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2019-05-03 22:09:48 +01:00
____ _ _____ _ _ _
| _ \ (_) ___ ___ ___ _ __ __| | |_ _| (_) ___ | | __ ___ | |_ ___
| | | | | | / __| / __| / _ \ | '__| / _` | | | | | / __| | |/ / / _ \ | __| / __|
| |_| | | | \__ \ | (__ | (_) | | | | (_| | | | | | | (__ | < | __/ | |_ \__ \
|____/ |_| |___/ \___| \___/ |_| \__,_| |_| |_| \___| |_|\_\ \___| \__| |___/
Discord Tickets
A bot created by Eartharoid for the Discord (TM) platform. [GNU-GPLv3.0]
> The bot manages user-created support tickets to allow your support team to provide quicker
and better assistance to your community members.
Quick Start
> For detailed instructions, visit the github repository and read the documentation.
> Assuming you have created discord application, edit 'config.json' to allow the bot to
function correctly.
> You will need your bot token (keep it a secret) and channel & role IDs from your server
> It is recommended that you do not change much / anything in any of the .js files unless
you know what you are doing, to prevent critical errors from occuring.
> For support, visit https://github.com/eartharoid/DiscordTickets/#readme
> My website: https://eartharoid.ml
const fs = require('fs');
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const leeks = require('leeks.js');
const config = require('./config.json');
const { version, homepage } = require('./package.json');
const client = new Discord.Client();
client.commands = new Discord.Collection();
const commands = fs.readdirSync('./commands').filter(file => file.endsWith('.js'));
client.once('ready', () => { // after bot has logged in
######## #### ###### ###### ####### ######## ########
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## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
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`)); // banner appears in console
console.log(leeks.colors.yellow(leeks.styles.bold(`DiscordTickets v${version} - Made By Eartharoid`)));
console.log(`Starting up...`)
for (const file of commands) {
const command = require(`./commands/${file}`);
client.commands.set(command.name, command);
console.log(`> Loading '${config.prefix}${command.name}' command`);
console.log(leeks.colors.green(`Logged in as ${client.user.tag}`))
client.user.setPresence({ game: { name: config.playing }, status: 'online' })
// .then(console.log)
// console.log(leeks.colors.green(`Set playing status as `) + leeks.colors.yellow(`'${config.playing}${config.prefix}help'`));
if(config.useEmbeds) {
const embed = new Discord.RichEmbed()
.setAuthor(`${client.user.username} / Ticket Log`, client.user.avatarURL)
.setDescription(":white_check_mark: **Started succesfully**")
.setFooter(`${client.guilds.get(config.guildID).name} / Ticket Bot\nDiscordTickets by Eartharoid`);
} else {
client.channels.get(config.logChannel).send(":white_check_mark: **Started succesfully**")
if(client.guilds.get(config.guildID).member(client.user).hasPermission("ADMINISTRATOR", false)){
console.log(leeks.colors.green(`Required permissions have been granted`))
if(config.useEmbeds) {
const embed = new Discord.RichEmbed()
.setAuthor(`${client.user.username} / Ticket Log`, client.user.avatarURL)
.setDescription(":white_check_mark: **Required permissions have been granted**")
.setFooter(`${client.guilds.get(config.guildID).name} / Ticket Bot\nDiscordTickets by Eartharoid`);
} else {
client.channels.get(config.logChannel).send(":white_check_mark: **Started succesfully**")
} else {
console.log(leeks.colors.red(`Required permissions have not been granted`))
console.log(leeks.colors.red(`Please give the bot the 'ADMINISTRATOR' permission`))
if(config.useEmbeds) {
const embed = new Discord.RichEmbed()
.setAuthor(`${client.user.username} / Ticket Log`, client.user.avatarURL)
.setDescription(":x: **Required permissions have not been granted**\nPlease give the bot the `ADMINISTRATOR` permission")
.setFooter(`${client.guilds.get(config.guildID).name} / Ticket Bot\nDiscordTickets by Eartharoid`);
} else {
client.channels.get(config.logChannel).send(":white_check_mark: **Started succesfully**")
client.on('message', message => {
// if (!message.content.startsWith(config.prefix) || message.author.bot) return;
if(message.author.bot) return;
if (message.channel.type === "dm") {
if (message.author.id === client.user.id) return;
if(config.useEmbeds) {
const embed = new Discord.RichEmbed()
.setAuthor(`${client.user.username} / Ticket Log`, client.user.avatarURL)
.setTitle("DM Logger")
.addField("Username", message.author.tag, true)
.addField("Message", message.content, true)
.setFooter(`${client.guilds.get(config.guildID).name} / Ticket Bot\nDiscordTickets by Eartharoid`);
} else {
client.channels.get(config.logChannel).send(`DM received from **${message.author.tag} (${message.author.id})** : \n\n\`\`\`${message.content}\`\`\``);
if (message.channel.bot) return;
// const args = message.content.slice(config.prefix.length).split(/ +/);
const prefixRegex = new RegExp(`^(<@!?${client.user.id}>|\\${config.prefix})\\s*`);
if (!prefixRegex.test(message.content)) return;
const [, matchedPrefix] = message.content.match(prefixRegex);
const args = message.content.slice(matchedPrefix.length).trim().split(/ +/);
const command = args.shift().toLowerCase();
if (!client.commands.has(command)) return;
try {
client.commands.get(command).execute(message, args, config, version);
} catch (error) {
message.channel.send(`:x: **Oof!** An error occured whilst executing that command.`);
process.on('unhandledRejection', error => {
console.log(leeks.colors.yellow(`[WARN] An error was not caught`))
console.error(leeks.colors.red(`[ERROR] Uncaught Promise Error: \n${error.stack}`));