Nachricht.",
"title": "❔ Feedback"
"bot": {
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "Discord Tickets erfordert die folgenden Berechtigungen: %s",
"title": "⚠️"
"version": "[Discord Tickets] (%s) v%s von [eartharoid](%s)"
"cmd_usage": {
"args": {
"description": "**Beschreibung:** %s",
"example": "**Beispiel:** '%s'"
"description": "**Benutzung:**\n`%s`\n\n**Beispiel:**\n`%s`\n\nBenötigte Argumente sind makiert mit einem `❗`.",
"invalid_named_args": {
"description": "Es gibt einen Fehler in Ihrem Eingabe-Syntax: `%s`.\nTippen Sie `%s` für ein Beispiel.\nBitte fragen Sie ein Support-Mitglied wenn Sie unsicher sind.",
"title": "❌ Ungültiger Syntax"
"named_args": "Dieser Befehl verwendet benannte Argumente.\n\n",
"title": "`%s` Benutzung"
"collector_expires_in": "Läuft in %d Sekunden ab",
"commands": {
"add": {
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "Der Benutzer, der zum Tickt hinzugefügt werden soll",
"example": "@someone",
"name": "Mitglied"
"ticket": {
"description": "Das Ticket, dem der Benutzer hinzugefügt werden soll",
"example": "217",
"name": "Ticket"
"description": "Füge einen Benutzer zum Ticket hinzu",
"name": "hinzufügen",
"response": {
"added": {
"description": "%s wurde zu %s hinzugefügt.",
"title": "✅ Benutzer hinzugefügt"
"no_member": {
"description": "Bitte erwähnen Sie den Benutzer, den sie hinzufügen möchten.",
"title": "❌ Unbekannter Benutzer"
"no_permission": {
"description": "Sie sind weder der Ersteller dieses Tickets noch ein Support-Mitglied; Sie können keine neuen Benutzer zu diesem Ticket hinzufügen.",
"title": "❌ Keine Berechtigung"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Bitte führen Sie den Befehl im Ticket-Kanal aus, oder erwähnen Sie diesen.",
"title": "❌ Das ist kein Ticket-Kanal"
"blacklist": {
"aliases": {
"unblacklist": "unblacklist"
"args": {
"member_or_role": {
"description": "Benutzer oder Rolle hinzufügen/entfernen",
"example": "@NaughtyMember",
"name": "memberOrRole"
"description": "Erlaube/Blockiere einen Benutzer mit dem Bot zu interagieren",
"name": "blacklist",
"response": {
"empty_list": {
"description": "Es sind keine Benutzer oder Rollen blockiert. tippen Sie `%sblacklist <memberOrRole>` um einen Benutzer oder eine Rolle zu blockieren.",
"title": "📃 Blockierte Benutzer und Rollen"
"illegal_action": {
"description": "%s ist ein Support-Mitglied und kann nicht blockiert werden.",
"title": "❌ Sie können kein Support-Mitglied blockieren"
"list": {
"title": "📃 Blockierte Benutzer und Rollen"
"member_added": {
"description": "<@%s> wurde blockiert. Er kann nicht mehr mit dem Bot interagieren.",
"title": "✅ Benutzer blockiert"
"member_removed": {
"description": "<@%s> wurde freigegeben. Er kann den Bot wieder benutzen.",
"title": "✅ Benutzer Freigeben"
"role_added": {
"description": "<@&%s> wurde blockiert. Benutzer mit dieser Rolle können nicht mehr mit dem Bot interagieren.",
"title": "✅ Rolle blockiert"
"role_removed": {
"description": "<@&%s> wurde freigegeben. Benutzer mit dieser Rolle können den Bot wieder benutzen.",
"title": "✅ Rolle Freigegeben"
"close": {
"aliases": {
"delete": "löschen",
"lock": "lock"
"args": {
"reason": {
"alias": "r",
"description": "Der Grund das Ticket / die Tickets zu schließen",
"name": "Grund"
"ticket": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "Das zu schließende Ticket, entweder die Nummer oder die Kanal-ID",
"example": "217",
"name": "Ticket"
"time": {
"alias": "T",
"description": "Alle Tickets schließen die für eine bestimmte Zeit inaktiv waren",
"example": "1w",
"name": "Zeit"
"description": "Schließe einen Ticket-Kanal",
"name": "schließen",
"response": {
"closed": {
"description": "Ticket #%s wurde geschlossen.",
"title": "✅ Ticket geschlossen"
"closed_multiple": {
"description": [
"%d Ticket wurde geschlossen.",
"%d Tickets wurden geschlossen."
"title": [
"✅ Ticket geschlossen",
"✅ Tickets geschlossen"
"confirm": {
"description": "Reagiere mit ✅ um das Ticket zu schließen.",
"description_with_archive": "Sie können danach eine archivierte Version dieses Tickets ansehen.\nReagieren Sie mit ✅ um das Ticket zu schließen.",
"title": "❔ Sind Sie sicher?"
"confirmation_timeout": {
"description": "Sie haben zu lange zum Bestätigen gebraucht.",
"title": "❌ Zu lange gewartet"
"confirm_multiple": {
"description": [
"Reagieren Sie mit ✅ um %d Ticket zu schließen.",
"Reagieren Sie mit ✅ um %d Tickets zu schließen."
"title": "❔ Sind Sie sicher?"
"invalid_time": {
"description": "Die eingegebene Zeit konnte nicht verarbeitet werden.",
"title": "❌ Ungültige Eingabe"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Bitte nutzen Sie diesen Befehl in einem Ticket-Kanal oder erwähnen Sie diesen.\nTippen Sie `%shelp close` für mehr Informationen.",
"title": "❌ Das ist kein Ticket-Kanal"
"no_tickets": {
"description": "Es gibt keine inaktiven Tickets für den ausgewählten Zeitraum.",
"title": "❌ Keine Tickets zum schließen"
"unresolvable": {
"description": "`%s` konnte keinem Ticket zugeordnet werden. Bitte nutzen Sie die Ticket-ID oder die Nummer.",
"title": "❌ Fehler"
"help": {
"aliases": {
"command": "Befehl",
"commands": "Befehle"
"args": {
"command": {
"description": "Den Befehl über den Informationen angezeigt werden sollen",
"example": "neu",
"name": "Befehl"
"description": "Zeige alle Befehle die Sie benutzen dürfen oder mehr Informationen zu einem Befehl",
"name": "Hilfe",
"response": {
"list": {
"description": "Die Befehle die Sie benutzen dürfen sind aufgelistet. Für mehr Informationen über einen Befehl, tippen Sie `{prefix}help [command]`. Um ein Ticket zu öffnen, tippen Sie `{prefix}new [topic]`.",
"fields": {
"commands": "Befehle"
"title": "❔ Hilfe"
"new": {
"aliases": {
"create": "erstellen",
"open": "öffnen",
"ticket": "Ticket"
"args": {
"topic": {
"description": "Das Thema des Tickets",
"example": "Probleme mit der Bezahlung",
"name": "Thema"
"description": "Erstelle ein neues Ticket",
"name": "neu",
"response": {
"created": {
"description": "Ihr Ticket wurde erstellt: %s.",
"title": "✅ Ticket erstellt"
"error": {
"title": "❌ Fehler"
"has_a_ticket": {
"description": "Bitte benutzen Sie Ihr schon vorhandenes Ticket (<#%s>) oder schließen Sie es bevor Sie ein neues erstellen.",
"title": "❌ Sie haben bereits ein offenes Ticket"
"max_tickets": {
"description": "Bitte benutzen Sie `%sclose` um gelöste Tickets zu schließen.\n\n%s",
"title": "❌ Sie haben schon %d offene Tickets"
"no_categories": {
"description": "Ein Server Administrator muss zuerst eine Kategorie erstellen bevor Sie ein Ticket erstellen können. Dies geht über `%ssettings`",
"title": "❌ Kann kein neues Ticket erstellen"
"select_category": {
"description": "Wähle eine Kategorie für Ihr Ticket:\n\n%s",
"title": "🔤 Bitte wählen Sie eine Kategorie"
"select_category_timeout": {
"description": "Sie haben zu lange gebraucht um eine Ticket Kategorie zu wählen.",
"title": "❌ Zu lange gewartet"
"request_topic": {
"description": "Bitte erklären Sie Ihr Anliegen kurz in ein paar Wörtern",
"title": "Ticket Anliegen"
"panel": {
"args": {
"categories": {
"alias": "c",
"description": "Eine Kategorie ID",
"example": "451745464954650634",
"name": "Kategorien"
"description": {
"alias": "d",
"description": "Die Beschreibung für die Panel-Nachricht",
"example": "\"Ragieren Sie auf diese Nachricht um ein Ticket zu öffnen.\"",
"name": "Beschreibung"
"emoji": {
"alias": "e",
"description": "Ein Emoji",
"example": "🎫",
"name": "Emoji"
"title": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "Der Titel für die Panel-Nachricht",
"example": "\"Support Tickets\"",
"name": "Titel"
"description": "Erstellen Sie ein neues Ticket-Panel",
"name": "panel",
"response": {
"invalid_category": {
"description": "Eine oder mehrere der angegebenen Kategorie IDs sind nicht gültig.",
"title": "❌ Ungültige Kategorie"
"mismatch": {
"description": "Geben Sie bitte den Name des Emojis und die Kategorie ID an.",
"title": "❌ Ungültige Eingabe"
"remove": {
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "Den Benutzer der entfernt werden soll",
"example": "@someone",
"name": "Mitglied"
"ticket": {
"description": "Das Ticket von dem der Benutzer entfernt werden soll",
"example": "217",
"name": "Ticket"
"description": "Entferne einen Benutzer von einem Ticket",
"name": "remove",
"response": {
"removed": {
"description": "%s wurde von %s entfernt.",
"title": "✅ Benutzer entfernt"
"no_member": {
"description": "Bitte nennen Sie den Benutzer den Sie entfernen möchten.",
"title": "❌ Unbekannter Benutzer"
"no_permission": {
"description": "Sie sind weder Ersteller dieses Tickets, noch Support-Mitglied; Sie können keine Benutzer von diesem Ticket entfernen.",
"title": "❌ Keine Berechtigung"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Bitte führen Sie den Befehl im Ticket-Kanal aus, oder erwähnen Sie diesen.",
"title": "❌ Das ist kein Ticket-Kanal"
"settings": {
"aliases": {
"config": "config"
"description": "Konfiguriere Discord Tickets",
"name": "settings",
"response": {
"invalid": "❌ Einstellungen sind ungültig. Sehen Sie sich die Dokumentation (https://discordtickets.app/configuration/categories/) an.\n%s",
"updated": "✅ Die Einstellungen wurden aktualisiert."
"stats": {
"description": "Ticket Statistiken ansehen",
"fields": {
"messages": "Nachrichten",
"response_time": {
"minutes": "%s Minuten",
"title": "Durchschnittliche Reaktionszeit"
"tickets": "Tickets"
"name": "stats",
"response": {
"global": {
"description": "Statistiken von allen Servern auf denen dieser Bot läuft.",
"title": "📊 Globale Statistiken"
"guild": {
"description": "Statistiken von diesem Server. Die Daten sind für eine Stunde im Zwischenspeicher.",
"title": "📊 Statistiken von diesem Server"
"survey": {
"aliases": {
"surveys": "Umfragen"
"args": {
"survey": {
"description": "Der Name der Umfrage von der die Antworten angezeigt werden sollen",
"example": "support",
"name": "Umfrage"
"description": "Umfragen-Ergebnisse ansehen",
"name": "Umfrage",
"response": {
"list": {
"title": "📃 Umfragen"
"tag": {
"aliases": {
"faq": "faq",
"t": "t",
"tags": "tags"
"args": {
"tag": {
"description": "Der Name des Tags",
"example": "Website",
"name": "Tag"
"description": "Benutzen Sie einen 'Tag' als Antwort",
"name": "Tag",
"response": {
"error": "❌ Fehler",
"list": {
"title": "📃 Tag-Liste"
"missing": "Dieser Tag benötigt die folgenden Vorraussetzungen:\n%s",
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Dieser Tag kann nur in einem Ticket-Kanal benutzt werden",
"title": "❌ Das ist kein Ticket-Kanal"
"topic": {
"args": {
"new_topic": {
"description": "Das neue Anliegen des Tickets",
"example": "billing issue",
"name": "new_topic"
"description": "Ändern Sie das Anligen Ihres Tickets",
"name": "Thema",
"response": {
"changed": {
"description": "Das Anliegen dieses Tickets wurde erfolgreich geändert.",
"title": "✅ Anliegen geändert"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Bitte benutzen Sie diesen Befehl nur in einem Ticket-Kanal in dem Sie das Anliegen ändern wollen.",
"title": "❌ Das ist kein Ticket-Kanal"
"command_execution_error": {
"description": "Ein unerwarteter Fehler ist aufgetreten.\nFragen Sie bitte den Andministrator um Hilfe.",
"title": "⚠️"
"message_will_be_deleted_in": "Diese Nachricht wird in %d Sekunden gelöscht.",
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "Sie haben nicht die benötigten Berechtigungen um diesen Befehl zu benutzen:\n%s",
"title": "❌"
"staff_only": {
"description": "Sie müssen ein Support-Mitglied sein um diesen Befehl zu benutzen.",
"title": "❌"
"ticket": {
"claimed": {
"description": "Dieses Ticket gehört jetzt %s.",
"title": "✅ Ticket in Besitz genommen"
"closed": {
"description": "Dieses Ticket wurde geschlossen.\nDieser Kanal wird in 5 Sekunden gelöscht.",
"title": "✅ Ticket geschlossen"
"closed_by_member": {
"description": "Dieses Ticket wurde von %s geschlossen.\nDieser Kanal wird in 5 Sekunden gelöscht.",
"title": "✅ Ticket geschlossen"
"closed_by_member_with_reason": {
"description": "Dieses Ticket wurde von %s geschlossen: `%s`\nDieser Kanal wird in 5 Sekunden gelöscht.",
"title": "✅ Ticket geschlossen"
"closed_with_reason": {
"description": "Dieses Ticket wurde geschlossen: `%s`\nDieser Kanal wird in 5 Sekunden gelöscht.",
"title": "✅ Ticket geschlossen"
"member_added": {
"description": "%s wurde von %s hinzugefügt.",
"title": "Benutzer hinzugefügt"
"member_removed": {
"description": "%s wurde von %s entfernt.",
"title": "Benutzer entfernt"
"opening_message": {
"fields": {
"topic": "Anliegen"
"questions": "Bitte beantworten Sie die folgenden Fragen:\n\n%s",
"released": {
"description": "%s hat ein neues Ticket veröffentlicht.",
"title": "✅ Ticket veröffentlicht"
"survey": {
"complete": {
"description": "Vielen Dank für Ihr Feedback!",
"title": "✅ Danke"
"start": {
"description": "Hey, %s. Möchten Sie eine kurze %d-question Umfrage ausfüllen bevor dieser Kanal gelöscht wird? Reagieren Sie einfach mit ✅ um zu starten, oder ignorieren Sie diese Nachricht.",
"title": "❔ Feedback"

View File

@ -1,494 +1,487 @@
"bot": {
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "Discord Tickets requires the following permissions:\n%s",
"title": "⚠️"
"version": "[Discord Tickets](%s) v%s by [eartharoid](%s)"
"cmd_usage": {
"args": {
"description": "**Description:** %s",
"example": "**Example:** `%s`"
"description": "**Usage:**\n`%s`\n\n**Example:**\n`%s`\n\nRequired arguments are prefixed with `❗`.",
"invalid_named_args": {
"description": "There is an error in your command syntax: `%s`.\nType `%s` for an example.\nPlease ask a member of staff if you are unsure.",
"title": "❌ Invalid syntax"
"named_args": "This command uses named arguments.\n\n",
"title": "`%s` command usage"
"collector_expires_in": "Expires in %d seconds",
"commands": {
"add": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "The member to add to the ticket",
"example": "@someone",
"name": "member"
"ticket": {
"description": "The ticket to add the member to",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"description": "Add a member to a ticket",
"name": "add",
"response": {
"added": {
"description": "%s has been added to %s.",
"title": "✅ Member added"
"no_member": {
"description": "Please mention the member you want to add.",
"title": "❌ Unknown member"
"no_permission": {
"description": "You are not the creator of this ticket and you are not a staff member; you can't add members to this ticket.",
"title": "❌ Insufficient permission"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in the ticket channel, or mention the channel.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"blacklist": {
"aliases": {
"unblacklist": "unblacklist"
"args": {
"member_or_role": {
"description": "The member or role to add/remove",
"example": "@NaughtyMember",
"name": "memberOrRole"
"description": "Blacklist/unblacklist a member from interacting with the bot",
"name": "blacklist",
"response": {
"empty_list": {
"description": "There are no members or roles blacklisted. Type `%sblacklist <memberOrRole>` to add a member or role to the blacklist.",
"title": "📃 Blacklisted members and roles"
"illegal_action": {
"description": "%s is a staff member and cannot be blacklisted.",
"title": "❌ You can't blacklist this member"
"list": {
"title": "📃 Blacklisted members and roles"
"member_added": {
"description": "<@%s> has been added to the blacklist. They will no longer be able to interact with the bot.",
"title": "✅ Added member to blacklist"
"member_removed": {
"description": "<@%s> has been removed from the blacklist. They can now use the bot again.",
"title": "✅ Removed member from blacklist"
"role_added": {
"description": "<@&%s> has been added to the blacklist. Members with this role will no longer be able to interact with the bot.",
"title": "✅ Added role to blacklist"
"role_removed": {
"description": "<@&%s> has been removed from the blacklist. Members with this role can now use the bot again.",
"title": "✅ Removed role from blacklist"
"close": {
"aliases": {
"delete": "delete",
"lock": "lock"
"args": {
"reason": {
"alias": "r",
"description": "The reason for closing the ticket(s)",
"example": "",
"name": "reason"
"ticket": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "The ticket to close, either the number or the channel mention/ID",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"time": {
"alias": "T",
"description": "Close all tickets that have been inactive for the specified time",
"example": "1w",
"name": "time"
"description": "Close a ticket channel",
"name": "close",
"response": {
"closed": {
"description": "Ticket #%s has been closed.",
"title": "✅ Ticket closed"
"closed_multiple": {
"description": [
"%d ticket has been closed.",
"%d tickets have been closed."
"title": [
"✅ Ticket closed",
"✅ Tickets closed"
"confirm": {
"description": "React with ✅ to close this ticket.",
"description_with_archive": "You will be able to view an archived version of it after.\nReact with ✅ to close this ticket.",
"title": "❔ Are you sure?"
"confirmation_timeout": {
"description": "You took too long to confirm.",
"title": "❌ Reaction time expired"
"confirm_multiple": {
"description": [
"React with ✅ to close %d ticket.",
"React with ✅ to close %d tickets."
"title": "❔ Are you sure?"
"invalid_time": {
"description": "The time period provided could not be parsed.",
"title": "❌ Invalid input"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in a ticket channel or use the ticket flag.\nType `%shelp close` for more information.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"no_tickets": {
"description": "There are no tickets which have been inactive for this time period.",
"title": "❌ No tickets to close"
"unresolvable": {
"description": "`%s` could not be resolved to a ticket. Please provide the ticket ID/mention or number.",
"title": "❌ Error"
"help": {
"aliases": {
"command": "command",
"commands": "commands"
"args": {
"command": {
"description": "The command to display information about",
"example": "new",
"name": "command"
"description": "List commands you have access to, or find out more about a command",
"name": "help",
"response": {
"list": {
"description": "The commands you have access to are listed below. For more information about a command, type `{prefix}help [command]`. To create a ticket, type `{prefix}new [topic]`.",
"fields": {
"commands": "Commands"
"title": "❔ Help"
"new": {
"aliases": {
"create": "create",
"open": "open",
"ticket": "ticket"
"args": {
"topic": {
"description": "The topic of the ticket",
"example": "Problem with billing",
"name": "topic"
"description": "Create a new ticket",
"name": "new",
"response": {
"created": {
"description": "Your ticket has been created: %s.",
"title": "✅ Ticket created"
"error": {
"title": "❌ Error"
"has_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use your existing ticket (<#%s>) or close it before creating another.",
"title": "❌ You already have an open ticket"
"max_tickets": {
"description": "Please use `%sclose` to close any unneeded tickets.\n\n%s",
"title": "❌ You already have %d open tickets"
"no_categories": {
"description": "A server administrator must create at least one ticket category before a new ticket can be opened.",
"title": "❌ Can't create ticket"
"select_category": {
"description": "Select the category most relevant to your ticket's topic:\n\n%s",
"title": "🔤 Please select the ticket category"
"select_category_timeout": {
"description": "You took too long to select the ticket category.",
"title": "❌ Reaction time expired"
"request_topic": {
"description": "Please briefly state what this ticket is about in a a few words.",
"title": "Ticket topic"
"panel": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"categories": {
"alias": "c",
"description": "A category ID",
"example": "451745464954650634",
"name": "categories"
"description": {
"alias": "d",
"description": "The description for the panel message",
"example": "\"React to this message to open a ticket.\"",
"name": "description"
"emoji": {
"alias": "e",
"description": "An emoji",
"example": "🎫",
"name": "emoji"
"title": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "The title for the panel message",
"example": "\"Support tickets\"",
"name": "title"
"description": "Create a new ticket panel",
"name": "panel",
"response": {
"invalid_category": {
"description": "One or more of the specified category IDs is invalid.",
"title": "❌ Invalid category"
"mismatch": {
"description": "Please provide the name number of emojis and category IDs.",
"title": "❌ Invalid input"
"remove": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "The member to remove from the ticket",
"example": "@someone",
"name": "member"
"ticket": {
"description": "The ticket to remove the member from",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"description": "Remove a member from a ticket",
"name": "remove",
"response": {
"removed": {
"description": "%s has been removed from %s.",
"title": "✅ Member removed"
"no_member": {
"description": "Please mention the member you want to remove.",
"title": "❌ Unknown member"
"no_permission": {
"description": "You are not the creator of this ticket and you are not a staff member; you can't remove members from this ticket.",
"title": "❌ Insufficient permission"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in the ticket channel, or mention the channel.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"settings": {
"aliases": {
"config": "config"
"description": "Configure Discord Tickets",
"name": "settings",
"response": {
"invalid": "❌ Settings data is invalid; please refer to the documentation.\n%s",
"updated": "✅ Settings have been updated."
"stats": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {},
"description": "Display ticket statistics",
"fields": {
"messages": "Messages",
"response_time": {
"minutes": "%s minutes",
"title": "Avg. response time"
"tickets": "Tickets"
"name": "stats",
"response": {
"global": {
"description": "Statistics about tickets across all guilds where this Discord TIckets instance is used.",
"title": "📊 Global stats"
"guild": {
"description": "Statistics about tickets within this guild. This data is cached for an hour.",
"title": "📊 This server's stats"
"survey": {
"aliases": {
"surveys": "surveys"
"args": {
"survey": {
"description": "The name of the survey to view responses of",
"example": "support",
"name": "survey"
"description": "View survey responses",
"name": "survey",
"response": {
"list": {
"title": "📃 Surveys"
"tag": {
"aliases": {
"faq": "faq",
"t": "t",
"tags": "tags"
"args": {
"tag": {
"description": "The name of the tag to use",
"example": "website",
"name": "tag"
"description": "Use a tag response",
"name": "tag",
"response": {
"error": "❌ Error",
"list": {
"title": "📃 Tag list"
"missing": "This tag requires the following arguments:\n%s",
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "This tag can only be used within a ticket channel as it uses ticket references.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"topic": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"new_topic": {
"description": "The new topic of the ticket",
"example": "billing issue",
"name": "new_topic"
"description": "Change the topic of the ticket",
"name": "topic",
"response": {
"changed": {
"description": "This ticket's topic has been changed.",
"title": "✅ Topic changed"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in the ticket channel you want to change the topic of.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"command_execution_error": {
"description": "An unexpected error occurred during command execution.\nPlease ask an administrator to check the console output / logs for details.",
"title": "⚠️"
"message_will_be_deleted_in": "This message will be deleted in %d seconds",
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "You do not have the permissions required to use this command:\n%s",
"title": "❌"
"staff_only": {
"description": "You must be a member of staff to use this command.",
"title": "❌"
"ticket": {
"claimed": {
"description": "%s has claimed this ticket.",
"title": "✅ Ticket claimed"
"closed": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed.\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Ticket closed"
"closed_by_member": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed by %s.\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Ticket closed"
"closed_by_member_with_reason": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed by %s: `%s`\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Ticket closed"
"closed_with_reason": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed: `%s`\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Ticket closed"
"member_added": {
"description": "%s has been added by %s",
"title": "Member added"
"member_removed": {
"description": "%s has been removed by %s",
"title": "Member removed"
"opening_message": {
"fields": {
"topic": "Topic"
"questions": "Please answer the following questions:\n\n%s",
"released": {
"description": "%s has released this ticket.",
"title": "✅ Ticket released"
"survey": {
"complete": {
"description": "Thank you for your feedback.",
"title": "✅ Thank you"
"start": {
"description": "Hey, %s. Before this channel is deleted, would you mind completing a quick %d-question survey? React with ✅ to start, or ignore this message.",
"title": "❔ Feedback"
"bot": {
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "Discord Tickets requires the following permissions:\n%s",
"title": "⚠️"
"version": "[Discord Tickets](%s) v%s by [eartharoid](%s)"
"cmd_usage": {
"args": {
"description": "**Description:** %s",
"example": "**Example:** `%s`"
"description": "**Usage:**\n`%s`\n\n**Example:**\n`%s`\n\nRequired arguments are prefixed with `❗`.",
"invalid_named_args": {
"description": "There is an error in your command syntax: `%s`.\nType `%s` for an example.\nPlease ask a member of staff if you are unsure.",
"title": "❌ Invalid syntax"
"named_args": "This command uses named arguments.\n\n",
"title": "`%s` command usage"
"collector_expires_in": "Expires in %d seconds",
"commands": {
"add": {
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "The member to add to the ticket",
"example": "@someone",
"name": "member"
"ticket": {
"description": "The ticket to add the member to",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"description": "Add a member to a ticket",
"name": "add",
"response": {
"added": {
"description": "%s has been added to %s.",
"title": "✅ Member added"
"no_member": {
"description": "Please mention the member you want to add.",
"title": "❌ Unknown member"
"no_permission": {
"description": "You are not the creator of this ticket and you are not a staff member; you can't add members to this ticket.",
"title": "❌ Insufficient permission"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in the ticket channel, or mention the channel.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"blacklist": {
"aliases": {
"unblacklist": "unblacklist"
"args": {
"member_or_role": {
"description": "The member or role to add/remove",
"example": "@NaughtyMember",
"name": "memberOrRole"
"description": "Blacklist/unblacklist a member from interacting with the bot",
"name": "blacklist",
"response": {
"empty_list": {
"description": "There are no members or roles blacklisted. Type `%sblacklist <memberOrRole>` to add a member or role to the blacklist.",
"title": "📃 Blacklisted members and roles"
"illegal_action": {
"description": "%s is a staff member and cannot be blacklisted.",
"title": "❌ You can't blacklist this member"
"list": {
"title": "📃 Blacklisted members and roles"
"member_added": {
"description": "<@%s> has been added to the blacklist. They will no longer be able to interact with the bot.",
"title": "✅ Added member to blacklist"
"member_removed": {
"description": "<@%s> has been removed from the blacklist. They can now use the bot again.",
"title": "✅ Removed member from blacklist"
"role_added": {
"description": "<@&%s> has been added to the blacklist. Members with this role will no longer be able to interact with the bot.",
"title": "✅ Added role to blacklist"
"role_removed": {
"description": "<@&%s> has been removed from the blacklist. Members with this role can now use the bot again.",
"title": "✅ Removed role from blacklist"
"close": {
"aliases": {
"delete": "delete",
"lock": "lock"
"args": {
"reason": {
"alias": "r",
"description": "The reason for closing the ticket(s)",
"name": "reason"
"ticket": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "The ticket to close, either the number or the channel mention/ID",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"time": {
"alias": "T",
"description": "Close all tickets that have been inactive for the specified time",
"example": "1w",
"name": "time"
"description": "Close a ticket channel",
"name": "close",
"response": {
"closed": {
"description": "Ticket #%s has been closed.",
"title": "✅ Ticket closed"
"closed_multiple": {
"description": [
"%d ticket has been closed.",
"%d tickets have been closed."
"title": [
"✅ Ticket closed",
"✅ Tickets closed"
"confirm": {
"description": "React with ✅ to close this ticket.",
"description_with_archive": "You will be able to view an archived version of it after.\nReact with ✅ to close this ticket.",
"title": "❔ Are you sure?"
"confirmation_timeout": {
"description": "You took too long to confirm.",
"title": "❌ Reaction time expired"
"confirm_multiple": {
"description": [
"React with ✅ to close %d ticket.",
"React with ✅ to close %d tickets."
"title": "❔ Are you sure?"
"invalid_time": {
"description": "The time period provided could not be parsed.",
"title": "❌ Invalid input"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in a ticket channel or use the ticket flag.\nType `%shelp close` for more information.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"no_tickets": {
"description": "There are no tickets which have been inactive for this time period.",
"title": "❌ No tickets to close"
"unresolvable": {
"description": "`%s` could not be resolved to a ticket. Please provide the ticket ID/mention or number.",
"title": "❌ Error"
"help": {
"aliases": {
"command": "command",
"commands": "commands"
"args": {
"command": {
"description": "The command to display information about",
"example": "new",
"name": "command"
"description": "List commands you have access to, or find out more about a command",
"name": "help",
"response": {
"list": {
"description": "The commands you have access to are listed below. For more information about a command, type `{prefix}help [command]`. To create a ticket, type `{prefix}new [topic]`.",
"fields": {
"commands": "Commands"
"title": "❔ Help"
"new": {
"aliases": {
"create": "create",
"open": "open",
"ticket": "ticket"
"args": {
"topic": {
"description": "The topic of the ticket",
"example": "Problem with billing",
"name": "topic"
"description": "Create a new ticket",
"name": "new",
"response": {
"created": {
"description": "Your ticket has been created: %s.",
"title": "✅ Ticket created"
"error": {
"title": "❌ Error"
"has_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use your existing ticket (<#%s>) or close it before creating another.",
"title": "❌ You already have an open ticket"
"max_tickets": {
"description": "Please use `%sclose` to close any unneeded tickets.\n\n%s",
"title": "❌ You already have %d open tickets"
"no_categories": {
"description": "A server administrator must create at least one ticket category before a new ticket can be opened.",
"title": "❌ Can't create ticket"
"select_category": {
"description": "Select the category most relevant to your ticket's topic:\n\n%s",
"title": "🔤 Please select the ticket category"
"select_category_timeout": {
"description": "You took too long to select the ticket category.",
"title": "❌ Reaction time expired"
"request_topic": {
"description": "Please briefly state what this ticket is about in a a few words.",
"title": "Ticket topic"
"panel": {
"args": {
"categories": {
"alias": "c",
"description": "A category ID",
"example": "451745464954650634",
"name": "categories"
"description": {
"alias": "d",
"description": "The description for the panel message",
"example": "\"React to this message to open a ticket.\"",
"name": "description"
"emoji": {
"alias": "e",
"description": "An emoji",
"example": "🎫",
"name": "emoji"
"title": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "The title for the panel message",
"example": "\"Support tickets\"",
"name": "title"
"description": "Create a new ticket panel",
"name": "panel",
"response": {
"invalid_category": {
"description": "One or more of the specified category IDs is invalid.",
"title": "❌ Invalid category"
"mismatch": {
"description": "Please provide the name number of emojis and category IDs.",
"title": "❌ Invalid input"
"remove": {
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "The member to remove from the ticket",
"example": "@someone",
"name": "member"
"ticket": {
"description": "The ticket to remove the member from",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"description": "Remove a member from a ticket",
"name": "remove",
"response": {
"removed": {
"description": "%s has been removed from %s.",
"title": "✅ Member removed"
"no_member": {
"description": "Please mention the member you want to remove.",
"title": "❌ Unknown member"
"no_permission": {
"description": "You are not the creator of this ticket and you are not a staff member; you can't remove members from this ticket.",
"title": "❌ Insufficient permission"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in the ticket channel, or mention the channel.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"settings": {
"aliases": {
"config": "config"
"description": "Configure Discord Tickets",
"name": "settings",
"response": {
"invalid": "❌ Settings data is invalid; please refer to the documentation.\n%s",
"updated": "✅ Settings have been updated."
"stats": {
"description": "Display ticket statistics",
"fields": {
"messages": "Messages",
"response_time": {
"minutes": "%s minutes",
"title": "Avg. response time"
"tickets": "Tickets"
"name": "stats",
"response": {
"global": {
"description": "Statistics about tickets across all guilds where this Discord TIckets instance is used.",
"title": "📊 Global stats"
"guild": {
"description": "Statistics about tickets within this guild. This data is cached for an hour.",
"title": "📊 This server's stats"
"survey": {
"aliases": {
"surveys": "surveys"
"args": {
"survey": {
"description": "The name of the survey to view responses of",
"example": "support",
"name": "survey"
"description": "View survey responses",
"name": "survey",
"response": {
"list": {
"title": "📃 Surveys"
"tag": {
"aliases": {
"faq": "faq",
"t": "t",
"tags": "tags"
"args": {
"tag": {
"description": "The name of the tag to use",
"example": "website",
"name": "tag"
"description": "Use a tag response",
"name": "tag",
"response": {
"error": "❌ Error",
"list": {
"title": "📃 Tag list"
"missing": "This tag requires the following arguments:\n%s",
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "This tag can only be used within a ticket channel as it uses ticket references.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"topic": {
"args": {
"new_topic": {
"description": "The new topic of the ticket",
"example": "billing issue",
"name": "new_topic"
"description": "Change the topic of the ticket",
"name": "topic",
"response": {
"changed": {
"description": "This ticket's topic has been changed.",
"title": "✅ Topic changed"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in the ticket channel you want to change the topic of.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"command_execution_error": {
"description": "An unexpected error occurred during command execution.\nPlease ask an administrator to check the console output / logs for details.",
"title": "⚠️"
"message_will_be_deleted_in": "This message will be deleted in %d seconds",
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "You do not have the permissions required to use this command:\n%s",
"title": "❌"
"staff_only": {
"description": "You must be a member of staff to use this command.",
"title": "❌"
"ticket": {
"claimed": {
"description": "%s has claimed this ticket.",
"title": "✅ Ticket claimed"
"closed": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed.\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Ticket closed"
"closed_by_member": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed by %s.\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Ticket closed"
"closed_by_member_with_reason": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed by %s: `%s`\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Ticket closed"
"closed_with_reason": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed: `%s`\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Ticket closed"
"member_added": {
"description": "%s has been added by %s",
"title": "Member added"
"member_removed": {
"description": "%s has been removed by %s",
"title": "Member removed"
"opening_message": {
"fields": {
"topic": "Topic"
"questions": "Please answer the following questions:\n\n%s",
"released": {
"description": "%s has released this ticket.",
"title": "✅ Ticket released"
"survey": {
"complete": {
"description": "Thank you for your feedback.",
"title": "✅ Thank you"
"start": {
"description": "Hey, %s. Before this channel is deleted, would you mind completing a quick %d-question survey? React with ✅ to start, or ignore this message.",
"title": "❔ Feedback"

View File

@ -1,494 +1,487 @@
"bot": {
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "Discord Tickets requiere los siguientes permisos:\n\n%s",
"title": "⚠️"
"version": "[Discord Tickets](%s) v%s por [eartharoid](%s)"
"cmd_usage": {
"args": {
"description": "**Descripción** %s",
"example": "**Ejemplo** `%s`"
"description": "**Uso:**\n`%s`\n\n**Ejemplo:**\n`%s`\n\nLos argumentos requeridos están prefijados con `❗`.",
"invalid_named_args": {
"description": "Hay un error en la sintaxis de tu comando: `%s`.\nEscribe `%s` para un ejemplo.\nPor favor pregunte al staff si no está seguro.",
"title": "❌ Sintaxis inválida"
"named_args": "Este comando utiliza argumentos nombrados.\n\n",
"title": "`%s` uso del comando"
"collector_expires_in": "Expira en %d segundos",
"commands": {
"add": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "El miembro a agregar al ticket",
"example": "@alguien",
"name": "miembro"
"ticket": {
"description": "El ticket para agregar al miembro a",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"description": "Agregar a un miembro al ticket",
"name": "agregar",
"response": {
"added": {
"description": "%s a sido agregado a %s.",
"title": "✅ Miembro agregado"
"no_member": {
"description": "Por favor, menciona al miembro que desea agregar.",
"title": "❌ Miembro desconocido"
"no_permission": {
"description": "No eres el creador de este ticket y no eres parte del staff, no puedes agregar miembros a este ticket.",
"title": "❌ Permisos insuficientes"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Por favor utiliza este comando en el canal de tickets, o menciona el canal.",
"title": "❌ Este no es un canal de tickets"
"blacklist": {
"aliases": {
"unblacklist": "unblacklist"
"args": {
"member_or_role": {
"description": "El miembro o rol que se va a añadir o o remover",
"example": "@MiembroTravieso",
"name": "miembroORol"
"description": "Añade o elimina de la lista negra a un miembro, para que no interactúe con el BOT",
"name": "blacklist",
"response": {
"empty_list": {
"description": "No hay miembros ni roles en la lista negra. Escribe `%sblacklist <memberOrRole>` para añadir a un miembro o rol a ésta.",
"title": "📃 Miembros y roles en la lista negra"
"illegal_action": {
"description": "%s es un miembro del personal, por lo tanto no puede ser añadido en la lista negra.",
"title": "❌ No puedes añadir a la lista negra a este miembro"
"list": {
"title": "📃 Miembros y roles en la lista negra"
"member_added": {
"description": "<@%s> fue añadido a la lista negra. Ya no podrá interactuar con el BOT, a menos de que sea removido.",
"title": "✅ Miembro añadido a la lista negra"
"member_removed": {
"description": "<@%s> fue eliminado de la lista negra. Ahora puede usar el BOT nuevamente.",
"title": "✅ Miembro eliminado de la lista negra"
"role_added": {
"description": "<@&%s> fue añadido a la lista negra. Miembros que tengan este rol no podrán interactuar con el BOT hasta que sea removido.",
"title": "✅ Rol añadido a la lista negra"
"role_removed": {
"description": "<@&%s> fue eliminado de la lista negra. Miembros que tengan este rol pueden interactuar con el BOT nuevamente.",
"title": "✅ Rol removido de la lista negra"
"close": {
"aliases": {
"delete": "eliminar",
"lock": "bloquear"
"args": {
"reason": {
"alias": "r",
"description": "La razón por la cual cerrar el(los) ticket(s)",
"example": "",
"name": "razón"
"ticket": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "El ticket a cerrar, ya sea la mención o la ID del canal",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"time": {
"alias": "T",
"description": "Cerrar todos los tickets que estuvieron inactivos por el tiempo especificado o más",
"example": "1w",
"name": "tiempo"
"description": "Cerrar un canal de ticket",
"name": "cerrar",
"response": {
"closed": {
"description": "El ticket #%s fue cerrado.",
"title": "✅ Ticket cerrado"
"closed_multiple": {
"description": [
"El ticket %d fue cerrado.",
"%d tickets fueron cerrados."
"title": [
"✅ Ticket cerrado",
"✅ Tickets cerrados"
"confirm": {
"description": "Reacciona con ✅ para cerrar este ticket.",
"description_with_archive": "Reacciona con ✅ para cerrar el ticket.\nSerás capaz de ver una versión archivada del mismo después.",
"title": "❔ ¿Estás seguro?"
"confirmation_timeout": {
"description": "Has tardado demasiado en confirmarlo.",
"title": "❌ El tiempo de la reacción ha expirado"
"confirm_multiple": {
"description": [
"Reacciona con ✅ para cerrar el ticket %d.",
"Reacciona con✅ para cerrar los tickets %d."
"title": "❔ ¿Estás seguro?"
"invalid_time": {
"description": "El período de tiempo ingresado no pudo ser analizado.",
"title": "❌ Entrada inválida"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Por favor, utiliza este comando en un canal de tickets, o usa la bandera de tickets.\nEjecuta `%shelp close` para más información.",
"title": "❌ Este no es un canal de tickets"
"no_tickets": {
"description": "No hay tickets que hayan estado inactivos durante este período de tiempo.",
"title": "❌ No hay tickets para cerrar"
"unresolvable": {
"description": "`%s` no pudo ser resuelto como un ticket. Por favor, ingresa la mención, ID o número del ticket.",
"title": "❌ Error"
"help": {
"aliases": {
"command": "comando",
"commands": "comandos"
"args": {
"command": {
"description": "El comando sobre el que mostrar información",
"example": "nuevo",
"name": "comando"
"description": "Listar comandos a los que tienes acceso para ejecutar, u obtiene más información sobre un comando",
"name": "ayuda",
"response": {
"list": {
"description": "Los comandos a los que tienes acceso están listados debajo. Para más información sobre un comando, ejecuta `{prefix}help [command]`. para crear un ticket, ejecuta `{prefix}new [topic]`.",
"fields": {
"commands": "Comandos"
"title": "❔ Ayuda"
"new": {
"aliases": {
"create": "crear",
"open": "abrir",
"ticket": "ticket"
"args": {
"topic": {
"description": "El tema del ticket",
"example": "Problema con la facturación",
"name": "tema"
"description": "Crear un nuevo ticket",
"name": "nuevo",
"response": {
"created": {
"description": "Tu ticket fue creado: %s.",
"title": "✅ Ticket creado"
"error": {
"title": "❌ Error"
"has_a_ticket": {
"description": "Por favor, utiliza tu ticket existente (<#%s>) o ciérralo antes de crear otro.",
"title": "❌ Ya tienes un ticket abierto"
"max_tickets": {
"description": "Por favor, utiliza el comando `%sclose` ´para cerrar tickets inatendidos.\n\n%s",
"title": "❌ Ya tienes %d tickets abiertos"
"no_categories": {
"description": "Un administrador del servidor debe crear al menos una categoría de tickets antes de que un nuevo ticket pueda ser abierto.",
"title": "❌ No se puede crear el ticket"
"select_category": {
"description": "Selecciona la categoría más relevante para el tema de tu ticket:\n\n%s",
"title": "🔤 Por favor, selecciona la categoría de tu ticket"
"select_category_timeout": {
"description": "Has tardado demasiado tiempo en seleccionar la categoría de tickets.",
"title": "❌ El tiempo de la reacción ha expirado"
"request_topic": {
"description": "Por favor, indica de qué se trata este ticket en pocas palabras.",
"title": "Tema del ticket"
"panel": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"categories": {
"alias": "c",
"description": "Una ID de categoría",
"example": "451745464954650634",
"name": "categorías"
"description": {
"alias": "d",
"description": "La descripción para el mensaje del panel",
"example": "\"Reacciona a este mensaje para abrir un ticket.\"",
"name": "descripción"
"emoji": {
"alias": "e",
"description": "Un emoji",
"example": "🎫",
"name": "emoji"
"title": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "El título del mensaje del panel",
"example": "\"Tickets de soporte\"",
"name": "título"
"description": "Crear un nuevo panel de tickets",
"name": "panel",
"response": {
"invalid_category": {
"description": "Una o más de las ID de categoría ingresadas no son válidas.",
"title": "❌ Categoría inválida"
"mismatch": {
"description": "Por favor, ingresa el nombre y número de emojis junto con las ID de categorías.",
"title": "❌ Entrada inválida"
"remove": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "El miembro a eliminar del ticket",
"example": "@alguien",
"name": "miembro"
"ticket": {
"description": "El ticket del que eliminar al miembro",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"description": "Eliminar a un miembro de un ticket",
"name": "eliminar",
"response": {
"removed": {
"description": "%s fue eliminado de %s.",
"title": "✅ Miembro eliminado"
"no_member": {
"description": "Por favor, menciona al miembro que deseas eliminar.",
"title": "❌ Miembro desconocido"
"no_permission": {
"description": "Tú no eres el creador de este ticket ni un miembro del personal, por lo que no puedes remover miembros de este ticket.",
"title": "❌ Permisos insuficientes"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Por favor utiliza este comando en el canal de tickets, o menciona el canal.",
"title": "❌ Este no es un canal de tickets"
"settings": {
"aliases": {
"config": "config"
"description": "Configurar Discord Tickets",
"name": "ajustes",
"response": {
"invalid": "❌ Los datos de configuración son inválidos, por favor, consulta la documentación.\n%s",
"updated": "✅ La configuración fue actualizada."
"stats": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {},
"description": "Mostrar estadísticas del ticket",
"fields": {
"messages": "Mensajes",
"response_time": {
"minutes": "%s minutos",
"title": "Tiempo de respuesta promedio"
"tickets": "Tickets"
"name": "stats",
"response": {
"global": {
"description": "Estadísticas sobre los tickets en todos los servidores donde se utiliza esta instancia de Discord Tickets.",
"title": "📊 Estadísticas globales"
"guild": {
"description": "Estadísticas sobre los tickets de este servidor. Estos datos son almacenados en la caché durante una hora.",
"title": "📊 Estadísticas de este servidor"
"survey": {
"aliases": {
"surveys": "encuestas"
"args": {
"survey": {
"description": "El nombre de la encuesta de la que ver las respuestas",
"example": "soporte",
"name": "encuesta"
"description": "Ver respuestas de la encuesta",
"name": "encuesta",
"response": {
"list": {
"title": "📃 Encuestas"
"tag": {
"aliases": {
"faq": "preguntasfrecuentes",
"t": "t",
"tags": "etiquetas"
"args": {
"tag": {
"description": "El nombre de la etiqueta a usar",
"example": "sitioweb",
"name": "etiqueta"
"description": "Usar una respuesta de etiqueta",
"name": "etiqueta",
"response": {
"error": "❌ Error",
"list": {
"title": "📃 Lista de etiquetas"
"missing": "Esta etiqueta requiere los siguientes argumentos:\n%s",
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Esta etiqueta solo puede utilizarse dentro de un canal de tickets, ya que utiliza referencias de éste.",
"title": "❌ Este no es un canal de tickets"
"topic": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"new_topic": {
"description": "El nuevo tema del ticket",
"example": "problema de facturación",
"name": "nuevo_tema"
"description": "Cambiar el tema del ticket",
"name": "tema",
"response": {
"changed": {
"description": "El tema de este ticket ha sido cambiado.",
"title": "✅ Tema cambiado"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Por favor, utiliza este comando en el canal de ticket en el que deseas cambiar el tema.",
"title": "❌ Este no es un canal de tickets"
"command_execution_error": {
"description": "Un error inesperado ha ocurrido durante la ejecución del comando.\nPor favor, pregúntale a un administrador para revisar la consola o los registros y obtener más información.",
"title": "⚠️"
"message_will_be_deleted_in": "Este mensaje será eliminado en %d segundos",
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "No tienes los permisos requeridos para ejecutar este comando:\n%s",
"title": "❌"
"staff_only": {
"description": "Debes ser un miembro del personal para utilizar este comando.",
"title": "❌"
"ticket": {
"claimed": {
"description": "%s ha reclamado el ticket.",
"title": "✅ Ticket reclamado"
"closed": {
"description": "Este ticket fue cerrado.\nEl canal será eliminado en 5 segundos.",
"title": "✅ Ticket cerrado"
"closed_by_member": {
"description": "Este ticket ha sido cerrado por %s.\nEl canal será eliminado en 5 segundos.",
"title": "✅ Ticket cerrado"
"closed_by_member_with_reason": {
"description": "Este ticket ha sido cerrado por %s: `%s`\nEl canal será eliminado en 5 segundos.",
"title": "✅ Ticket cerrado"
"closed_with_reason": {
"description": "Este ticket ha sido cerrado: `%s`\nEl canal será eliminado en 5 segundos.",
"title": "✅ Ticket cerrado"
"member_added": {
"description": "%s fue añadido por %s",
"title": "Miembro añadido"
"member_removed": {
"description": "%s fue eliminado por %s",
"title": "Miembro removido"
"opening_message": {
"fields": {
"topic": "Tema"
"questions": "Por favor, responde las siguientes preguntas:\n\n%s",
"released": {
"description": "%s ha lanzado este ticket.",
"title": "✅ Ticket lanzado"
"survey": {
"complete": {
"description": "Gracias por tus comentarios.",
"title": "✅ Gracias"
"start": {
"description": "Hey, %s. Antes de que este canal sea eliminado, ¿te importaría completar una encuesta rápida de %d preguntas? Reacciona con ✅ para empezar, de lo contrario ignora este mensaje.",
"title": "Comentarios"
"bot": {
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "Discord Tickets requiere los siguientes permisos:\n\n%s",
"title": "⚠️"
"version": "[Discord Tickets](%s) v%s por [eartharoid](%s)"
"cmd_usage": {
"args": {
"description": "**Descripción** %s",
"example": "**Ejemplo** `%s`"
"description": "**Uso:**\n`%s`\n\n**Ejemplo:**\n`%s`\n\nLos argumentos requeridos están prefijados con `❗`.",
"invalid_named_args": {
"description": "Hay un error en la sintaxis de tu comando: `%s`.\nEscribe `%s` para un ejemplo.\nPor favor pregunte al staff si no está seguro.",
"title": "❌ Sintaxis inválida"
"named_args": "Este comando utiliza argumentos nombrados.\n\n",
"title": "`%s` uso del comando"
"collector_expires_in": "Expira en %d segundos",
"commands": {
"add": {
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "El miembro a agregar al ticket",
"example": "@alguien",
"name": "miembro"
"ticket": {
"description": "El ticket para agregar al miembro a",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"description": "Agregar a un miembro al ticket",
"name": "agregar",
"response": {
"added": {
"description": "%s a sido agregado a %s.",
"title": "✅ Miembro agregado"
"no_member": {
"description": "Por favor, menciona al miembro que desea agregar.",
"title": "❌ Miembro desconocido"
"no_permission": {
"description": "No eres el creador de este ticket y no eres parte del staff, no puedes agregar miembros a este ticket.",
"title": "❌ Permisos insuficientes"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Por favor utiliza este comando en el canal de tickets, o menciona el canal.",
"title": "❌ Este no es un canal de tickets"
"blacklist": {
"aliases": {
"unblacklist": "unblacklist"
"args": {
"member_or_role": {
"description": "El miembro o rol que se va a añadir o o remover",
"example": "@MiembroTravieso",
"name": "miembroORol"
"description": "Añade o elimina de la lista negra a un miembro, para que no interactúe con el BOT",
"name": "blacklist",
"response": {
"empty_list": {
"description": "No hay miembros ni roles en la lista negra. Escribe `%sblacklist <memberOrRole>` para añadir a un miembro o rol a ésta.",
"title": "📃 Miembros y roles en la lista negra"
"illegal_action": {
"description": "%s es un miembro del personal, por lo tanto no puede ser añadido en la lista negra.",
"title": "❌ No puedes añadir a la lista negra a este miembro"
"list": {
"title": "📃 Miembros y roles en la lista negra"
"member_added": {
"description": "<@%s> fue añadido a la lista negra. Ya no podrá interactuar con el BOT, a menos de que sea removido.",
"title": "✅ Miembro añadido a la lista negra"
"member_removed": {
"description": "<@%s> fue eliminado de la lista negra. Ahora puede usar el BOT nuevamente.",
"title": "✅ Miembro eliminado de la lista negra"
"role_added": {
"description": "<@&%s> fue añadido a la lista negra. Miembros que tengan este rol no podrán interactuar con el BOT hasta que sea removido.",
"title": "✅ Rol añadido a la lista negra"
"role_removed": {
"description": "<@&%s> fue eliminado de la lista negra. Miembros que tengan este rol pueden interactuar con el BOT nuevamente.",
"title": "✅ Rol removido de la lista negra"
"close": {
"aliases": {
"delete": "eliminar",
"lock": "bloquear"
"args": {
"reason": {
"alias": "r",
"description": "La razón por la cual cerrar el(los) ticket(s)",
"name": "razón"
"ticket": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "El ticket a cerrar, ya sea la mención o la ID del canal",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"time": {
"alias": "T",
"description": "Cerrar todos los tickets que estuvieron inactivos por el tiempo especificado o más",
"example": "1w",
"name": "tiempo"
"description": "Cerrar un canal de ticket",
"name": "cerrar",
"response": {
"closed": {
"description": "El ticket #%s fue cerrado.",
"title": "✅ Ticket cerrado"
"closed_multiple": {
"description": [
"El ticket %d fue cerrado.",
"%d tickets fueron cerrados."
"title": [
"✅ Ticket cerrado",
"✅ Tickets cerrados"
"confirm": {
"description": "Reacciona con ✅ para cerrar este ticket.",
"description_with_archive": "Reacciona con ✅ para cerrar el ticket.\nSerás capaz de ver una versión archivada del mismo después.",
"title": "❔ ¿Estás seguro?"
"confirmation_timeout": {
"description": "Has tardado demasiado en confirmarlo.",
"title": "❌ El tiempo de la reacción ha expirado"
"confirm_multiple": {
"description": [
"Reacciona con ✅ para cerrar el ticket %d.",
"Reacciona con✅ para cerrar los tickets %d."
"title": "❔ ¿Estás seguro?"
"invalid_time": {
"description": "El período de tiempo ingresado no pudo ser analizado.",
"title": "❌ Entrada inválida"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Por favor, utiliza este comando en un canal de tickets, o usa la bandera de tickets.\nEjecuta `%shelp close` para más información.",
"title": "❌ Este no es un canal de tickets"
"no_tickets": {
"description": "No hay tickets que hayan estado inactivos durante este período de tiempo.",
"title": "❌ No hay tickets para cerrar"
"unresolvable": {
"description": "`%s` no pudo ser resuelto como un ticket. Por favor, ingresa la mención, ID o número del ticket.",
"title": "❌ Error"
"help": {
"aliases": {
"command": "comando",
"commands": "comandos"
"args": {
"command": {
"description": "El comando sobre el que mostrar información",
"example": "nuevo",
"name": "comando"
"description": "Listar comandos a los que tienes acceso para ejecutar, u obtiene más información sobre un comando",
"name": "ayuda",
"response": {
"list": {
"description": "Los comandos a los que tienes acceso están listados debajo. Para más información sobre un comando, ejecuta `{prefix}help [command]`. para crear un ticket, ejecuta `{prefix}new [topic]`.",
"fields": {
"commands": "Comandos"
"title": "❔ Ayuda"
"new": {
"aliases": {
"create": "crear",
"open": "abrir",
"ticket": "ticket"
"args": {
"topic": {
"description": "El tema del ticket",
"example": "Problema con la facturación",
"name": "tema"
"description": "Crear un nuevo ticket",
"name": "nuevo",
"response": {
"created": {
"description": "Tu ticket fue creado: %s.",
"title": "✅ Ticket creado"
"error": {
"title": "❌ Error"
"has_a_ticket": {
"description": "Por favor, utiliza tu ticket existente (<#%s>) o ciérralo antes de crear otro.",
"title": "❌ Ya tienes un ticket abierto"
"max_tickets": {
"description": "Por favor, utiliza el comando `%sclose` ´para cerrar tickets inatendidos.\n\n%s",
"title": "❌ Ya tienes %d tickets abiertos"
"no_categories": {
"description": "Un administrador del servidor debe crear al menos una categoría de tickets antes de que un nuevo ticket pueda ser abierto.",
"title": "❌ No se puede crear el ticket"
"select_category": {
"description": "Selecciona la categoría más relevante para el tema de tu ticket:\n\n%s",
"title": "🔤 Por favor, selecciona la categoría de tu ticket"
"select_category_timeout": {
"description": "Has tardado demasiado tiempo en seleccionar la categoría de tickets.",
"title": "❌ El tiempo de la reacción ha expirado"
"request_topic": {
"description": "Por favor, indica de qué se trata este ticket en pocas palabras.",
"title": "Tema del ticket"
"panel": {
"args": {
"categories": {
"alias": "c",
"description": "Una ID de categoría",
"example": "451745464954650634",
"name": "categorías"
"description": {
"alias": "d",
"description": "La descripción para el mensaje del panel",
"example": "\"Reacciona a este mensaje para abrir un ticket.\"",
"name": "descripción"
"emoji": {
"alias": "e",
"description": "Un emoji",
"example": "🎫",
"name": "emoji"
"title": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "El título del mensaje del panel",
"example": "\"Tickets de soporte\"",
"name": "título"
"description": "Crear un nuevo panel de tickets",
"name": "panel",
"response": {
"invalid_category": {
"description": "Una o más de las ID de categoría ingresadas no son válidas.",
"title": "❌ Categoría inválida"
"mismatch": {
"description": "Por favor, ingresa el nombre y número de emojis junto con las ID de categorías.",
"title": "❌ Entrada inválida"
"remove": {
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "El miembro a eliminar del ticket",
"example": "@alguien",
"name": "miembro"
"ticket": {
"description": "El ticket del que eliminar al miembro",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"description": "Eliminar a un miembro de un ticket",
"name": "eliminar",
"response": {
"removed": {
"description": "%s fue eliminado de %s.",
"title": "✅ Miembro eliminado"
"no_member": {
"description": "Por favor, menciona al miembro que deseas eliminar.",
"title": "❌ Miembro desconocido"
"no_permission": {
"description": "Tú no eres el creador de este ticket ni un miembro del personal, por lo que no puedes remover miembros de este ticket.",
"title": "❌ Permisos insuficientes"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Por favor utiliza este comando en el canal de tickets, o menciona el canal.",
"title": "❌ Este no es un canal de tickets"
"settings": {
"aliases": {
"config": "config"
"description": "Configurar Discord Tickets",
"name": "ajustes",
"response": {
"invalid": "❌ Los datos de configuración son inválidos, por favor, consulta la documentación.\n%s",
"updated": "✅ La configuración fue actualizada."
"stats": {
"description": "Mostrar estadísticas del ticket",
"fields": {
"messages": "Mensajes",
"response_time": {
"minutes": "%s minutos",
"title": "Tiempo de respuesta promedio"
"tickets": "Tickets"
"name": "stats",
"response": {
"global": {
"description": "Estadísticas sobre los tickets en todos los servidores donde se utiliza esta instancia de Discord Tickets.",
"title": "📊 Estadísticas globales"
"guild": {
"description": "Estadísticas sobre los tickets de este servidor. Estos datos son almacenados en la caché durante una hora.",
"title": "📊 Estadísticas de este servidor"
"survey": {
"aliases": {
"surveys": "encuestas"
"args": {
"survey": {
"description": "El nombre de la encuesta de la que ver las respuestas",
"example": "soporte",
"name": "encuesta"
"description": "Ver respuestas de la encuesta",
"name": "encuesta",
"response": {
"list": {
"title": "📃 Encuestas"
"tag": {
"aliases": {
"faq": "preguntasfrecuentes",
"t": "t",
"tags": "etiquetas"
"args": {
"tag": {
"description": "El nombre de la etiqueta a usar",
"example": "sitioweb",
"name": "etiqueta"
"description": "Usar una respuesta de etiqueta",
"name": "etiqueta",
"response": {
"error": "❌ Error",
"list": {
"title": "📃 Lista de etiquetas"
"missing": "Esta etiqueta requiere los siguientes argumentos:\n%s",
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Esta etiqueta solo puede utilizarse dentro de un canal de tickets, ya que utiliza referencias de éste.",
"title": "❌ Este no es un canal de tickets"
"topic": {
"args": {
"new_topic": {
"description": "El nuevo tema del ticket",
"example": "problema de facturación",
"name": "nuevo_tema"
"description": "Cambiar el tema del ticket",
"name": "tema",
"response": {
"changed": {
"description": "El tema de este ticket ha sido cambiado.",
"title": "✅ Tema cambiado"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Por favor, utiliza este comando en el canal de ticket en el que deseas cambiar el tema.",
"title": "❌ Este no es un canal de tickets"
"command_execution_error": {
"description": "Un error inesperado ha ocurrido durante la ejecución del comando.\nPor favor, pregúntale a un administrador para revisar la consola o los registros y obtener más información.",
"title": "⚠️"
"message_will_be_deleted_in": "Este mensaje será eliminado en %d segundos",
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "No tienes los permisos requeridos para ejecutar este comando:\n%s",
"title": "❌"
"staff_only": {
"description": "Debes ser un miembro del personal para utilizar este comando.",
"title": "❌"
"ticket": {
"claimed": {
"description": "%s ha reclamado el ticket.",
"title": "✅ Ticket reclamado"
"closed": {
"description": "Este ticket fue cerrado.\nEl canal será eliminado en 5 segundos.",
"title": "✅ Ticket cerrado"
"closed_by_member": {
"description": "Este ticket ha sido cerrado por %s.\nEl canal será eliminado en 5 segundos.",
"title": "✅ Ticket cerrado"
"closed_by_member_with_reason": {
"description": "Este ticket ha sido cerrado por %s: `%s`\nEl canal será eliminado en 5 segundos.",
"title": "✅ Ticket cerrado"
"closed_with_reason": {
"description": "Este ticket ha sido cerrado: `%s`\nEl canal será eliminado en 5 segundos.",
"title": "✅ Ticket cerrado"
"member_added": {
"description": "%s fue añadido por %s",
"title": "Miembro añadido"
"member_removed": {
"description": "%s fue eliminado por %s",
"title": "Miembro removido"
"opening_message": {
"fields": {
"topic": "Tema"
"questions": "Por favor, responde las siguientes preguntas:\n\n%s",
"released": {
"description": "%s ha lanzado este ticket.",
"title": "✅ Ticket lanzado"
"survey": {
"complete": {
"description": "Gracias por tus comentarios.",
"title": "✅ Gracias"
"start": {
"description": "Hey, %s. Antes de que este canal sea eliminado, ¿te importaría completar una encuesta rápida de %d preguntas? Reacciona con ✅ para empezar, de lo contrario ignora este mensaje.",
"title": "Comentarios"

View File

@ -1,494 +1,487 @@
"bot": {
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "Discord Tickets nécessite les autorisations suivantes :\n%s",
"title": "⚠️"
"version": "[Billets Discord] (%s) v%s par [eartharoid](%s)"
"cmd_usage": {
"args": {
"description": "**Description:** %s",
"example": "**Exemple:** '%s'"
"description": "**Utilisation:**\n'%s'\n\n**Exemple:**\n'%s'\n\nLes arguments requis sont préfixés avec '❗'.",
"invalid_named_args": {
"description": "Il y a une erreur dans votre syntaxe de commande : «%s».\nType '%s' par exemple.\nsil vous plaît demander à un membre du personnel si vous nêtes pas sûr.",
"title": "❌ syntaxe invalide"
"named_args": "Cette commande utilise des arguments nommés.\n\n",
"title": "'%s' utilisation de commande"
"collector_expires_in": "Expire en %d secondes",
"commands": {
"add": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "Le membre à ajouter au billet",
"example": "@someone",
"name": "membre"
"ticket": {
"description": "Le billet pour ajouter le membre à",
"example": "217",
"name": "billet"
"description": "Ajouter un membre à un billet",
"name": "ajouter",
"response": {
"added": {
"description": "%s a été ajouté à %s.",
"title": "✅ membre a ajouté"
"no_member": {
"description": "Veuillez mentionner le membre que vous souhaitez ajouter.",
"title": "❌ membre inconnu"
"no_permission": {
"description": "Vous nêtes pas le créateur de ce billet et vous nêtes pas un membre du personnel; vous ne pouvez pas ajouter de membres à ce billet.",
"title": "❌ autorisation insuffisante"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Sil vous plaît utiliser cette commande dans le canal de billet, ou mentionner le canal.",
"title": "❌ Ce nest pas une chaîne de billets"
"blacklist": {
"aliases": {
"unblacklist": "unblacklist (en)"
"args": {
"member_or_role": {
"description": "Le membre ou le rôle dajouter/supprimer",
"example": "@NaughtyMember",
"name": "membreOrRole"
"description": "Liste noire/non noire dun membre dinteragir avec le bot",
"name": "liste noire",
"response": {
"empty_list": {
"description": "Il ny a pas de membres ou de rôles sur la liste noire. Tapez «%sliste noire <memberOrRole>» pour ajouter un membre ou un rôle à la liste noire.",
"title": "📃 membres et rôles sur la liste noire"
"illegal_action": {
"description": "%s est un membre du personnel et ne peut pas être mis sur la liste noire.",
"title": "❌ Vous ne pouvez pas mettre sur liste noire ce membre"
"list": {
"title": "📃 membres et rôles sur la liste noire"
"member_added": {
"description": "<@%s> a été ajouté à la liste noire. Ils ne seront plus en mesure dinteragir avec le bot.",
"title": "✅ membre ajouté à la liste noire"
"member_removed": {
"description": "<@%s> a été retiré de la liste noire. Ils peuvent maintenant utiliser le bot à nouveau.",
"title": "✅ membre ajouté à la liste noire"
"role_added": {
"description": "<@&%s> a été ajouté à la liste noire. Les membres avec ce rôle ne seront plus en mesure dinteragir avec le bot.",
"title": "✅ membre ajouté à la liste noire"
"role_removed": {
"description": "<@&%s> a été retiré de la liste noire. Les membres avec ce rôle peuvent maintenant utiliser le bot à nouveau.",
"title": "✅ membre ajouté à la liste noire"
"close": {
"aliases": {
"delete": "supprimer",
"lock": "lock"
"args": {
"reason": {
"alias": "r",
"description": "La raison de la fermeture du billet(s)",
"example": "",
"name": "raison"
"ticket": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "Le billet à fermer, soit le numéro ou la mention de la chaîne / ID",
"example": "217",
"name": "billet"
"time": {
"alias": "T",
"description": "Fermez tous les billets inactifs pour lheure spécifiée",
"example": "1w",
"name": "heure"
"description": "Fermer un canal de billets",
"name": "fermer",
"response": {
"closed": {
"description": "Le ticket #%s a été fermé.",
"title": "✅ billet fermé"
"closed_multiple": {
"description": [
"le ticket #%s a été fermé.",
"le ticket #%s a été fermé."
"title": [
"✅ billet fermé",
"✅ billet fermé"
"confirm": {
"description": "Réagissez avec ✅ pour fermer ce billet.",
"description_with_archive": "Vous pourrez voir une version archivée de celui-ci après.\nréagissez avec ✅ pour fermer ce billet.",
"title": "❔ En êtes-vous sûr ?"
"confirmation_timeout": {
"description": "Tu as mis trop de temps à confirmer.",
"title": "❌ temps de réaction expiré"
"confirm_multiple": {
"description": [
"Réagissez avec ✅ pour fermer ce billet.",
"Réagissez avec ✅ pour fermer ce billet."
"title": "❔ En êtes-vous sûr ?"
"invalid_time": {
"description": "La période prévue na pas pu être parsed.",
"title": "❌ entrée invalide"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Veuillez utiliser cette commande dans un canal de billetterie ou utiliser le drapeau du billet.\ntype «%sà fermer » pour plus dinformations.",
"title": "❌ Ce nest pas une chaîne de billets"
"no_tickets": {
"description": "Il ny a pas de billets inactifs pour cette période.",
"title": "❌ pas de billets à fermer"
"unresolvable": {
"description": "'%s' ne pouvait pas être résolu à un billet. Veuillez fournir liD/mention ou le numéro du billet.",
"title": "❌ erreur"
"help": {
"aliases": {
"command": "commandes",
"commands": "commandes"
"args": {
"command": {
"description": "La commande dafficher des informations sur",
"example": "nouveau",
"name": "commandes"
"description": "Listez les commandes à qui vous avez accès ou en savoir plus sur une commande",
"name": "aide",
"response": {
"list": {
"description": "Les commandes auquel vous avez accès sont listées ci-dessous. Pour plus dinformations sur une commande, utilisez «{prefix}help [command]». Pour créer un billet, utilisez «{prefix}new [topic]».",
"fields": {
"commands": "Commandes"
"title": "❔ Aide"
"new": {
"aliases": {
"create": "créer",
"open": "ouvrir",
"ticket": "billet"
"args": {
"topic": {
"description": "Le sujet du billet",
"example": "Problème avec la facturation",
"name": "sujet"
"description": "Créer un nouveau billet",
"name": "nouveau",
"response": {
"created": {
"description": "Votre billet a été créé : %s.",
"title": "✅ billet fermé"
"error": {
"title": "❌ erreur"
"has_a_ticket": {
"description": "Sil vous plaît utiliser votre billet <# existant (%s>) ou le fermer avant de créer un autre.",
"title": "❌ Vous avez déjà un billet ouvert"
"max_tickets": {
"description": "Sil vous%s'utiliser «  à proximité » pour fermer tous les billets non utilisés.\n\n%s",
"title": "❌ Vous avez déjà un billet ouvert"
"no_categories": {
"description": "Un administrateur serveur doit créer au moins une catégorie de billets avant quun nouveau billet puisse être ouvert.",
"title": "❌ ne peut pas créer de billet"
"select_category": {
"description": "Sélectionnez la catégorie la plus pertinente pour le sujet de votre billet :\n\n%s",
"title": "🔤 Veuillez sélectionner la catégorie de billets"
"select_category_timeout": {
"description": "Vous avez mis trop de temps à sélectionner la catégorie de billets.",
"title": "❌ temps de réaction expiré"
"request_topic": {
"description": "Sil vous plaît brièvement dire ce que ce billet est denviron en quelques mots.",
"title": "Sujet des billets"
"panel": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"categories": {
"alias": "c",
"description": "Un ID de catégorie",
"example": "451745464954650634",
"name": "catégories"
"description": {
"alias": "d",
"description": "La description du message du panneau",
"example":  Réagissez à ce message pour ouvrir un billet. »",
"name": "description"
"emoji": {
"alias": "e",
"description": "Un emoji",
"example": "🎫",
"name": "emoji"
"title": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "La description du message du panneau",
"example":  Billets de soutien »",
"name": "titre"
"description": "Créer un nouveau billet",
"name": "panneau",
"response": {
"invalid_category": {
"description": "Un ou plusieurs des ID de catégorie spécifiés sont invalides.",
"title": "❌ catégorie Invalide"
"mismatch": {
"description": "Veuillez fournir le numéro de nom des emojis et des iD de catégorie.",
"title": "❌ entrée invalide"
"remove": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "Le membre à ajouter au billet",
"example": "@someone",
"name": "membre"
"ticket": {
"description": "Le billet pour ajouter le membre à",
"example": "217",
"name": "billet"
"description": "Retirer un membre dun billet",
"name": "enlever",
"response": {
"removed": {
"description": "%s a été ajouté à %s.",
"title": "✅ Membre retiré"
"no_member": {
"description": "Veuillez mentionner le membre que vous souhaitez ajouter.",
"title": "❌ membre inconnu"
"no_permission": {
"description": "Vous nêtes pas le créateur de ce billet et vous nêtes pas un membre du personnel; vous ne pouvez pas ajouter de membres à ce billet.",
"title": "❌ autorisation insuffisante"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Sil vous plaît utiliser cette commande dans le canal de billet, ou mentionner le canal.",
"title": "❌ Ce nest pas une chaîne de billets"
"settings": {
"aliases": {
"config": "config (config)"
"description": "Configurer les billets discorde",
"name": "paramètres",
"response": {
"invalid": "❌ paramètres est invalide; veuillez consulter la documentation.\n%s",
"updated": "✅ paramètres ont été mis à jour."
"stats": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {},
"description": "Afficher les statistiques des billets",
"fields": {
"messages": "Messages",
"response_time": {
"minutes": "%s minutes",
"title": "Avg. temps de réponse"
"tickets": "Billet"
"name": "stats",
"response": {
"global": {
"description": "Statistiques sur les billets dans toutes les guildes où cette instance Discord TIckets est utilisée.",
"title": "📊 statistiques mondiales"
"guild": {
"description": "Statistiques sur les billets au sein de cette guilde. Ces données sont mises en cache pendant une heure.",
"title": "📊 statistiques de ce serveur"
"survey": {
"aliases": {
"surveys": "enquêtes"
"args": {
"survey": {
"description": "Le nom de lenquête pour afficher les réponses des",
"example": "soutien",
"name": "enquêtes"
"description": "Voir les réponses au sondage",
"name": "enquêtes",
"response": {
"list": {
"title": "📃 enquêtes"
"tag": {
"aliases": {
"faq": "faq",
"t": "t",
"tags": "étiquettes"
"args": {
"tag": {
"description": "Le nom de létiquette à utiliser",
"example": "site Internet",
"name": "étiquettes"
"description": "Utiliser une réponse détiquette",
"name": "étiquettes",
"response": {
"error": "❌ erreur",
"list": {
"title": "📃 tag"
"missing": "Cette balise nécessite les arguments suivants :\n%s",
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Cette balise ne peut être utilisée que dans un canal de billetterie car elle utilise des références de billets.",
"title": "❌ Ce nest pas une chaîne de billets"
"topic": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"new_topic": {
"description": "Le sujet du billet",
"example": "question de facturation",
"name": "new_topic"
"description": "Le sujet du billet",
"name": "sujet",
"response": {
"changed": {
"description": "Le sujet de ce billet a été changé.",
"title": "✅ sujet a changé"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Sil vous plaît utiliser cette commande dans le canal de billet, ou mentionner le canal.",
"title": "❌ Ce nest pas une chaîne de billets"
"command_execution_error": {
"description": "Une erreur inattendue sest produite lors de lexécution de commande.\nsil vous plaît demander à un administrateur de vérifier la sortie de la console / journaux pour plus de détails.",
"title": "⚠️"
"message_will_be_deleted_in": "Ce message sera supprimé en quelques %d secondes",
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "Vous navez pas les autorisations requises pour utiliser cette commande :\n%s",
"title": "❌"
"staff_only": {
"description": "Vous devez être un membre du personnel pour utiliser cette commande.",
"title": "❌"
"ticket": {
"claimed": {
"description": "%s a réclamé ce billet.",
"title": "✅ billet fermé"
"closed": {
"description": "Ce billet a été fermé.\nLe canal sera supprimé en 5 secondes.",
"title": "✅ billet fermé"
"closed_by_member": {
"description": "Ce billet a été fermé.\nLe canal sera supprimé en 5 secondes.",
"title": "✅ billet fermé"
"closed_by_member_with_reason": {
"description": "Ce billet a été fermé.\nLe canal sera supprimé en 5 secondes.",
"title": "✅ billet fermé"
"closed_with_reason": {
"description": "Ce billet a été fermé.\nLe canal sera supprimé en 5 secondes.",
"title": "✅ billet fermé"
"member_added": {
"description": "%s a été ajouté à %s",
"title": "Membre a ajouté"
"member_removed": {
"description": "%s a été ajouté à %s",
"title": "Membre retiré"
"opening_message": {
"fields": {
"topic": "Sujet"
"questions": "Sil vous plaît répondre aux questions suivantes:\n\n%s",
"released": {
"description": "%s a réclamé ce billet.",
"title": "✅ billet fermé"
"survey": {
"complete": {
"description": "Merci pour vos commentaires.",
"title": "✅ Merci"
"start": {
"description": "Hé, %s. Avant que ce canal soit supprimé, pourriez-vous remplir un rapide %d-question? Réagissez avec ✅ pour démarrer ou ignorer ce message.",
"title": "❔ commentaires"
"bot": {
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "Discord Tickets nécessite les autorisations suivantes :\n%s",
"title": "⚠️"
"version": "[Billets Discord] (%s) v%s par [eartharoid](%s)"
"cmd_usage": {
"args": {
"description": "**Description:** %s",
"example": "**Exemple:** '%s'"
"description": "**Utilisation:**\n'%s'\n\n**Exemple:**\n'%s'\n\nLes arguments requis sont préfixés avec '❗'.",
"invalid_named_args": {
"description": "Il y a une erreur dans votre syntaxe de commande : «%s».\nType '%s' par exemple.\nsil vous plaît demander à un membre du personnel si vous nêtes pas sûr.",
"title": "❌ syntaxe invalide"
"named_args": "Cette commande utilise des arguments nommés.\n\n",
"title": "'%s' utilisation de commande"
"collector_expires_in": "Expire en %d secondes",
"commands": {
"add": {
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "Le membre à ajouter au billet",
"example": "@someone",
"name": "membre"
"ticket": {
"description": "Le billet pour ajouter le membre à",
"example": "217",
"name": "billet"
"description": "Ajouter un membre à un billet",
"name": "ajouter",
"response": {
"added": {
"description": "%s a été ajouté à %s.",
"title": "✅ membre a ajouté"
"no_member": {
"description": "Veuillez mentionner le membre que vous souhaitez ajouter.",
"title": "❌ membre inconnu"
"no_permission": {
"description": "Vous nêtes pas le créateur de ce billet et vous nêtes pas un membre du personnel; vous ne pouvez pas ajouter de membres à ce billet.",
"title": "❌ autorisation insuffisante"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Sil vous plaît utiliser cette commande dans le canal de billet, ou mentionner le canal.",
"title": "❌ Ce nest pas une chaîne de billets"
"blacklist": {
"aliases": {
"unblacklist": "unblacklist (en)"
"args": {
"member_or_role": {
"description": "Le membre ou le rôle dajouter/supprimer",
"example": "@NaughtyMember",
"name": "membreOrRole"
"description": "Liste noire/non noire dun membre dinteragir avec le bot",
"name": "liste noire",
"response": {
"empty_list": {
"description": "Il ny a pas de membres ou de rôles sur la liste noire. Tapez «%sliste noire <memberOrRole>» pour ajouter un membre ou un rôle à la liste noire.",
"title": "📃 membres et rôles sur la liste noire"
"illegal_action": {
"description": "%s est un membre du personnel et ne peut pas être mis sur la liste noire.",
"title": "❌ Vous ne pouvez pas mettre sur liste noire ce membre"
"list": {
"title": "📃 membres et rôles sur la liste noire"
"member_added": {
"description": "<@%s> a été ajouté à la liste noire. Ils ne seront plus en mesure dinteragir avec le bot.",
"title": "✅ membre ajouté à la liste noire"
"member_removed": {
"description": "<@%s> a été retiré de la liste noire. Ils peuvent maintenant utiliser le bot à nouveau.",
"title": "✅ membre ajouté à la liste noire"
"role_added": {
"description": "<@&%s> a été ajouté à la liste noire. Les membres avec ce rôle ne seront plus en mesure dinteragir avec le bot.",
"title": "✅ membre ajouté à la liste noire"
"role_removed": {
"description": "<@&%s> a été retiré de la liste noire. Les membres avec ce rôle peuvent maintenant utiliser le bot à nouveau.",
"title": "✅ membre ajouté à la liste noire"
"close": {
"aliases": {
"delete": "supprimer",
"lock": "lock"
"args": {
"reason": {
"alias": "r",
"description": "La raison de la fermeture du billet(s)",
"name": "raison"
"ticket": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "Le billet à fermer, soit le numéro ou la mention de la chaîne / ID",
"example": "217",
"name": "billet"
"time": {
"alias": "T",
"description": "Fermez tous les billets inactifs pour lheure spécifiée",
"example": "1w",
"name": "heure"
"description": "Fermer un canal de billets",
"name": "fermer",
"response": {
"closed": {
"description": "Le ticket #%s a été fermé.",
"title": "✅ billet fermé"
"closed_multiple": {
"description": [
"le ticket #%s a été fermé.",
"le ticket #%s a été fermé."
"title": [
"✅ billet fermé",
"✅ billet fermé"
"confirm": {
"description": "Réagissez avec ✅ pour fermer ce billet.",
"description_with_archive": "Vous pourrez voir une version archivée de celui-ci après.\nréagissez avec ✅ pour fermer ce billet.",
"title": "❔ En êtes-vous sûr ?"
"confirmation_timeout": {
"description": "Tu as mis trop de temps à confirmer.",
"title": "❌ temps de réaction expiré"
"confirm_multiple": {
"description": [
"Réagissez avec ✅ pour fermer ce billet.",
"Réagissez avec ✅ pour fermer ce billet."
"title": "❔ En êtes-vous sûr ?"
"invalid_time": {
"description": "La période prévue na pas pu être parsed.",
"title": "❌ entrée invalide"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Veuillez utiliser cette commande dans un canal de billetterie ou utiliser le drapeau du billet.\ntype «%sà fermer » pour plus dinformations.",
"title": "❌ Ce nest pas une chaîne de billets"
"no_tickets": {
"description": "Il ny a pas de billets inactifs pour cette période.",
"title": "❌ pas de billets à fermer"
"unresolvable": {
"description": "'%s' ne pouvait pas être résolu à un billet. Veuillez fournir liD/mention ou le numéro du billet.",
"title": "❌ erreur"
"help": {
"aliases": {
"command": "commandes",
"commands": "commandes"
"args": {
"command": {
"description": "La commande dafficher des informations sur",
"example": "nouveau",
"name": "commandes"
"description": "Listez les commandes à qui vous avez accès ou en savoir plus sur une commande",
"name": "aide",
"response": {
"list": {
"description": "Les commandes auquel vous avez accès sont listées ci-dessous. Pour plus dinformations sur une commande, utilisez «{prefix}help [command]». Pour créer un billet, utilisez «{prefix}new [topic]».",
"fields": {
"commands": "Commandes"
"title": "❔ Aide"
"new": {
"aliases": {
"create": "créer",
"open": "ouvrir",
"ticket": "billet"
"args": {
"topic": {
"description": "Le sujet du billet",
"example": "Problème avec la facturation",
"name": "sujet"
"description": "Créer un nouveau billet",
"name": "nouveau",
"response": {
"created": {
"description": "Votre billet a été créé : %s.",
"title": "✅ billet fermé"
"error": {
"title": "❌ erreur"
"has_a_ticket": {
"description": "Sil vous plaît utiliser votre billet <# existant (%s>) ou le fermer avant de créer un autre.",
"title": "❌ Vous avez déjà un billet ouvert"
"max_tickets": {
"description": "Sil vous%s'utiliser «  à proximité » pour fermer tous les billets non utilisés.\n\n%s",
"title": "❌ Vous avez déjà un billet ouvert"
"no_categories": {
"description": "Un administrateur serveur doit créer au moins une catégorie de billets avant quun nouveau billet puisse être ouvert.",
"title": "❌ ne peut pas créer de billet"
"select_category": {
"description": "Sélectionnez la catégorie la plus pertinente pour le sujet de votre billet :\n\n%s",
"title": "🔤 Veuillez sélectionner la catégorie de billets"
"select_category_timeout": {
"description": "Vous avez mis trop de temps à sélectionner la catégorie de billets.",
"title": "❌ temps de réaction expiré"
"request_topic": {
"description": "Sil vous plaît brièvement dire ce que ce billet est denviron en quelques mots.",
"title": "Sujet des billets"
"panel": {
"args": {
"categories": {
"alias": "c",
"description": "Un ID de catégorie",
"example": "451745464954650634",
"name": "catégories"
"description": {
"alias": "d",
"description": "La description du message du panneau",
"example":  Réagissez à ce message pour ouvrir un billet. »",
"name": "description"
"emoji": {
"alias": "e",
"description": "Un emoji",
"example": "🎫",
"name": "emoji"
"title": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "La description du message du panneau",
"example":  Billets de soutien »",
"name": "titre"
"description": "Créer un nouveau billet",
"name": "panneau",
"response": {
"invalid_category": {
"description": "Un ou plusieurs des ID de catégorie spécifiés sont invalides.",
"title": "❌ catégorie Invalide"
"mismatch": {
"description": "Veuillez fournir le numéro de nom des emojis et des iD de catégorie.",
"title": "❌ entrée invalide"
"remove": {
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "Le membre à ajouter au billet",
"example": "@someone",
"name": "membre"
"ticket": {
"description": "Le billet pour ajouter le membre à",
"example": "217",
"name": "billet"
"description": "Retirer un membre dun billet",
"name": "enlever",
"response": {
"removed": {
"description": "%s a été ajouté à %s.",
"title": "✅ Membre retiré"
"no_member": {
"description": "Veuillez mentionner le membre que vous souhaitez ajouter.",
"title": "❌ membre inconnu"
"no_permission": {
"description": "Vous nêtes pas le créateur de ce billet et vous nêtes pas un membre du personnel; vous ne pouvez pas ajouter de membres à ce billet.",
"title": "❌ autorisation insuffisante"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Sil vous plaît utiliser cette commande dans le canal de billet, ou mentionner le canal.",
"title": "❌ Ce nest pas une chaîne de billets"
"settings": {
"aliases": {
"config": "config (config)"
"description": "Configurer les billets discorde",
"name": "paramètres",
"response": {
"invalid": "❌ paramètres est invalide; veuillez consulter la documentation.\n%s",
"updated": "✅ paramètres ont été mis à jour."
"stats": {
"description": "Afficher les statistiques des billets",
"fields": {
"messages": "Messages",
"response_time": {
"minutes": "%s minutes",
"title": "Avg. temps de réponse"
"tickets": "Billet"
"name": "stats",
"response": {
"global": {
"description": "Statistiques sur les billets dans toutes les guildes où cette instance Discord TIckets est utilisée.",
"title": "📊 statistiques mondiales"
"guild": {
"description": "Statistiques sur les billets au sein de cette guilde. Ces données sont mises en cache pendant une heure.",
"title": "📊 statistiques de ce serveur"
"survey": {
"aliases": {
"surveys": "enquêtes"
"args": {
"survey": {
"description": "Le nom de lenquête pour afficher les réponses des",
"example": "soutien",
"name": "enquêtes"
"description": "Voir les réponses au sondage",
"name": "enquêtes",
"response": {
"list": {
"title": "📃 enquêtes"
"tag": {
"aliases": {
"faq": "faq",
"t": "t",
"tags": "étiquettes"
"args": {
"tag": {
"description": "Le nom de létiquette à utiliser",
"example": "site Internet",
"name": "étiquettes"
"description": "Utiliser une réponse détiquette",
"name": "étiquettes",
"response": {
"error": "❌ erreur",
"list": {
"title": "📃 tag"
"missing": "Cette balise nécessite les arguments suivants :\n%s",
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Cette balise ne peut être utilisée que dans un canal de billetterie car elle utilise des références de billets.",
"title": "❌ Ce nest pas une chaîne de billets"
"topic": {
"args": {
"new_topic": {
"description": "Le sujet du billet",
"example": "question de facturation",
"name": "new_topic"
"description": "Le sujet du billet",
"name": "sujet",
"response": {
"changed": {
"description": "Le sujet de ce billet a été changé.",
"title": "✅ sujet a changé"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Sil vous plaît utiliser cette commande dans le canal de billet, ou mentionner le canal.",
"title": "❌ Ce nest pas une chaîne de billets"
"command_execution_error": {
"description": "Une erreur inattendue sest produite lors de lexécution de commande.\nsil vous plaît demander à un administrateur de vérifier la sortie de la console / journaux pour plus de détails.",
"title": "⚠️"
"message_will_be_deleted_in": "Ce message sera supprimé en quelques %d secondes",
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "Vous navez pas les autorisations requises pour utiliser cette commande :\n%s",
"title": "❌"
"staff_only": {
"description": "Vous devez être un membre du personnel pour utiliser cette commande.",
"title": "❌"
"ticket": {
"claimed": {
"description": "%s a réclamé ce billet.",
"title": "✅ billet fermé"
"closed": {
"description": "Ce billet a été fermé.\nLe canal sera supprimé en 5 secondes.",
"title": "✅ billet fermé"
"closed_by_member": {
"description": "Ce billet a été fermé.\nLe canal sera supprimé en 5 secondes.",
"title": "✅ billet fermé"
"closed_by_member_with_reason": {
"description": "Ce billet a été fermé.\nLe canal sera supprimé en 5 secondes.",
"title": "✅ billet fermé"
"closed_with_reason": {
"description": "Ce billet a été fermé.\nLe canal sera supprimé en 5 secondes.",
"title": "✅ billet fermé"
"member_added": {
"description": "%s a été ajouté à %s",
"title": "Membre a ajouté"
"member_removed": {
"description": "%s a été ajouté à %s",
"title": "Membre retiré"
"opening_message": {
"fields": {
"topic": "Sujet"
"questions": "Sil vous plaît répondre aux questions suivantes:\n\n%s",
"released": {
"description": "%s a réclamé ce billet.",
"title": "✅ billet fermé"
"survey": {
"complete": {
"description": "Merci pour vos commentaires.",
"title": "✅ Merci"
"start": {
"description": "Hé, %s. Avant que ce canal soit supprimé, pourriez-vous remplir un rapide %d-question? Réagissez avec ✅ pour démarrer ou ignorer ce message.",
"title": "❔ commentaires"

View File

@ -1,494 +1,487 @@
"bot": {
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "कलह टिकट निम्नलिखित अनुमतियों की आवश्यकता है:\n%s",
"title": "⚠️"
"version": "[Discord टिकट] (%s) v%s [eartharoid](%s) द्वारा"
"cmd_usage": {
"args": {
"description": "**विवरण:** %s",
"example": "**उदाहरण:** '%s'"
"description": "*** उपयोग: **\n'%s'\n\n**उदाहरण: **\n'%s'\n\nआवश्यक तर्क '❗' के साथ पूर्वनिर्धारित हैं।",
"invalid_named_args": {
"description": "आपके आदेश सिंटेक्स में एक त्रुटि है: '%s'। उदाहरण\nलिए '%s' टाइप।\nकृपया कर्मचारियों के एक सदस्य से पूछो अगर तुम अनिश्चित हैं ।",
"title": "❌ अमान्य वाक्य रचना"
"named_args": "यह आदेश नामी तर्कों का उपयोग करता है।\n\n",
"title": "'%s' कमांड यूसेज"
"collector_expires_in": "%d सेकंड में समाप्त हो रहा है",
"commands": {
"add": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "सदस्य टिकट में जोड़ने के लिए",
"example": "@someone",
"name": "सदस्य"
"ticket": {
"description": "The ticket to add the member to",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"description": "Add a member to a ticket",
"name": "add",
"response": {
"added": {
"description": "%s has been added to %s.",
"title": "✅ Member added"
"no_member": {
"description": "Please mention the member you want to add.",
"title": "❌ Unknown member"
"no_permission": {
"description": "You are not the creator of this ticket and you are not a staff member; you can't add members to this ticket.",
"title": "❌ Insufficient permission"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in the ticket channel, or mention the channel.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"blacklist": {
"aliases": {
"unblacklist": "unblacklist"
"args": {
"member_or_role": {
"description": "The member or role to add/remove",
"example": "@NaughtyMember",
"name": "memberOrRole"
"description": "Blacklist/unblacklist a member from interacting with the bot",
"name": "blacklist",
"response": {
"empty_list": {
"description": "There are no members or roles blacklisted. Type `%sblacklist <memberOrRole>` to add a member or role to the blacklist.",
"title": "📃 Blacklisted members and roles"
"illegal_action": {
"description": "%s is a staff member and cannot be blacklisted.",
"title": "❌ You can't blacklist this member"
"list": {
"title": "📃 Blacklisted members and roles"
"member_added": {
"description": "<@%s> has been added to the blacklist. They will no longer be able to interact with the bot.",
"title": "✅ Added member to blacklist"
"member_removed": {
"description": "<@%s> has been removed from the blacklist. They can now use the bot again.",
"title": "✅ Removed member from blacklist"
"role_added": {
"description": "<@&%s> has been added to the blacklist. Members with this role will no longer be able to interact with the bot.",
"title": "✅ Added role to blacklist"
"role_removed": {
"description": "<@&%s> has been removed from the blacklist. Members with this role can now use the bot again.",
"title": "✅ Removed role from blacklist"
"close": {
"aliases": {
"delete": "delete",
"lock": "lock"
"args": {
"reason": {
"alias": "r",
"description": "The reason for closing the ticket(s)",
"example": "",
"name": "reason"
"ticket": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "The ticket to close, either the number or the channel mention/ID",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"time": {
"alias": "T",
"description": "Close all tickets that have been inactive for the specified time",
"example": "1w",
"name": "time"
"description": "Close a ticket channel",
"name": "close",
"response": {
"closed": {
"description": "Ticket #%s has been closed.",
"title": "✅ Ticket closed"
"closed_multiple": {
"description": [
"%d ticket has been closed.",
"%d tickets have been closed."
"title": [
"✅ Ticket closed",
"✅ Tickets closed"
"confirm": {
"description": "React with ✅ to close this ticket.",
"description_with_archive": "You will be able to view an archived version of it after.\nReact with ✅ to close this ticket.",
"title": "❔ Are you sure?"
"confirmation_timeout": {
"description": "You took too long to confirm.",
"title": "❌ Reaction time expired"
"confirm_multiple": {
"description": [
"React with ✅ to close %d ticket.",
"React with ✅ to close %d tickets."
"title": "❔ Are you sure?"
"invalid_time": {
"description": "The time period provided could not be parsed.",
"title": "❌ Invalid input"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in a ticket channel or use the ticket flag.\nType `%shelp close` for more information.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"no_tickets": {
"description": "There are no tickets which have been inactive for this time period.",
"title": "❌ No tickets to close"
"unresolvable": {
"description": "`%s` could not be resolved to a ticket. Please provide the ticket ID/mention or number.",
"title": "❌ Error"
"help": {
"aliases": {
"command": "command",
"commands": "commands"
"args": {
"command": {
"description": "The command to display information about",
"example": "new",
"name": "command"
"description": "List commands you have access to, or find out more about a command",
"name": "help",
"response": {
"list": {
"description": "The commands you have access to are listed below. For more information about a command, type `{prefix}help [command]`. To create a ticket, type `{prefix}new [topic]`.",
"fields": {
"commands": "Commands"
"title": "❔ Help"
"new": {
"aliases": {
"create": "create",
"open": "open",
"ticket": "ticket"
"args": {
"topic": {
"description": "The topic of the ticket",
"example": "Problem with billing",
"name": "topic"
"description": "Create a new ticket",
"name": "new",
"response": {
"created": {
"description": "Your ticket has been created: %s.",
"title": "✅ Ticket created"
"error": {
"title": "❌ Error"
"has_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use your existing ticket (<#%s>) or close it before creating another.",
"title": "❌ You already have an open ticket"
"max_tickets": {
"description": "Please use `%sclose` to close any unneeded tickets.\n\n%s",
"title": "❌ You already have %d open tickets"
"no_categories": {
"description": "A server administrator must create at least one ticket category before a new ticket can be opened.",
"title": "❌ Can't create ticket"
"select_category": {
"description": "Select the category most relevant to your ticket's topic:\n\n%s",
"title": "🔤 Please select the ticket category"
"select_category_timeout": {
"description": "You took too long to select the ticket category.",
"title": "❌ Reaction time expired"
"request_topic": {
"description": "Please briefly state what this ticket is about in a a few words.",
"title": "Ticket topic"
"panel": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"categories": {
"alias": "c",
"description": "A category ID",
"example": "451745464954650634",
"name": "categories"
"description": {
"alias": "d",
"description": "The description for the panel message",
"example": "\"React to this message to open a ticket.\"",
"name": "description"
"emoji": {
"alias": "e",
"description": "An emoji",
"example": "🎫",
"name": "emoji"
"title": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "The title for the panel message",
"example": "\"Support tickets\"",
"name": "title"
"description": "Create a new ticket panel",
"name": "panel",
"response": {
"invalid_category": {
"description": "One or more of the specified category IDs is invalid.",
"title": "❌ Invalid category"
"mismatch": {
"description": "Please provide the name number of emojis and category IDs.",
"title": "❌ Invalid input"
"remove": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "The member to remove from the ticket",
"example": "@someone",
"name": "सदस्य"
"ticket": {
"description": "The ticket to remove the member from",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"description": "Remove a member from a ticket",
"name": "remove",
"response": {
"removed": {
"description": "%s has been removed from %s.",
"title": "✅ Member removed"
"no_member": {
"description": "Please mention the member you want to remove.",
"title": "❌ Unknown member"
"no_permission": {
"description": "You are not the creator of this ticket and you are not a staff member; you can't remove members from this ticket.",
"title": "❌ Insufficient permission"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in the ticket channel, or mention the channel.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"settings": {
"aliases": {
"config": "config"
"description": "Configure Discord Tickets",
"name": "settings",
"response": {
"invalid": "❌ Settings data is invalid; please refer to the documentation.\n%s",
"updated": "✅ Settings have been updated."
"stats": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {},
"description": "Display ticket statistics",
"fields": {
"messages": "Messages",
"response_time": {
"minutes": "%s minutes",
"title": "Avg. response time"
"tickets": "Tickets"
"name": "stats",
"response": {
"global": {
"description": "Statistics about tickets across all guilds where this Discord TIckets instance is used.",
"title": "📊 Global stats"
"guild": {
"description": "Statistics about tickets within this guild. This data is cached for an hour.",
"title": "📊 This server's stats"
"survey": {
"aliases": {
"surveys": "surveys"
"args": {
"survey": {
"description": "The name of the survey to view responses of",
"example": "support",
"name": "survey"
"description": "View survey responses",
"name": "survey",
"response": {
"list": {
"title": "📃 Surveys"
"tag": {
"aliases": {
"faq": "faq",
"t": "t",
"tags": "tags"
"args": {
"tag": {
"description": "The name of the tag to use",
"example": "website",
"name": "tag"
"description": "Use a tag response",
"name": "tag",
"response": {
"error": "❌ Error",
"list": {
"title": "📃 Tag list"
"missing": "This tag requires the following arguments:\n%s",
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "This tag can only be used within a ticket channel as it uses ticket references.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"topic": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"new_topic": {
"description": "The new topic of the ticket",
"example": "billing issue",
"name": "new_topic"
"description": "Change the topic of the ticket",
"name": "topic",
"response": {
"changed": {
"description": "This ticket's topic has been changed.",
"title": "✅ Topic changed"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in the ticket channel you want to change the topic of.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"command_execution_error": {
"description": "An unexpected error occurred during command execution.\nPlease ask an administrator to check the console output / logs for details.",
"title": "⚠️"
"message_will_be_deleted_in": "This message will be deleted in %d seconds",
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "You do not have the permissions required to use this command:\n%s",
"title": "❌"
"staff_only": {
"description": "You must be a member of staff to use this command.",
"title": "❌"
"ticket": {
"claimed": {
"description": "%s has claimed this ticket.",
"title": "✅ Ticket claimed"
"closed": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed.\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Ticket closed"
"closed_by_member": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed by %s.\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Ticket closed"
"closed_by_member_with_reason": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed by %s: `%s`\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Ticket closed"
"closed_with_reason": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed: `%s`\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Ticket closed"
"member_added": {
"description": "%s has been added by %s",
"title": "Member added"
"member_removed": {
"description": "%s has been removed by %s",
"title": "Member removed"
"opening_message": {
"fields": {
"topic": "Topic"
"questions": "Please answer the following questions:\n\n%s",
"released": {
"description": "%s has released this ticket.",
"title": "✅ Ticket released"
"survey": {
"complete": {
"description": "Thank you for your feedback.",
"title": "✅ Thank you"
"start": {
"description": "Hey, %s. Before this channel is deleted, would you mind completing a quick %d-question survey? React with ✅ to start, or ignore this message.",
"title": "❔ Feedback"
"bot": {
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "कलह टिकट निम्नलिखित अनुमतियों की आवश्यकता है:\n%s",
"title": "⚠️"
"version": "[Discord टिकट] (%s) v%s [eartharoid](%s) द्वारा"
"cmd_usage": {
"args": {
"description": "**विवरण:** %s",
"example": "**उदाहरण:** '%s'"
"description": "*** उपयोग: **\n'%s'\n\n**उदाहरण: **\n'%s'\n\nआवश्यक तर्क '❗' के साथ पूर्वनिर्धारित हैं।",
"invalid_named_args": {
"description": "आपके आदेश सिंटेक्स में एक त्रुटि है: '%s'। उदाहरण\nलिए '%s' टाइप।\nकृपया कर्मचारियों के एक सदस्य से पूछो अगर तुम अनिश्चित हैं ।",
"title": "❌ अमान्य वाक्य रचना"
"named_args": "यह आदेश नामी तर्कों का उपयोग करता है।\n\n",
"title": "'%s' कमांड यूसेज"
"collector_expires_in": "%d सेकंड में समाप्त हो रहा है",
"commands": {
"add": {
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "सदस्य टिकट में जोड़ने के लिए",
"example": "@someone",
"name": "सदस्य"
"ticket": {
"description": "The ticket to add the member to",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"description": "Add a member to a ticket",
"name": "add",
"response": {
"added": {
"description": "%s has been added to %s.",
"title": "✅ Member added"
"no_member": {
"description": "Please mention the member you want to add.",
"title": "❌ Unknown member"
"no_permission": {
"description": "You are not the creator of this ticket and you are not a staff member; you can't add members to this ticket.",
"title": "❌ Insufficient permission"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in the ticket channel, or mention the channel.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"blacklist": {
"aliases": {
"unblacklist": "unblacklist"
"args": {
"member_or_role": {
"description": "The member or role to add/remove",
"example": "@NaughtyMember",
"name": "memberOrRole"
"description": "Blacklist/unblacklist a member from interacting with the bot",
"name": "blacklist",
"response": {
"empty_list": {
"description": "There are no members or roles blacklisted. Type `%sblacklist <memberOrRole>` to add a member or role to the blacklist.",
"title": "📃 Blacklisted members and roles"
"illegal_action": {
"description": "%s is a staff member and cannot be blacklisted.",
"title": "❌ You can't blacklist this member"
"list": {
"title": "📃 Blacklisted members and roles"
"member_added": {
"description": "<@%s> has been added to the blacklist. They will no longer be able to interact with the bot.",
"title": "✅ Added member to blacklist"
"member_removed": {
"description": "<@%s> has been removed from the blacklist. They can now use the bot again.",
"title": "✅ Removed member from blacklist"
"role_added": {
"description": "<@&%s> has been added to the blacklist. Members with this role will no longer be able to interact with the bot.",
"title": "✅ Added role to blacklist"
"role_removed": {
"description": "<@&%s> has been removed from the blacklist. Members with this role can now use the bot again.",
"title": "✅ Removed role from blacklist"
"close": {
"aliases": {
"delete": "delete",
"lock": "lock"
"args": {
"reason": {
"alias": "r",
"description": "The reason for closing the ticket(s)",
"name": "reason"
"ticket": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "The ticket to close, either the number or the channel mention/ID",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"time": {
"alias": "T",
"description": "Close all tickets that have been inactive for the specified time",
"example": "1w",
"name": "time"
"description": "Close a ticket channel",
"name": "close",
"response": {
"closed": {
"description": "Ticket #%s has been closed.",
"title": "✅ Ticket closed"
"closed_multiple": {
"description": [
"%d ticket has been closed.",
"%d tickets have been closed."
"title": [
"✅ Ticket closed",
"✅ Tickets closed"
"confirm": {
"description": "React with ✅ to close this ticket.",
"description_with_archive": "You will be able to view an archived version of it after.\nReact with ✅ to close this ticket.",
"title": "❔ Are you sure?"
"confirmation_timeout": {
"description": "You took too long to confirm.",
"title": "❌ Reaction time expired"
"confirm_multiple": {
"description": [
"React with ✅ to close %d ticket.",
"React with ✅ to close %d tickets."
"title": "❔ Are you sure?"
"invalid_time": {
"description": "The time period provided could not be parsed.",
"title": "❌ Invalid input"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in a ticket channel or use the ticket flag.\nType `%shelp close` for more information.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"no_tickets": {
"description": "There are no tickets which have been inactive for this time period.",
"title": "❌ No tickets to close"
"unresolvable": {
"description": "`%s` could not be resolved to a ticket. Please provide the ticket ID/mention or number.",
"title": "❌ Error"
"help": {
"aliases": {
"command": "command",
"commands": "commands"
"args": {
"command": {
"description": "The command to display information about",
"example": "new",
"name": "command"
"description": "List commands you have access to, or find out more about a command",
"name": "help",
"response": {
"list": {
"description": "The commands you have access to are listed below. For more information about a command, type `{prefix}help [command]`. To create a ticket, type `{prefix}new [topic]`.",
"fields": {
"commands": "Commands"
"title": "❔ Help"
"new": {
"aliases": {
"create": "create",
"open": "open",
"ticket": "ticket"
"args": {
"topic": {
"description": "The topic of the ticket",
"example": "Problem with billing",
"name": "topic"
"description": "Create a new ticket",
"name": "new",
"response": {
"created": {
"description": "Your ticket has been created: %s.",
"title": "✅ Ticket created"
"error": {
"title": "❌ Error"
"has_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use your existing ticket (<#%s>) or close it before creating another.",
"title": "❌ You already have an open ticket"
"max_tickets": {
"description": "Please use `%sclose` to close any unneeded tickets.\n\n%s",
"title": "❌ You already have %d open tickets"
"no_categories": {
"description": "A server administrator must create at least one ticket category before a new ticket can be opened.",
"title": "❌ Can't create ticket"
"select_category": {
"description": "Select the category most relevant to your ticket's topic:\n\n%s",
"title": "🔤 Please select the ticket category"
"select_category_timeout": {
"description": "You took too long to select the ticket category.",
"title": "❌ Reaction time expired"
"request_topic": {
"description": "Please briefly state what this ticket is about in a a few words.",
"title": "Ticket topic"
"panel": {
"args": {
"categories": {
"alias": "c",
"description": "A category ID",
"example": "451745464954650634",
"name": "categories"
"description": {
"alias": "d",
"description": "The description for the panel message",
"example": "\"React to this message to open a ticket.\"",
"name": "description"
"emoji": {
"alias": "e",
"description": "An emoji",
"example": "🎫",
"name": "emoji"
"title": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "The title for the panel message",
"example": "\"Support tickets\"",
"name": "title"
"description": "Create a new ticket panel",
"name": "panel",
"response": {
"invalid_category": {
"description": "One or more of the specified category IDs is invalid.",
"title": "❌ Invalid category"
"mismatch": {
"description": "Please provide the name number of emojis and category IDs.",
"title": "❌ Invalid input"
"remove": {
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "The member to remove from the ticket",
"example": "@someone",
"name": "सदस्य"
"ticket": {
"description": "The ticket to remove the member from",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"description": "Remove a member from a ticket",
"name": "remove",
"response": {
"removed": {
"description": "%s has been removed from %s.",
"title": "✅ Member removed"
"no_member": {
"description": "Please mention the member you want to remove.",
"title": "❌ Unknown member"
"no_permission": {
"description": "You are not the creator of this ticket and you are not a staff member; you can't remove members from this ticket.",
"title": "❌ Insufficient permission"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in the ticket channel, or mention the channel.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"settings": {
"aliases": {
"config": "config"
"description": "Configure Discord Tickets",
"name": "settings",
"response": {
"invalid": "❌ Settings data is invalid; please refer to the documentation.\n%s",
"updated": "✅ Settings have been updated."
"stats": {
"description": "Display ticket statistics",
"fields": {
"messages": "Messages",
"response_time": {
"minutes": "%s minutes",
"title": "Avg. response time"
"tickets": "Tickets"
"name": "stats",
"response": {
"global": {
"description": "Statistics about tickets across all guilds where this Discord TIckets instance is used.",
"title": "📊 Global stats"
"guild": {
"description": "Statistics about tickets within this guild. This data is cached for an hour.",
"title": "📊 This server's stats"
"survey": {
"aliases": {
"surveys": "surveys"
"args": {
"survey": {
"description": "The name of the survey to view responses of",
"example": "support",
"name": "survey"
"description": "View survey responses",
"name": "survey",
"response": {
"list": {
"title": "📃 Surveys"
"tag": {
"aliases": {
"faq": "faq",
"t": "t",
"tags": "tags"
"args": {
"tag": {
"description": "The name of the tag to use",
"example": "website",
"name": "tag"
"description": "Use a tag response",
"name": "tag",
"response": {
"error": "❌ Error",
"list": {
"title": "📃 Tag list"
"missing": "This tag requires the following arguments:\n%s",
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "This tag can only be used within a ticket channel as it uses ticket references.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"topic": {
"args": {
"new_topic": {
"description": "The new topic of the ticket",
"example": "billing issue",
"name": "new_topic"
"description": "Change the topic of the ticket",
"name": "topic",
"response": {
"changed": {
"description": "This ticket's topic has been changed.",
"title": "✅ Topic changed"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in the ticket channel you want to change the topic of.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"command_execution_error": {
"description": "An unexpected error occurred during command execution.\nPlease ask an administrator to check the console output / logs for details.",
"title": "⚠️"
"message_will_be_deleted_in": "This message will be deleted in %d seconds",
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "You do not have the permissions required to use this command:\n%s",
"title": "❌"
"staff_only": {
"description": "You must be a member of staff to use this command.",
"title": "❌"
"ticket": {
"claimed": {
"description": "%s has claimed this ticket.",
"title": "✅ Ticket claimed"
"closed": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed.\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Ticket closed"
"closed_by_member": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed by %s.\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Ticket closed"
"closed_by_member_with_reason": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed by %s: `%s`\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Ticket closed"
"closed_with_reason": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed: `%s`\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Ticket closed"
"member_added": {
"description": "%s has been added by %s",
"title": "Member added"
"member_removed": {
"description": "%s has been removed by %s",
"title": "Member removed"
"opening_message": {
"fields": {
"topic": "Topic"
"questions": "Please answer the following questions:\n\n%s",
"released": {
"description": "%s has released this ticket.",
"title": "✅ Ticket released"
"survey": {
"complete": {
"description": "Thank you for your feedback.",
"title": "✅ Thank you"
"start": {
"description": "Hey, %s. Before this channel is deleted, would you mind completing a quick %d-question survey? React with ✅ to start, or ignore this message.",
"title": "❔ Feedback"

View File

@ -1,494 +1,487 @@
"bot": {
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "Discord Tickets requires the following permissions:\n%s",
"title": "⚠️"
"version": "[Discord Tickets](%s) versi %s oleh [eartharoid](%s)"
"cmd_usage": {
"args": {
"description": "**Deskripsi:** %s",
"example": "**Contoh:** '%s'"
"description": "**Pemakaian:**\n'%s'\n\n**Contoh:**\n'%s'\n\nArgumen-argumen yang dibutuhkan dimulai dengan `❗`.",
"invalid_named_args": {
"description": "There is an error in your command syntax: `%s`.\nType `%s` for an example.\nPlease ask a member of staff if you are unsure.",
"title": "❌ Invalid syntax"
"named_args": "Command ini membutuhkan argument bernama.\n\n",
"title": "Pemakaian command '%s'"
"collector_expires_in": "Kadaluwarsa dalam %d detik",
"commands": {
"add": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "The member to add to the ticket",
"example": "@someone",
"name": "member"
"ticket": {
"description": "The ticket to add the member to",
"example": "217",
"name": "tiket"
"description": "Add a member to a ticket",
"name": "add",
"response": {
"added": {
"description": "%s has been added to %s.",
"title": "✅ Member added"
"no_member": {
"description": "Please mention the member you want to add.",
"title": "❌ Unknown member"
"no_permission": {
"description": "You are not the creator of this ticket and you are not a staff member; you can't add members to this ticket.",
"title": "❌ Insufficient permission"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in the ticket channel, or mention the channel.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"blacklist": {
"aliases": {
"unblacklist": "hapus blokir"
"args": {
"member_or_role": {
"description": "The member or role to add/remove",
"example": "@NaughtyMember",
"name": "anggota atau role"
"description": "Blok/hapus blok seorang anggota dari berinteraksi dengan bot ini",
"name": "blok",
"response": {
"empty_list": {
"description": "Tidak ada anggota atau role yang di blok. Ketik `%sblok <memberOrRole>` untuk menambahkan member atau role ke daftar blokir.",
"title": "📃 Daftar anggota-anggota yang di blok"
"illegal_action": {
"description": "%s adalah seorang anggota staf dan tidak bisa di blokir.",
"title": "❌ Anda tidak bisa blokir anggota ini"
"list": {
"title": "📃 Daftar anggota-anggota yang di blok"
"member_added": {
"description": "<@%s> telah ditambahkan ke daftar blokir. Mereka tidak akan lagi dapat berinteraksi dengan bot ini.",
"title": "✅ Berhasil menambahkan anggota ke daftar blokir"
"member_removed": {
"description": "<@%s> telah dihapus dari daftar blokir. Sekarang mereka dapat menggunakan bot ini lagi.",
"title": "✅ Berhasil menghapus anggota dari daftar blokir"
"role_added": {
"description": "<@&%s> telah ditambahkan ke daftar blokir. Anggota-anggota dengan role ini tidak akan lagi dapat berinteraksi dengan bot ini.",
"title": "✅ Berhasil menambahkan role ke daftar blokir"
"role_removed": {
"description": "<@&%s> telah dihapus dari daftar blokir. Anggota-anggota dengan role ini sekarang dapat menggunakan bot ini lagi.",
"title": "✅ Berhasil menghapus role dari daftar blokir"
"close": {
"aliases": {
"delete": "hapus",
"lock": "lock"
"args": {
"reason": {
"alias": "r",
"description": "The reason for closing the ticket(s)",
"example": "",
"name": "reason"
"ticket": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "The ticket to close, either the number or the channel mention/ID",
"example": "217",
"name": "tiket"
"time": {
"alias": "T",
"description": "Close all tickets that have been inactive for the specified time",
"example": "1w",
"name": "time"
"description": "Tutup sebuah channel tiket",
"name": "tutup",
"response": {
"closed": {
"description": "Ticket #%s has been closed.",
"title": "✅ Tiket ditutup"
"closed_multiple": {
"description": [
"%d ticket has been closed.",
"%d tickets have been closed."
"title": [
"✅ Tiket ditutup",
"✅ Tickets closed"
"confirm": {
"description": "React with ✅ to close this ticket.",
"description_with_archive": "You will be able to view an archived version of it after.\nReact with ✅ to close this ticket.",
"title": "❔ Are you sure?"
"confirmation_timeout": {
"description": "You took too long to confirm.",
"title": "❌ Waktu reaksi habis"
"confirm_multiple": {
"description": [
"React with ✅ to close %d ticket.",
"React with ✅ to close %d tickets."
"title": "❔ Are you sure?"
"invalid_time": {
"description": "The time period provided could not be parsed.",
"title": "❌ Invalid input"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in a ticket channel or use the ticket flag.\nType `%shelp close` for more information.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"no_tickets": {
"description": "There are no tickets which have been inactive for this time period.",
"title": "❌ No tickets to close"
"unresolvable": {
"description": "`%s` could not be resolved to a ticket. Please provide the ticket ID/mention or number.",
"title": "❌ Error"
"help": {
"aliases": {
"command": "command",
"commands": "commands"
"args": {
"command": {
"description": "The command to display information about",
"example": "baru",
"name": "command"
"description": "List commands you have access to, or find out more about a command",
"name": "help",
"response": {
"list": {
"description": "The commands you have access to are listed below. For more information about a command, type `{prefix}help [command]`. To create a ticket, type `{prefix}new [topic]`.",
"fields": {
"commands": "Commands"
"title": "❔ Help"
"new": {
"aliases": {
"create": "buat",
"open": "buka",
"ticket": "tiket"
"args": {
"topic": {
"description": "Topik tiket",
"example": "Masalah dengan penagihan",
"name": "topik"
"description": "Buat tiket baru",
"name": "baru",
"response": {
"created": {
"description": "Tiket anda telah dibuat: %s.",
"title": "✅ Tiket dibuat"
"error": {
"title": "❌ Error"
"has_a_ticket": {
"description": "Silahkan gunakan tiket yang ada (<#%s>) atau tutup tiket tersebut sebelum membuat tiket lain.",
"title": "❌ Anda sudah memiliki tiket yang buka"
"max_tickets": {
"description": "Tolong gunakan `%stutup` untuk menutup tiket yang tidak perlu.\n\n%s",
"title": "❌ Anda sudah memiliki %d tiket yang buka"
"no_categories": {
"description": "Seorang administrator server harus membuat setidaknya satu kategori tikey sebelum tiket baru dapat dibuka.",
"title": "❌ Tidak dapat membuat tiket"
"select_category": {
"description": "Pilih kategory yang paling relevan denga topik tiket anda:\n\n%s",
"title": "🔤 Tolong pilih kategori tiket"
"select_category_timeout": {
"description": "Anda terlalu lama untuk memilih kategori tiket.",
"title": "❌ Waktu reaksi habis"
"request_topic": {
"description": "Tolong beri tahu secara singkat untuk apa tiket ini dibuat dalam beberapa kata.",
"title": "Topik tiket"
"panel": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"categories": {
"alias": "c",
"description": "A category ID",
"example": "451745464954650634",
"name": "categories"
"description": {
"alias": "d",
"description": "The description for the panel message",
"example": "\"React to this message to open a ticket.\"",
"name": "description"
"emoji": {
"alias": "e",
"description": "An emoji",
"example": "🎫",
"name": "emoji"
"title": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "The title for the panel message",
"example": "\"Support tickets\"",
"name": "title"
"description": "Create a new ticket panel",
"name": "panel",
"response": {
"invalid_category": {
"description": "One or more of the specified category IDs is invalid.",
"title": "❌ Invalid category"
"mismatch": {
"description": "Please provide the name number of emojis and category IDs.",
"title": "❌ Invalid input"
"remove": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "The member to remove from the ticket",
"example": "@someone",
"name": "member"
"ticket": {
"description": "The ticket to remove the member from",
"example": "217",
"name": "tiket"
"description": "Remove a member from a ticket",
"name": "remove",
"response": {
"removed": {
"description": "%s has been removed from %s.",
"title": "✅ Member removed"
"no_member": {
"description": "Please mention the member you want to remove.",
"title": "❌ Unknown member"
"no_permission": {
"description": "You are not the creator of this ticket and you are not a staff member; you can't remove members from this ticket.",
"title": "❌ Insufficient permission"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in the ticket channel, or mention the channel.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"settings": {
"aliases": {
"config": "konfigurasi"
"description": "Konfigurasi Discord Tickets",
"name": "pengaturan",
"response": {
"invalid": "❌ Settings data is invalid; please refer to the documentation.\n%s",
"updated": "✅ Pengaturan telah diperbarui."
"stats": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {},
"description": "Display ticket statistics",
"fields": {
"messages": "Messages",
"response_time": {
"minutes": "%s minutes",
"title": "Avg. response time"
"tickets": "Tickets"
"name": "stats",
"response": {
"global": {
"description": "Statistics about tickets across all guilds where this Discord TIckets instance is used.",
"title": "📊 Global stats"
"guild": {
"description": "Statistics about tickets within this guild. This data is cached for an hour.",
"title": "📊 This server's stats"
"survey": {
"aliases": {
"surveys": "surveys"
"args": {
"survey": {
"description": "The name of the survey to view responses of",
"example": "support",
"name": "survey"
"description": "View survey responses",
"name": "survey",
"response": {
"list": {
"title": "📃 Surveys"
"tag": {
"aliases": {
"faq": "faq",
"t": "t",
"tags": "tags"
"args": {
"tag": {
"description": "The name of the tag to use",
"example": "website",
"name": "tag"
"description": "Use a tag response",
"name": "tag",
"response": {
"error": "❌ Error",
"list": {
"title": "📃 Tag list"
"missing": "This tag requires the following arguments:\n%s",
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "This tag can only be used within a ticket channel as it uses ticket references.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"topic": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"new_topic": {
"description": "The new topic of the ticket",
"example": "billing issue",
"name": "new_topic"
"description": "Change the topic of the ticket",
"name": "topik",
"response": {
"changed": {
"description": "This ticket's topic has been changed.",
"title": "✅ Topic changed"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in the ticket channel you want to change the topic of.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"command_execution_error": {
"description": "Eror tak terduga ketika mengeksekusi command.\nTolong tanya seorang adminstrator untuk memeriksa console atau log konsol untuk detail.",
"title": "⚠️"
"message_will_be_deleted_in": "Pesan ini akan dihapus dalam %d detik",
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "You do not have the permissions required to use this command:\n%s",
"title": "❌"
"staff_only": {
"description": "Anda harus menjadi salah seorang anggota staf untuk menggunakan command ini.",
"title": "❌"
"ticket": {
"claimed": {
"description": "%s has claimed this ticket.",
"title": "✅ Ticket claimed"
"closed": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed.\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Tiket ditutup"
"closed_by_member": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed by %s.\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Tiket ditutup"
"closed_by_member_with_reason": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed by %s: `%s`\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Tiket ditutup"
"closed_with_reason": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed: `%s`\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Tiket ditutup"
"member_added": {
"description": "%s has been added by %s",
"title": "Member added"
"member_removed": {
"description": "%s has been removed by %s",
"title": "Member removed"
"opening_message": {
"fields": {
"topic": "Topic"
"questions": "Please answer the following questions:\n\n%s",
"released": {
"description": "%s has released this ticket.",
"title": "✅ Ticket released"
"survey": {
"complete": {
"description": "Thank you for your feedback.",
"title": "✅ Thank you"
"start": {
"description": "Hey, %s. Before this channel is deleted, would you mind completing a quick %d-question survey? React with ✅ to start, or ignore this message.",
"title": "❔ Feedback"
"bot": {
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "Discord Tickets requires the following permissions:\n%s",
"title": "⚠️"
"version": "[Discord Tickets](%s) versi %s oleh [eartharoid](%s)"
"cmd_usage": {
"args": {
"description": "**Deskripsi:** %s",
"example": "**Contoh:** '%s'"
"description": "**Pemakaian:**\n'%s'\n\n**Contoh:**\n'%s'\n\nArgumen-argumen yang dibutuhkan dimulai dengan `❗`.",
"invalid_named_args": {
"description": "There is an error in your command syntax: `%s`.\nType `%s` for an example.\nPlease ask a member of staff if you are unsure.",
"title": "❌ Invalid syntax"
"named_args": "Command ini membutuhkan argument bernama.\n\n",
"title": "Pemakaian command '%s'"
"collector_expires_in": "Kadaluwarsa dalam %d detik",
"commands": {
"add": {
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "The member to add to the ticket",
"example": "@someone",
"name": "member"
"ticket": {
"description": "The ticket to add the member to",
"example": "217",
"name": "tiket"
"description": "Add a member to a ticket",
"name": "add",
"response": {
"added": {
"description": "%s has been added to %s.",
"title": "✅ Member added"
"no_member": {
"description": "Please mention the member you want to add.",
"title": "❌ Unknown member"
"no_permission": {
"description": "You are not the creator of this ticket and you are not a staff member; you can't add members to this ticket.",
"title": "❌ Insufficient permission"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in the ticket channel, or mention the channel.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"blacklist": {
"aliases": {
"unblacklist": "hapus blokir"
"args": {
"member_or_role": {
"description": "The member or role to add/remove",
"example": "@NaughtyMember",
"name": "anggota atau role"
"description": "Blok/hapus blok seorang anggota dari berinteraksi dengan bot ini",
"name": "blok",
"response": {
"empty_list": {
"description": "Tidak ada anggota atau role yang di blok. Ketik `%sblok <memberOrRole>` untuk menambahkan member atau role ke daftar blokir.",
"title": "📃 Daftar anggota-anggota yang di blok"
"illegal_action": {
"description": "%s adalah seorang anggota staf dan tidak bisa di blokir.",
"title": "❌ Anda tidak bisa blokir anggota ini"
"list": {
"title": "📃 Daftar anggota-anggota yang di blok"
"member_added": {
"description": "<@%s> telah ditambahkan ke daftar blokir. Mereka tidak akan lagi dapat berinteraksi dengan bot ini.",
"title": "✅ Berhasil menambahkan anggota ke daftar blokir"
"member_removed": {
"description": "<@%s> telah dihapus dari daftar blokir. Sekarang mereka dapat menggunakan bot ini lagi.",
"title": "✅ Berhasil menghapus anggota dari daftar blokir"
"role_added": {
"description": "<@&%s> telah ditambahkan ke daftar blokir. Anggota-anggota dengan role ini tidak akan lagi dapat berinteraksi dengan bot ini.",
"title": "✅ Berhasil menambahkan role ke daftar blokir"
"role_removed": {
"description": "<@&%s> telah dihapus dari daftar blokir. Anggota-anggota dengan role ini sekarang dapat menggunakan bot ini lagi.",
"title": "✅ Berhasil menghapus role dari daftar blokir"
"close": {
"aliases": {
"delete": "hapus",
"lock": "lock"
"args": {
"reason": {
"alias": "r",
"description": "The reason for closing the ticket(s)",
"name": "reason"
"ticket": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "The ticket to close, either the number or the channel mention/ID",
"example": "217",
"name": "tiket"
"time": {
"alias": "T",
"description": "Close all tickets that have been inactive for the specified time",
"example": "1w",
"name": "time"
"description": "Tutup sebuah channel tiket",
"name": "tutup",
"response": {
"closed": {
"description": "Ticket #%s has been closed.",
"title": "✅ Tiket ditutup"
"closed_multiple": {
"description": [
"%d ticket has been closed.",
"%d tickets have been closed."
"title": [
"✅ Tiket ditutup",
"✅ Tickets closed"
"confirm": {
"description": "React with ✅ to close this ticket.",
"description_with_archive": "You will be able to view an archived version of it after.\nReact with ✅ to close this ticket.",
"title": "❔ Are you sure?"
"confirmation_timeout": {
"description": "You took too long to confirm.",
"title": "❌ Waktu reaksi habis"
"confirm_multiple": {
"description": [
"React with ✅ to close %d ticket.",
"React with ✅ to close %d tickets."
"title": "❔ Are you sure?"
"invalid_time": {
"description": "The time period provided could not be parsed.",
"title": "❌ Invalid input"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in a ticket channel or use the ticket flag.\nType `%shelp close` for more information.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"no_tickets": {
"description": "There are no tickets which have been inactive for this time period.",
"title": "❌ No tickets to close"
"unresolvable": {
"description": "`%s` could not be resolved to a ticket. Please provide the ticket ID/mention or number.",
"title": "❌ Error"
"help": {
"aliases": {
"command": "command",
"commands": "commands"
"args": {
"command": {
"description": "The command to display information about",
"example": "baru",
"name": "command"
"description": "List commands you have access to, or find out more about a command",
"name": "help",
"response": {
"list": {
"description": "The commands you have access to are listed below. For more information about a command, type `{prefix}help [command]`. To create a ticket, type `{prefix}new [topic]`.",
"fields": {
"commands": "Commands"
"title": "❔ Help"
"new": {
"aliases": {
"create": "buat",
"open": "buka",
"ticket": "tiket"
"args": {
"topic": {
"description": "Topik tiket",
"example": "Masalah dengan penagihan",
"name": "topik"
"description": "Buat tiket baru",
"name": "baru",
"response": {
"created": {
"description": "Tiket anda telah dibuat: %s.",
"title": "✅ Tiket dibuat"
"error": {
"title": "❌ Error"
"has_a_ticket": {
"description": "Silahkan gunakan tiket yang ada (<#%s>) atau tutup tiket tersebut sebelum membuat tiket lain.",
"title": "❌ Anda sudah memiliki tiket yang buka"
"max_tickets": {
"description": "Tolong gunakan `%stutup` untuk menutup tiket yang tidak perlu.\n\n%s",
"title": "❌ Anda sudah memiliki %d tiket yang buka"
"no_categories": {
"description": "Seorang administrator server harus membuat setidaknya satu kategori tikey sebelum tiket baru dapat dibuka.",
"title": "❌ Tidak dapat membuat tiket"
"select_category": {
"description": "Pilih kategory yang paling relevan denga topik tiket anda:\n\n%s",
"title": "🔤 Tolong pilih kategori tiket"
"select_category_timeout": {
"description": "Anda terlalu lama untuk memilih kategori tiket.",
"title": "❌ Waktu reaksi habis"
"request_topic": {
"description": "Tolong beri tahu secara singkat untuk apa tiket ini dibuat dalam beberapa kata.",
"title": "Topik tiket"
"panel": {
"args": {
"categories": {
"alias": "c",
"description": "A category ID",
"example": "451745464954650634",
"name": "categories"
"description": {
"alias": "d",
"description": "The description for the panel message",
"example": "\"React to this message to open a ticket.\"",
"name": "description"
"emoji": {
"alias": "e",
"description": "An emoji",
"example": "🎫",
"name": "emoji"
"title": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "The title for the panel message",
"example": "\"Support tickets\"",
"name": "title"
"description": "Create a new ticket panel",
"name": "panel",
"response": {
"invalid_category": {
"description": "One or more of the specified category IDs is invalid.",
"title": "❌ Invalid category"
"mismatch": {
"description": "Please provide the name number of emojis and category IDs.",
"title": "❌ Invalid input"
"remove": {
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "The member to remove from the ticket",
"example": "@someone",
"name": "member"
"ticket": {
"description": "The ticket to remove the member from",
"example": "217",
"name": "tiket"
"description": "Remove a member from a ticket",
"name": "remove",
"response": {
"removed": {
"description": "%s has been removed from %s.",
"title": "✅ Member removed"
"no_member": {
"description": "Please mention the member you want to remove.",
"title": "❌ Unknown member"
"no_permission": {
"description": "You are not the creator of this ticket and you are not a staff member; you can't remove members from this ticket.",
"title": "❌ Insufficient permission"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in the ticket channel, or mention the channel.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"settings": {
"aliases": {
"config": "konfigurasi"
"description": "Konfigurasi Discord Tickets",
"name": "pengaturan",
"response": {
"invalid": "❌ Settings data is invalid; please refer to the documentation.\n%s",
"updated": "✅ Pengaturan telah diperbarui."
"stats": {
"description": "Display ticket statistics",
"fields": {
"messages": "Messages",
"response_time": {
"minutes": "%s minutes",
"title": "Avg. response time"
"tickets": "Tickets"
"name": "stats",
"response": {
"global": {
"description": "Statistics about tickets across all guilds where this Discord TIckets instance is used.",
"title": "📊 Global stats"
"guild": {
"description": "Statistics about tickets within this guild. This data is cached for an hour.",
"title": "📊 This server's stats"
"survey": {
"aliases": {
"surveys": "surveys"
"args": {
"survey": {
"description": "The name of the survey to view responses of",
"example": "support",
"name": "survey"
"description": "View survey responses",
"name": "survey",
"response": {
"list": {
"title": "📃 Surveys"
"tag": {
"aliases": {
"faq": "faq",
"t": "t",
"tags": "tags"
"args": {
"tag": {
"description": "The name of the tag to use",
"example": "website",
"name": "tag"
"description": "Use a tag response",
"name": "tag",
"response": {
"error": "❌ Error",
"list": {
"title": "📃 Tag list"
"missing": "This tag requires the following arguments:\n%s",
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "This tag can only be used within a ticket channel as it uses ticket references.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"topic": {
"args": {
"new_topic": {
"description": "The new topic of the ticket",
"example": "billing issue",
"name": "new_topic"
"description": "Change the topic of the ticket",
"name": "topik",
"response": {
"changed": {
"description": "This ticket's topic has been changed.",
"title": "✅ Topic changed"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in the ticket channel you want to change the topic of.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"command_execution_error": {
"description": "Eror tak terduga ketika mengeksekusi command.\nTolong tanya seorang adminstrator untuk memeriksa console atau log konsol untuk detail.",
"title": "⚠️"
"message_will_be_deleted_in": "Pesan ini akan dihapus dalam %d detik",
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "You do not have the permissions required to use this command:\n%s",
"title": "❌"
"staff_only": {
"description": "Anda harus menjadi salah seorang anggota staf untuk menggunakan command ini.",
"title": "❌"
"ticket": {
"claimed": {
"description": "%s has claimed this ticket.",
"title": "✅ Ticket claimed"
"closed": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed.\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Tiket ditutup"
"closed_by_member": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed by %s.\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Tiket ditutup"
"closed_by_member_with_reason": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed by %s: `%s`\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Tiket ditutup"
"closed_with_reason": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed: `%s`\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Tiket ditutup"
"member_added": {
"description": "%s has been added by %s",
"title": "Member added"
"member_removed": {
"description": "%s has been removed by %s",
"title": "Member removed"
"opening_message": {
"fields": {
"topic": "Topic"
"questions": "Please answer the following questions:\n\n%s",
"released": {
"description": "%s has released this ticket.",
"title": "✅ Ticket released"
"survey": {
"complete": {
"description": "Thank you for your feedback.",
"title": "✅ Thank you"
"start": {
"description": "Hey, %s. Before this channel is deleted, would you mind completing a quick %d-question survey? React with ✅ to start, or ignore this message.",
"title": "❔ Feedback"

View File

@ -1,494 +1,487 @@
"bot": {
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "Discord Tickets necessita i seguenti permessi.\n%s",
"title": "⚠️"
"version": "[Discord Tickets](%s) v%s di [eartharoid](%s)"
"cmd_usage": {
"args": {
"description": "**Descrizione:** %s",
"example": "**Esempio:** `%s`"
"description": "**Uso:**\n`%s`\n\n**Esempio:**\n`%s`\n\nGli argomenti richiesti hanno il prefisso `❗`.",
"invalid_named_args": {
"description": "C'è un errore nella sintassi del tuo comando: `%s`.\nDigita `%s` per un esempio.\nTi preghiamo di contattare un membro dello staff se non si è sicuri.",
"title": "❌ Sintassi invalida"
"named_args": "Questo comando utilizza argomenti denominati.\n\n",
"title": "Utilizzo dei comandi '%s'"
"collector_expires_in": "Scade tra %d secondi",
"commands": {
"add": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "Il membro da aggiungere al ticket",
"example": "@qualcuno",
"name": "membro"
"ticket": {
"description": "Il ticket a cui aggiungere il membro",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"description": "Aggiungi un membro ad un ticket",
"name": "aggiungi",
"response": {
"added": {
"description": "%s è stato aggiunto a %s.",
"title": "✅ Membro aggiunto"
"no_member": {
"description": "Si prega di menzionare il membro che si desidera aggiungere.",
"title": "❌ Membro sconosciuto"
"no_permission": {
"description": "Non sei il creatore di questo ticket e non sei neanche un membro dello staff, di conseguenza non puoi aggiungere membri a questo ticket.",
"title": "❌ Permessi insufficienti"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Usa questo comando in un ticket, o menziona il canale.",
"title": "❌ Questo canale non è un ticket"
"blacklist": {
"aliases": {
"unblacklist": "unblacklist"
"args": {
"member_or_role": {
"description": "Il membro o il ruolo da aggiungere/rimuovere",
"example": "@NaughtyMember",
"name": "membrooRuolo"
"description": "Blacklista o unblacklista un utente dal bot",
"name": "lista nera",
"response": {
"empty_list": {
"description": "Non ci sono membri o ruoli blacklistati. Digita %sblacklist <memberOrRole>` per aggiungere un membro o un ruolo alla blacklist.",
"title": "📃 Membri e ruoli nella blacklist"
"illegal_action": {
"description": "%s è un membro dello staff e non può essere blacklistato.",
"title": "❌ Non puoi blacklistare questo utente"
"list": {
"title": "📃 Membri e ruoli nella blacklist"
"member_added": {
"description": "<@%s> è stato aggiunto alla blacklist. Non saranno più in grado di interagire con il bot.",
"title": "✅ Aggiunto membro alla blacklist"
"member_removed": {
"description": "<@%s> è stato rimosso dalla blacklist. Da ora potrà ritornare ad usare il bot.",
"title": "✅ Membro rimosso dalla blacklist"
"role_added": {
"description": "<@&%s> è stato aggiunto alla blacklist. I membri con questo ruolo non saranno più in grado di interagire con il bot.",
"title": "✅ Aggiunto ruolo alla blacklist"
"role_removed": {
"description": "<@&%s> è stato rimosso dalla blacklist. I membri con questo ruolo da ora potranno ritornare ad usare il bot.",
"title": "✅ Ruolo rimosso dalla blacklist"
"close": {
"aliases": {
"delete": "rimosso",
"lock": "chiudi"
"args": {
"reason": {
"alias": "r",
"description": "La ragione della chiusura del ticket o dei ticket",
"example": "",
"name": "ragione"
"ticket": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "Il ticket da chiudere, il numero o la menzione/ID del canale",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"time": {
"alias": "T",
"description": "Chiudi tutti i ticket che sono stati inattivi per il tempo specificato",
"example": "1w",
"name": "tempo"
"description": "Chiudi un ticket",
"name": "chiudi",
"response": {
"closed": {
"description": "Il ticket #%s è stato chiuso.",
"title": "✅ Ticket chiuso"
"closed_multiple": {
"description": [
"%d è stato chiuso.",
"%d ticket sono stati chiusi."
"title": [
"✅ Ticket chiuso",
"✅ Ticket chiusi"
"confirm": {
"description": "Reagisci con ✅ per chiudere questo ticket.",
"description_with_archive": "Sarai in grado di visualizzarla dopo una versione archiviata.\nreagisci con ✅ per chiudere questo ticket.",
"title": "❔ Sei sicuro?"
"confirmation_timeout": {
"description": "Hai impiegato troppo tempo per confermare l'azione.",
"title": "❌ Tempo scaduto"
"confirm_multiple": {
"description": [
"Reagisci con ✅ per chiudere %d ticket.",
"Reagisci con ✅ per chiudere %d ticket."
"title": "❔ Sei sicuro?"
"invalid_time": {
"description": "Impossibile analizzare il periodo di tempo fornito.",
"title": "❌ Input invalido"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Si prega di utilizzare questo comando in un ticket o di usare il contrassegno del ticket.\nDigita `%shelp close` per ulteriori informazioni.",
"title": "❌ Questo canale non è un ticket"
"no_tickets": {
"description": "Non ci sono ticket che sono stati inattivi per questo periodo di tempo.",
"title": "❌ Nessun ticket da chiudere"
"unresolvable": {
"description": "`%s` non poteva essere risolto in un ticket. Si prega di fornire un ID/menzione del ticket o il numero.",
"title": "❌ Errore"
"help": {
"aliases": {
"command": "comando",
"commands": "comandi"
"args": {
"command": {
"description": "Comando di cui visualizzare informazioni",
"example": "nuovo",
"name": "comando"
"description": "Lista dei comandi a cui hai accesso o per saperne di più su un comando",
"name": "aiuto",
"response": {
"list": {
"description": "I comandi a cui hai accesso sono elencati di seguito. Per ulteriori informazioni su un comando, digita '{prefix}help [command]'. Per creare un ticket, digita '{prefix}new [topic]'.",
"fields": {
"commands": "Comandi"
"title": "❔ Aiuto"
"new": {
"aliases": {
"create": "crea",
"open": "apri",
"ticket": "ticket"
"args": {
"topic": {
"description": "L'argomento del ticket",
"example": "Problema con la fattura",
"name": "argomento"
"description": "Crea un nuovo ticket",
"name": "nuovo",
"response": {
"created": {
"description": "Il tuo ticket è stato creato: %s.",
"title": "✅ Ticket creato"
"error": {
"title": "❌ Errore"
"has_a_ticket": {
"description": "Ti preghiamo di utilizzare il tuo ticket già creato (<#%s>) o di chiuderlo prima di crearne un altro.",
"title": "❌ Hai già un ticket aperto"
"max_tickets": {
"description": "Per favore utilizza `%sclose` per chiudere i ticket non necessari.\n\n%s",
"title": "❌ Hai già %d ticket aperti"
"no_categories": {
"description": "Un amministratore del server deve creare almeno una categoria per i ticket prima di aprire un nuovo ticket.",
"title": "❌ Impossibile creare un ticket"
"select_category": {
"description": "Seleziona la categoria che si attiene di più all'argomento del tuo ticket:\n\n%s",
"title": "🔤 Seleziona la categoria dei ticket"
"select_category_timeout": {
"description": "Hai impiegato troppo tempo per selezionare la categoria del ticket.",
"title": "❌ Tempo scaduto"
"request_topic": {
"description": "Descrivi brevemente di cosa hai bisogno.",
"title": "Argomento del ticket"
"panel": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"categories": {
"alias": "c",
"description": "ID Categoria",
"example": "451745464954650634",
"name": "categorie"
"description": {
"alias": "d",
"description": "Descrizione del messaggio del pannello",
"example": "\"Reagisci a questo messaggio per aprire un ticket.\"",
"name": "descrizione"
"emoji": {
"alias": "e",
"description": "Un emoji",
"example": "🎫",
"name": "emoji"
"title": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "Titolo del messaggio del pannello",
"example": "\"Ticket di supporto\"",
"name": "titolo"
"description": "Crea un nuovo pannello dei ticket",
"name": "pannello",
"response": {
"invalid_category": {
"description": "Uno o più ID di categoria specificati non sono validi.",
"title": "❌ Categoria invalida"
"mismatch": {
"description": "Si prega di fornire il numero dell'emoji e l'ID della categoria.",
"title": "❌ Input invalido"
"remove": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "Il membro da rimuovere dal ticket",
"example": "@qualcuno",
"name": "membro"
"ticket": {
"description": "Il ticket da cui rimuovere il membro",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"description": "Rimuovi un membro dal ticket",
"name": "rimuovi",
"response": {
"removed": {
"description": "%s è stato rimosso da %s.",
"title": "✅ Membro rimosso"
"no_member": {
"description": "Si prega di menzionare il membro che si desidera rimuovere.",
"title": "❌ Membro sconosciuto"
"no_permission": {
"description": "Non sei il creatore di questo ticket e non sei neanche un membro dello staff, di conseguenza non puoi rimuovere membri da questo ticket.",
"title": "❌ Permessi insufficienti"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Usa questo comando in un ticket, o menziona il canale.",
"title": "❌ Questo canale non è un ticket"
"settings": {
"aliases": {
"config": "impostazione"
"description": "Configura il bot discord dei ticket",
"name": "impostazioni",
"response": {
"invalid": "❌ Le impostazioni sono invalide, si prega di fare riferimento alla documentazione.\n%s",
"updated": "✅ Le impostazioni sono state aggiornate."
"stats": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {},
"description": "Mostra le statistiche dei ticket",
"fields": {
"messages": "Messaggi",
"response_time": {
"minutes": "%s minuti",
"title": "Tempo di risposta media"
"tickets": "Ticket"
"name": "statistiche",
"response": {
"global": {
"description": "Statistiche sui ticket in tutti i server in cui viene utilizzata questa istanza di Discord TIckets.",
"title": "📊 Statistiche globali"
"guild": {
"description": "Statistiche sui ticket all'interno di questo server. Questi dati vengono salvati nella cache per un'ora.",
"title": "📊 Statistiche di questo server"
"survey": {
"aliases": {
"surveys": "sondaggi"
"args": {
"survey": {
"description": "Il nome del sondaggio per visualizzare le risposte",
"example": "supporto",
"name": "sondaggio"
"description": "Guarda le risposte dei sondaggi",
"name": "sondaggio",
"response": {
"list": {
"title": "📃 Sondaggi"
"tag": {
"aliases": {
"faq": "domande frequenti",
"t": "t",
"tags": "tag"
"args": {
"tag": {
"description": "Il nome del tag da utilizzare",
"example": "sito web",
"name": "tag"
"description": "Usa un tag per rispondere",
"name": "tag",
"response": {
"error": "❌ Errore",
"list": {
"title": "📃 Lista dei tag"
"missing": "Questo tag richiede i seguenti argomenti:\n%s",
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Questo tag può essere utilizzato solo all'interno di un ticket in quanto utilizza i riferimenti ai ticket.",
"title": "❌ Questo canale non è un ticket"
"topic": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"new_topic": {
"description": "Il nuovo argomento del ticket",
"example": "problema di fatturazione",
"name": "nuovo_argomento"
"description": "Cambia l'argomento di un ticket",
"name": "argomento",
"response": {
"changed": {
"description": "L'argomento di questo biglietto è stato modificato.",
"title": "✅ Argomento cambiato"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Si prega di utilizzare questo comando in un ticket di cui si desidera modificare l'argomento.",
"title": "❌ Questo canale non è un ticket"
"command_execution_error": {
"description": "Errore imprevisto durante l'esecuzione del comando.\nChiedere a un amministratore di controllare l'output / i registri della console per i dettagli.",
"title": "⚠️"
"message_will_be_deleted_in": "Questo messaggio verrà eliminato in %d secondi",
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "Non hai i permessi richiesti per utilizzare questo comando:\n%s",
"title": "❌"
"staff_only": {
"description": "Devi essere un membro dello staff per usare questo comando.",
"title": "❌"
"ticket": {
"claimed": {
"description": "Il ticket è in revisione da parte di %s.",
"title": "✅ Ticket assegnato"
"closed": {
"description": "Questo ticket è stato chiuso.\nIl canale verrà eliminato tra 5 secondi.",
"title": "✅ Ticket chiuso"
"closed_by_member": {
"description": "Questo ticket è stato chiuso da %s.\nIl canale verrà eliminato tra 5 secondi.",
"title": "✅ Ticket chiuso"
"closed_by_member_with_reason": {
"description": "Il ticket è stato chiuso da %s: `%s`\nIl canale verrà rimosso tra 5 secondi.",
"title": "✅ Ticket chiuso"
"closed_with_reason": {
"description": "Il ticket è stato chiuso da: `%s`\nIl canale verrà eliminato tra 5 secondi.",
"title": "✅ Ticket chiuso"
"member_added": {
"description": "%s è stato aggiunto da %s",
"title": "Membro aggiunto"
"member_removed": {
"description": "%s è stato rimosso da %s",
"title": "Membro rimosso"
"opening_message": {
"fields": {
"topic": "Argomento"
"questions": "Si prega di rispondere alle seguenti domande:\n\n%s",
"released": {
"description": "%s ha rilasciato il ticket.",
"title": "✅ Ticket rilasciato"
"survey": {
"complete": {
"description": "Grazie per il tuo feedback.",
"title": "✅ Grazie"
"start": {
"description": "Ehi, %s. Prima che questo canale sia eliminato, ti dispiacerebbe completare un sondaggio %ddomande rapide? Reagisci con ✅ per avviare il sondaggio, altrimenti ignora questo messaggio.",
"title": "❔ Feedback"
"bot": {
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "Discord Tickets necessita i seguenti permessi.\n%s",
"title": "⚠️"
"version": "[Discord Tickets](%s) v%s di [eartharoid](%s)"
"cmd_usage": {
"args": {
"description": "**Descrizione:** %s",
"example": "**Esempio:** `%s`"
"description": "**Uso:**\n`%s`\n\n**Esempio:**\n`%s`\n\nGli argomenti richiesti hanno il prefisso `❗`.",
"invalid_named_args": {
"description": "C'è un errore nella sintassi del tuo comando: `%s`.\nDigita `%s` per un esempio.\nTi preghiamo di contattare un membro dello staff se non si è sicuri.",
"title": "❌ Sintassi invalida"
"named_args": "Questo comando utilizza argomenti denominati.\n\n",
"title": "Utilizzo dei comandi '%s'"
"collector_expires_in": "Scade tra %d secondi",
"commands": {
"add": {
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "Il membro da aggiungere al ticket",
"example": "@qualcuno",
"name": "membro"
"ticket": {
"description": "Il ticket a cui aggiungere il membro",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"description": "Aggiungi un membro ad un ticket",
"name": "aggiungi",
"response": {
"added": {
"description": "%s è stato aggiunto a %s.",
"title": "✅ Membro aggiunto"
"no_member": {
"description": "Si prega di menzionare il membro che si desidera aggiungere.",
"title": "❌ Membro sconosciuto"
"no_permission": {
"description": "Non sei il creatore di questo ticket e non sei neanche un membro dello staff, di conseguenza non puoi aggiungere membri a questo ticket.",
"title": "❌ Permessi insufficienti"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Usa questo comando in un ticket, o menziona il canale.",
"title": "❌ Questo canale non è un ticket"
"blacklist": {
"aliases": {
"unblacklist": "unblacklist"
"args": {
"member_or_role": {
"description": "Il membro o il ruolo da aggiungere/rimuovere",
"example": "@NaughtyMember",
"name": "membrooRuolo"
"description": "Blacklista o unblacklista un utente dal bot",
"name": "lista nera",
"response": {
"empty_list": {
"description": "Non ci sono membri o ruoli blacklistati. Digita %sblacklist <memberOrRole>` per aggiungere un membro o un ruolo alla blacklist.",
"title": "📃 Membri e ruoli nella blacklist"
"illegal_action": {
"description": "%s è un membro dello staff e non può essere blacklistato.",
"title": "❌ Non puoi blacklistare questo utente"
"list": {
"title": "📃 Membri e ruoli nella blacklist"
"member_added": {
"description": "<@%s> è stato aggiunto alla blacklist. Non saranno più in grado di interagire con il bot.",
"title": "✅ Aggiunto membro alla blacklist"
"member_removed": {
"description": "<@%s> è stato rimosso dalla blacklist. Da ora potrà ritornare ad usare il bot.",
"title": "✅ Membro rimosso dalla blacklist"
"role_added": {
"description": "<@&%s> è stato aggiunto alla blacklist. I membri con questo ruolo non saranno più in grado di interagire con il bot.",
"title": "✅ Aggiunto ruolo alla blacklist"
"role_removed": {
"description": "<@&%s> è stato rimosso dalla blacklist. I membri con questo ruolo da ora potranno ritornare ad usare il bot.",
"title": "✅ Ruolo rimosso dalla blacklist"
"close": {
"aliases": {
"delete": "rimosso",
"lock": "chiudi"
"args": {
"reason": {
"alias": "r",
"description": "La ragione della chiusura del ticket o dei ticket",
"name": "ragione"
"ticket": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "Il ticket da chiudere, il numero o la menzione/ID del canale",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"time": {
"alias": "T",
"description": "Chiudi tutti i ticket che sono stati inattivi per il tempo specificato",
"example": "1w",
"name": "tempo"
"description": "Chiudi un ticket",
"name": "chiudi",
"response": {
"closed": {
"description": "Il ticket #%s è stato chiuso.",
"title": "✅ Ticket chiuso"
"closed_multiple": {
"description": [
"%d è stato chiuso.",
"%d ticket sono stati chiusi."
"title": [
"✅ Ticket chiuso",
"✅ Ticket chiusi"
"confirm": {
"description": "Reagisci con ✅ per chiudere questo ticket.",
"description_with_archive": "Sarai in grado di visualizzarla dopo una versione archiviata.\nreagisci con ✅ per chiudere questo ticket.",
"title": "❔ Sei sicuro?"
"confirmation_timeout": {
"description": "Hai impiegato troppo tempo per confermare l'azione.",
"title": "❌ Tempo scaduto"
"confirm_multiple": {
"description": [
"Reagisci con ✅ per chiudere %d ticket.",
"Reagisci con ✅ per chiudere %d ticket."
"title": "❔ Sei sicuro?"
"invalid_time": {
"description": "Impossibile analizzare il periodo di tempo fornito.",
"title": "❌ Input invalido"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Si prega di utilizzare questo comando in un ticket o di usare il contrassegno del ticket.\nDigita `%shelp close` per ulteriori informazioni.",
"title": "❌ Questo canale non è un ticket"
"no_tickets": {
"description": "Non ci sono ticket che sono stati inattivi per questo periodo di tempo.",
"title": "❌ Nessun ticket da chiudere"
"unresolvable": {
"description": "`%s` non poteva essere risolto in un ticket. Si prega di fornire un ID/menzione del ticket o il numero.",
"title": "❌ Errore"
"help": {
"aliases": {
"command": "comando",
"commands": "comandi"
"args": {
"command": {
"description": "Comando di cui visualizzare informazioni",
"example": "nuovo",
"name": "comando"
"description": "Lista dei comandi a cui hai accesso o per saperne di più su un comando",
"name": "aiuto",
"response": {
"list": {
"description": "I comandi a cui hai accesso sono elencati di seguito. Per ulteriori informazioni su un comando, digita '{prefix}help [command]'. Per creare un ticket, digita '{prefix}new [topic]'.",
"fields": {
"commands": "Comandi"
"title": "❔ Aiuto"
"new": {
"aliases": {
"create": "crea",
"open": "apri",
"ticket": "ticket"
"args": {
"topic": {
"description": "L'argomento del ticket",
"example": "Problema con la fattura",
"name": "argomento"
"description": "Crea un nuovo ticket",
"name": "nuovo",
"response": {
"created": {
"description": "Il tuo ticket è stato creato: %s.",
"title": "✅ Ticket creato"
"error": {
"title": "❌ Errore"
"has_a_ticket": {
"description": "Ti preghiamo di utilizzare il tuo ticket già creato (<#%s>) o di chiuderlo prima di crearne un altro.",
"title": "❌ Hai già un ticket aperto"
"max_tickets": {
"description": "Per favore utilizza `%sclose` per chiudere i ticket non necessari.\n\n%s",
"title": "❌ Hai già %d ticket aperti"
"no_categories": {
"description": "Un amministratore del server deve creare almeno una categoria per i ticket prima di aprire un nuovo ticket.",
"title": "❌ Impossibile creare un ticket"
"select_category": {
"description": "Seleziona la categoria che si attiene di più all'argomento del tuo ticket:\n\n%s",
"title": "🔤 Seleziona la categoria dei ticket"
"select_category_timeout": {
"description": "Hai impiegato troppo tempo per selezionare la categoria del ticket.",
"title": "❌ Tempo scaduto"
"request_topic": {
"description": "Descrivi brevemente di cosa hai bisogno.",
"title": "Argomento del ticket"
"panel": {
"args": {
"categories": {
"alias": "c",
"description": "ID Categoria",
"example": "451745464954650634",
"name": "categorie"
"description": {
"alias": "d",
"description": "Descrizione del messaggio del pannello",
"example": "\"Reagisci a questo messaggio per aprire un ticket.\"",
"name": "descrizione"
"emoji": {
"alias": "e",
"description": "Un emoji",
"example": "🎫",
"name": "emoji"
"title": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "Titolo del messaggio del pannello",
"example": "\"Ticket di supporto\"",
"name": "titolo"
"description": "Crea un nuovo pannello dei ticket",
"name": "pannello",
"response": {
"invalid_category": {
"description": "Uno o più ID di categoria specificati non sono validi.",
"title": "❌ Categoria invalida"
"mismatch": {
"description": "Si prega di fornire il numero dell'emoji e l'ID della categoria.",
"title": "❌ Input invalido"
"remove": {
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "Il membro da rimuovere dal ticket",
"example": "@qualcuno",
"name": "membro"
"ticket": {
"description": "Il ticket da cui rimuovere il membro",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"description": "Rimuovi un membro dal ticket",
"name": "rimuovi",
"response": {
"removed": {
"description": "%s è stato rimosso da %s.",
"title": "✅ Membro rimosso"
"no_member": {
"description": "Si prega di menzionare il membro che si desidera rimuovere.",
"title": "❌ Membro sconosciuto"
"no_permission": {
"description": "Non sei il creatore di questo ticket e non sei neanche un membro dello staff, di conseguenza non puoi rimuovere membri da questo ticket.",
"title": "❌ Permessi insufficienti"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Usa questo comando in un ticket, o menziona il canale.",
"title": "❌ Questo canale non è un ticket"
"settings": {
"aliases": {
"config": "impostazione"
"description": "Configura il bot discord dei ticket",
"name": "impostazioni",
"response": {
"invalid": "❌ Le impostazioni sono invalide, si prega di fare riferimento alla documentazione.\n%s",
"updated": "✅ Le impostazioni sono state aggiornate."
"stats": {
"description": "Mostra le statistiche dei ticket",
"fields": {
"messages": "Messaggi",
"response_time": {
"minutes": "%s minuti",
"title": "Tempo di risposta media"
"tickets": "Ticket"
"name": "statistiche",
"response": {
"global": {
"description": "Statistiche sui ticket in tutti i server in cui viene utilizzata questa istanza di Discord TIckets.",
"title": "📊 Statistiche globali"
"guild": {
"description": "Statistiche sui ticket all'interno di questo server. Questi dati vengono salvati nella cache per un'ora.",
"title": "📊 Statistiche di questo server"
"survey": {
"aliases": {
"surveys": "sondaggi"
"args": {
"survey": {
"description": "Il nome del sondaggio per visualizzare le risposte",
"example": "supporto",
"name": "sondaggio"
"description": "Guarda le risposte dei sondaggi",
"name": "sondaggio",
"response": {
"list": {
"title": "📃 Sondaggi"
"tag": {
"aliases": {
"faq": "domande frequenti",
"t": "t",
"tags": "tag"
"args": {
"tag": {
"description": "Il nome del tag da utilizzare",
"example": "sito web",
"name": "tag"
"description": "Usa un tag per rispondere",
"name": "tag",
"response": {
"error": "❌ Errore",
"list": {
"title": "📃 Lista dei tag"
"missing": "Questo tag richiede i seguenti argomenti:\n%s",
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Questo tag può essere utilizzato solo all'interno di un ticket in quanto utilizza i riferimenti ai ticket.",
"title": "❌ Questo canale non è un ticket"
"topic": {
"args": {
"new_topic": {
"description": "Il nuovo argomento del ticket",
"example": "problema di fatturazione",
"name": "nuovo_argomento"
"description": "Cambia l'argomento di un ticket",
"name": "argomento",
"response": {
"changed": {
"description": "L'argomento di questo biglietto è stato modificato.",
"title": "✅ Argomento cambiato"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Si prega di utilizzare questo comando in un ticket di cui si desidera modificare l'argomento.",
"title": "❌ Questo canale non è un ticket"
"command_execution_error": {
"description": "Errore imprevisto durante l'esecuzione del comando.\nChiedere a un amministratore di controllare l'output / i registri della console per i dettagli.",
"title": "⚠️"
"message_will_be_deleted_in": "Questo messaggio verrà eliminato in %d secondi",
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "Non hai i permessi richiesti per utilizzare questo comando:\n%s",
"title": "❌"
"staff_only": {
"description": "Devi essere un membro dello staff per usare questo comando.",
"title": "❌"
"ticket": {
"claimed": {
"description": "Il ticket è in revisione da parte di %s.",
"title": "✅ Ticket assegnato"
"closed": {
"description": "Questo ticket è stato chiuso.\nIl canale verrà eliminato tra 5 secondi.",
"title": "✅ Ticket chiuso"
"closed_by_member": {
"description": "Questo ticket è stato chiuso da %s.\nIl canale verrà eliminato tra 5 secondi.",
"title": "✅ Ticket chiuso"
"closed_by_member_with_reason": {
"description": "Il ticket è stato chiuso da %s: `%s`\nIl canale verrà rimosso tra 5 secondi.",
"title": "✅ Ticket chiuso"
"closed_with_reason": {
"description": "Il ticket è stato chiuso da: `%s`\nIl canale verrà eliminato tra 5 secondi.",
"title": "✅ Ticket chiuso"
"member_added": {
"description": "%s è stato aggiunto da %s",
"title": "Membro aggiunto"
"member_removed": {
"description": "%s è stato rimosso da %s",
"title": "Membro rimosso"
"opening_message": {
"fields": {
"topic": "Argomento"
"questions": "Si prega di rispondere alle seguenti domande:\n\n%s",
"released": {
"description": "%s ha rilasciato il ticket.",
"title": "✅ Ticket rilasciato"
"survey": {
"complete": {
"description": "Grazie per il tuo feedback.",
"title": "✅ Grazie"
"start": {
"description": "Ehi, %s. Prima che questo canale sia eliminato, ti dispiacerebbe completare un sondaggio %ddomande rapide? Reagisci con ✅ per avviare il sondaggio, altrimenti ignora questo messaggio.",
"title": "❔ Feedback"

View File

@ -1,494 +1,487 @@
"bot": {
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "디스코드 티켓은 해당 권한이 필요합니다:\n%s",
"title": "⚠️"
"version": "[디스코드 티켓](%s) v%s by [eartharoid](%s)"
"cmd_usage": {
"args": {
"description": "**설명.**%s",
"example": "**예시.**%s"
"description": "**사용:**\n`%s`\n\n**예시:**\n`%s`\n\n명령어를 사용하실때, 앞에 `❗`를 붙여주세요.",
"invalid_named_args": {
"description": "명령어에 `%s`라는 오류가 있습니다.\n`%s` 를 입력해보세요.\n확실하지 않다면, 관리자에게 문의 바랍니다.",
"title": "❌ 잘못된 구문"
"named_args": "이 명령어는 지정된 인수를 사용합니다.\n\n",
"title": "'%s' 명령어 사용"
"collector_expires_in": "%d 초 안에 만료됨",
"commands": {
"add": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "티켓에 추가할 멤버",
"example": "@someone",
"name": "member"
"ticket": {
"description": "The ticket to add the member to",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"description": "Add a member to a ticket",
"name": "add",
"response": {
"added": {
"description": "%s has been added to %s.",
"title": "✅ Member added"
"no_member": {
"description": "Please mention the member you want to add.",
"title": "❌ Unknown member"
"no_permission": {
"description": "You are not the creator of this ticket and you are not a staff member; you can't add members to this ticket.",
"title": "❌ Insufficient permission"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in the ticket channel, or mention the channel.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"blacklist": {
"aliases": {
"unblacklist": "unblacklist"
"args": {
"member_or_role": {
"description": "The member or role to add/remove",
"example": "@NaughtyMember",
"name": "memberOrRole"
"description": "Blacklist/unblacklist a member from interacting with the bot",
"name": "blacklist",
"response": {
"empty_list": {
"description": "There are no members or roles blacklisted. Type `%sblacklist <memberOrRole>` to add a member or role to the blacklist.",
"title": "📃 Blacklisted members and roles"
"illegal_action": {
"description": "%s is a staff member and cannot be blacklisted.",
"title": "❌ You can't blacklist this member"
"list": {
"title": "📃 Blacklisted members and roles"
"member_added": {
"description": "<@%s> has been added to the blacklist. They will no longer be able to interact with the bot.",
"title": "✅ Added member to blacklist"
"member_removed": {
"description": "<@%s> has been removed from the blacklist. They can now use the bot again.",
"title": "✅ Removed member from blacklist"
"role_added": {
"description": "<@&%s> has been added to the blacklist. Members with this role will no longer be able to interact with the bot.",
"title": "✅ Added role to blacklist"
"role_removed": {
"description": "<@&%s> has been removed from the blacklist. Members with this role can now use the bot again.",
"title": "✅ Removed role from blacklist"
"close": {
"aliases": {
"delete": "delete",
"lock": "lock"
"args": {
"reason": {
"alias": "r",
"description": "The reason for closing the ticket(s)",
"example": "",
"name": "reason"
"ticket": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "The ticket to close, either the number or the channel mention/ID",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"time": {
"alias": "T",
"description": "Close all tickets that have been inactive for the specified time",
"example": "1w",
"name": "time"
"description": "Close a ticket channel",
"name": "close",
"response": {
"closed": {
"description": "Ticket #%s has been closed.",
"title": "✅ Ticket closed"
"closed_multiple": {
"description": [
"%d ticket has been closed.",
"%d tickets have been closed."
"title": [
"✅ Ticket closed",
"✅ Tickets closed"
"confirm": {
"description": "React with ✅ to close this ticket.",
"description_with_archive": "You will be able to view an archived version of it after.\nReact with ✅ to close this ticket.",
"title": "❔ Are you sure?"
"confirmation_timeout": {
"description": "You took too long to confirm.",
"title": "❌ Reaction time expired"
"confirm_multiple": {
"description": [
"React with ✅ to close %d ticket.",
"React with ✅ to close %d tickets."
"title": "❔ Are you sure?"
"invalid_time": {
"description": "The time period provided could not be parsed.",
"title": "❌ Invalid input"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in a ticket channel or use the ticket flag.\nType `%shelp close` for more information.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"no_tickets": {
"description": "There are no tickets which have been inactive for this time period.",
"title": "❌ No tickets to close"
"unresolvable": {
"description": "`%s` could not be resolved to a ticket. Please provide the ticket ID/mention or number.",
"title": "❌ Error"
"help": {
"aliases": {
"command": "command",
"commands": "commands"
"args": {
"command": {
"description": "The command to display information about",
"example": "new",
"name": "command"
"description": "List commands you have access to, or find out more about a command",
"name": "help",
"response": {
"list": {
"description": "The commands you have access to are listed below. For more information about a command, type `{prefix}help [command]`. To create a ticket, type `{prefix}new [topic]`.",
"fields": {
"commands": "Commands"
"title": "❔ Help"
"new": {
"aliases": {
"create": "create",
"open": "open",
"ticket": "ticket"
"args": {
"topic": {
"description": "The topic of the ticket",
"example": "Problem with billing",
"name": "topic"
"description": "Create a new ticket",
"name": "new",
"response": {
"created": {
"description": "Your ticket has been created: %s.",
"title": "✅ Ticket created"
"error": {
"title": "❌ Error"
"has_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use your existing ticket (<#%s>) or close it before creating another.",
"title": "❌ You already have an open ticket"
"max_tickets": {
"description": "Please use `%sclose` to close any unneeded tickets.\n\n%s",
"title": "❌ You already have %d open tickets"
"no_categories": {
"description": "A server administrator must create at least one ticket category before a new ticket can be opened.",
"title": "❌ Can't create ticket"
"select_category": {
"description": "Select the category most relevant to your ticket's topic:\n\n%s",
"title": "🔤 Please select the ticket category"
"select_category_timeout": {
"description": "You took too long to select the ticket category.",
"title": "❌ Reaction time expired"
"request_topic": {
"description": "Please briefly state what this ticket is about in a a few words.",
"title": "Ticket topic"
"panel": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"categories": {
"alias": "c",
"description": "A category ID",
"example": "451745464954650634",
"name": "categories"
"description": {
"alias": "d",
"description": "The description for the panel message",
"example": "\"React to this message to open a ticket.\"",
"name": "description"
"emoji": {
"alias": "e",
"description": "An emoji",
"example": "🎫",
"name": "emoji"
"title": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "The title for the panel message",
"example": "\"Support tickets\"",
"name": "title"
"description": "Create a new ticket panel",
"name": "panel",
"response": {
"invalid_category": {
"description": "One or more of the specified category IDs is invalid.",
"title": "❌ Invalid category"
"mismatch": {
"description": "Please provide the name number of emojis and category IDs.",
"title": "❌ Invalid input"
"remove": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "The member to remove from the ticket",
"example": "@someone",
"name": "member"
"ticket": {
"description": "The ticket to remove the member from",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"description": "Remove a member from a ticket",
"name": "remove",
"response": {
"removed": {
"description": "%s has been removed from %s.",
"title": "✅ Member removed"
"no_member": {
"description": "Please mention the member you want to remove.",
"title": "❌ Unknown member"
"no_permission": {
"description": "You are not the creator of this ticket and you are not a staff member; you can't remove members from this ticket.",
"title": "❌ Insufficient permission"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in the ticket channel, or mention the channel.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"settings": {
"aliases": {
"config": "config"
"description": "Configure Discord Tickets",
"name": "settings",
"response": {
"invalid": "❌ Settings data is invalid; please refer to the documentation.\n%s",
"updated": "✅ Settings have been updated."
"stats": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {},
"description": "Display ticket statistics",
"fields": {
"messages": "Messages",
"response_time": {
"minutes": "%s minutes",
"title": "Avg. response time"
"tickets": "Tickets"
"name": "stats",
"response": {
"global": {
"description": "Statistics about tickets across all guilds where this Discord TIckets instance is used.",
"title": "📊 Global stats"
"guild": {
"description": "Statistics about tickets within this guild. This data is cached for an hour.",
"title": "📊 This server's stats"
"survey": {
"aliases": {
"surveys": "surveys"
"args": {
"survey": {
"description": "The name of the survey to view responses of",
"example": "support",
"name": "survey"
"description": "View survey responses",
"name": "survey",
"response": {
"list": {
"title": "📃 Surveys"
"tag": {
"aliases": {
"faq": "faq",
"t": "t",
"tags": "tags"
"args": {
"tag": {
"description": "The name of the tag to use",
"example": "website",
"name": "tag"
"description": "Use a tag response",
"name": "tag",
"response": {
"error": "❌ Error",
"list": {
"title": "📃 Tag list"
"missing": "This tag requires the following arguments:\n%s",
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "This tag can only be used within a ticket channel as it uses ticket references.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"topic": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"new_topic": {
"description": "The new topic of the ticket",
"example": "billing issue",
"name": "new_topic"
"description": "Change the topic of the ticket",
"name": "topic",
"response": {
"changed": {
"description": "This ticket's topic has been changed.",
"title": "✅ Topic changed"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in the ticket channel you want to change the topic of.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"command_execution_error": {
"description": "An unexpected error occurred during command execution.\nPlease ask an administrator to check the console output / logs for details.",
"title": "⚠️"
"message_will_be_deleted_in": "This message will be deleted in %d seconds",
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "You do not have the permissions required to use this command:\n%s",
"title": "❌"
"staff_only": {
"description": "You must be a member of staff to use this command.",
"title": "❌"
"ticket": {
"claimed": {
"description": "%s has claimed this ticket.",
"title": "✅ Ticket claimed"
"closed": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed.\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Ticket closed"
"closed_by_member": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed by %s.\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Ticket closed"
"closed_by_member_with_reason": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed by %s: `%s`\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Ticket closed"
"closed_with_reason": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed: `%s`\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Ticket closed"
"member_added": {
"description": "%s has been added by %s",
"title": "Member added"
"member_removed": {
"description": "%s has been removed by %s",
"title": "Member removed"
"opening_message": {
"fields": {
"topic": "Topic"
"questions": "Please answer the following questions:\n\n%s",
"released": {
"description": "%s has released this ticket.",
"title": "✅ Ticket released"
"survey": {
"complete": {
"description": "Thank you for your feedback.",
"title": "✅ Thank you"
"start": {
"description": "Hey, %s. Before this channel is deleted, would you mind completing a quick %d-question survey? React with ✅ to start, or ignore this message.",
"title": "❔ Feedback"
"bot": {
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "디스코드 티켓은 해당 권한이 필요합니다:\n%s",
"title": "⚠️"
"version": "[디스코드 티켓](%s) v%s by [eartharoid](%s)"
"cmd_usage": {
"args": {
"description": "**설명.**%s",
"example": "**예시.**%s"
"description": "**사용:**\n`%s`\n\n**예시:**\n`%s`\n\n명령어를 사용하실때, 앞에 `❗`를 붙여주세요.",
"invalid_named_args": {
"description": "명령어에 `%s`라는 오류가 있습니다.\n`%s` 를 입력해보세요.\n확실하지 않다면, 관리자에게 문의 바랍니다.",
"title": "❌ 잘못된 구문"
"named_args": "이 명령어는 지정된 인수를 사용합니다.\n\n",
"title": "'%s' 명령어 사용"
"collector_expires_in": "%d 초 안에 만료됨",
"commands": {
"add": {
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "티켓에 추가할 멤버",
"example": "@someone",
"name": "member"
"ticket": {
"description": "The ticket to add the member to",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"description": "Add a member to a ticket",
"name": "add",
"response": {
"added": {
"description": "%s has been added to %s.",
"title": "✅ Member added"
"no_member": {
"description": "Please mention the member you want to add.",
"title": "❌ Unknown member"
"no_permission": {
"description": "You are not the creator of this ticket and you are not a staff member; you can't add members to this ticket.",
"title": "❌ Insufficient permission"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in the ticket channel, or mention the channel.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"blacklist": {
"aliases": {
"unblacklist": "unblacklist"
"args": {
"member_or_role": {
"description": "The member or role to add/remove",
"example": "@NaughtyMember",
"name": "memberOrRole"
"description": "Blacklist/unblacklist a member from interacting with the bot",
"name": "blacklist",
"response": {
"empty_list": {
"description": "There are no members or roles blacklisted. Type `%sblacklist <memberOrRole>` to add a member or role to the blacklist.",
"title": "📃 Blacklisted members and roles"
"illegal_action": {
"description": "%s is a staff member and cannot be blacklisted.",
"title": "❌ You can't blacklist this member"
"list": {
"title": "📃 Blacklisted members and roles"
"member_added": {
"description": "<@%s> has been added to the blacklist. They will no longer be able to interact with the bot.",
"title": "✅ Added member to blacklist"
"member_removed": {
"description": "<@%s> has been removed from the blacklist. They can now use the bot again.",
"title": "✅ Removed member from blacklist"
"role_added": {
"description": "<@&%s> has been added to the blacklist. Members with this role will no longer be able to interact with the bot.",
"title": "✅ Added role to blacklist"
"role_removed": {
"description": "<@&%s> has been removed from the blacklist. Members with this role can now use the bot again.",
"title": "✅ Removed role from blacklist"
"close": {
"aliases": {
"delete": "delete",
"lock": "lock"
"args": {
"reason": {
"alias": "r",
"description": "The reason for closing the ticket(s)",
"name": "reason"
"ticket": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "The ticket to close, either the number or the channel mention/ID",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"time": {
"alias": "T",
"description": "Close all tickets that have been inactive for the specified time",
"example": "1w",
"name": "time"
"description": "Close a ticket channel",
"name": "close",
"response": {
"closed": {
"description": "Ticket #%s has been closed.",
"title": "✅ Ticket closed"
"closed_multiple": {
"description": [
"%d ticket has been closed.",
"%d tickets have been closed."
"title": [
"✅ Ticket closed",
"✅ Tickets closed"
"confirm": {
"description": "React with ✅ to close this ticket.",
"description_with_archive": "You will be able to view an archived version of it after.\nReact with ✅ to close this ticket.",
"title": "❔ Are you sure?"
"confirmation_timeout": {
"description": "You took too long to confirm.",
"title": "❌ Reaction time expired"
"confirm_multiple": {
"description": [
"React with ✅ to close %d ticket.",
"React with ✅ to close %d tickets."
"title": "❔ Are you sure?"
"invalid_time": {
"description": "The time period provided could not be parsed.",
"title": "❌ Invalid input"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in a ticket channel or use the ticket flag.\nType `%shelp close` for more information.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"no_tickets": {
"description": "There are no tickets which have been inactive for this time period.",
"title": "❌ No tickets to close"
"unresolvable": {
"description": "`%s` could not be resolved to a ticket. Please provide the ticket ID/mention or number.",
"title": "❌ Error"
"help": {
"aliases": {
"command": "command",
"commands": "commands"
"args": {
"command": {
"description": "The command to display information about",
"example": "new",
"name": "command"
"description": "List commands you have access to, or find out more about a command",
"name": "help",
"response": {
"list": {
"description": "The commands you have access to are listed below. For more information about a command, type `{prefix}help [command]`. To create a ticket, type `{prefix}new [topic]`.",
"fields": {
"commands": "Commands"
"title": "❔ Help"
"new": {
"aliases": {
"create": "create",
"open": "open",
"ticket": "ticket"
"args": {
"topic": {
"description": "The topic of the ticket",
"example": "Problem with billing",
"name": "topic"
"description": "Create a new ticket",
"name": "new",
"response": {
"created": {
"description": "Your ticket has been created: %s.",
"title": "✅ Ticket created"
"error": {
"title": "❌ Error"
"has_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use your existing ticket (<#%s>) or close it before creating another.",
"title": "❌ You already have an open ticket"
"max_tickets": {
"description": "Please use `%sclose` to close any unneeded tickets.\n\n%s",
"title": "❌ You already have %d open tickets"
"no_categories": {
"description": "A server administrator must create at least one ticket category before a new ticket can be opened.",
"title": "❌ Can't create ticket"
"select_category": {
"description": "Select the category most relevant to your ticket's topic:\n\n%s",
"title": "🔤 Please select the ticket category"
"select_category_timeout": {
"description": "You took too long to select the ticket category.",
"title": "❌ Reaction time expired"
"request_topic": {
"description": "Please briefly state what this ticket is about in a a few words.",
"title": "Ticket topic"
"panel": {
"args": {
"categories": {
"alias": "c",
"description": "A category ID",
"example": "451745464954650634",
"name": "categories"
"description": {
"alias": "d",
"description": "The description for the panel message",
"example": "\"React to this message to open a ticket.\"",
"name": "description"
"emoji": {
"alias": "e",
"description": "An emoji",
"example": "🎫",
"name": "emoji"
"title": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "The title for the panel message",
"example": "\"Support tickets\"",
"name": "title"
"description": "Create a new ticket panel",
"name": "panel",
"response": {
"invalid_category": {
"description": "One or more of the specified category IDs is invalid.",
"title": "❌ Invalid category"
"mismatch": {
"description": "Please provide the name number of emojis and category IDs.",
"title": "❌ Invalid input"
"remove": {
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "The member to remove from the ticket",
"example": "@someone",
"name": "member"
"ticket": {
"description": "The ticket to remove the member from",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"description": "Remove a member from a ticket",
"name": "remove",
"response": {
"removed": {
"description": "%s has been removed from %s.",
"title": "✅ Member removed"
"no_member": {
"description": "Please mention the member you want to remove.",
"title": "❌ Unknown member"
"no_permission": {
"description": "You are not the creator of this ticket and you are not a staff member; you can't remove members from this ticket.",
"title": "❌ Insufficient permission"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in the ticket channel, or mention the channel.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"settings": {
"aliases": {
"config": "config"
"description": "Configure Discord Tickets",
"name": "settings",
"response": {
"invalid": "❌ Settings data is invalid; please refer to the documentation.\n%s",
"updated": "✅ Settings have been updated."
"stats": {
"description": "Display ticket statistics",
"fields": {
"messages": "Messages",
"response_time": {
"minutes": "%s minutes",
"title": "Avg. response time"
"tickets": "Tickets"
"name": "stats",
"response": {
"global": {
"description": "Statistics about tickets across all guilds where this Discord TIckets instance is used.",
"title": "📊 Global stats"
"guild": {
"description": "Statistics about tickets within this guild. This data is cached for an hour.",
"title": "📊 This server's stats"
"survey": {
"aliases": {
"surveys": "surveys"
"args": {
"survey": {
"description": "The name of the survey to view responses of",
"example": "support",
"name": "survey"
"description": "View survey responses",
"name": "survey",
"response": {
"list": {
"title": "📃 Surveys"
"tag": {
"aliases": {
"faq": "faq",
"t": "t",
"tags": "tags"
"args": {
"tag": {
"description": "The name of the tag to use",
"example": "website",
"name": "tag"
"description": "Use a tag response",
"name": "tag",
"response": {
"error": "❌ Error",
"list": {
"title": "📃 Tag list"
"missing": "This tag requires the following arguments:\n%s",
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "This tag can only be used within a ticket channel as it uses ticket references.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"topic": {
"args": {
"new_topic": {
"description": "The new topic of the ticket",
"example": "billing issue",
"name": "new_topic"
"description": "Change the topic of the ticket",
"name": "topic",
"response": {
"changed": {
"description": "This ticket's topic has been changed.",
"title": "✅ Topic changed"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in the ticket channel you want to change the topic of.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"command_execution_error": {
"description": "An unexpected error occurred during command execution.\nPlease ask an administrator to check the console output / logs for details.",
"title": "⚠️"
"message_will_be_deleted_in": "This message will be deleted in %d seconds",
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "You do not have the permissions required to use this command:\n%s",
"title": "❌"
"staff_only": {
"description": "You must be a member of staff to use this command.",
"title": "❌"
"ticket": {
"claimed": {
"description": "%s has claimed this ticket.",
"title": "✅ Ticket claimed"
"closed": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed.\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Ticket closed"
"closed_by_member": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed by %s.\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Ticket closed"
"closed_by_member_with_reason": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed by %s: `%s`\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Ticket closed"
"closed_with_reason": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed: `%s`\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Ticket closed"
"member_added": {
"description": "%s has been added by %s",
"title": "Member added"
"member_removed": {
"description": "%s has been removed by %s",
"title": "Member removed"
"opening_message": {
"fields": {
"topic": "Topic"
"questions": "Please answer the following questions:\n\n%s",
"released": {
"description": "%s has released this ticket.",
"title": "✅ Ticket released"
"survey": {
"complete": {
"description": "Thank you for your feedback.",
"title": "✅ Thank you"
"start": {
"description": "Hey, %s. Before this channel is deleted, would you mind completing a quick %d-question survey? React with ✅ to start, or ignore this message.",
"title": "❔ Feedback"

View File

@ -1,494 +1,487 @@
"bot": {
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "Discord Tickets vereist de volgende machtigingen:\n%s",
"title": "⚠️"
"version": "[Discord Tickets] (%s) v%s door [eartharoid](%s)"
"cmd_usage": {
"args": {
"description": "**Beschrijving:** %s",
"example": "**Voorbeeld:** '%s'"
"description": "**Gebruik:**\n'%s'\n\n**Voorbeeld:**\n'%s'\n\nVereiste argumenten worden voorafgegaan door '❗'.",
"invalid_named_args": {
"description": "Er is een fout opgetreden in het commando van uw opdracht: '%s'.\ntyp '%s' voor een voorbeeld.\nVraag het een medewerker als u denkt dat dit een fout is.",
"title": "❌ Ongeldige commando"
"named_args": "Deze opdracht maakt gebruik van benoemde argumenten.\n\n",
"title": "'%s' command gebruik"
"collector_expires_in": "Verloopt over %d seconden",
"commands": {
"add": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "Het lid dat aan de ticket moet worden toegevoegd",
"example": "@iemand",
"name": "lid"
"ticket": {
"description": "De ticket om het lid aan toe te voegen",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"description": "Een lid toevoegen aan een ticket",
"name": "toevoegen",
"response": {
"added": {
"description": "%s is toegevoegd aan %s.",
"title": "✅ lid toegevoegd"
"no_member": {
"description": "Vermeld het lid dat u wilt toevoegen.",
"title": "❌ Onbekend lid"
"no_permission": {
"description": "U bent niet de maker van deze ticket en u bent geen werknemer, je kunt geen leden toevoegen aan deze ticket.",
"title": "❌ Onvoldoende rechten"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Gebruik deze commando in het ticketkanaal of vermeld het kanaal.",
"title": "❌ Dit is geen ticketkanaal"
"blacklist": {
"aliases": {
"unblacklist": "unblacklist"
"args": {
"member_or_role": {
"description": "Het lid of de rol die moet worden toegevoegd/verwijderd",
"example": "@NaughtyMember",
"name": "lidOrRole"
"description": "Blacklist/unblacklist een lid om met de bot te interacteren",
"name": "Blacklist",
"response": {
"empty_list": {
"description": "Er zijn geen leden of rollen op de blacklist. Typ '%sblacklist <memberOrRole>' om een lid of rol aan de blacklist toe te voegen.",
"title": "📃 leden en rollen op de blacklist"
"illegal_action": {
"description": "%s is een personeelslid en kan niet op de blacklist worden geplaatst.",
"title": "❌ Je kunt dit lid niet op de blacklist zetten"
"list": {
"title": "📃 leden en rollen op de blacklist"
"member_added": {
"description": "<@%s> is toegevoegd aan de blacklist. Ze kunnen niet langer communiceren met de bot.",
"title": "✅ Lid toegevoegd aan blacklist"
"member_removed": {
"description": "<@%s> is van de blacklist verwijderd. Ze kunnen de bot nu weer gebruiken.",
"title": "✅ Lid van blacklist verwijderd"
"role_added": {
"description": "<@&%s> is toegevoegd aan de blacklist. Leden met deze rol kunnen niet langer communiceren met de bot.",
"title": "✅ Rol toegevoegd aan blacklist"
"role_removed": {
"description": "<@&%s> is van de zwartelijst verwijderd. Leden met deze rol kunnen de bot nu opnieuw gebruiken.",
"title": "✅ Rol van blacklist verwijderd"
"close": {
"aliases": {
"delete": "verwijderen",
"lock": "lock"
"args": {
"reason": {
"alias": "r",
"description": "De reden voor het sluiten van de ticket(s)",
"example": "",
"name": "reden"
"ticket": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "De ticket dat moet worden gesloten, het nummer of de kanaalvermelding / ID",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"time": {
"alias": "T",
"description": "Alle tickets sluiten die gedurende de opgegeven tijd inactief zijn geweest",
"example": "1w",
"name": "tijd"
"description": "Een ticketkanaal sluiten",
"name": "sluiten",
"response": {
"closed": {
"description": "Ticket #%s is gesloten.",
"title": "✅ Ticket gesloten"
"closed_multiple": {
"description": [
"%d ticket is gesloten.",
"%d tickets zijn gesloten."
"title": [
"✅ Ticket gesloten",
"✅ Tickets gesloten"
"confirm": {
"description": "Reageer met ✅ om deze ticket te sluiten.",
"description_with_archive": "U kunt er daarna een gearchiveerde versie van bekijken.\nReageer met ✅ om deze ticket te sluiten.",
"title": "❔ Weet je het zeker?"
"confirmation_timeout": {
"description": "Je deed er te lang over om het te bevestigen.",
"title": "❌ Reactietijd verstreken"
"confirm_multiple": {
"description": [
"Reageer met ✅ om %d ticket te sluiten.",
"Reageer met ✅ om %d tickets te sluiten."
"title": "❔ Weet je het zeker?"
"invalid_time": {
"description": "De opgegeven periode kan niet worden geparseerd.",
"title": "❌ ongeldige invoer"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Gebruik deze commando in een ticketkanaal of gebruik de ticket emoji.\nType '%shelp sluiten' voor meer informatie.",
"title": "❌ Dit is geen ticketkanaal"
"no_tickets": {
"description": "Er zijn geen tickets die inactief zijn geweest voor deze periode.",
"title": "❌ Geen tickets om te sluiten"
"unresolvable": {
"description": "'%s' kon niet worden omgezet in een ticket. Geef het ticket-ID/vermelding of nummer op.",
"title": "❌ fout"
"help": {
"aliases": {
"command": "commando",
"commands": "commandos"
"args": {
"command": {
"description": "De commando om informatie over te krijgen",
"example": "new",
"name": "commando"
"description": "Opdrachten weergeven waar u toegang toe heeft, of meer informatie over een opdracht",
"name": "help",
"response": {
"list": {
"description": "De commandos waar u toegang toe hebt, worden hieronder vermeld. Typ '{prefix}help [command]' voor meer informatie over een commando. Als u een ticket wilt maken, typt u '{prefix}new [topic]'.",
"fields": {
"commands": "Commandos"
"title": "❔ Help"
"new": {
"aliases": {
"create": "maken",
"open": "openen",
"ticket": "ticket"
"args": {
"topic": {
"description": "Het onderwerp van de ticket",
"example": "Probleem met facturering",
"name": "onderwerp"
"description": "Een nieuw ticket maken",
"name": "new",
"response": {
"created": {
"description": "Uw ticket is aangemaakt: %s.",
"title": "✅ ticket gemaakt"
"error": {
"title": "❌ fout"
"has_a_ticket": {
"description": "Gebruik uw bestaande ticket (<#%s>) of sluit uw oude ticket voordat u een ander ticket maakt.",
"title": "❌ Je hebt al een ticket open staan"
"max_tickets": {
"description": "Gebruik '%ssluiten' om onnodige tickets te sluiten.\n\n%s",
"title": "❌ Je hebt al %d geopende tickets"
"no_categories": {
"description": "Een serverbeheerder moet ten minste één ticketcategorie maken voordat er een nieuw ticket kan worden geopend.",
"title": "❌ Kan geen ticket maken"
"select_category": {
"description": "Selecteer de categorie die het meest relevant is voor het onderwerp van uw ticket:\n\n%s",
"title": "🔤 Selecteer de ticketcategorie"
"select_category_timeout": {
"description": "Het duurde te lang om de ticketcategorie te selecteren.",
"title": "❌ Reactietijd verstreken"
"request_topic": {
"description": "Geef in een paar woorden kort aan waar deze ticket over gaat.",
"title": "Ticket onderwerp"
"panel": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"categories": {
"alias": "c",
"description": "Een categorie-ID",
"example": "451745464954650634",
"name": "categorieën"
"description": {
"alias": "d",
"description": "De beschrijving voor het paneelbericht",
"example": "\"Reageer op dit bericht om een ticket te openen.\"",
"name": "beschrijving"
"emoji": {
"alias": "e",
"description": "Een emoji",
"example": "🎫",
"name": "emoji"
"title": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "De titel voor het paneelbericht",
"example": "\"Ondersteuningstickets\"",
"name": "titel"
"description": "Een nieuw ticketpaneel maken",
"name": "paneel",
"response": {
"invalid_category": {
"description": "Een of meer van de opgegeven categorie-ID's zijn ongeldig.",
"title": "❌ ongeldige categorie"
"mismatch": {
"description": "Geef het naamnummer van emoji's en categorie-ID's op.",
"title": "❌ ongeldige invoer"
"remove": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "Het lid dat van de ticket moet worden verwijderd",
"example": "@iemand",
"name": "lid"
"ticket": {
"description": "De ticket om het lid uit te verwijderen",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"description": "Een lid uit een ticket verwijderen",
"name": "verwijderen",
"response": {
"removed": {
"description": "%s is verwijderd uit %s.",
"title": "✅ lid verwijderd"
"no_member": {
"description": "Vermeld het lid dat u wilt verwijderen.",
"title": "❌ Onbekend lid"
"no_permission": {
"description": "U bent niet de maker van dit ticket en u bent geen werknemer, je kunt geen leden van deze ticket verwijderen.",
"title": "❌ Onvoldoende rechten"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Gebruik deze commando in het ticketkanaal of vermeld het kanaal.",
"title": "❌ Dit is geen ticketkanaal"
"settings": {
"aliases": {
"config": "configuratie"
"description": "Discord-tickets configureren",
"name": "instellingen",
"response": {
"invalid": "❌ Instellingen is ongeldig, raadpleeg een werknemer.\n%s",
"updated": "✅ Instellingen zijn bijgewerkt."
"stats": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {},
"description": "Ticketstatistieken weergeven",
"fields": {
"messages": "Berichten",
"response_time": {
"minutes": "%s minuten",
"title": "Gemiddelde reactietijd"
"tickets": "Tickets"
"name": "statistieken",
"response": {
"global": {
"description": "Statistieken over tickets in alle gilden waar dit Discord Tickets-exemplaar wordt gebruikt.",
"title": "📊 Wereldwijde statistieken"
"guild": {
"description": "Statistieken over tickets binnen deze gilde. Deze gegevens worden een uur in de cache opgeslagen.",
"title": "📊 De statistieken van deze server"
"survey": {
"aliases": {
"surveys": "enquêtes"
"args": {
"survey": {
"description": "De naam van de enquête waarvan u de antwoorden wilt bekijken",
"example": "support",
"name": "enquête"
"description": "Enquêtereacties weergeven",
"name": "enquête",
"response": {
"list": {
"title": "📃 enquêtes"
"tag": {
"aliases": {
"faq": "FAQ",
"t": "t",
"tags": "tags"
"args": {
"tag": {
"description": "De naam van de tag die moet worden gebruikt",
"example": "website",
"name": "label"
"description": "Een tagrespons gebruiken",
"name": "label",
"response": {
"error": "❌ fout",
"list": {
"title": "📃 Tag lijst"
"missing": "Deze tag vereist de volgende argumenten:\n%s",
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Deze tag kan alleen worden gebruikt binnen een ticketkanaal omdat deze ticketreferenties gebruikt.",
"title": "❌ Dit is geen ticketkanaal"
"topic": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"new_topic": {
"description": "Het nieuwe onderwerp van het ticket",
"example": "factureringsprobleem",
"name": "new_topic"
"description": "Het onderwerp van het ticket wijzigen",
"name": "onderwerp",
"response": {
"changed": {
"description": "Het onderwerp van dit ticket is gewijzigd.",
"title": "✅ Onderwerp gewijzigd"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Gebruik deze opdracht in het ticketkanaal waarvan u het onderwerp wilt wijzigen.",
"title": "❌ Dit is geen ticketkanaal"
"command_execution_error": {
"description": "Er is een onverwachte fout opgetreden tijdens de uitvoering van de opdracht.\nVraag een beheerder om de console-uitvoer / logboeken te controleren voor meer informatie.",
"title": "⚠️"
"message_will_be_deleted_in": "Dit bericht wordt binnen %d seconden verwijderd",
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "U beschikt niet over de machtigingen die nodig zijn om deze opdracht te gebruiken:\n%s",
"title": "❌"
"staff_only": {
"description": "U moet een medewerker zijn om deze opdracht te kunnen gebruiken.",
"title": "❌"
"ticket": {
"claimed": {
"description": "%s heeft dit ticket opgeëist.",
"title": "✅ Ticket geclaimd"
"closed": {
"description": "Deze ticket is gesloten.\nHet kanaal wordt binnen 5 seconden verwijderd.",
"title": "✅ Ticket gesloten"
"closed_by_member": {
"description": "Deze ticket is gesloten door %s.\nHet kanaal wordt binnen 5 seconden verwijderd.",
"title": "✅ Ticket gesloten"
"closed_by_member_with_reason": {
"description": "Deze ticket is gesloten door %s: '%s'\nHet kanaal wordt binnen 5 seconden verwijderd.",
"title": "✅ Ticket gesloten"
"closed_with_reason": {
"description": "Deze ticket is gesloten: '%s'\nHet kanaal wordt binnen 5 seconden verwijderd.",
"title": "✅ Ticket gesloten"
"member_added": {
"description": "%s is toegevoegd door %s",
"title": "Lid toegevoegd"
"member_removed": {
"description": "%s is verwijderd door %s",
"title": "Lid verwijderd"
"opening_message": {
"fields": {
"topic": "Onderwerp"
"questions": "Beantwoord de volgende vragen:\n\n%s",
"released": {
"description": "%s heeft deze ticket vrijgegeven.",
"title": "✅ Ticket vrijgegeven"
"survey": {
"complete": {
"description": "Bedankt voor uw feedback.",
"title": "✅ Dank u"
"start": {
"description": "Hey %s. Voordat dit kanaal wordt verwijderd, wilt u een snelle %d-vragen enquête invullen? Reageer met ✅ om dit bericht te starten of negeer dit bericht.",
"title": "❔ Feedback"
"bot": {
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "Discord Tickets vereist de volgende machtigingen:\n%s",
"title": "⚠️"
"version": "[Discord Tickets] (%s) v%s door [eartharoid](%s)"
"cmd_usage": {
"args": {
"description": "**Beschrijving:** %s",
"example": "**Voorbeeld:** '%s'"
"description": "**Gebruik:**\n'%s'\n\n**Voorbeeld:**\n'%s'\n\nVereiste argumenten worden voorafgegaan door '❗'.",
"invalid_named_args": {
"description": "Er is een fout opgetreden in het commando van uw opdracht: '%s'.\ntyp '%s' voor een voorbeeld.\nVraag het een medewerker als u denkt dat dit een fout is.",
"title": "❌ Ongeldige commando"
"named_args": "Deze opdracht maakt gebruik van benoemde argumenten.\n\n",
"title": "'%s' command gebruik"
"collector_expires_in": "Verloopt over %d seconden",
"commands": {
"add": {
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "Het lid dat aan de ticket moet worden toegevoegd",
"example": "@iemand",
"name": "lid"
"ticket": {
"description": "De ticket om het lid aan toe te voegen",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"description": "Een lid toevoegen aan een ticket",
"name": "toevoegen",
"response": {
"added": {
"description": "%s is toegevoegd aan %s.",
"title": "✅ lid toegevoegd"
"no_member": {
"description": "Vermeld het lid dat u wilt toevoegen.",
"title": "❌ Onbekend lid"
"no_permission": {
"description": "U bent niet de maker van deze ticket en u bent geen werknemer, je kunt geen leden toevoegen aan deze ticket.",
"title": "❌ Onvoldoende rechten"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Gebruik deze commando in het ticketkanaal of vermeld het kanaal.",
"title": "❌ Dit is geen ticketkanaal"
"blacklist": {
"aliases": {
"unblacklist": "unblacklist"
"args": {
"member_or_role": {
"description": "Het lid of de rol die moet worden toegevoegd/verwijderd",
"example": "@NaughtyMember",
"name": "lidOrRole"
"description": "Blacklist/unblacklist een lid om met de bot te interacteren",
"name": "Blacklist",
"response": {
"empty_list": {
"description": "Er zijn geen leden of rollen op de blacklist. Typ '%sblacklist <memberOrRole>' om een lid of rol aan de blacklist toe te voegen.",
"title": "📃 leden en rollen op de blacklist"
"illegal_action": {
"description": "%s is een personeelslid en kan niet op de blacklist worden geplaatst.",
"title": "❌ Je kunt dit lid niet op de blacklist zetten"
"list": {
"title": "📃 leden en rollen op de blacklist"
"member_added": {
"description": "<@%s> is toegevoegd aan de blacklist. Ze kunnen niet langer communiceren met de bot.",
"title": "✅ Lid toegevoegd aan blacklist"
"member_removed": {
"description": "<@%s> is van de blacklist verwijderd. Ze kunnen de bot nu weer gebruiken.",
"title": "✅ Lid van blacklist verwijderd"
"role_added": {
"description": "<@&%s> is toegevoegd aan de blacklist. Leden met deze rol kunnen niet langer communiceren met de bot.",
"title": "✅ Rol toegevoegd aan blacklist"
"role_removed": {
"description": "<@&%s> is van de zwartelijst verwijderd. Leden met deze rol kunnen de bot nu opnieuw gebruiken.",
"title": "✅ Rol van blacklist verwijderd"
"close": {
"aliases": {
"delete": "verwijderen",
"lock": "lock"
"args": {
"reason": {
"alias": "r",
"description": "De reden voor het sluiten van de ticket(s)",
"name": "reden"
"ticket": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "De ticket dat moet worden gesloten, het nummer of de kanaalvermelding / ID",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"time": {
"alias": "T",
"description": "Alle tickets sluiten die gedurende de opgegeven tijd inactief zijn geweest",
"example": "1w",
"name": "tijd"
"description": "Een ticketkanaal sluiten",
"name": "sluiten",
"response": {
"closed": {
"description": "Ticket #%s is gesloten.",
"title": "✅ Ticket gesloten"
"closed_multiple": {
"description": [
"%d ticket is gesloten.",
"%d tickets zijn gesloten."
"title": [
"✅ Ticket gesloten",
"✅ Tickets gesloten"
"confirm": {
"description": "Reageer met ✅ om deze ticket te sluiten.",
"description_with_archive": "U kunt er daarna een gearchiveerde versie van bekijken.\nReageer met ✅ om deze ticket te sluiten.",
"title": "❔ Weet je het zeker?"
"confirmation_timeout": {
"description": "Je deed er te lang over om het te bevestigen.",
"title": "❌ Reactietijd verstreken"
"confirm_multiple": {
"description": [
"Reageer met ✅ om %d ticket te sluiten.",
"Reageer met ✅ om %d tickets te sluiten."
"title": "❔ Weet je het zeker?"
"invalid_time": {
"description": "De opgegeven periode kan niet worden geparseerd.",
"title": "❌ ongeldige invoer"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Gebruik deze commando in een ticketkanaal of gebruik de ticket emoji.\nType '%shelp sluiten' voor meer informatie.",
"title": "❌ Dit is geen ticketkanaal"
"no_tickets": {
"description": "Er zijn geen tickets die inactief zijn geweest voor deze periode.",
"title": "❌ Geen tickets om te sluiten"
"unresolvable": {
"description": "'%s' kon niet worden omgezet in een ticket. Geef het ticket-ID/vermelding of nummer op.",
"title": "❌ fout"
"help": {
"aliases": {
"command": "commando",
"commands": "commandos"
"args": {
"command": {
"description": "De commando om informatie over te krijgen",
"example": "new",
"name": "commando"
"description": "Opdrachten weergeven waar u toegang toe heeft, of meer informatie over een opdracht",
"name": "help",
"response": {
"list": {
"description": "De commandos waar u toegang toe hebt, worden hieronder vermeld. Typ '{prefix}help [command]' voor meer informatie over een commando. Als u een ticket wilt maken, typt u '{prefix}new [topic]'.",
"fields": {
"commands": "Commandos"
"title": "❔ Help"
"new": {
"aliases": {
"create": "maken",
"open": "openen",
"ticket": "ticket"
"args": {
"topic": {
"description": "Het onderwerp van de ticket",
"example": "Probleem met facturering",
"name": "onderwerp"
"description": "Een nieuw ticket maken",
"name": "new",
"response": {
"created": {
"description": "Uw ticket is aangemaakt: %s.",
"title": "✅ ticket gemaakt"
"error": {
"title": "❌ fout"
"has_a_ticket": {
"description": "Gebruik uw bestaande ticket (<#%s>) of sluit uw oude ticket voordat u een ander ticket maakt.",
"title": "❌ Je hebt al een ticket open staan"
"max_tickets": {
"description": "Gebruik '%ssluiten' om onnodige tickets te sluiten.\n\n%s",
"title": "❌ Je hebt al %d geopende tickets"
"no_categories": {
"description": "Een serverbeheerder moet ten minste één ticketcategorie maken voordat er een nieuw ticket kan worden geopend.",
"title": "❌ Kan geen ticket maken"
"select_category": {
"description": "Selecteer de categorie die het meest relevant is voor het onderwerp van uw ticket:\n\n%s",
"title": "🔤 Selecteer de ticketcategorie"
"select_category_timeout": {
"description": "Het duurde te lang om de ticketcategorie te selecteren.",
"title": "❌ Reactietijd verstreken"
"request_topic": {
"description": "Geef in een paar woorden kort aan waar deze ticket over gaat.",
"title": "Ticket onderwerp"
"panel": {
"args": {
"categories": {
"alias": "c",
"description": "Een categorie-ID",
"example": "451745464954650634",
"name": "categorieën"
"description": {
"alias": "d",
"description": "De beschrijving voor het paneelbericht",
"example": "\"Reageer op dit bericht om een ticket te openen.\"",
"name": "beschrijving"
"emoji": {
"alias": "e",
"description": "Een emoji",
"example": "🎫",
"name": "emoji"
"title": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "De titel voor het paneelbericht",
"example": "\"Ondersteuningstickets\"",
"name": "titel"
"description": "Een nieuw ticketpaneel maken",
"name": "paneel",
"response": {
"invalid_category": {
"description": "Een of meer van de opgegeven categorie-ID's zijn ongeldig.",
"title": "❌ ongeldige categorie"
"mismatch": {
"description": "Geef het naamnummer van emoji's en categorie-ID's op.",
"title": "❌ ongeldige invoer"
"remove": {
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "Het lid dat van de ticket moet worden verwijderd",
"example": "@iemand",
"name": "lid"
"ticket": {
"description": "De ticket om het lid uit te verwijderen",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"description": "Een lid uit een ticket verwijderen",
"name": "verwijderen",
"response": {
"removed": {
"description": "%s is verwijderd uit %s.",
"title": "✅ lid verwijderd"
"no_member": {
"description": "Vermeld het lid dat u wilt verwijderen.",
"title": "❌ Onbekend lid"
"no_permission": {
"description": "U bent niet de maker van dit ticket en u bent geen werknemer, je kunt geen leden van deze ticket verwijderen.",
"title": "❌ Onvoldoende rechten"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Gebruik deze commando in het ticketkanaal of vermeld het kanaal.",
"title": "❌ Dit is geen ticketkanaal"
"settings": {
"aliases": {
"config": "configuratie"
"description": "Discord-tickets configureren",
"name": "instellingen",
"response": {
"invalid": "❌ Instellingen is ongeldig, raadpleeg een werknemer.\n%s",
"updated": "✅ Instellingen zijn bijgewerkt."
"stats": {
"description": "Ticketstatistieken weergeven",
"fields": {
"messages": "Berichten",
"response_time": {
"minutes": "%s minuten",
"title": "Gemiddelde reactietijd"
"tickets": "Tickets"
"name": "statistieken",
"response": {
"global": {
"description": "Statistieken over tickets in alle gilden waar dit Discord Tickets-exemplaar wordt gebruikt.",
"title": "📊 Wereldwijde statistieken"
"guild": {
"description": "Statistieken over tickets binnen deze gilde. Deze gegevens worden een uur in de cache opgeslagen.",
"title": "📊 De statistieken van deze server"
"survey": {
"aliases": {
"surveys": "enquêtes"
"args": {
"survey": {
"description": "De naam van de enquête waarvan u de antwoorden wilt bekijken",
"example": "support",
"name": "enquête"
"description": "Enquêtereacties weergeven",
"name": "enquête",
"response": {
"list": {
"title": "📃 enquêtes"
"tag": {
"aliases": {
"faq": "FAQ",
"t": "t",
"tags": "tags"
"args": {
"tag": {
"description": "De naam van de tag die moet worden gebruikt",
"example": "website",
"name": "label"
"description": "Een tagrespons gebruiken",
"name": "label",
"response": {
"error": "❌ fout",
"list": {
"title": "📃 Tag lijst"
"missing": "Deze tag vereist de volgende argumenten:\n%s",
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Deze tag kan alleen worden gebruikt binnen een ticketkanaal omdat deze ticketreferenties gebruikt.",
"title": "❌ Dit is geen ticketkanaal"
"topic": {
"args": {
"new_topic": {
"description": "Het nieuwe onderwerp van het ticket",
"example": "factureringsprobleem",
"name": "new_topic"
"description": "Het onderwerp van het ticket wijzigen",
"name": "onderwerp",
"response": {
"changed": {
"description": "Het onderwerp van dit ticket is gewijzigd.",
"title": "✅ Onderwerp gewijzigd"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Gebruik deze opdracht in het ticketkanaal waarvan u het onderwerp wilt wijzigen.",
"title": "❌ Dit is geen ticketkanaal"
"command_execution_error": {
"description": "Er is een onverwachte fout opgetreden tijdens de uitvoering van de opdracht.\nVraag een beheerder om de console-uitvoer / logboeken te controleren voor meer informatie.",
"title": "⚠️"
"message_will_be_deleted_in": "Dit bericht wordt binnen %d seconden verwijderd",
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "U beschikt niet over de machtigingen die nodig zijn om deze opdracht te gebruiken:\n%s",
"title": "❌"
"staff_only": {
"description": "U moet een medewerker zijn om deze opdracht te kunnen gebruiken.",
"title": "❌"
"ticket": {
"claimed": {
"description": "%s heeft dit ticket opgeëist.",
"title": "✅ Ticket geclaimd"
"closed": {
"description": "Deze ticket is gesloten.\nHet kanaal wordt binnen 5 seconden verwijderd.",
"title": "✅ Ticket gesloten"
"closed_by_member": {
"description": "Deze ticket is gesloten door %s.\nHet kanaal wordt binnen 5 seconden verwijderd.",
"title": "✅ Ticket gesloten"
"closed_by_member_with_reason": {
"description": "Deze ticket is gesloten door %s: '%s'\nHet kanaal wordt binnen 5 seconden verwijderd.",
"title": "✅ Ticket gesloten"
"closed_with_reason": {
"description": "Deze ticket is gesloten: '%s'\nHet kanaal wordt binnen 5 seconden verwijderd.",
"title": "✅ Ticket gesloten"
"member_added": {
"description": "%s is toegevoegd door %s",
"title": "Lid toegevoegd"
"member_removed": {
"description": "%s is verwijderd door %s",
"title": "Lid verwijderd"
"opening_message": {
"fields": {
"topic": "Onderwerp"
"questions": "Beantwoord de volgende vragen:\n\n%s",
"released": {
"description": "%s heeft deze ticket vrijgegeven.",
"title": "✅ Ticket vrijgegeven"
"survey": {
"complete": {
"description": "Bedankt voor uw feedback.",
"title": "✅ Dank u"
"start": {
"description": "Hey %s. Voordat dit kanaal wordt verwijderd, wilt u een snelle %d-vragen enquête invullen? Reageer met ✅ om dit bericht te starten of negeer dit bericht.",
"title": "❔ Feedback"

View File

@ -1,494 +1,487 @@
"bot": {
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "Discord Tickets requires the following permissions:\n%s",
"title": "⚠️"
"version": "[Discord Tickets](%s) v%s Av [eartharoid](%s)"
"cmd_usage": {
"args": {
"description": "**Beskrivelse:** %s",
"example": "**Eksempel:** `%s`"
"description": "**Bruk:**\n`%s`\n\n**Eksempel:**\n`%s`\n\nObligatoriske felt er prefikset med `❗`.",
"invalid_named_args": {
"description": "There is an error in your command syntax: `%s`.\nType `%s` for an example.\nPlease ask a member of staff if you are unsure.",
"title": "❌ Invalid syntax"
"named_args": "Denne kommandoen bruker navngitte argumenter.\n\n",
"title": "'%s' kommandobruk"
"collector_expires_in": "Utløper om %d sekunder",
"commands": {
"add": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "The member to add to the ticket",
"example": "@someone",
"name": "member"
"ticket": {
"description": "The ticket to add the member to",
"example": "217",
"name": "billett"
"description": "Add a member to a ticket",
"name": "add",
"response": {
"added": {
"description": "%s has been added to %s.",
"title": "✅ Member added"
"no_member": {
"description": "Please mention the member you want to add.",
"title": "❌ Unknown member"
"no_permission": {
"description": "You are not the creator of this ticket and you are not a staff member; you can't add members to this ticket.",
"title": "❌ Insufficient permission"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in the ticket channel, or mention the channel.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"blacklist": {
"aliases": {
"unblacklist": "fjerne fra svarteliste"
"args": {
"member_or_role": {
"description": "The member or role to add/remove",
"example": "@NaughtyMember",
"name": "medlemEllerRolle"
"description": "Svarteliste/fjerne fra svarteliste et medlem fra og bruke denne botten",
"name": "svarteliste",
"response": {
"empty_list": {
"description": "Det er ingen medlemmer eller roller svartelistet. Skriv `%sblacklist <memberOrRole>` for og legge til et medlem eller rolle til svartelisten.",
"title": "📃 Svartelistet medlemmer og roller"
"illegal_action": {
"description": "%s er en moderator og kan ikke bli svartelistet.",
"title": "❌ Du kan ikke svarteliste dette medlemmet"
"list": {
"title": "📃 Svartelistet medlemmer og roller"
"member_added": {
"description": "<@%s> har blitt lagt til i svartelisten. De kan ikke lengre bruke botten.",
"title": "✅ La til medlemmet til svartelisten"
"member_removed": {
"description": "<@%s> har blitt fjernet fra svartelisten. De kan nå bruke botten igjen.",
"title": "✅ Fjernet medlemmet fra svartelisten"
"role_added": {
"description": "<@&%s> er lagt til i svartelisten. Medlemmer med denne rollen vil ikke lenger kunne bruke botten.",
"title": "✅ La til rollen i svartelisten"
"role_removed": {
"description": "<@&%s> er fjernet fra svartelisten. Medlemmer med denne rollen kan nå bruke botten igjen.",
"title": "✅ Fjernet rollen fra svartelisten"
"close": {
"aliases": {
"delete": "slett",
"lock": "lock"
"args": {
"reason": {
"alias": "r",
"description": "The reason for closing the ticket(s)",
"example": "",
"name": "reason"
"ticket": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "The ticket to close, either the number or the channel mention/ID",
"example": "217",
"name": "billett"
"time": {
"alias": "T",
"description": "Close all tickets that have been inactive for the specified time",
"example": "1w",
"name": "time"
"description": "Lukke en billettkanal",
"name": "lukke",
"response": {
"closed": {
"description": "Ticket #%s has been closed.",
"title": "✅ Billetten er stengt"
"closed_multiple": {
"description": [
"%d ticket has been closed.",
"%d tickets have been closed."
"title": [
"✅ Billetten er stengt",
"✅ Tickets closed"
"confirm": {
"description": "React with ✅ to close this ticket.",
"description_with_archive": "You will be able to view an archived version of it after.\nReact with ✅ to close this ticket.",
"title": "❔ Are you sure?"
"confirmation_timeout": {
"description": "You took too long to confirm.",
"title": "❌ Reaksjonstiden har utløpt"
"confirm_multiple": {
"description": [
"React with ✅ to close %d ticket.",
"React with ✅ to close %d tickets."
"title": "❔ Are you sure?"
"invalid_time": {
"description": "The time period provided could not be parsed.",
"title": "❌ Invalid input"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in a ticket channel or use the ticket flag.\nType `%shelp close` for more information.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"no_tickets": {
"description": "There are no tickets which have been inactive for this time period.",
"title": "❌ No tickets to close"
"unresolvable": {
"description": "`%s` could not be resolved to a ticket. Please provide the ticket ID/mention or number.",
"title": "❌ Error"
"help": {
"aliases": {
"command": "command",
"commands": "commands"
"args": {
"command": {
"description": "The command to display information about",
"example": "ny",
"name": "command"
"description": "List commands you have access to, or find out more about a command",
"name": "help",
"response": {
"list": {
"description": "The commands you have access to are listed below. For more information about a command, type `{prefix}help [command]`. To create a ticket, type `{prefix}new [topic]`.",
"fields": {
"commands": "Commands"
"title": "❔ Help"
"new": {
"aliases": {
"create": "opprette",
"open": "åpne",
"ticket": "billett"
"args": {
"topic": {
"description": "Temaet for billetten",
"example": "Problem med fakturering",
"name": "emne"
"description": "Opprett en ny billett",
"name": "ny",
"response": {
"created": {
"description": "Billetten er opprettet: %s.",
"title": "✅ Billetten er opprettet"
"error": {
"title": "❌ Error"
"has_a_ticket": {
"description": "Bruk din eksisterende billett ( <#%s>) eller lukk den før du oppretter en ny.",
"title": "❌ Du har allerede en åpen billett"
"max_tickets": {
"description": "Vennligst bruk '%sclose' for å lukke unødvendige billetter.\n\n%s",
"title": "❌ Du har allerede %d åpne billetter"
"no_categories": {
"description": "En serveradministrator må opprette minst én billettkategori før en ny billett kan åpnes.",
"title": "❌ Kan ikke opprette billett"
"select_category": {
"description": "Velg kategorien som er mest relevant for billettens emne:\n\n%s",
"title": "🔤 Velg billettkategori"
"select_category_timeout": {
"description": "Det tok for lang tid å velge billettkategorien.",
"title": "❌ Reaksjonstiden har utløpt"
"request_topic": {
"description": "Vennligst oppgi kort hva denne billetten handler om med noen få ord.",
"title": "Billettemne"
"panel": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"categories": {
"alias": "c",
"description": "A category ID",
"example": "451745464954650634",
"name": "categories"
"description": {
"alias": "d",
"description": "The description for the panel message",
"example": "\"React to this message to open a ticket.\"",
"name": "description"
"emoji": {
"alias": "e",
"description": "An emoji",
"example": "🎫",
"name": "emoji"
"title": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "The title for the panel message",
"example": "\"Support tickets\"",
"name": "title"
"description": "Create a new ticket panel",
"name": "panel",
"response": {
"invalid_category": {
"description": "One or more of the specified category IDs is invalid.",
"title": "❌ Invalid category"
"mismatch": {
"description": "Please provide the name number of emojis and category IDs.",
"title": "❌ Invalid input"
"remove": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "The member to remove from the ticket",
"example": "@someone",
"name": "member"
"ticket": {
"description": "The ticket to remove the member from",
"example": "217",
"name": "billett"
"description": "Remove a member from a ticket",
"name": "remove",
"response": {
"removed": {
"description": "%s has been removed from %s.",
"title": "✅ Member removed"
"no_member": {
"description": "Please mention the member you want to remove.",
"title": "❌ Unknown member"
"no_permission": {
"description": "You are not the creator of this ticket and you are not a staff member; you can't remove members from this ticket.",
"title": "❌ Insufficient permission"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in the ticket channel, or mention the channel.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"settings": {
"aliases": {
"config": "konfiguration"
"description": "Konfigurere Discord Tickets",
"name": "innstillinger",
"response": {
"invalid": "❌ Settings data is invalid; please refer to the documentation.\n%s",
"updated": "✅ innstillinger er oppdatert."
"stats": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {},
"description": "Display ticket statistics",
"fields": {
"messages": "Messages",
"response_time": {
"minutes": "%s minutes",
"title": "Avg. response time"
"tickets": "Tickets"
"name": "stats",
"response": {
"global": {
"description": "Statistics about tickets across all guilds where this Discord TIckets instance is used.",
"title": "📊 Global stats"
"guild": {
"description": "Statistics about tickets within this guild. This data is cached for an hour.",
"title": "📊 This server's stats"
"survey": {
"aliases": {
"surveys": "surveys"
"args": {
"survey": {
"description": "The name of the survey to view responses of",
"example": "support",
"name": "survey"
"description": "View survey responses",
"name": "survey",
"response": {
"list": {
"title": "📃 Surveys"
"tag": {
"aliases": {
"faq": "faq",
"t": "t",
"tags": "tags"
"args": {
"tag": {
"description": "The name of the tag to use",
"example": "website",
"name": "tag"
"description": "Use a tag response",
"name": "tag",
"response": {
"error": "❌ Error",
"list": {
"title": "📃 Tag list"
"missing": "This tag requires the following arguments:\n%s",
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "This tag can only be used within a ticket channel as it uses ticket references.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"topic": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"new_topic": {
"description": "The new topic of the ticket",
"example": "billing issue",
"name": "new_topic"
"description": "Change the topic of the ticket",
"name": "emne",
"response": {
"changed": {
"description": "This ticket's topic has been changed.",
"title": "✅ Topic changed"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in the ticket channel you want to change the topic of.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"command_execution_error": {
"description": "Det oppstod en uventet feil under kommandoutførelsen.\nBe en administrator kontrollere konsollutdataene/-loggene for mer informasjon.",
"title": "⚠️"
"message_will_be_deleted_in": "Denne meldingen vil bli slettet om %d sekunder",
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "You do not have the permissions required to use this command:\n%s",
"title": "❌"
"staff_only": {
"description": "Du må være medlem av staben for å bruke denne kommandoen.",
"title": "❌"
"ticket": {
"claimed": {
"description": "%s has claimed this ticket.",
"title": "✅ Ticket claimed"
"closed": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed.\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Billetten er stengt"
"closed_by_member": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed by %s.\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Billetten er stengt"
"closed_by_member_with_reason": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed by %s: `%s`\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Billetten er stengt"
"closed_with_reason": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed: `%s`\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Billetten er stengt"
"member_added": {
"description": "%s has been added by %s",
"title": "Member added"
"member_removed": {
"description": "%s has been removed by %s",
"title": "Member removed"
"opening_message": {
"fields": {
"topic": "Topic"
"questions": "Please answer the following questions:\n\n%s",
"released": {
"description": "%s has released this ticket.",
"title": "✅ Ticket released"
"survey": {
"complete": {
"description": "Thank you for your feedback.",
"title": "✅ Thank you"
"start": {
"description": "Hey, %s. Before this channel is deleted, would you mind completing a quick %d-question survey? React with ✅ to start, or ignore this message.",
"title": "❔ Feedback"
"bot": {
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "Discord Tickets requires the following permissions:\n%s",
"title": "⚠️"
"version": "[Discord Tickets](%s) v%s Av [eartharoid](%s)"
"cmd_usage": {
"args": {
"description": "**Beskrivelse:** %s",
"example": "**Eksempel:** `%s`"
"description": "**Bruk:**\n`%s`\n\n**Eksempel:**\n`%s`\n\nObligatoriske felt er prefikset med `❗`.",
"invalid_named_args": {
"description": "There is an error in your command syntax: `%s`.\nType `%s` for an example.\nPlease ask a member of staff if you are unsure.",
"title": "❌ Invalid syntax"
"named_args": "Denne kommandoen bruker navngitte argumenter.\n\n",
"title": "'%s' kommandobruk"
"collector_expires_in": "Utløper om %d sekunder",
"commands": {
"add": {
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "The member to add to the ticket",
"example": "@someone",
"name": "member"
"ticket": {
"description": "The ticket to add the member to",
"example": "217",
"name": "billett"
"description": "Add a member to a ticket",
"name": "add",
"response": {
"added": {
"description": "%s has been added to %s.",
"title": "✅ Member added"
"no_member": {
"description": "Please mention the member you want to add.",
"title": "❌ Unknown member"
"no_permission": {
"description": "You are not the creator of this ticket and you are not a staff member; you can't add members to this ticket.",
"title": "❌ Insufficient permission"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in the ticket channel, or mention the channel.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"blacklist": {
"aliases": {
"unblacklist": "fjerne fra svarteliste"
"args": {
"member_or_role": {
"description": "The member or role to add/remove",
"example": "@NaughtyMember",
"name": "medlemEllerRolle"
"description": "Svarteliste/fjerne fra svarteliste et medlem fra og bruke denne botten",
"name": "svarteliste",
"response": {
"empty_list": {
"description": "Det er ingen medlemmer eller roller svartelistet. Skriv `%sblacklist <memberOrRole>` for og legge til et medlem eller rolle til svartelisten.",
"title": "📃 Svartelistet medlemmer og roller"
"illegal_action": {
"description": "%s er en moderator og kan ikke bli svartelistet.",
"title": "❌ Du kan ikke svarteliste dette medlemmet"
"list": {
"title": "📃 Svartelistet medlemmer og roller"
"member_added": {
"description": "<@%s> har blitt lagt til i svartelisten. De kan ikke lengre bruke botten.",
"title": "✅ La til medlemmet til svartelisten"
"member_removed": {
"description": "<@%s> har blitt fjernet fra svartelisten. De kan nå bruke botten igjen.",
"title": "✅ Fjernet medlemmet fra svartelisten"
"role_added": {
"description": "<@&%s> er lagt til i svartelisten. Medlemmer med denne rollen vil ikke lenger kunne bruke botten.",
"title": "✅ La til rollen i svartelisten"
"role_removed": {
"description": "<@&%s> er fjernet fra svartelisten. Medlemmer med denne rollen kan nå bruke botten igjen.",
"title": "✅ Fjernet rollen fra svartelisten"
"close": {
"aliases": {
"delete": "slett",
"lock": "lock"
"args": {
"reason": {
"alias": "r",
"description": "The reason for closing the ticket(s)",
"name": "reason"
"ticket": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "The ticket to close, either the number or the channel mention/ID",
"example": "217",
"name": "billett"
"time": {
"alias": "T",
"description": "Close all tickets that have been inactive for the specified time",
"example": "1w",
"name": "time"
"description": "Lukke en billettkanal",
"name": "lukke",
"response": {
"closed": {
"description": "Ticket #%s has been closed.",
"title": "✅ Billetten er stengt"
"closed_multiple": {
"description": [
"%d ticket has been closed.",
"%d tickets have been closed."
"title": [
"✅ Billetten er stengt",
"✅ Tickets closed"
"confirm": {
"description": "React with ✅ to close this ticket.",
"description_with_archive": "You will be able to view an archived version of it after.\nReact with ✅ to close this ticket.",
"title": "❔ Are you sure?"
"confirmation_timeout": {
"description": "You took too long to confirm.",
"title": "❌ Reaksjonstiden har utløpt"
"confirm_multiple": {
"description": [
"React with ✅ to close %d ticket.",
"React with ✅ to close %d tickets."
"title": "❔ Are you sure?"
"invalid_time": {
"description": "The time period provided could not be parsed.",
"title": "❌ Invalid input"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in a ticket channel or use the ticket flag.\nType `%shelp close` for more information.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"no_tickets": {
"description": "There are no tickets which have been inactive for this time period.",
"title": "❌ No tickets to close"
"unresolvable": {
"description": "`%s` could not be resolved to a ticket. Please provide the ticket ID/mention or number.",
"title": "❌ Error"
"help": {
"aliases": {
"command": "command",
"commands": "commands"
"args": {
"command": {
"description": "The command to display information about",
"example": "ny",
"name": "command"
"description": "List commands you have access to, or find out more about a command",
"name": "help",
"response": {
"list": {
"description": "The commands you have access to are listed below. For more information about a command, type `{prefix}help [command]`. To create a ticket, type `{prefix}new [topic]`.",
"fields": {
"commands": "Commands"
"title": "❔ Help"
"new": {
"aliases": {
"create": "opprette",
"open": "åpne",
"ticket": "billett"
"args": {
"topic": {
"description": "Temaet for billetten",
"example": "Problem med fakturering",
"name": "emne"
"description": "Opprett en ny billett",
"name": "ny",
"response": {
"created": {
"description": "Billetten er opprettet: %s.",
"title": "✅ Billetten er opprettet"
"error": {
"title": "❌ Error"
"has_a_ticket": {
"description": "Bruk din eksisterende billett ( <#%s>) eller lukk den før du oppretter en ny.",
"title": "❌ Du har allerede en åpen billett"
"max_tickets": {
"description": "Vennligst bruk '%sclose' for å lukke unødvendige billetter.\n\n%s",
"title": "❌ Du har allerede %d åpne billetter"
"no_categories": {
"description": "En serveradministrator må opprette minst én billettkategori før en ny billett kan åpnes.",
"title": "❌ Kan ikke opprette billett"
"select_category": {
"description": "Velg kategorien som er mest relevant for billettens emne:\n\n%s",
"title": "🔤 Velg billettkategori"
"select_category_timeout": {
"description": "Det tok for lang tid å velge billettkategorien.",
"title": "❌ Reaksjonstiden har utløpt"
"request_topic": {
"description": "Vennligst oppgi kort hva denne billetten handler om med noen få ord.",
"title": "Billettemne"
"panel": {
"args": {
"categories": {
"alias": "c",
"description": "A category ID",
"example": "451745464954650634",
"name": "categories"
"description": {
"alias": "d",
"description": "The description for the panel message",
"example": "\"React to this message to open a ticket.\"",
"name": "description"
"emoji": {
"alias": "e",
"description": "An emoji",
"example": "🎫",
"name": "emoji"
"title": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "The title for the panel message",
"example": "\"Support tickets\"",
"name": "title"
"description": "Create a new ticket panel",
"name": "panel",
"response": {
"invalid_category": {
"description": "One or more of the specified category IDs is invalid.",
"title": "❌ Invalid category"
"mismatch": {
"description": "Please provide the name number of emojis and category IDs.",
"title": "❌ Invalid input"
"remove": {
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "The member to remove from the ticket",
"example": "@someone",
"name": "member"
"ticket": {
"description": "The ticket to remove the member from",
"example": "217",
"name": "billett"
"description": "Remove a member from a ticket",
"name": "remove",
"response": {
"removed": {
"description": "%s has been removed from %s.",
"title": "✅ Member removed"
"no_member": {
"description": "Please mention the member you want to remove.",
"title": "❌ Unknown member"
"no_permission": {
"description": "You are not the creator of this ticket and you are not a staff member; you can't remove members from this ticket.",
"title": "❌ Insufficient permission"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in the ticket channel, or mention the channel.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"settings": {
"aliases": {
"config": "konfiguration"
"description": "Konfigurere Discord Tickets",
"name": "innstillinger",
"response": {
"invalid": "❌ Settings data is invalid; please refer to the documentation.\n%s",
"updated": "✅ innstillinger er oppdatert."
"stats": {
"description": "Display ticket statistics",
"fields": {
"messages": "Messages",
"response_time": {
"minutes": "%s minutes",
"title": "Avg. response time"
"tickets": "Tickets"
"name": "stats",
"response": {
"global": {
"description": "Statistics about tickets across all guilds where this Discord TIckets instance is used.",
"title": "📊 Global stats"
"guild": {
"description": "Statistics about tickets within this guild. This data is cached for an hour.",
"title": "📊 This server's stats"
"survey": {
"aliases": {
"surveys": "surveys"
"args": {
"survey": {
"description": "The name of the survey to view responses of",
"example": "support",
"name": "survey"
"description": "View survey responses",
"name": "survey",
"response": {
"list": {
"title": "📃 Surveys"
"tag": {
"aliases": {
"faq": "faq",
"t": "t",
"tags": "tags"
"args": {
"tag": {
"description": "The name of the tag to use",
"example": "website",
"name": "tag"
"description": "Use a tag response",
"name": "tag",
"response": {
"error": "❌ Error",
"list": {
"title": "📃 Tag list"
"missing": "This tag requires the following arguments:\n%s",
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "This tag can only be used within a ticket channel as it uses ticket references.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"topic": {
"args": {
"new_topic": {
"description": "The new topic of the ticket",
"example": "billing issue",
"name": "new_topic"
"description": "Change the topic of the ticket",
"name": "emne",
"response": {
"changed": {
"description": "This ticket's topic has been changed.",
"title": "✅ Topic changed"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in the ticket channel you want to change the topic of.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"command_execution_error": {
"description": "Det oppstod en uventet feil under kommandoutførelsen.\nBe en administrator kontrollere konsollutdataene/-loggene for mer informasjon.",
"title": "⚠️"
"message_will_be_deleted_in": "Denne meldingen vil bli slettet om %d sekunder",
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "You do not have the permissions required to use this command:\n%s",
"title": "❌"
"staff_only": {
"description": "Du må være medlem av staben for å bruke denne kommandoen.",
"title": "❌"
"ticket": {
"claimed": {
"description": "%s has claimed this ticket.",
"title": "✅ Ticket claimed"
"closed": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed.\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Billetten er stengt"
"closed_by_member": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed by %s.\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Billetten er stengt"
"closed_by_member_with_reason": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed by %s: `%s`\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Billetten er stengt"
"closed_with_reason": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed: `%s`\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Billetten er stengt"
"member_added": {
"description": "%s has been added by %s",
"title": "Member added"
"member_removed": {
"description": "%s has been removed by %s",
"title": "Member removed"
"opening_message": {
"fields": {
"topic": "Topic"
"questions": "Please answer the following questions:\n\n%s",
"released": {
"description": "%s has released this ticket.",
"title": "✅ Ticket released"
"survey": {
"complete": {
"description": "Thank you for your feedback.",
"title": "✅ Thank you"
"start": {
"description": "Hey, %s. Before this channel is deleted, would you mind completing a quick %d-question survey? React with ✅ to start, or ignore this message.",
"title": "❔ Feedback"

View File

@ -1,494 +1,487 @@
"bot": {
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "DiscordTickets potrzebuje tych uprawnień:\n%s",
"title": "⚠️"
"version": "[Discord Tickets](%s) v%s by [eartharoid](%s)"
"cmd_usage": {
"args": {
"description": "**Opis:** %s",
"example": "**Przykład:** '%s'"
"description": "**Usage:**\n`%s`\n\n**Example:**\n`%s`\n\nRequired arguments are prefixed with `❗`.",
"invalid_named_args": {
"description": "W komendzie występuje błąd: '%s'.\nWpisz przykładowo '%s'.\nZapytaj administratora, jeżeli nie jesteś pewien.",
"title": "❌ Niepoprawna komenda"
"named_args": "To polecenie używa nazwanych argumentów.\n\n",
"title": "'%s' użycie komendy"
"collector_expires_in": "Wygasa w ciągu %d sekund",
"commands": {
"add": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "Użytkownik został dodany do ticketu",
"example": "@someone",
"name": "użytkownik"
"ticket": {
"description": "The ticket to add the member to",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"description": "Dodaj użytkownika do ticketu",
"name": "dodaj",
"response": {
"added": {
"description": "%s został dodany do %s.",
"title": "✅ Użytkownik dodany"
"no_member": {
"description": "Wspomnij o osobie, którą chcesz dodać.",
"title": "❌ Nieznany użytkownik"
"no_permission": {
"description": "Nie jesteś twórca tego ticketum, ani nie jesteś administratorem. Nie możesz dodać osób do tego ticketu.",
"title": "❌ Niewystarczające uprawnienia"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Użyj tej komendy na kanale ticketu lub wspomnij o kanale.",
"title": "❌ To nie jest kanał ticketu"
"blacklist": {
"aliases": {
"unblacklist": "unblacklist"
"args": {
"member_or_role": {
"description": "Osoba albo rola do dodania/usunięcia",
"example": "@NaughtyMember",
"name": "osobaLubRola"
"description": "Zblacklistuj/odblacklistuj osobę z interakcji z botem",
"name": "blacklist",
"response": {
"empty_list": {
"description": "Nie ma żadnych osób i roli, które są zblacklistowane. Wpisz `%sblacklist <memberOrRole>`, aby dodać osobę lub role do blacklisty.",
"title": "📃 osoby i role, które są zblacklistowane"
"illegal_action": {
"description": "%s jest administratorem i nie może zostać zblacklistowany.",
"title": "❌ Nie możesz zblacklistować tej osoby"
"list": {
"title": "📃 osoby i role, które są zblacklistowane"
"member_added": {
"description": "<@%s> została dodana do czarnej listy. Nie będą już mogli wchodzić w interakcje z botem.",
"title": "✅ Dodano osobę do czarnej listy"
"member_removed": {
"description": "<@%s> został usunięty z czarnej listy. Teraz mogą ponownie użyć bota.",
"title": "✅ Osoba została usunięta z blacklisty"
"role_added": {
"description": "<@&%s> została dodana do blacklisty. Osoby z tej roli nie będą już mogli wchodzić w interakcje z botem.",
"title": "✅ Dodano rolę do blacklisty"
"role_removed": {
"description": "<@&%s> został usunięty z blacklisty. Osoby z tej roli mogą teraz użyć bota ponownie.",
"title": "✅ Usunięto rolę z blacklisty"
"close": {
"aliases": {
"delete": "usun",
"lock": "zamknij"
"args": {
"reason": {
"alias": "r",
"description": "Powód zamknięcia ticketu(-ów)",
"example": "",
"name": "powód"
"ticket": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "The ticket to close, either the number or the channel mention/ID",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"time": {
"alias": "T",
"description": "Close all tickets that have been inactive for the specified time",
"example": "1w",
"name": "time"
"description": "Close a ticket channel",
"name": "close",
"response": {
"closed": {
"description": "Ticket #%s has been closed.",
"title": "✅ Ticket closed"
"closed_multiple": {
"description": [
"%d ticket has been closed.",
"%d tickets have been closed."
"title": [
"✅ Ticket closed",
"✅ Tickets closed"
"confirm": {
"description": "React with ✅ to close this ticket.",
"description_with_archive": "You will be able to view an archived version of it after.\nReact with ✅ to close this ticket.",
"title": "❔ Are you sure?"
"confirmation_timeout": {
"description": "You took too long to confirm.",
"title": "❌ Reaction time expired"
"confirm_multiple": {
"description": [
"React with ✅ to close %d ticket.",
"React with ✅ to close %d tickets."
"title": "❔ Are you sure?"
"invalid_time": {
"description": "The time period provided could not be parsed.",
"title": "❌ Invalid input"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in a ticket channel or use the ticket flag.\nType `%shelp close` for more information.",
"title": "❌ To nie jest kanał ticketu"
"no_tickets": {
"description": "There are no tickets which have been inactive for this time period.",
"title": "❌ No tickets to close"
"unresolvable": {
"description": "`%s` could not be resolved to a ticket. Please provide the ticket ID/mention or number.",
"title": "❌ Error"
"help": {
"aliases": {
"command": "command",
"commands": "commands"
"args": {
"command": {
"description": "The command to display information about",
"example": "new",
"name": "command"
"description": "List commands you have access to, or find out more about a command",
"name": "help",
"response": {
"list": {
"description": "The commands you have access to are listed below. For more information about a command, type `{prefix}help [command]`. To create a ticket, type `{prefix}new [topic]`.",
"fields": {
"commands": "Commands"
"title": "❔ Help"
"new": {
"aliases": {
"create": "create",
"open": "open",
"ticket": "ticket"
"args": {
"topic": {
"description": "The topic of the ticket",
"example": "Problem with billing",
"name": "topic"
"description": "Create a new ticket",
"name": "new",
"response": {
"created": {
"description": "Your ticket has been created: %s.",
"title": "✅ Ticket created"
"error": {
"title": "❌ Error"
"has_a_ticket": {
"description": "Użyj istniejącego ticketu <#(%s>) lub zamknij go przed utworzeniem innego.",
"title": "❌ Masz już otwarty ticket"
"max_tickets": {
"description": "Użyj `%sclose`, aby zamknąć niepotrzebne tickety.\n\n%s",
"title": "❌ Masz już %d otwartych ticketów"
"no_categories": {
"description": "Administrator serwera musi utworzyć co najmniej jedną kategorię ticketu przed otwarciem nowego.",
"title": "❌ Nie można stworzyć ticketu"
"select_category": {
"description": "Wybierz kategorię najbardziej odpowiednią dla tematu ticketu:\n\n%s",
"title": "🔤 Proszę wybrać kategorię ticketu"
"select_category_timeout": {
"description": "Wybór kategorii ticketu trwał zbyt długo.",
"title": "❌ Reaction time expired"
"request_topic": {
"description": "Proszę krótko opisać ten ticket.",
"title": "Temat ticketu"
"panel": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"categories": {
"alias": "c",
"description": "ID kategorii",
"example": "451745464954650634",
"name": "kategorie"
"description": {
"alias": "d",
"description": "Opis wiadomości panelu",
"example": "\"Zareaguj na tę wiadomość, aby otworzyć ticket\"",
"name": "opis"
"emoji": {
"alias": "e",
"description": "emoji",
"example": "🎫",
"name": "emoji"
"title": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "Tytuł wiadomości panelu",
"example": "\"Tickety wsparcia\"",
"name": "tytuł"
"description": "Tworzenie nowego panelu ticketów",
"name": "panel",
"response": {
"invalid_category": {
"description": "Co najmniej jeden z określonych ID kategorii jest nieprawidłowy.",
"title": "❌ Nieprawidłowa kategoria"
"mismatch": {
"description": "Podaj nazwę emoji i ID kategorii.",
"title": "❌ Invalid input"
"remove": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "Osoba, do usunięcia z ticketu",
"example": "@someone",
"name": "użytkownik"
"ticket": {
"description": "Ticket do usunięcia osoby z",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"description": "Usuń osobę z ticketu",
"name": "usuń",
"response": {
"removed": {
"description": "%s został usunięty z %s.",
"title": "✅ osoba usunięta"
"no_member": {
"description": "Proszę wspomnieć o osobie, którą chcesz usunąć.",
"title": "❌ Nieznany użytkownik"
"no_permission": {
"description": "Nie jesteś twórcą tego biletu i nie jesteś administratorem; nie można usunąć osób z tego ticketu.",
"title": "❌ Niewystarczające uprawnienia"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Użyj tej komendy na kanale ticketu lub wspomnij o kanale.",
"title": "❌ To nie jest kanał ticketu"
"settings": {
"aliases": {
"config": "config"
"description": "Configure Discord Tickets",
"name": "settings",
"response": {
"invalid": "❌ Settings data is invalid; please refer to the documentation.\n%s",
"updated": "✅ Settings have been updated."
"stats": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {},
"description": "Display ticket statistics",
"fields": {
"messages": "Messages",
"response_time": {
"minutes": "%s minutes",
"title": "Avg. response time"
"tickets": "Tickets"
"name": "stats",
"response": {
"global": {
"description": "Statistics about tickets across all guilds where this Discord TIckets instance is used.",
"title": "📊 Global stats"
"guild": {
"description": "Statistics about tickets within this guild. This data is cached for an hour.",
"title": "📊 This server's stats"
"survey": {
"aliases": {
"surveys": "surveys"
"args": {
"survey": {
"description": "The name of the survey to view responses of",
"example": "support",
"name": "survey"
"description": "View survey responses",
"name": "survey",
"response": {
"list": {
"title": "📃 Surveys"
"tag": {
"aliases": {
"faq": "faq",
"t": "t",
"tags": "tags"
"args": {
"tag": {
"description": "The name of the tag to use",
"example": "website",
"name": "tag"
"description": "Use a tag response",
"name": "tag",
"response": {
"error": "❌ Error",
"list": {
"title": "📃 Tag list"
"missing": "This tag requires the following arguments:\n%s",
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "This tag can only be used within a ticket channel as it uses ticket references.",
"title": "❌ To nie jest kanał ticketu"
"topic": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"new_topic": {
"description": "The new topic of the ticket",
"example": "billing issue",
"name": "new_topic"
"description": "Change the topic of the ticket",
"name": "topic",
"response": {
"changed": {
"description": "This ticket's topic has been changed.",
"title": "✅ Topic changed"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in the ticket channel you want to change the topic of.",
"title": "❌ To nie jest kanał ticketu"
"command_execution_error": {
"description": "An unexpected error occurred during command execution.\nPlease ask an administrator to check the console output / logs for details.",
"title": "⚠️"
"message_will_be_deleted_in": "This message will be deleted in %d seconds",
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "You do not have the permissions required to use this command:\n%s",
"title": "❌"
"staff_only": {
"description": "You must be a member of staff to use this command.",
"title": "❌"
"ticket": {
"claimed": {
"description": "%s has claimed this ticket.",
"title": "✅ Ticket claimed"
"closed": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed.\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Ticket closed"
"closed_by_member": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed by %s.\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Ticket closed"
"closed_by_member_with_reason": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed by %s: `%s`\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Ticket closed"
"closed_with_reason": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed: `%s`\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Ticket closed"
"member_added": {
"description": "%s has been added by %s",
"title": "Member added"
"member_removed": {
"description": "%s has been removed by %s",
"title": "Member removed"
"opening_message": {
"fields": {
"topic": "Topic"
"questions": "Please answer the following questions:\n\n%s",
"released": {
"description": "%s has released this ticket.",
"title": "✅ Ticket released"
"survey": {
"complete": {
"description": "Thank you for your feedback.",
"title": "✅ Thank you"
"start": {
"description": "Hey, %s. Before this channel is deleted, would you mind completing a quick %d-question survey? React with ✅ to start, or ignore this message.",
"title": "❔ Feedback"
"bot": {
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "DiscordTickets potrzebuje tych uprawnień:\n%s",
"title": "⚠️"
"version": "[Discord Tickets](%s) v%s by [eartharoid](%s)"
"cmd_usage": {
"args": {
"description": "**Opis:** %s",
"example": "**Przykład:** '%s'"
"description": "**Usage:**\n`%s`\n\n**Example:**\n`%s`\n\nRequired arguments are prefixed with `❗`.",
"invalid_named_args": {
"description": "W komendzie występuje błąd: '%s'.\nWpisz przykładowo '%s'.\nZapytaj administratora, jeżeli nie jesteś pewien.",
"title": "❌ Niepoprawna komenda"
"named_args": "To polecenie używa nazwanych argumentów.\n\n",
"title": "'%s' użycie komendy"
"collector_expires_in": "Wygasa w ciągu %d sekund",
"commands": {
"add": {
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "Użytkownik został dodany do ticketu",
"example": "@someone",
"name": "użytkownik"
"ticket": {
"description": "The ticket to add the member to",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"description": "Dodaj użytkownika do ticketu",
"name": "dodaj",
"response": {
"added": {
"description": "%s został dodany do %s.",
"title": "✅ Użytkownik dodany"
"no_member": {
"description": "Wspomnij o osobie, którą chcesz dodać.",
"title": "❌ Nieznany użytkownik"
"no_permission": {
"description": "Nie jesteś twórca tego ticketum, ani nie jesteś administratorem. Nie możesz dodać osób do tego ticketu.",
"title": "❌ Niewystarczające uprawnienia"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Użyj tej komendy na kanale ticketu lub wspomnij o kanale.",
"title": "❌ To nie jest kanał ticketu"
"blacklist": {
"aliases": {
"unblacklist": "unblacklist"
"args": {
"member_or_role": {
"description": "Osoba albo rola do dodania/usunięcia",
"example": "@NaughtyMember",
"name": "osobaLubRola"
"description": "Zblacklistuj/odblacklistuj osobę z interakcji z botem",
"name": "blacklist",
"response": {
"empty_list": {
"description": "Nie ma żadnych osób i roli, które są zblacklistowane. Wpisz `%sblacklist <memberOrRole>`, aby dodać osobę lub role do blacklisty.",
"title": "📃 osoby i role, które są zblacklistowane"
"illegal_action": {
"description": "%s jest administratorem i nie może zostać zblacklistowany.",
"title": "❌ Nie możesz zblacklistować tej osoby"
"list": {
"title": "📃 osoby i role, które są zblacklistowane"
"member_added": {
"description": "<@%s> została dodana do czarnej listy. Nie będą już mogli wchodzić w interakcje z botem.",
"title": "✅ Dodano osobę do czarnej listy"
"member_removed": {
"description": "<@%s> został usunięty z czarnej listy. Teraz mogą ponownie użyć bota.",
"title": "✅ Osoba została usunięta z blacklisty"
"role_added": {
"description": "<@&%s> została dodana do blacklisty. Osoby z tej roli nie będą już mogli wchodzić w interakcje z botem.",
"title": "✅ Dodano rolę do blacklisty"
"role_removed": {
"description": "<@&%s> został usunięty z blacklisty. Osoby z tej roli mogą teraz użyć bota ponownie.",
"title": "✅ Usunięto rolę z blacklisty"
"close": {
"aliases": {
"delete": "usun",
"lock": "zamknij"
"args": {
"reason": {
"alias": "r",
"description": "Powód zamknięcia ticketu(-ów)",
"name": "powód"
"ticket": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "The ticket to close, either the number or the channel mention/ID",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"time": {
"alias": "T",
"description": "Close all tickets that have been inactive for the specified time",
"example": "1w",
"name": "time"
"description": "Close a ticket channel",
"name": "close",
"response": {
"closed": {
"description": "Ticket #%s has been closed.",
"title": "✅ Ticket closed"
"closed_multiple": {
"description": [
"%d ticket has been closed.",
"%d tickets have been closed."
"title": [
"✅ Ticket closed",
"✅ Tickets closed"
"confirm": {
"description": "React with ✅ to close this ticket.",
"description_with_archive": "You will be able to view an archived version of it after.\nReact with ✅ to close this ticket.",
"title": "❔ Are you sure?"
"confirmation_timeout": {
"description": "You took too long to confirm.",
"title": "❌ Reaction time expired"
"confirm_multiple": {
"description": [
"React with ✅ to close %d ticket.",
"React with ✅ to close %d tickets."
"title": "❔ Are you sure?"
"invalid_time": {
"description": "The time period provided could not be parsed.",
"title": "❌ Invalid input"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in a ticket channel or use the ticket flag.\nType `%shelp close` for more information.",
"title": "❌ To nie jest kanał ticketu"
"no_tickets": {
"description": "There are no tickets which have been inactive for this time period.",
"title": "❌ No tickets to close"
"unresolvable": {
"description": "`%s` could not be resolved to a ticket. Please provide the ticket ID/mention or number.",
"title": "❌ Error"
"help": {
"aliases": {
"command": "command",
"commands": "commands"
"args": {
"command": {
"description": "The command to display information about",
"example": "new",
"name": "command"
"description": "List commands you have access to, or find out more about a command",
"name": "help",
"response": {
"list": {
"description": "The commands you have access to are listed below. For more information about a command, type `{prefix}help [command]`. To create a ticket, type `{prefix}new [topic]`.",
"fields": {
"commands": "Commands"
"title": "❔ Help"
"new": {
"aliases": {
"create": "create",
"open": "open",
"ticket": "ticket"
"args": {
"topic": {
"description": "The topic of the ticket",
"example": "Problem with billing",
"name": "topic"
"description": "Create a new ticket",
"name": "new",
"response": {
"created": {
"description": "Your ticket has been created: %s.",
"title": "✅ Ticket created"
"error": {
"title": "❌ Error"
"has_a_ticket": {
"description": "Użyj istniejącego ticketu <#(%s>) lub zamknij go przed utworzeniem innego.",
"title": "❌ Masz już otwarty ticket"
"max_tickets": {
"description": "Użyj `%sclose`, aby zamknąć niepotrzebne tickety.\n\n%s",
"title": "❌ Masz już %d otwartych ticketów"
"no_categories": {
"description": "Administrator serwera musi utworzyć co najmniej jedną kategorię ticketu przed otwarciem nowego.",
"title": "❌ Nie można stworzyć ticketu"
"select_category": {
"description": "Wybierz kategorię najbardziej odpowiednią dla tematu ticketu:\n\n%s",
"title": "🔤 Proszę wybrać kategorię ticketu"
"select_category_timeout": {
"description": "Wybór kategorii ticketu trwał zbyt długo.",
"title": "❌ Reaction time expired"
"request_topic": {
"description": "Proszę krótko opisać ten ticket.",
"title": "Temat ticketu"
"panel": {
"args": {
"categories": {
"alias": "c",
"description": "ID kategorii",
"example": "451745464954650634",
"name": "kategorie"
"description": {
"alias": "d",
"description": "Opis wiadomości panelu",
"example": "\"Zareaguj na tę wiadomość, aby otworzyć ticket\"",
"name": "opis"
"emoji": {
"alias": "e",
"description": "emoji",
"example": "🎫",
"name": "emoji"
"title": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "Tytuł wiadomości panelu",
"example": "\"Tickety wsparcia\"",
"name": "tytuł"
"description": "Tworzenie nowego panelu ticketów",
"name": "panel",
"response": {
"invalid_category": {
"description": "Co najmniej jeden z określonych ID kategorii jest nieprawidłowy.",
"title": "❌ Nieprawidłowa kategoria"
"mismatch": {
"description": "Podaj nazwę emoji i ID kategorii.",
"title": "❌ Invalid input"
"remove": {
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "Osoba, do usunięcia z ticketu",
"example": "@someone",
"name": "użytkownik"
"ticket": {
"description": "Ticket do usunięcia osoby z",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"description": "Usuń osobę z ticketu",
"name": "usuń",
"response": {
"removed": {
"description": "%s został usunięty z %s.",
"title": "✅ osoba usunięta"
"no_member": {
"description": "Proszę wspomnieć o osobie, którą chcesz usunąć.",
"title": "❌ Nieznany użytkownik"
"no_permission": {
"description": "Nie jesteś twórcą tego biletu i nie jesteś administratorem; nie można usunąć osób z tego ticketu.",
"title": "❌ Niewystarczające uprawnienia"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Użyj tej komendy na kanale ticketu lub wspomnij o kanale.",
"title": "❌ To nie jest kanał ticketu"
"settings": {
"aliases": {
"config": "config"
"description": "Configure Discord Tickets",
"name": "settings",
"response": {
"invalid": "❌ Settings data is invalid; please refer to the documentation.\n%s",
"updated": "✅ Settings have been updated."
"stats": {
"description": "Display ticket statistics",
"fields": {
"messages": "Messages",
"response_time": {
"minutes": "%s minutes",
"title": "Avg. response time"
"tickets": "Tickets"
"name": "stats",
"response": {
"global": {
"description": "Statistics about tickets across all guilds where this Discord TIckets instance is used.",
"title": "📊 Global stats"
"guild": {
"description": "Statistics about tickets within this guild. This data is cached for an hour.",
"title": "📊 This server's stats"
"survey": {
"aliases": {
"surveys": "surveys"
"args": {
"survey": {
"description": "The name of the survey to view responses of",
"example": "support",
"name": "survey"
"description": "View survey responses",
"name": "survey",
"response": {
"list": {
"title": "📃 Surveys"
"tag": {
"aliases": {
"faq": "faq",
"t": "t",
"tags": "tags"
"args": {
"tag": {
"description": "The name of the tag to use",
"example": "website",
"name": "tag"
"description": "Use a tag response",
"name": "tag",
"response": {
"error": "❌ Error",
"list": {
"title": "📃 Tag list"
"missing": "This tag requires the following arguments:\n%s",
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "This tag can only be used within a ticket channel as it uses ticket references.",
"title": "❌ To nie jest kanał ticketu"
"topic": {
"args": {
"new_topic": {
"description": "The new topic of the ticket",
"example": "billing issue",
"name": "new_topic"
"description": "Change the topic of the ticket",
"name": "topic",
"response": {
"changed": {
"description": "This ticket's topic has been changed.",
"title": "✅ Topic changed"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in the ticket channel you want to change the topic of.",
"title": "❌ To nie jest kanał ticketu"
"command_execution_error": {
"description": "An unexpected error occurred during command execution.\nPlease ask an administrator to check the console output / logs for details.",
"title": "⚠️"
"message_will_be_deleted_in": "This message will be deleted in %d seconds",
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "You do not have the permissions required to use this command:\n%s",
"title": "❌"
"staff_only": {
"description": "You must be a member of staff to use this command.",
"title": "❌"
"ticket": {
"claimed": {
"description": "%s has claimed this ticket.",
"title": "✅ Ticket claimed"
"closed": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed.\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Ticket closed"
"closed_by_member": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed by %s.\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Ticket closed"
"closed_by_member_with_reason": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed by %s: `%s`\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Ticket closed"
"closed_with_reason": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed: `%s`\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Ticket closed"
"member_added": {
"description": "%s has been added by %s",
"title": "Member added"
"member_removed": {
"description": "%s has been removed by %s",
"title": "Member removed"
"opening_message": {
"fields": {
"topic": "Topic"
"questions": "Please answer the following questions:\n\n%s",
"released": {
"description": "%s has released this ticket.",
"title": "✅ Ticket released"
"survey": {
"complete": {
"description": "Thank you for your feedback.",
"title": "✅ Thank you"
"start": {
"description": "Hey, %s. Before this channel is deleted, would you mind completing a quick %d-question survey? React with ✅ to start, or ignore this message.",
"title": "❔ Feedback"

View File

@ -1,494 +1,487 @@
"bot": {
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "O Bot necessita das seguintes permissões:\n%s",
"title": "⚠️"
"version": "[Discord Tickets](%s) v%s feito por [eartharoid](%s)"
"cmd_usage": {
"args": {
"description": "**Descrição:** %s",
"example": "**Exemplo:** '%s'"
"description": "**Use:**\n'%s'\n\n**Exemplo:**\n'%s'\n\nOs argumentos necessários são iniciados com '❗'.",
"invalid_named_args": {
"description": "There is an error in your command syntax: `%s`.\nType `%s` for an example.\nPlease ask a member of staff if you are unsure.",
"title": "❌ Invalid syntax"
"named_args": "Este comando usa argumentos nomeados.\n\n",
"title": "Uso de comando '%s'"
"collector_expires_in": "Expira em %d segundos",
"commands": {
"add": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "The member to add to the ticket",
"example": "@someone",
"name": "member"
"ticket": {
"description": "The ticket to add the member to",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"description": "Adicionar um usuário ao ticket",
"name": "add",
"response": {
"added": {
"description": "%s foi adicionado ao ticket %s.",
"title": "✅ Usuário adicionado"
"no_member": {
"description": "Por favor, mencione o membro que quer adicionar",
"title": "❌ Membro não encontrado"
"no_permission": {
"description": "Você não é o criador deste tíquete e não é um membro da equipe; você não pode adicionar membros a este tíquete.",
"title": "❌ Você não tem permissões"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Use este comando no canal do ticket ou mencione o canal.",
"title": "❌ Este não é um canal de ingressos"
"blacklist": {
"aliases": {
"unblacklist": "unblacklist"
"args": {
"member_or_role": {
"description": "The member or role to add/remove",
"example": "@NaughtyMember",
"name": "membroOuCargo"
"description": "Blacklist/unblacklist um membro de interagir com o bot",
"name": "blacklist",
"response": {
"empty_list": {
"description": "Não há membros ou cargos na blacklist. Digite '%sblacklist <memberOrRole>' para adicionar um membro ou cargo à blacklist.",
"title": "📃 Usuários da blacklist"
"illegal_action": {
"description": "%s é um membro da equipe e não pode ser colocado na blacklist.",
"title": "❌ Você não pode colocar este membro na lista negra"
"list": {
"title": "📃 Usuários da blacklist"
"member_added": {
"description": "<@%s> foi adicionado à blacklist. Eles não serão mais capazes de interagir com o bot.",
"title": "✅ Membro adicionado à blacklist"
"member_removed": {
"description": "<@%s> foi removido da blacklist. Agora eles podem usar o bot novamente.",
"title": "✅ Membro removido da lista negra"
"role_added": {
"description": "<@&%s> foi adicionado à blacklist. Eles não serão mais capazes de interagir com o bot.",
"title": "✅ Cargo adicionado à blacklist"
"role_removed": {
"description": "<@&%s> foi removido da blacklist. Membros com esta função agora podem usar o bot novamente.",
"title": "✅ Cargo removido da lista negra"
"close": {
"aliases": {
"delete": "deletar",
"lock": "lock"
"args": {
"reason": {
"alias": "r",
"description": "The reason for closing the ticket(s)",
"example": "",
"name": "reason"
"ticket": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "The ticket to close, either the number or the channel mention/ID",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"time": {
"alias": "T",
"description": "Close all tickets that have been inactive for the specified time",
"example": "1w",
"name": "time"
"description": "Feche um canal de ticket",
"name": "close",
"response": {
"closed": {
"description": "Ticket #%s foi fechado.",
"title": "✅ Ticket fechado"
"closed_multiple": {
"description": [
"%d ticket foi fechado",
"%d tickets foram fechados"
"title": [
"✅ Ticket fechado",
"✅ Tickets fechados"
"confirm": {
"description": "Reaja com ✅ para confirmar",
"description_with_archive": "Você poderá ver uma versão arquivada dele depois.\nReaja com ✅ para fechar o ticket",
"title": "❔ Deseja realmente fechar o ticket?"
"confirmation_timeout": {
"description": "Você demorou muito para confirmar.",
"title": "❌ Tempo de reação expirado"
"confirm_multiple": {
"description": [
"Reaja com ✅ para fechar %d ticket.",
"Reaja com ✅ para fechar %d tickets."
"title": "❔ Deseja realmente fechar o ticket?"
"invalid_time": {
"description": "O período de tempo não pode ser análisado",
"title": "❌ Entrada inválida"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Use este comando em um canal de ticket ou use o sinalizador de ticket.\nUse `%shelp close` para mais informações",
"title": "❌ Este não é um canal de ingressos"
"no_tickets": {
"description": "Não há tickets inativos neste período.",
"title": "❌ Nenhum ticket para fechar"
"unresolvable": {
"description": "`%s` não pôde ser resolvido para um ticket. Forneça a ID / menção ou número do ticket.",
"title": "❌ Erro"
"help": {
"aliases": {
"command": "command",
"commands": "commands"
"args": {
"command": {
"description": "The command to display information about",
"example": "new",
"name": "command"
"description": "List commands you have access to, or find out more about a command",
"name": "help",
"response": {
"list": {
"description": "The commands you have access to are listed below. For more information about a command, type `{prefix}help [command]`. To create a ticket, type `{prefix}new [topic]`.",
"fields": {
"commands": "Commands"
"title": "❔ Help"
"new": {
"aliases": {
"create": "criar",
"open": "abrir",
"ticket": "ticket"
"args": {
"topic": {
"description": "Assunto do Ticket",
"example": "Problemas com a fatura",
"name": "assunto"
"description": "Criar um novo Ticket",
"name": "new",
"response": {
"created": {
"description": "Seu ticket foi criado: %s.",
"title": "✅ Ticket criado"
"error": {
"title": "❌ Erro"
"has_a_ticket": {
"description": "Por favor, use o seu ticket existente (<#%s>) ou feche-o antes de criar outro.",
"title": "❌ Você já tem um ticket aberto"
"max_tickets": {
"description": "Use `%sclose` para fechar todos os tickets desnecessários.\n\n%s",
"title": "❌ Você já tem %d tickets abertos"
"no_categories": {
"description": "Um administrador do servidor deve criar pelo menos uma categoria de ticket antes que um novo ticket possa ser aberto.",
"title": "❌ Não é possível criar ticket"
"select_category": {
"description": "Selecione a categoria mais relevante para o tópico do seu ticket:\n\n%s",
"title": "🔤 Selecione a categoria do ticket"
"select_category_timeout": {
"description": "Você demorou muito para selecionar a categoria do ticket.",
"title": "❌ Tempo de reação expirado"
"request_topic": {
"description": "Por favor, descreva resumidamente do que se trata este ticket em poucas palavras.",
"title": "Assunto do Ticket"
"panel": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"categories": {
"alias": "c",
"description": "A category ID",
"example": "451745464954650634",
"name": "categories"
"description": {
"alias": "d",
"description": "The description for the panel message",
"example": "\"React to this message to open a ticket.\"",
"name": "description"
"emoji": {
"alias": "e",
"description": "An emoji",
"example": "🎫",
"name": "emoji"
"title": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "The title for the panel message",
"example": "\"Support tickets\"",
"name": "title"
"description": "Create a new ticket panel",
"name": "panel",
"response": {
"invalid_category": {
"description": "One or more of the specified category IDs is invalid.",
"title": "❌ Invalid category"
"mismatch": {
"description": "Please provide the name number of emojis and category IDs.",
"title": "❌ Entrada inválida"
"remove": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "The member to remove from the ticket",
"example": "@someone",
"name": "member"
"ticket": {
"description": "The ticket to remove the member from",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"description": "Remove a member from a ticket",
"name": "remove",
"response": {
"removed": {
"description": "%s has been removed from %s.",
"title": "✅ Member removed"
"no_member": {
"description": "Please mention the member you want to remove.",
"title": "❌ Membro não encontrado"
"no_permission": {
"description": "You are not the creator of this ticket and you are not a staff member; you can't remove members from this ticket.",
"title": "❌ Você não tem permissões"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Use este comando no canal do ticket ou mencione o canal.",
"title": "❌ Este não é um canal de ingressos"
"settings": {
"aliases": {
"config": "config"
"description": "Configurar o BOT",
"name": "settings",
"response": {
"invalid": "❌ Settings data is invalid; please refer to the documentation.\n%s",
"updated": "✅ Configurações enviadas com sucesso."
"stats": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {},
"description": "Display ticket statistics",
"fields": {
"messages": "Messages",
"response_time": {
"minutes": "%s minutes",
"title": "Avg. response time"
"tickets": "Tickets"
"name": "stats",
"response": {
"global": {
"description": "Statistics about tickets across all guilds where this Discord TIckets instance is used.",
"title": "📊 Global stats"
"guild": {
"description": "Statistics about tickets within this guild. This data is cached for an hour.",
"title": "📊 This server's stats"
"survey": {
"aliases": {
"surveys": "surveys"
"args": {
"survey": {
"description": "The name of the survey to view responses of",
"example": "support",
"name": "survey"
"description": "View survey responses",
"name": "survey",
"response": {
"list": {
"title": "📃 Surveys"
"tag": {
"aliases": {
"faq": "faq",
"t": "t",
"tags": "tags"
"args": {
"tag": {
"description": "The name of the tag to use",
"example": "website",
"name": "tag"
"description": "Use a tag response",
"name": "tag",
"response": {
"error": "❌ Erro",
"list": {
"title": "📃 Tag list"
"missing": "This tag requires the following arguments:\n%s",
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "This tag can only be used within a ticket channel as it uses ticket references.",
"title": "❌ Este não é um canal de ingressos"
"topic": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"new_topic": {
"description": "The new topic of the ticket",
"example": "billing issue",
"name": "new_topic"
"description": "Change the topic of the ticket",
"name": "assunto",
"response": {
"changed": {
"description": "This ticket's topic has been changed.",
"title": "✅ Topic changed"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in the ticket channel you want to change the topic of.",
"title": "❌ Este não é um canal de ingressos"
"command_execution_error": {
"description": "Ocorreu um erro inesperado durante a execução do comando. \nPor favor, peça a um administrador para verificar os logs do console para obter detalhes.",
"title": "⚠️"
"message_will_be_deleted_in": "Essa mensagem será deletada em %d segundos",
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "Você não tem as permissões necessárias para usar este comando:\n%s",
"title": "❌"
"staff_only": {
"description": "Você precisa ser um membro da staff para utilizar esse comando.",
"title": "❌"
"ticket": {
"claimed": {
"description": "%s has claimed this ticket.",
"title": "✅ Ticket claimed"
"closed": {
"description": "Ticket fechado.\nA sala sera deletada em 5 segundos",
"title": "✅ Ticket fechado"
"closed_by_member": {
"description": "Ticket fechado por %s.\nA sala sera deletada em 5 segundos",
"title": "✅ Ticket fechado"
"closed_by_member_with_reason": {
"description": "Ticket fechado por %s, motivo: `%s`\nA sala sera deletada em 5 segundos",
"title": "✅ Ticket fechado"
"closed_with_reason": {
"description": "Ticket foi fechado, motivo: `%s`\nA sala sera deletada em 5 segundos",
"title": "✅ Ticket fechado"
"member_added": {
"description": "%s foi adicionado ao ticket %s",
"title": "Usuário adicionado"
"member_removed": {
"description": "%s foi removido do ticket por %s",
"title": "Membro removido"
"opening_message": {
"fields": {
"topic": "Topico"
"questions": "Por favor responda as seguintes questões:\n\n%s",
"released": {
"description": "%s has released this ticket.",
"title": "✅ Ticket released"
"survey": {
"complete": {
"description": "Obrigado por seu feedback.",
"title": "✅ Obrigado"
"start": {
"description": "Ei, %s. Antes de este canal ser excluído, você se importaria de responder a uma pesquisa rápida com %d perguntas? Reaja com ✅ para iniciar ou ignore esta mensagem.",
"title": "❔ Feedback"
"bot": {
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "O Bot necessita das seguintes permissões:\n%s",
"title": "⚠️"
"version": "[Discord Tickets](%s) v%s feito por [eartharoid](%s)"
"cmd_usage": {
"args": {
"description": "**Descrição:** %s",
"example": "**Exemplo:** '%s'"
"description": "**Use:**\n'%s'\n\n**Exemplo:**\n'%s'\n\nOs argumentos necessários são iniciados com '❗'.",
"invalid_named_args": {
"description": "There is an error in your command syntax: `%s`.\nType `%s` for an example.\nPlease ask a member of staff if you are unsure.",
"title": "❌ Invalid syntax"
"named_args": "Este comando usa argumentos nomeados.\n\n",
"title": "Uso de comando '%s'"
"collector_expires_in": "Expira em %d segundos",
"commands": {
"add": {
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "The member to add to the ticket",
"example": "@someone",
"name": "member"
"ticket": {
"description": "The ticket to add the member to",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"description": "Adicionar um usuário ao ticket",
"name": "add",
"response": {
"added": {
"description": "%s foi adicionado ao ticket %s.",
"title": "✅ Usuário adicionado"
"no_member": {
"description": "Por favor, mencione o membro que quer adicionar",
"title": "❌ Membro não encontrado"
"no_permission": {
"description": "Você não é o criador deste tíquete e não é um membro da equipe; você não pode adicionar membros a este tíquete.",
"title": "❌ Você não tem permissões"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Use este comando no canal do ticket ou mencione o canal.",
"title": "❌ Este não é um canal de ingressos"
"blacklist": {
"aliases": {
"unblacklist": "unblacklist"
"args": {
"member_or_role": {
"description": "The member or role to add/remove",
"example": "@NaughtyMember",
"name": "membroOuCargo"
"description": "Blacklist/unblacklist um membro de interagir com o bot",
"name": "blacklist",
"response": {
"empty_list": {
"description": "Não há membros ou cargos na blacklist. Digite '%sblacklist <memberOrRole>' para adicionar um membro ou cargo à blacklist.",
"title": "📃 Usuários da blacklist"
"illegal_action": {
"description": "%s é um membro da equipe e não pode ser colocado na blacklist.",
"title": "❌ Você não pode colocar este membro na lista negra"
"list": {
"title": "📃 Usuários da blacklist"
"member_added": {
"description": "<@%s> foi adicionado à blacklist. Eles não serão mais capazes de interagir com o bot.",
"title": "✅ Membro adicionado à blacklist"
"member_removed": {
"description": "<@%s> foi removido da blacklist. Agora eles podem usar o bot novamente.",
"title": "✅ Membro removido da lista negra"
"role_added": {
"description": "<@&%s> foi adicionado à blacklist. Eles não serão mais capazes de interagir com o bot.",
"title": "✅ Cargo adicionado à blacklist"
"role_removed": {
"description": "<@&%s> foi removido da blacklist. Membros com esta função agora podem usar o bot novamente.",
"title": "✅ Cargo removido da lista negra"
"close": {
"aliases": {
"delete": "deletar",
"lock": "lock"
"args": {
"reason": {
"alias": "r",
"description": "The reason for closing the ticket(s)",
"name": "reason"
"ticket": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "The ticket to close, either the number or the channel mention/ID",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"time": {
"alias": "T",
"description": "Close all tickets that have been inactive for the specified time",
"example": "1w",
"name": "time"
"description": "Feche um canal de ticket",
"name": "close",
"response": {
"closed": {
"description": "Ticket #%s foi fechado.",
"title": "✅ Ticket fechado"
"closed_multiple": {
"description": [
"%d ticket foi fechado",
"%d tickets foram fechados"
"title": [
"✅ Ticket fechado",
"✅ Tickets fechados"
"confirm": {
"description": "Reaja com ✅ para confirmar",
"description_with_archive": "Você poderá ver uma versão arquivada dele depois.\nReaja com ✅ para fechar o ticket",
"title": "❔ Deseja realmente fechar o ticket?"
"confirmation_timeout": {
"description": "Você demorou muito para confirmar.",
"title": "❌ Tempo de reação expirado"
"confirm_multiple": {
"description": [
"Reaja com ✅ para fechar %d ticket.",
"Reaja com ✅ para fechar %d tickets."
"title": "❔ Deseja realmente fechar o ticket?"
"invalid_time": {
"description": "O período de tempo não pode ser análisado",
"title": "❌ Entrada inválida"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Use este comando em um canal de ticket ou use o sinalizador de ticket.\nUse `%shelp close` para mais informações",
"title": "❌ Este não é um canal de ingressos"
"no_tickets": {
"description": "Não há tickets inativos neste período.",
"title": "❌ Nenhum ticket para fechar"
"unresolvable": {
"description": "`%s` não pôde ser resolvido para um ticket. Forneça a ID / menção ou número do ticket.",
"title": "❌ Erro"
"help": {
"aliases": {
"command": "command",
"commands": "commands"
"args": {
"command": {
"description": "The command to display information about",
"example": "new",
"name": "command"
"description": "List commands you have access to, or find out more about a command",
"name": "help",
"response": {
"list": {
"description": "The commands you have access to are listed below. For more information about a command, type `{prefix}help [command]`. To create a ticket, type `{prefix}new [topic]`.",
"fields": {
"commands": "Commands"
"title": "❔ Help"
"new": {
"aliases": {
"create": "criar",
"open": "abrir",
"ticket": "ticket"
"args": {
"topic": {
"description": "Assunto do Ticket",
"example": "Problemas com a fatura",
"name": "assunto"
"description": "Criar um novo Ticket",
"name": "new",
"response": {
"created": {
"description": "Seu ticket foi criado: %s.",
"title": "✅ Ticket criado"
"error": {
"title": "❌ Erro"
"has_a_ticket": {
"description": "Por favor, use o seu ticket existente (<#%s>) ou feche-o antes de criar outro.",
"title": "❌ Você já tem um ticket aberto"
"max_tickets": {
"description": "Use `%sclose` para fechar todos os tickets desnecessários.\n\n%s",
"title": "❌ Você já tem %d tickets abertos"
"no_categories": {
"description": "Um administrador do servidor deve criar pelo menos uma categoria de ticket antes que um novo ticket possa ser aberto.",
"title": "❌ Não é possível criar ticket"
"select_category": {
"description": "Selecione a categoria mais relevante para o tópico do seu ticket:\n\n%s",
"title": "🔤 Selecione a categoria do ticket"
"select_category_timeout": {
"description": "Você demorou muito para selecionar a categoria do ticket.",
"title": "❌ Tempo de reação expirado"
"request_topic": {
"description": "Por favor, descreva resumidamente do que se trata este ticket em poucas palavras.",
"title": "Assunto do Ticket"
"panel": {
"args": {
"categories": {
"alias": "c",
"description": "A category ID",
"example": "451745464954650634",
"name": "categories"
"description": {
"alias": "d",
"description": "The description for the panel message",
"example": "\"React to this message to open a ticket.\"",
"name": "description"
"emoji": {
"alias": "e",
"description": "An emoji",
"example": "🎫",
"name": "emoji"
"title": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "The title for the panel message",
"example": "\"Support tickets\"",
"name": "title"
"description": "Create a new ticket panel",
"name": "panel",
"response": {
"invalid_category": {
"description": "One or more of the specified category IDs is invalid.",
"title": "❌ Invalid category"
"mismatch": {
"description": "Please provide the name number of emojis and category IDs.",
"title": "❌ Entrada inválida"
"remove": {
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "The member to remove from the ticket",
"example": "@someone",
"name": "member"
"ticket": {
"description": "The ticket to remove the member from",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"description": "Remove a member from a ticket",
"name": "remove",
"response": {
"removed": {
"description": "%s has been removed from %s.",
"title": "✅ Member removed"
"no_member": {
"description": "Please mention the member you want to remove.",
"title": "❌ Membro não encontrado"
"no_permission": {
"description": "You are not the creator of this ticket and you are not a staff member; you can't remove members from this ticket.",
"title": "❌ Você não tem permissões"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Use este comando no canal do ticket ou mencione o canal.",
"title": "❌ Este não é um canal de ingressos"
"settings": {
"aliases": {
"config": "config"
"description": "Configurar o BOT",
"name": "settings",
"response": {
"invalid": "❌ Settings data is invalid; please refer to the documentation.\n%s",
"updated": "✅ Configurações enviadas com sucesso."
"stats": {
"description": "Display ticket statistics",
"fields": {
"messages": "Messages",
"response_time": {
"minutes": "%s minutes",
"title": "Avg. response time"
"tickets": "Tickets"
"name": "stats",
"response": {
"global": {
"description": "Statistics about tickets across all guilds where this Discord TIckets instance is used.",
"title": "📊 Global stats"
"guild": {
"description": "Statistics about tickets within this guild. This data is cached for an hour.",
"title": "📊 This server's stats"
"survey": {
"aliases": {
"surveys": "surveys"
"args": {
"survey": {
"description": "The name of the survey to view responses of",
"example": "support",
"name": "survey"
"description": "View survey responses",
"name": "survey",
"response": {
"list": {
"title": "📃 Surveys"
"tag": {
"aliases": {
"faq": "faq",
"t": "t",
"tags": "tags"
"args": {
"tag": {
"description": "The name of the tag to use",
"example": "website",
"name": "tag"
"description": "Use a tag response",
"name": "tag",
"response": {
"error": "❌ Erro",
"list": {
"title": "📃 Tag list"
"missing": "This tag requires the following arguments:\n%s",
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "This tag can only be used within a ticket channel as it uses ticket references.",
"title": "❌ Este não é um canal de ingressos"
"topic": {
"args": {
"new_topic": {
"description": "The new topic of the ticket",
"example": "billing issue",
"name": "new_topic"
"description": "Change the topic of the ticket",
"name": "assunto",
"response": {
"changed": {
"description": "This ticket's topic has been changed.",
"title": "✅ Topic changed"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in the ticket channel you want to change the topic of.",
"title": "❌ Este não é um canal de ingressos"
"command_execution_error": {
"description": "Ocorreu um erro inesperado durante a execução do comando. \nPor favor, peça a um administrador para verificar os logs do console para obter detalhes.",
"title": "⚠️"
"message_will_be_deleted_in": "Essa mensagem será deletada em %d segundos",
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "Você não tem as permissões necessárias para usar este comando:\n%s",
"title": "❌"
"staff_only": {
"description": "Você precisa ser um membro da staff para utilizar esse comando.",
"title": "❌"
"ticket": {
"claimed": {
"description": "%s has claimed this ticket.",
"title": "✅ Ticket claimed"
"closed": {
"description": "Ticket fechado.\nA sala sera deletada em 5 segundos",
"title": "✅ Ticket fechado"
"closed_by_member": {
"description": "Ticket fechado por %s.\nA sala sera deletada em 5 segundos",
"title": "✅ Ticket fechado"
"closed_by_member_with_reason": {
"description": "Ticket fechado por %s, motivo: `%s`\nA sala sera deletada em 5 segundos",
"title": "✅ Ticket fechado"
"closed_with_reason": {
"description": "Ticket foi fechado, motivo: `%s`\nA sala sera deletada em 5 segundos",
"title": "✅ Ticket fechado"
"member_added": {
"description": "%s foi adicionado ao ticket %s",
"title": "Usuário adicionado"
"member_removed": {
"description": "%s foi removido do ticket por %s",
"title": "Membro removido"
"opening_message": {
"fields": {
"topic": "Topico"
"questions": "Por favor responda as seguintes questões:\n\n%s",
"released": {
"description": "%s has released this ticket.",
"title": "✅ Ticket released"
"survey": {
"complete": {
"description": "Obrigado por seu feedback.",
"title": "✅ Obrigado"
"start": {
"description": "Ei, %s. Antes de este canal ser excluído, você se importaria de responder a uma pesquisa rápida com %d perguntas? Reaja com ✅ para iniciar ou ignore esta mensagem.",
"title": "❔ Feedback"

View File

@ -1,494 +1,487 @@
"bot": {
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "Discord Tickets требует следующих разрешений:\n%s",
"title": "⚠️"
"version": "[Discord Tickets](%s) v%s от [eartharoid](%s)"
"cmd_usage": {
"args": {
"description": "**Описание:** %s",
"example": "**Пример:** `%s`"
"description": "**Использование:**\n`%s`\n\n**Пример:**\n`%s`\n\nОбязательные аргументы префиксированы с `❗`.",
"invalid_named_args": {
"description": "There is an error in your command syntax: `%s`.\nType `%s` for an example.\nPlease ask a member of staff if you are unsure.",
"title": "❌ Неверный синтаксис"
"named_args": "Эта команда использует названные аргументы.\n\n",
"title": "Использование команды `%s`"
"collector_expires_in": "Истекает через %d секунд",
"commands": {
"add": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "The member to add to the ticket",
"example": "@someone",
"name": "member"
"ticket": {
"description": "The ticket to add the member to",
"example": "217",
"name": "тикет"
"description": "Add a member to a ticket",
"name": "add",
"response": {
"added": {
"description": "%s has been added to %s.",
"title": "✅ Member added"
"no_member": {
"description": "Please mention the member you want to add.",
"title": "❌ Unknown member"
"no_permission": {
"description": "You are not the creator of this ticket and you are not a staff member; you can't add members to this ticket.",
"title": "❌ Insufficient permission"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in the ticket channel, or mention the channel.",
"title": "❌ Это не канал тикета"
"blacklist": {
"aliases": {
"unblacklist": "unblacklist"
"args": {
"member_or_role": {
"description": "The member or role to add/remove",
"example": "@ПлохойПользователь",
"name": "пользовательИлиРоль"
"description": "Запретить/разрешить участнику использовать бота",
"name": "blacklist",
"response": {
"empty_list": {
"description": "В черный список не внесли ни участников, ни ролей. Напишите `%sblacklist <memberOrRole>`, чтобы добавить пользователя или роль в черный список.",
"title": "📃 Черный список пользователей и ролей"
"illegal_action": {
"description": "%s есть персоналом и не может быть внесен в черный список.",
"title": "❌ Вы не можете добавить в черный список этого участника"
"list": {
"title": "📃 Черный список пользователей и ролей"
"member_added": {
"description": "<@%s> добавлен в черный список. Они больше не смогут взаимодействовать с ботом.",
"title": "✅ Пользователь добавлен в черный список"
"member_removed": {
"description": "<@%s> был убран из черного списка. Теперь он может использовать бота снова.",
"title": "✅ Пользователь убран из черного списка"
"role_added": {
"description": "<@&%s> добавлена в черный список. Участники с этой ролью больше не смогут взаимодействовать с ботом.",
"title": "✅ Добавлена роль в черный список"
"role_removed": {
"description": "<@&%s> была убран из черного списка. Теперь он может использовать бота снова.",
"title": "✅ Роль убрана из черного списка"
"close": {
"aliases": {
"delete": "удалить",
"lock": "lock"
"args": {
"reason": {
"alias": "r",
"description": "Причина закрытия тикета(ов)",
"example": "",
"name": "reason"
"ticket": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "Тикет для закрытия, номер или упоминание/ID канала",
"example": "217",
"name": "тикет"
"time": {
"alias": "T",
"description": "Закрыть все тикеты, которые были неактивны в течение указанного времени",
"example": "1w",
"name": "time"
"description": "Закрыть тикет-канал",
"name": "закрыть",
"response": {
"closed": {
"description": "Тикет #%s был закрыт.",
"title": "✅ Тикет закрыт"
"closed_multiple": {
"description": [
"Тикет %d был закрыт.",
"%d тикетов было закрыто."
"title": [
"✅ Тикет закрыт",
"✅ Тикеты закрыты"
"confirm": {
"description": "Поставьте реакцию ✅, чтобы закрыть этот тикет.",
"description_with_archive": "Вы сможете просмотреть архивную версию этого тикета.\nПоставьте реакцию ✅, чтобы закрыть этот тикет.",
"title": "❔ Вы уверены?"
"confirmation_timeout": {
"description": "Подтверждение заняло слишком много времени.",
"title": "❌ Время реакции истекло"
"confirm_multiple": {
"description": [
"Поставьте реакцию ✅, чтобы закрыть тикет %d.",
"Поставьте реакцию ✅, чтобы закрыть тикеты %d."
"title": "❔ Вы уверены?"
"invalid_time": {
"description": "Предоставленный период времени не может быть разобран.",
"title": "❌ Недействительный ввод"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in a ticket channel or use the ticket flag.\nType `%shelp close` for more information.",
"title": "❌ Это не канал тикета"
"no_tickets": {
"description": "Нет тикетов, которые были неактивны в течение этого периода времени.",
"title": "❌ Нет тикетов для закрытия"
"unresolvable": {
"description": "`%s` could not be resolved to a ticket. Please provide the ticket ID/mention or number.",
"title": "❌ Ошибка"
"help": {
"aliases": {
"command": "command",
"commands": "commands"
"args": {
"command": {
"description": "The command to display information about",
"example": "новый",
"name": "command"
"description": "List commands you have access to, or find out more about a command",
"name": "help",
"response": {
"list": {
"description": "The commands you have access to are listed below. For more information about a command, type `{prefix}help [command]`. To create a ticket, type `{prefix}new [topic]`.",
"fields": {
"commands": "Commands"
"title": "❔ Help"
"new": {
"aliases": {
"create": "создать",
"open": "открыть",
"ticket": "тикет"
"args": {
"topic": {
"description": "Тема билета",
"example": "Проблема с выставлением счетов",
"name": "топик"
"description": "Создание нового тикета",
"name": "новый",
"response": {
"created": {
"description": "Ваш тикет был создан: %s.",
"title": "✅ Тикет создан"
"error": {
"title": "❌ Ошибка"
"has_a_ticket": {
"description": "Пожалуйста, используйте существующий тикет (<#%s>) или закройте его перед созданием нового.",
"title": "❌ У вас уже есть открытый тикет"
"max_tickets": {
"description": "Please use `%sclose` to close any unneeded tickets.\n\n%s",
"title": "❌ У вас уже есть %d открытых тикетов"
"no_categories": {
"description": "A server administrator must create at least one ticket category before a new ticket can be opened.",
"title": "❌ Не могу создать тикет"
"select_category": {
"description": "Select the category most relevant to your ticket's topic:\n\n%s",
"title": "🔤 Пожалуйста, выберите категорию тикетов"
"select_category_timeout": {
"description": "Вы слишком долго выбирали категорию тикетов.",
"title": "❌ Время реакции истекло"
"request_topic": {
"description": "Please briefly state what this ticket is about in a a few words.",
"title": "Тема тикета"
"panel": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"categories": {
"alias": "c",
"description": "ID категории",
"example": "451745464954650634",
"name": "categories"
"description": {
"alias": "d",
"description": "The description for the panel message",
"example": "\"React to this message to open a ticket.\"",
"name": "description"
"emoji": {
"alias": "e",
"description": "An emoji",
"example": "🎫",
"name": "emoji"
"title": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "The title for the panel message",
"example": "\"Support tickets\"",
"name": "title"
"description": "Create a new ticket panel",
"name": "panel",
"response": {
"invalid_category": {
"description": "One or more of the specified category IDs is invalid.",
"title": "❌ Недействительная категория"
"mismatch": {
"description": "Please provide the name number of emojis and category IDs.",
"title": "❌ Недействительный ввод"
"remove": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "The member to remove from the ticket",
"example": "@someone",
"name": "member"
"ticket": {
"description": "The ticket to remove the member from",
"example": "217",
"name": "тикет"
"description": "Remove a member from a ticket",
"name": "remove",
"response": {
"removed": {
"description": "%s has been removed from %s.",
"title": "✅ Member removed"
"no_member": {
"description": "Please mention the member you want to remove.",
"title": "❌ Unknown member"
"no_permission": {
"description": "You are not the creator of this ticket and you are not a staff member; you can't remove members from this ticket.",
"title": "❌ Insufficient permission"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in the ticket channel, or mention the channel.",
"title": "❌ Это не канал тикета"
"settings": {
"aliases": {
"config": "config"
"description": "Configure Discord Tickets",
"name": "settings",
"response": {
"invalid": "❌ Settings data is invalid; please refer to the documentation.\n%s",
"updated": "✅ Настройки были обновлены."
"stats": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {},
"description": "Display ticket statistics",
"fields": {
"messages": "Messages",
"response_time": {
"minutes": "%s minutes",
"title": "Avg. response time"
"tickets": "Tickets"
"name": "stats",
"response": {
"global": {
"description": "Statistics about tickets across all guilds where this Discord TIckets instance is used.",
"title": "📊 Global stats"
"guild": {
"description": "Statistics about tickets within this guild. This data is cached for an hour.",
"title": "📊 This server's stats"
"survey": {
"aliases": {
"surveys": "surveys"
"args": {
"survey": {
"description": "The name of the survey to view responses of",
"example": "support",
"name": "survey"
"description": "View survey responses",
"name": "survey",
"response": {
"list": {
"title": "📃 Surveys"
"tag": {
"aliases": {
"faq": "faq",
"t": "t",
"tags": "tags"
"args": {
"tag": {
"description": "The name of the tag to use",
"example": "website",
"name": "tag"
"description": "Use a tag response",
"name": "tag",
"response": {
"error": "❌ Ошибка",
"list": {
"title": "📃 Tag list"
"missing": "This tag requires the following arguments:\n%s",
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "This tag can only be used within a ticket channel as it uses ticket references.",
"title": "❌ Это не канал тикета"
"topic": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"new_topic": {
"description": "The new topic of the ticket",
"example": "billing issue",
"name": "new_topic"
"description": "Change the topic of the ticket",
"name": "топик",
"response": {
"changed": {
"description": "This ticket's topic has been changed.",
"title": "✅ Topic changed"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in the ticket channel you want to change the topic of.",
"title": "❌ Это не канал тикета"
"command_execution_error": {
"description": "An unexpected error occurred during command execution.\nPlease ask an administrator to check the console output / logs for details.",
"title": "⚠️"
"message_will_be_deleted_in": "Это сообщение будет удалено в течение %d секунд",
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "You do not have the permissions required to use this command:\n%s",
"title": "❌"
"staff_only": {
"description": "You must be a member of staff to use this command.",
"title": "❌"
"ticket": {
"claimed": {
"description": "%s принял этот тикет.",
"title": "✅ Тикет принят"
"closed": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed.\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Тикет закрыт"
"closed_by_member": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed by %s.\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Тикет закрыт"
"closed_by_member_with_reason": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed by %s: `%s`\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Тикет закрыт"
"closed_with_reason": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed: `%s`\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Тикет закрыт"
"member_added": {
"description": "%s has been added by %s",
"title": "Member added"
"member_removed": {
"description": "%s has been removed by %s",
"title": "Member removed"
"opening_message": {
"fields": {
"topic": "Topic"
"questions": "Please answer the following questions:\n\n%s",
"released": {
"description": "%s выпустил этот тикет.",
"title": "✅ Тикет выпущен"
"survey": {
"complete": {
"description": "Thank you for your feedback.",
"title": "✅ Thank you"
"start": {
"description": "Hey, %s. Before this channel is deleted, would you mind completing a quick %d-question survey? React with ✅ to start, or ignore this message.",
"title": "❔ Feedback"
"bot": {
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "Discord Tickets требует следующих разрешений:\n%s",
"title": "⚠️"
"version": "[Discord Tickets](%s) v%s от [eartharoid](%s)"
"cmd_usage": {
"args": {
"description": "**Описание:** %s",
"example": "**Пример:** `%s`"
"description": "**Использование:**\n`%s`\n\n**Пример:**\n`%s`\n\nОбязательные аргументы префиксированы с `❗`.",
"invalid_named_args": {
"description": "There is an error in your command syntax: `%s`.\nType `%s` for an example.\nPlease ask a member of staff if you are unsure.",
"title": "❌ Неверный синтаксис"
"named_args": "Эта команда использует названные аргументы.\n\n",
"title": "Использование команды `%s`"
"collector_expires_in": "Истекает через %d секунд",
"commands": {
"add": {
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "The member to add to the ticket",
"example": "@someone",
"name": "member"
"ticket": {
"description": "The ticket to add the member to",
"example": "217",
"name": "тикет"
"description": "Add a member to a ticket",
"name": "add",
"response": {
"added": {
"description": "%s has been added to %s.",
"title": "✅ Member added"
"no_member": {
"description": "Please mention the member you want to add.",
"title": "❌ Unknown member"
"no_permission": {
"description": "You are not the creator of this ticket and you are not a staff member; you can't add members to this ticket.",
"title": "❌ Insufficient permission"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in the ticket channel, or mention the channel.",
"title": "❌ Это не канал тикета"
"blacklist": {
"aliases": {
"unblacklist": "unblacklist"
"args": {
"member_or_role": {
"description": "The member or role to add/remove",
"example": "@ПлохойПользователь",
"name": "пользовательИлиРоль"
"description": "Запретить/разрешить участнику использовать бота",
"name": "blacklist",
"response": {
"empty_list": {
"description": "В черный список не внесли ни участников, ни ролей. Напишите `%sblacklist <memberOrRole>`, чтобы добавить пользователя или роль в черный список.",
"title": "📃 Черный список пользователей и ролей"
"illegal_action": {
"description": "%s есть персоналом и не может быть внесен в черный список.",
"title": "❌ Вы не можете добавить в черный список этого участника"
"list": {
"title": "📃 Черный список пользователей и ролей"
"member_added": {
"description": "<@%s> добавлен в черный список. Они больше не смогут взаимодействовать с ботом.",
"title": "✅ Пользователь добавлен в черный список"
"member_removed": {
"description": "<@%s> был убран из черного списка. Теперь он может использовать бота снова.",
"title": "✅ Пользователь убран из черного списка"
"role_added": {
"description": "<@&%s> добавлена в черный список. Участники с этой ролью больше не смогут взаимодействовать с ботом.",
"title": "✅ Добавлена роль в черный список"
"role_removed": {
"description": "<@&%s> была убран из черного списка. Теперь он может использовать бота снова.",
"title": "✅ Роль убрана из черного списка"
"close": {
"aliases": {
"delete": "удалить",
"lock": "lock"
"args": {
"reason": {
"alias": "r",
"description": "Причина закрытия тикета(ов)",
"name": "reason"
"ticket": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "Тикет для закрытия, номер или упоминание/ID канала",
"example": "217",
"name": "тикет"
"time": {
"alias": "T",
"description": "Закрыть все тикеты, которые были неактивны в течение указанного времени",
"example": "1w",
"name": "time"
"description": "Закрыть тикет-канал",
"name": "закрыть",
"response": {
"closed": {
"description": "Тикет #%s был закрыт.",
"title": "✅ Тикет закрыт"
"closed_multiple": {
"description": [
"Тикет %d был закрыт.",
"%d тикетов было закрыто."
"title": [
"✅ Тикет закрыт",
"✅ Тикеты закрыты"
"confirm": {
"description": "Поставьте реакцию ✅, чтобы закрыть этот тикет.",
"description_with_archive": "Вы сможете просмотреть архивную версию этого тикета.\nПоставьте реакцию ✅, чтобы закрыть этот тикет.",
"title": "❔ Вы уверены?"
"confirmation_timeout": {
"description": "Подтверждение заняло слишком много времени.",
"title": "❌ Время реакции истекло"
"confirm_multiple": {
"description": [
"Поставьте реакцию ✅, чтобы закрыть тикет %d.",
"Поставьте реакцию ✅, чтобы закрыть тикеты %d."
"title": "❔ Вы уверены?"
"invalid_time": {
"description": "Предоставленный период времени не может быть разобран.",
"title": "❌ Недействительный ввод"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in a ticket channel or use the ticket flag.\nType `%shelp close` for more information.",
"title": "❌ Это не канал тикета"
"no_tickets": {
"description": "Нет тикетов, которые были неактивны в течение этого периода времени.",
"title": "❌ Нет тикетов для закрытия"
"unresolvable": {
"description": "`%s` could not be resolved to a ticket. Please provide the ticket ID/mention or number.",
"title": "❌ Ошибка"
"help": {
"aliases": {
"command": "command",
"commands": "commands"
"args": {
"command": {
"description": "The command to display information about",
"example": "новый",
"name": "command"
"description": "List commands you have access to, or find out more about a command",
"name": "help",
"response": {
"list": {
"description": "The commands you have access to are listed below. For more information about a command, type `{prefix}help [command]`. To create a ticket, type `{prefix}new [topic]`.",
"fields": {
"commands": "Commands"
"title": "❔ Help"
"new": {
"aliases": {
"create": "создать",
"open": "открыть",
"ticket": "тикет"
"args": {
"topic": {
"description": "Тема билета",
"example": "Проблема с выставлением счетов",
"name": "топик"
"description": "Создание нового тикета",
"name": "новый",
"response": {
"created": {
"description": "Ваш тикет был создан: %s.",
"title": "✅ Тикет создан"
"error": {
"title": "❌ Ошибка"
"has_a_ticket": {
"description": "Пожалуйста, используйте существующий тикет (<#%s>) или закройте его перед созданием нового.",
"title": "❌ У вас уже есть открытый тикет"
"max_tickets": {
"description": "Please use `%sclose` to close any unneeded tickets.\n\n%s",
"title": "❌ У вас уже есть %d открытых тикетов"
"no_categories": {
"description": "A server administrator must create at least one ticket category before a new ticket can be opened.",
"title": "❌ Не могу создать тикет"
"select_category": {
"description": "Select the category most relevant to your ticket's topic:\n\n%s",
"title": "🔤 Пожалуйста, выберите категорию тикетов"
"select_category_timeout": {
"description": "Вы слишком долго выбирали категорию тикетов.",
"title": "❌ Время реакции истекло"
"request_topic": {
"description": "Please briefly state what this ticket is about in a a few words.",
"title": "Тема тикета"
"panel": {
"args": {
"categories": {
"alias": "c",
"description": "ID категории",
"example": "451745464954650634",
"name": "categories"
"description": {
"alias": "d",
"description": "The description for the panel message",
"example": "\"React to this message to open a ticket.\"",
"name": "description"
"emoji": {
"alias": "e",
"description": "An emoji",
"example": "🎫",
"name": "emoji"
"title": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "The title for the panel message",
"example": "\"Support tickets\"",
"name": "title"
"description": "Create a new ticket panel",
"name": "panel",
"response": {
"invalid_category": {
"description": "One or more of the specified category IDs is invalid.",
"title": "❌ Недействительная категория"
"mismatch": {
"description": "Please provide the name number of emojis and category IDs.",
"title": "❌ Недействительный ввод"
"remove": {
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "The member to remove from the ticket",
"example": "@someone",
"name": "member"
"ticket": {
"description": "The ticket to remove the member from",
"example": "217",
"name": "тикет"
"description": "Remove a member from a ticket",
"name": "remove",
"response": {
"removed": {
"description": "%s has been removed from %s.",
"title": "✅ Member removed"
"no_member": {
"description": "Please mention the member you want to remove.",
"title": "❌ Unknown member"
"no_permission": {
"description": "You are not the creator of this ticket and you are not a staff member; you can't remove members from this ticket.",
"title": "❌ Insufficient permission"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in the ticket channel, or mention the channel.",
"title": "❌ Это не канал тикета"
"settings": {
"aliases": {
"config": "config"
"description": "Configure Discord Tickets",
"name": "settings",
"response": {
"invalid": "❌ Settings data is invalid; please refer to the documentation.\n%s",
"updated": "✅ Настройки были обновлены."
"stats": {
"description": "Display ticket statistics",
"fields": {
"messages": "Messages",
"response_time": {
"minutes": "%s minutes",
"title": "Avg. response time"
"tickets": "Tickets"
"name": "stats",
"response": {
"global": {
"description": "Statistics about tickets across all guilds where this Discord TIckets instance is used.",
"title": "📊 Global stats"
"guild": {
"description": "Statistics about tickets within this guild. This data is cached for an hour.",
"title": "📊 This server's stats"
"survey": {
"aliases": {
"surveys": "surveys"
"args": {
"survey": {
"description": "The name of the survey to view responses of",
"example": "support",
"name": "survey"
"description": "View survey responses",
"name": "survey",
"response": {
"list": {
"title": "📃 Surveys"
"tag": {
"aliases": {
"faq": "faq",
"t": "t",
"tags": "tags"
"args": {
"tag": {
"description": "The name of the tag to use",
"example": "website",
"name": "tag"
"description": "Use a tag response",
"name": "tag",
"response": {
"error": "❌ Ошибка",
"list": {
"title": "📃 Tag list"
"missing": "This tag requires the following arguments:\n%s",
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "This tag can only be used within a ticket channel as it uses ticket references.",
"title": "❌ Это не канал тикета"
"topic": {
"args": {
"new_topic": {
"description": "The new topic of the ticket",
"example": "billing issue",
"name": "new_topic"
"description": "Change the topic of the ticket",
"name": "топик",
"response": {
"changed": {
"description": "This ticket's topic has been changed.",
"title": "✅ Topic changed"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in the ticket channel you want to change the topic of.",
"title": "❌ Это не канал тикета"
"command_execution_error": {
"description": "An unexpected error occurred during command execution.\nPlease ask an administrator to check the console output / logs for details.",
"title": "⚠️"
"message_will_be_deleted_in": "Это сообщение будет удалено в течение %d секунд",
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "You do not have the permissions required to use this command:\n%s",
"title": "❌"
"staff_only": {
"description": "You must be a member of staff to use this command.",
"title": "❌"
"ticket": {
"claimed": {
"description": "%s принял этот тикет.",
"title": "✅ Тикет принят"
"closed": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed.\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Тикет закрыт"
"closed_by_member": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed by %s.\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Тикет закрыт"
"closed_by_member_with_reason": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed by %s: `%s`\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Тикет закрыт"
"closed_with_reason": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed: `%s`\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Тикет закрыт"
"member_added": {
"description": "%s has been added by %s",
"title": "Member added"
"member_removed": {
"description": "%s has been removed by %s",
"title": "Member removed"
"opening_message": {
"fields": {
"topic": "Topic"
"questions": "Please answer the following questions:\n\n%s",
"released": {
"description": "%s выпустил этот тикет.",
"title": "✅ Тикет выпущен"
"survey": {
"complete": {
"description": "Thank you for your feedback.",
"title": "✅ Thank you"
"start": {
"description": "Hey, %s. Before this channel is deleted, would you mind completing a quick %d-question survey? React with ✅ to start, or ignore this message.",
"title": "❔ Feedback"

View File

@ -1,494 +1,487 @@
"bot": {
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "Discord Tickets ต้องการการสิทธิ์อนุญาตดังต่อไปนี้: %s",
"title": "⚠️"
"version": "[Discord Tickets](%s) v%s สร้างโดย [eartharoid](%s)"
"cmd_usage": {
"args": {
"description": "**คำอธิบาย:** %s",
"example": "**ตัวอย่าง:** `%s`"
"description": "**การใช้งาน:**\n`%s`\n\n**ตัวอย่าง:**\n`%s`\n\nอาร์กิวเมนต์ที่จำเป็นจะต้องขึ้นต้นด้วย `❗`",
"invalid_named_args": {
"description": "มีข้อผิดพลาดในไวยากรณ์ในคำสั่งของคุณ: `%s`\nพิมพ์ `%s` เพื่อดูตัวอย่าง\nกรุณาถามทีมงานที่เกี่ยวข้องหากคุณไม่แน่ใจ",
"title": "❌ไวยากรณ์ไม่ถูกต้อง"
"named_args": "คําสั่งนี้ใช้อาร์กิวเมนต์ที่มีชื่อ\n\n",
"title": "การใช้งานคำสั่ง `%s`"
"collector_expires_in": "หมดอายุในอีก %d วินาที",
"commands": {
"add": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "สมาชิกที่จะเพิ่มไปยังตั๋วสนับสนุน",
"example": "@someone",
"name": "member"
"ticket": {
"description": "The ticket to add the member to",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"description": "Add a member to a ticket",
"name": "add",
"response": {
"added": {
"description": "%s has been added to %s.",
"title": "✅ Member added"
"no_member": {
"description": "Please mention the member you want to add.",
"title": "❌ Unknown member"
"no_permission": {
"description": "You are not the creator of this ticket and you are not a staff member; you can't add members to this ticket.",
"title": "❌ Insufficient permission"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in the ticket channel, or mention the channel.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"blacklist": {
"aliases": {
"unblacklist": "unblacklist"
"args": {
"member_or_role": {
"description": "The member or role to add/remove",
"example": "@NaughtyMember",
"name": "memberOrRole"
"description": "Blacklist/unblacklist a member from interacting with the bot",
"name": "blacklist",
"response": {
"empty_list": {
"description": "There are no members or roles blacklisted. Type `%sblacklist <memberOrRole>` to add a member or role to the blacklist.",
"title": "📃 Blacklisted members and roles"
"illegal_action": {
"description": "%s is a staff member and cannot be blacklisted.",
"title": "❌ You can't blacklist this member"
"list": {
"title": "📃 Blacklisted members and roles"
"member_added": {
"description": "<@%s> has been added to the blacklist. They will no longer be able to interact with the bot.",
"title": "✅ Added member to blacklist"
"member_removed": {
"description": "<@%s> has been removed from the blacklist. They can now use the bot again.",
"title": "✅ Removed member from blacklist"
"role_added": {
"description": "<@&%s> has been added to the blacklist. Members with this role will no longer be able to interact with the bot.",
"title": "✅ Added role to blacklist"
"role_removed": {
"description": "<@&%s> has been removed from the blacklist. Members with this role can now use the bot again.",
"title": "✅ Removed role from blacklist"
"close": {
"aliases": {
"delete": "delete",
"lock": "lock"
"args": {
"reason": {
"alias": "r",
"description": "The reason for closing the ticket(s)",
"example": "",
"name": "reason"
"ticket": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "The ticket to close, either the number or the channel mention/ID",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"time": {
"alias": "T",
"description": "Close all tickets that have been inactive for the specified time",
"example": "1w",
"name": "time"
"description": "Close a ticket channel",
"name": "close",
"response": {
"closed": {
"description": "Ticket #%s has been closed.",
"title": "✅ Ticket closed"
"closed_multiple": {
"description": [
"%d ticket has been closed.",
"%d tickets have been closed."
"title": [
"✅ Ticket closed",
"✅ Tickets closed"
"confirm": {
"description": "React with ✅ to close this ticket.",
"description_with_archive": "You will be able to view an archived version of it after.\nReact with ✅ to close this ticket.",
"title": "❔ Are you sure?"
"confirmation_timeout": {
"description": "You took too long to confirm.",
"title": "❌ Reaction time expired"
"confirm_multiple": {
"description": [
"React with ✅ to close %d ticket.",
"React with ✅ to close %d tickets."
"title": "❔ Are you sure?"
"invalid_time": {
"description": "The time period provided could not be parsed.",
"title": "❌ Invalid input"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in a ticket channel or use the ticket flag.\nType `%shelp close` for more information.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"no_tickets": {
"description": "There are no tickets which have been inactive for this time period.",
"title": "❌ No tickets to close"
"unresolvable": {
"description": "`%s` could not be resolved to a ticket. Please provide the ticket ID/mention or number.",
"title": "❌ Error"
"help": {
"aliases": {
"command": "command",
"commands": "commands"
"args": {
"command": {
"description": "The command to display information about",
"example": "new",
"name": "command"
"description": "List commands you have access to, or find out more about a command",
"name": "help",
"response": {
"list": {
"description": "The commands you have access to are listed below. For more information about a command, type `{prefix}help [command]`. To create a ticket, type `{prefix}new [topic]`.",
"fields": {
"commands": "Commands"
"title": "❔ Help"
"new": {
"aliases": {
"create": "create",
"open": "open",
"ticket": "ticket"
"args": {
"topic": {
"description": "The topic of the ticket",
"example": "Problem with billing",
"name": "topic"
"description": "Create a new ticket",
"name": "new",
"response": {
"created": {
"description": "Your ticket has been created: %s.",
"title": "✅ Ticket created"
"error": {
"title": "❌ Error"
"has_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use your existing ticket (<#%s>) or close it before creating another.",
"title": "❌ You already have an open ticket"
"max_tickets": {
"description": "Please use `%sclose` to close any unneeded tickets.\n\n%s",
"title": "❌ You already have %d open tickets"
"no_categories": {
"description": "A server administrator must create at least one ticket category before a new ticket can be opened.",
"title": "❌ Can't create ticket"
"select_category": {
"description": "Select the category most relevant to your ticket's topic:\n\n%s",
"title": "🔤 Please select the ticket category"
"select_category_timeout": {
"description": "You took too long to select the ticket category.",
"title": "❌ Reaction time expired"
"request_topic": {
"description": "Please briefly state what this ticket is about in a a few words.",
"title": "Ticket topic"
"panel": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"categories": {
"alias": "c",
"description": "A category ID",
"example": "451745464954650634",
"name": "categories"
"description": {
"alias": "d",
"description": "The description for the panel message",
"example": "\"React to this message to open a ticket.\"",
"name": "คำอธิบาย"
"emoji": {
"alias": "e",
"description": "อิโมจิ",
"example": "🎫",
"name": "อิโมจิ"
"title": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "ชื่อหัวข้อสำหรับแผงข้อความ",
"example": "\"ตั๋วสนับสนุน\"",
"name": "หัวข้อ"
"description": "สร้างแผงตั๋วสนับสนุนใหม่",
"name": "แผง",
"response": {
"invalid_category": {
"description": "รหัสหมวดหมู่ที่ระบุอย่างน้อยหนึ่งรายการไม่ถูกต้อง",
"title": "❌หมวดหมู่ไม่ถูกต้อง"
"mismatch": {
"description": "โปรดระบุหมายเลขชื่ออีโมจิและรหัสหมวดหมู่",
"title": "❌ Invalid input"
"remove": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "สมาชิกที่จะลบออกจากตั๋วสนับสนุน",
"example": "@someone",
"name": "member"
"ticket": {
"description": "ตั๋วสนับสนุนที่จะเอาสมาชิกออกจาก",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"description": "ลบสมาชิกออกจากตั๋วสนับสนุน",
"name": "ลบ",
"response": {
"removed": {
"description": "%s ถูกลบออกจาก %s แล้ว",
"title": "✅สมาชิกถูกลบออกแล้ว"
"no_member": {
"description": "โปรดแท็กสมาชิกที่คุณต้องการลบ",
"title": "❌ Unknown member"
"no_permission": {
"description": "คุณไม่ใช่ผู้สร้างตั๋วสนับสนุนใบนี้และคุณก็ไม่ได้เป็นหนุ่งในทีมงานของเซิร์ฟเวอร์ คุณจึงไม่สามารถลบสมาชิกออกจากตั๋วนี้ได้",
"title": "❌ Insufficient permission"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in the ticket channel, or mention the channel.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"settings": {
"aliases": {
"config": "ตั้งค่า"
"description": "ตั้งค่าบอท Discord Tickets",
"name": "การตั้งค่า",
"response": {
"invalid": "❌การตั้งค่าไม่ถูกต้อง โปรดดูเอกสารประกอบ\n%s",
"updated": "✅ Settings have been updated."
"stats": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {},
"description": "Display ticket statistics",
"fields": {
"messages": "Messages",
"response_time": {
"minutes": "%s minutes",
"title": "Avg. response time"
"tickets": "Tickets"
"name": "stats",
"response": {
"global": {
"description": "Statistics about tickets across all guilds where this Discord TIckets instance is used.",
"title": "📊 Global stats"
"guild": {
"description": "Statistics about tickets within this guild. This data is cached for an hour.",
"title": "📊 This server's stats"
"survey": {
"aliases": {
"surveys": "surveys"
"args": {
"survey": {
"description": "The name of the survey to view responses of",
"example": "support",
"name": "survey"
"description": "View survey responses",
"name": "survey",
"response": {
"list": {
"title": "📃 Surveys"
"tag": {
"aliases": {
"faq": "faq",
"t": "t",
"tags": "tags"
"args": {
"tag": {
"description": "The name of the tag to use",
"example": "website",
"name": "tag"
"description": "Use a tag response",
"name": "tag",
"response": {
"error": "❌ Error",
"list": {
"title": "📃 Tag list"
"missing": "This tag requires the following arguments:\n%s",
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "This tag can only be used within a ticket channel as it uses ticket references.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"topic": {
"aliases": {},
"args": {
"new_topic": {
"description": "The new topic of the ticket",
"example": "billing issue",
"name": "new_topic"
"description": "Change the topic of the ticket",
"name": "topic",
"response": {
"changed": {
"description": "This ticket's topic has been changed.",
"title": "✅ Topic changed"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in the ticket channel you want to change the topic of.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"command_execution_error": {
"description": "An unexpected error occurred during command execution.\nPlease ask an administrator to check the console output / logs for details.",
"title": "⚠️"
"message_will_be_deleted_in": "This message will be deleted in %d seconds",
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "You do not have the permissions required to use this command:\n%s",
"title": "❌"
"staff_only": {
"description": "You must be a member of staff to use this command.",
"title": "❌"
"ticket": {
"claimed": {
"description": "%s has claimed this ticket.",
"title": "✅ Ticket claimed"
"closed": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed.\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Ticket closed"
"closed_by_member": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed by %s.\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Ticket closed"
"closed_by_member_with_reason": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed by %s: `%s`\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Ticket closed"
"closed_with_reason": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed: `%s`\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Ticket closed"
"member_added": {
"description": "%s has been added by %s",
"title": "Member added"
"member_removed": {
"description": "%s has been removed by %s",
"title": "Member removed"
"opening_message": {
"fields": {
"topic": "Topic"
"questions": "Please answer the following questions:\n\n%s",
"released": {
"description": "%s has released this ticket.",
"title": "✅ Ticket released"
"survey": {
"complete": {
"description": "Thank you for your feedback.",
"title": "✅ Thank you"
"start": {
"description": "Hey, %s. Before this channel is deleted, would you mind completing a quick %d-question survey? React with ✅ to start, or ignore this message.",
"title": "❔ Feedback"
"bot": {
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "Discord Tickets ต้องการการสิทธิ์อนุญาตดังต่อไปนี้: %s",
"title": "⚠️"
"version": "[Discord Tickets](%s) v%s สร้างโดย [eartharoid](%s)"
"cmd_usage": {
"args": {
"description": "**คำอธิบาย:** %s",
"example": "**ตัวอย่าง:** `%s`"
"description": "**การใช้งาน:**\n`%s`\n\n**ตัวอย่าง:**\n`%s`\n\nอาร์กิวเมนต์ที่จำเป็นจะต้องขึ้นต้นด้วย `❗`",
"invalid_named_args": {
"description": "มีข้อผิดพลาดในไวยากรณ์ในคำสั่งของคุณ: `%s`\nพิมพ์ `%s` เพื่อดูตัวอย่าง\nกรุณาถามทีมงานที่เกี่ยวข้องหากคุณไม่แน่ใจ",
"title": "❌ไวยากรณ์ไม่ถูกต้อง"
"named_args": "คําสั่งนี้ใช้อาร์กิวเมนต์ที่มีชื่อ\n\n",
"title": "การใช้งานคำสั่ง `%s`"
"collector_expires_in": "หมดอายุในอีก %d วินาที",
"commands": {
"add": {
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "สมาชิกที่จะเพิ่มไปยังตั๋วสนับสนุน",
"example": "@someone",
"name": "member"
"ticket": {
"description": "The ticket to add the member to",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"description": "Add a member to a ticket",
"name": "add",
"response": {
"added": {
"description": "%s has been added to %s.",
"title": "✅ Member added"
"no_member": {
"description": "Please mention the member you want to add.",
"title": "❌ Unknown member"
"no_permission": {
"description": "You are not the creator of this ticket and you are not a staff member; you can't add members to this ticket.",
"title": "❌ Insufficient permission"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in the ticket channel, or mention the channel.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"blacklist": {
"aliases": {
"unblacklist": "unblacklist"
"args": {
"member_or_role": {
"description": "The member or role to add/remove",
"example": "@NaughtyMember",
"name": "memberOrRole"
"description": "Blacklist/unblacklist a member from interacting with the bot",
"name": "blacklist",
"response": {
"empty_list": {
"description": "There are no members or roles blacklisted. Type `%sblacklist <memberOrRole>` to add a member or role to the blacklist.",
"title": "📃 Blacklisted members and roles"
"illegal_action": {
"description": "%s is a staff member and cannot be blacklisted.",
"title": "❌ You can't blacklist this member"
"list": {
"title": "📃 Blacklisted members and roles"
"member_added": {
"description": "<@%s> has been added to the blacklist. They will no longer be able to interact with the bot.",
"title": "✅ Added member to blacklist"
"member_removed": {
"description": "<@%s> has been removed from the blacklist. They can now use the bot again.",
"title": "✅ Removed member from blacklist"
"role_added": {
"description": "<@&%s> has been added to the blacklist. Members with this role will no longer be able to interact with the bot.",
"title": "✅ Added role to blacklist"
"role_removed": {
"description": "<@&%s> has been removed from the blacklist. Members with this role can now use the bot again.",
"title": "✅ Removed role from blacklist"
"close": {
"aliases": {
"delete": "delete",
"lock": "lock"
"args": {
"reason": {
"alias": "r",
"description": "The reason for closing the ticket(s)",
"name": "reason"
"ticket": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "The ticket to close, either the number or the channel mention/ID",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"time": {
"alias": "T",
"description": "Close all tickets that have been inactive for the specified time",
"example": "1w",
"name": "time"
"description": "Close a ticket channel",
"name": "close",
"response": {
"closed": {
"description": "Ticket #%s has been closed.",
"title": "✅ Ticket closed"
"closed_multiple": {
"description": [
"%d ticket has been closed.",
"%d tickets have been closed."
"title": [
"✅ Ticket closed",
"✅ Tickets closed"
"confirm": {
"description": "React with ✅ to close this ticket.",
"description_with_archive": "You will be able to view an archived version of it after.\nReact with ✅ to close this ticket.",
"title": "❔ Are you sure?"
"confirmation_timeout": {
"description": "You took too long to confirm.",
"title": "❌ Reaction time expired"
"confirm_multiple": {
"description": [
"React with ✅ to close %d ticket.",
"React with ✅ to close %d tickets."
"title": "❔ Are you sure?"
"invalid_time": {
"description": "The time period provided could not be parsed.",
"title": "❌ Invalid input"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in a ticket channel or use the ticket flag.\nType `%shelp close` for more information.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"no_tickets": {
"description": "There are no tickets which have been inactive for this time period.",
"title": "❌ No tickets to close"
"unresolvable": {
"description": "`%s` could not be resolved to a ticket. Please provide the ticket ID/mention or number.",
"title": "❌ Error"
"help": {
"aliases": {
"command": "command",
"commands": "commands"
"args": {
"command": {
"description": "The command to display information about",
"example": "new",
"name": "command"
"description": "List commands you have access to, or find out more about a command",
"name": "help",
"response": {
"list": {
"description": "The commands you have access to are listed below. For more information about a command, type `{prefix}help [command]`. To create a ticket, type `{prefix}new [topic]`.",
"fields": {
"commands": "Commands"
"title": "❔ Help"
"new": {
"aliases": {
"create": "create",
"open": "open",
"ticket": "ticket"
"args": {
"topic": {
"description": "The topic of the ticket",
"example": "Problem with billing",
"name": "topic"
"description": "Create a new ticket",
"name": "new",
"response": {
"created": {
"description": "Your ticket has been created: %s.",
"title": "✅ Ticket created"
"error": {
"title": "❌ Error"
"has_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use your existing ticket (<#%s>) or close it before creating another.",
"title": "❌ You already have an open ticket"
"max_tickets": {
"description": "Please use `%sclose` to close any unneeded tickets.\n\n%s",
"title": "❌ You already have %d open tickets"
"no_categories": {
"description": "A server administrator must create at least one ticket category before a new ticket can be opened.",
"title": "❌ Can't create ticket"
"select_category": {
"description": "Select the category most relevant to your ticket's topic:\n\n%s",
"title": "🔤 Please select the ticket category"
"select_category_timeout": {
"description": "You took too long to select the ticket category.",
"title": "❌ Reaction time expired"
"request_topic": {
"description": "Please briefly state what this ticket is about in a a few words.",
"title": "Ticket topic"
"panel": {
"args": {
"categories": {
"alias": "c",
"description": "A category ID",
"example": "451745464954650634",
"name": "categories"
"description": {
"alias": "d",
"description": "The description for the panel message",
"example": "\"React to this message to open a ticket.\"",
"name": "คำอธิบาย"
"emoji": {
"alias": "e",
"description": "อิโมจิ",
"example": "🎫",
"name": "อิโมจิ"
"title": {
"alias": "t",
"description": "ชื่อหัวข้อสำหรับแผงข้อความ",
"example": "\"ตั๋วสนับสนุน\"",
"name": "หัวข้อ"
"description": "สร้างแผงตั๋วสนับสนุนใหม่",
"name": "แผง",
"response": {
"invalid_category": {
"description": "รหัสหมวดหมู่ที่ระบุอย่างน้อยหนึ่งรายการไม่ถูกต้อง",
"title": "❌หมวดหมู่ไม่ถูกต้อง"
"mismatch": {
"description": "โปรดระบุหมายเลขชื่ออีโมจิและรหัสหมวดหมู่",
"title": "❌ Invalid input"
"remove": {
"args": {
"member": {
"description": "สมาชิกที่จะลบออกจากตั๋วสนับสนุน",
"example": "@someone",
"name": "member"
"ticket": {
"description": "ตั๋วสนับสนุนที่จะเอาสมาชิกออกจาก",
"example": "217",
"name": "ticket"
"description": "ลบสมาชิกออกจากตั๋วสนับสนุน",
"name": "ลบ",
"response": {
"removed": {
"description": "%s ถูกลบออกจาก %s แล้ว",
"title": "✅สมาชิกถูกลบออกแล้ว"
"no_member": {
"description": "โปรดแท็กสมาชิกที่คุณต้องการลบ",
"title": "❌ Unknown member"
"no_permission": {
"description": "คุณไม่ใช่ผู้สร้างตั๋วสนับสนุนใบนี้และคุณก็ไม่ได้เป็นหนุ่งในทีมงานของเซิร์ฟเวอร์ คุณจึงไม่สามารถลบสมาชิกออกจากตั๋วนี้ได้",
"title": "❌ Insufficient permission"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in the ticket channel, or mention the channel.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"settings": {
"aliases": {
"config": "ตั้งค่า"
"description": "ตั้งค่าบอท Discord Tickets",
"name": "การตั้งค่า",
"response": {
"invalid": "❌การตั้งค่าไม่ถูกต้อง โปรดดูเอกสารประกอบ\n%s",
"updated": "✅ Settings have been updated."
"stats": {
"description": "Display ticket statistics",
"fields": {
"messages": "Messages",
"response_time": {
"minutes": "%s minutes",
"title": "Avg. response time"
"tickets": "Tickets"
"name": "stats",
"response": {
"global": {
"description": "Statistics about tickets across all guilds where this Discord TIckets instance is used.",
"title": "📊 Global stats"
"guild": {
"description": "Statistics about tickets within this guild. This data is cached for an hour.",
"title": "📊 This server's stats"
"survey": {
"aliases": {
"surveys": "surveys"
"args": {
"survey": {
"description": "The name of the survey to view responses of",
"example": "support",
"name": "survey"
"description": "View survey responses",
"name": "survey",
"response": {
"list": {
"title": "📃 Surveys"
"tag": {
"aliases": {
"faq": "faq",
"t": "t",
"tags": "tags"
"args": {
"tag": {
"description": "The name of the tag to use",
"example": "website",
"name": "tag"
"description": "Use a tag response",
"name": "tag",
"response": {
"error": "❌ Error",
"list": {
"title": "📃 Tag list"
"missing": "This tag requires the following arguments:\n%s",
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "This tag can only be used within a ticket channel as it uses ticket references.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"topic": {
"args": {
"new_topic": {
"description": "The new topic of the ticket",
"example": "billing issue",
"name": "new_topic"
"description": "Change the topic of the ticket",
"name": "topic",
"response": {
"changed": {
"description": "This ticket's topic has been changed.",
"title": "✅ Topic changed"
"not_a_ticket": {
"description": "Please use this command in the ticket channel you want to change the topic of.",
"title": "❌ This isn't a ticket channel"
"command_execution_error": {
"description": "An unexpected error occurred during command execution.\nPlease ask an administrator to check the console output / logs for details.",
"title": "⚠️"
"message_will_be_deleted_in": "This message will be deleted in %d seconds",
"missing_permissions": {
"description": "You do not have the permissions required to use this command:\n%s",
"title": "❌"
"staff_only": {
"description": "You must be a member of staff to use this command.",
"title": "❌"
"ticket": {
"claimed": {
"description": "%s has claimed this ticket.",
"title": "✅ Ticket claimed"
"closed": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed.\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Ticket closed"
"closed_by_member": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed by %s.\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Ticket closed"
"closed_by_member_with_reason": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed by %s: `%s`\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Ticket closed"
"closed_with_reason": {
"description": "This ticket has been closed: `%s`\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds.",
"title": "✅ Ticket closed"
"member_added": {
"description": "%s has been added by %s",
"title": "Member added"
"member_removed": {
"description": "%s has been removed by %s",
"title": "Member removed"
"opening_message": {
"fields": {
"topic": "Topic"
"questions": "Please answer the following questions:\n\n%s",
"released": {
"description": "%s has released this ticket.",
"title": "✅ Ticket released"
"survey": {
"complete": {
"description": "Thank you for your feedback.",
"title": "✅ Thank you"
"start": {
"description": "Hey, %s. Before this channel is deleted, would you mind completing a quick %d-question survey? React with ✅ to start, or ignore this message.",
"title": "❔ Feedback"