try: from requests import get from discord import ApplicationContext, Intents, Bot, ActivityType, Activity, VoiceState except Exception as exp: print(f"Dependencies not installed. Make sure to run 'pip install -r requirements.txt' before first start") exit() from os import getpid from shutil import rmtree from functions import * pid = getpid() version = 1.8 if loadJson("config.json")["owner"] == "SET-OWNER-ID" or loadJson("config.json")["bot_token"] == "SET-BOT-TOKEN": print(f"Bot is not correctly configured.\nMake sure you've set up owner id and bot token in 'config.json'\nLearn more here:") exit() if loadJson("config.json")["check_for_updates"]: try: serv_ver = loads(get("").text)["version"] if float(serv_ver) > version: appendLog(f"YusarinBot version {serv_ver} is available. Download new version here:") appendLog(f"Currently using YusarinBot v{str(version)}") except Exception as exp: appendLog(f"Could not get YusarinBot cloud version due to {exp}. Currently using {str(version)}") intents = Intents().all() client = Bot(intents=intents) from cogs.cogCategory import CogCategory from cogs.cogChannel import CogChannel from cogs.cogLocale import CogLocale from cogs.cogUtility import CogUtility @client.slash_command(name="help", description="Get information about this server") async def help(ctx: ApplicationContext): await ctx.respond(embed=getHelpMessage(ctx, version)) @client.event async def on_ready(): appendLog(f"Logged in as {client.user}") config = loadJson("config.json") await client.change_presence(activity=Activity(type=ActivityType.listening, name=config["bot_activity"])) await clearTrash(client) client.add_cog(CogCategory(client)) client.add_cog(CogChannel(client)) client.add_cog(CogLocale(client)) client.add_cog(CogUtility(client)) appendLog(f"Trying to log in...")"config.json")["bot_token"])