DiscordTickets is a Discord bot for managing support ticket channels, to allow you and your team to provide better and quicker assistance to your members/customers. It is a free, open-source, and self-hosted alternative to [Ticket Tool](https://tickettool.xyz/) and [TicketsBot](https://ticketsbot.net/) premium/whitelabel plans.
## Features
- Highly customisable
- Ticket "panel" / "widget" (react to embed to create ticket)
- Simple commands
- SQLite (easy, default) **or** MySQL (recommend) storage
For installation, configuration, usage, and other information, **go to the [wiki](https://github.com/Eartharoid/DiscordTickets/wiki).**
## Support
**[Go to the wiki](https://github.com/Eartharoid/DiscordTickets/wiki)**, or ask for help in [#support](https://discordapp.com/channels/451745464480432129/475351519516950548) on [Discord](https://discord.gg/pXc9vyC).