
227 lines
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Raw Normal View History

* @name DiscordTickets
* @author eartharoid <contact@eartharoid.me>
* @license GNU-GPLv3
const ChildLogger = require('leekslazylogger').ChildLogger;
const log = new ChildLogger();
2020-08-18 00:07:05 +03:00
const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js');
const config = require('../../user/config');
2020-08-17 16:46:23 +03:00
const fs = require('fs');
const archive = require('../utils/archive');
module.exports = {
name: 'close',
description: 'Close a ticket; either a specified (mentioned) channel, or the channel the command is used in.',
usage: '[ticket]',
aliases: ['none'],
example: 'close #ticket-17',
args: false,
async execute(client, message, args, Ticket) {
2020-08-17 16:46:23 +03:00
const guild = client.guilds.cache.get(config.guild);
2020-08-18 00:07:05 +03:00
const notTicket = new MessageEmbed()
.setAuthor(message.author.username, message.author.displayAvatarURL())
.setTitle(':x: **This isn\'t a ticket channel**')
.setDescription('Use this command in the ticket channel you want to close, or mention the channel.')
.addField('Usage', `\`${config.prefix}${this.name} ${this.usage}\`\n`)
.addField('Help', `Type \`${config.prefix}help ${this.name}\` for more information`)
2020-08-17 16:46:23 +03:00
.setFooter(guild.name, guild.iconURL());
let ticket;
2020-08-17 16:46:23 +03:00
let channel = message.mentions.channels.first();
// || client.channels.resolve(await Ticket.findOne({ where: { id: args[0] } }).channel) // channels.fetch()
if (!channel) {
2020-08-17 16:46:23 +03:00
channel = message.channel;
ticket = await Ticket.findOne({
where: {
channel: channel.id
if (!ticket)
2020-08-17 16:46:23 +03:00
return channel.send(notTicket);
} else {
ticket = await Ticket.findOne({
where: {
channel: channel.id
if (!ticket) {
.setTitle(':x: **Channel is not a ticket**')
.setDescription(`${channel} is not a ticket channel.`);
2020-08-17 16:46:23 +03:00
return channel.send(notTicket);
if (message.author.id !== ticket.get('creator') && !message.member.roles.cache.has(config.staff_role))
2020-08-17 16:46:23 +03:00
return channel.send(
2020-08-18 00:07:05 +03:00
new MessageEmbed()
.setAuthor(message.author.username, message.author.displayAvatarURL())
.setTitle(':x: **No permission**')
.setDescription(`You don't have permission to close ${channel} as it does not belong to you and you are not staff.`)
.addField('Usage', `\`${config.prefix}${this.name} ${this.usage}\`\n`)
.addField('Help', `Type \`${config.prefix}help ${this.name}\` for more information`)
2020-08-17 16:46:23 +03:00
.setFooter(guild.name, guild.iconURL())
2020-08-17 16:46:23 +03:00
2020-08-17 16:46:23 +03:00
let success;
let pre = fs.existsSync(`user/transcripts/text/${channel.id}.txt`) ||
fs.existsSync(`user/transcripts/raw/${channel.id}.log`) ?
`You will be able to view an archived version later with \`${config.prefix}transcript ${ticket.get('id')}\`` :
2020-08-17 16:46:23 +03:00
let confirm = await message.channel.send(
2020-08-18 00:07:05 +03:00
new MessageEmbed()
2020-08-17 16:46:23 +03:00
.setAuthor(message.author.username, message.author.displayAvatarURL())
.setTitle(':grey_question: Are you sure?')
.setDescription(`${pre}\n**React with :white_check_mark: to confirm.**`)
.setFooter(guild.name + ' | Expires in 15 seconds', guild.iconURL())
await confirm.react('✅');
2020-08-17 16:46:23 +03:00
const collector = confirm.createReactionCollector(
(r, u) => r.emoji.name === '✅' && u.id === message.author.id, {
time: 15000
collector.on('collect', async () => {
2020-08-17 16:46:23 +03:00
if (channel.id !== message.channel.id)
2020-08-18 00:07:05 +03:00
new MessageEmbed()
2020-08-17 16:46:23 +03:00
.setAuthor(message.author.username, message.author.displayAvatarURL())
.setTitle('**Ticket closed**')
.setDescription(`Ticket closed by ${message.author}`)
.setFooter(guild.name, guild.iconURL())
2020-08-18 00:07:05 +03:00
new MessageEmbed()
.setAuthor(message.author.username, message.author.displayAvatarURL())
.setTitle(`:white_check_mark: **Ticket ${ticket.id} closed**`)
2020-08-17 16:46:23 +03:00
.setDescription('The channel will be automatically deleted in a few seconds, once the contents have been archived.')
.setFooter(guild.name, guild.iconURL())
2020-08-17 16:46:23 +03:00
success = true;
open: false
}, {
where: {
channel: channel.id
2020-08-17 16:46:23 +03:00
setTimeout(() => {
if (channel.id !== message.channel.id)
2020-08-17 16:46:23 +03:00
.then(() => confirm.delete());
}, 15000);
if (config.transcripts.text.enabled || config.transcripts.web.enabled) {
let u = await client.users.fetch(ticket.get('creator'));
if (u) {
let dm;
try {
dm = u.dmChannel || await u.createDM();
} catch (e) {
log.warn(`Could not create DM channel with ${u.tag}`);
await dm.send(
new MessageEmbed()
.setAuthor(message.author.username, message.author.displayAvatarURL())
.setTitle(`**Ticket ${ticket.id} closed**`)
.setDescription('Your ticket has been closed.')
.setFooter(guild.name, guild.iconURL())
if (config.transcripts.text.enabled && fs.existsSync(`user/transcripts/text/${channel.id}.txt`)) {
try {
await dm.send('A basic text transcript of the ticket channel is attached:', {
files: [
} catch (e) {
log.warn(`Failed to send text transcript to ${u.tag}`);
if (config.transcripts.web.enabled) {
try {
let url = await archive.export(client, channel);
await dm.send(
new MessageEmbed()
.setAuthor(message.author.username, message.author.displayAvatarURL())
.setTitle(`**Ticket ${ticket.id} web archive**`)
.setDescription(`You can view an archive of your ticket channel [here](${url})`)
.setFooter(guild.name, guild.iconURL())
} catch (e) {
log.warn(`Failed to send archive URL to ${u.tag}`);
2020-08-17 16:46:23 +03:00
log.info(`${message.author.tag} closed a ticket (#ticket-${ticket.get('id')})`);
2020-08-17 16:46:23 +03:00
if (config.logs.discord.enabled)
2020-08-18 00:07:05 +03:00
new MessageEmbed()
2020-08-17 16:46:23 +03:00
.setAuthor(message.author.username, message.author.displayAvatarURL())
.setTitle('Ticket closed')
.addField('Creator', `<@${ticket.get('creator')}>`, true)
2020-08-17 16:46:23 +03:00
.addField('Closed by', message.author, true)
.setFooter(guild.name, guild.iconURL())
2020-08-17 16:46:23 +03:00
collector.on('end', () => {
if (!success) {
2020-08-17 16:46:23 +03:00
2020-08-18 00:07:05 +03:00
new MessageEmbed()
2020-08-17 16:46:23 +03:00
.setAuthor(message.author.username, message.author.displayAvatarURL())
.setTitle(':x: **Expired**')
.setDescription('You took to long to react; confirmation failed.')
.setFooter(guild.name, guild.iconURL()));
timeout: 10000
2020-08-17 16:46:23 +03:00
.then(() => confirm.delete());
2020-08-17 16:46:23 +03:00
2020-08-17 16:46:23 +03:00