* huepaper - a colorful wallpaper generator #+caption: Logo [[./images/logo.png]] *huepaper* creates wallpapers based on color hues. Bring a little color in your life by randomness, because every huepaper is truly unique. You can find [[#examples][examples]] below. ** Installation Until now there is no install method, just ways to call the script. *** NixOS Call =nix-shell= in the project directory. This will drop you into a python environment with all necessary requirements. *** LegacyOS Install the python requirements with =pip install -r requirements.txt=. ** Usage #+begin_src text usage: huepaper.py [-h] [-s SIZE] [-c COLOR] [-p] [-o OUTPUT] [-l [LINES]] [-lb [LINES_BRIGHT]] [-ld [LINES_DARK]] [-P [PIXELATE]] [-e EMBLEM] [-hue HUE] [-smin SMIN] [-smax SMAX] [-lmin LMIN] [-lmax LMAX] Create wallpapers based on color hues. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -s SIZE, --size SIZE size of huepaper in the form WIDTHxHEIGHT (default: 1920x1080) -c COLOR, --color COLOR color, the huepaper is generated from (uses a random color if not given) -p, --preview preview huepaper -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT file where to save the huepaper to (default: None) -l [LINES], --lines [LINES] include one to three random lines in base color with given opacity in range [0, 1] (default: 0.3) -lb [LINES_BRIGHT], --lines_bright [LINES_BRIGHT] include one to three bright random lines with given opacity in range [0, 1] (default: 0.1) -ld [LINES_DARK], --lines_dark [LINES_DARK] include one to three dark random lines with given opacity in range [0, 1] (default: 0.1) -P [PIXELATE], --pixelate [PIXELATE] pixelate image with WIDTHxHEIGHT (default: 16x9) -e EMBLEM, --emblem EMBLEM emblem to add in the center of the huepaper -hue HUE maximum hue to differ from given color in range [0, 1] (default: 0.1) -smin SMIN minimum satisfaction for colors in range [0, 1] (default: 0.2) -smax SMAX maximum satisfaction for colors in range [0, 1] (default: 1.0) -lmin LMIN minimum luminance for colors in range [0, 1] (default: 0.2) -lmax LMAX maximum luminance for colors in range [0, 1] (default: 0.9) #+end_src All image operations are called in order of the help file. E.g. pixelate (=-P=) is called after adding lines (=-l=). If you set the color via =-c= it is not guaranteed, that it is included in the huepaper. Colors, similar to the given one are chosen. You can specify how far the colors differ in the hue range with the =-hue= parameter. Valid color expressions are e.g. =#F5F5DC=, =#0f0=, =ffff80= and =red=. Make sure, that colors beginning with a =#= are encapsulated in quotes (="=). All supported color names can be seen [[https://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_names.asp][here]]. If you use the =-e= argument to specify an emblem, make sure it has the correct size. It is not scaled or stretched, just placed in the center of the image. If you want an offset, e.g. put it in the left bottom corner, provide an emblem file with the size of the huepaper, transparent background and your emblem in the bottom left corner. ** Examples Please note, that every huepaper call generates a new random image. You will never get the same huepaper twice. You may like some and dislike others. Fiddle around with the options to find a result, you are happy with. #+caption: Huepaper 1 [[./images/huepaper_1.png]] =huepaper.py -p= -------------- #+caption: Huepaper 1 [[./images/huepaper_2.png]] =huepaper.py -p -c lightgreen= -------------- #+caption: Huepaper 3 [[./images/huepaper_3.png]] =huepaper.py -p -c "#ff7f50" -lb 0.05= -------------- #+caption: Huepaper 4 [[./images/huepaper_4.png]] =huepaper.py -p -hue 1.0 -lmin 0.3 -lmax 0.6 -smin 0.8 -smax 1.0= -------------- #+caption: Huepaper 5 [[./images/huepaper_5.png]] =huepaper.py -p -hue 0.3 -lmin 0.5 -lmax 0.5 -l 0.5 -P 64x36= -------------- #+caption: Huepaper 6 [[./images/huepaper_6.png]] =huepaper.py -p -l -lb -ld -e nixos.png= ** Acknowledgements Thanks to all the people who created the nice software, this project is based on.