import os import sys import json import shutil import discord from datetime import datetime from pathlib import Path path = Path(__file__).resolve().parent log_size = 512 # This is the default option for "debug" key in # file config.json, so if cebug is not set in it # bot will use this value instead. debug = False try: with open(filename, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as json_file: output = json.load(json_file) json_file.close() debug = output["debug"] except: debug = debug # Check latest log size def checkSize(): global path path = str(path) try: if not os.path.isdir(f"{path}/logs"): os.mkdir(f"{path}/logs") log = os.stat(path + '/logs/latest.log') global log_size if (log.st_size / 1024) > log_size: with open(path + '/logs/latest.log', 'rb') as f_in: with'{path}/logs/{"%d.%m.%Y_%H:%M:%S")}.log.gz', 'wb') as f_out: shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out) print(f'Copied {path}/logs/{"%d.%m.%Y_%H:%M:%S")}.log.gz') open(path + '/logs/latest.log', 'w').close() except FileNotFoundError: print('Not found') pass # Append string to log def appendLog(message, guild=None, announce=True): global debug global path if guild == None: message_formatted = f'[{"%d.%m.%Y")}] [{"%H:%M:%S")}] {message}' else: if debug: message_formatted = f'[{"%d.%m.%Y")}] [{"%H:%M:%S")}] [{guild} | {str(}] {message}' else: message_formatted = f'[{"%d.%m.%Y")}] [{"%H:%M:%S")}] [{guild}] {message}' if announce: print(message_formatted) checkSize() log = open(path + '/logs/latest.log', 'a') log.write(f'{message_formatted}\n') log.close() def saveJson(value, filename): with open(filename, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as f: json.dump(value, f, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) f.close() def loadJson(filename): global debug try: with open(filename, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as json_file: output = json.load(json_file) json_file.close() except Exception as exp: if debug: appendLog(f"Could not load json file {filename} due to exception {exp}") output = {} return output def gotCommand(message): global debug if debug: appendLog(f"Command '{message.content}' from {} ({str(})", message.guild) else: appendLog(f"Command '{message.content}' from {}", message.guild) def guildConfGet(guild, variable): global path global debug try: config = loadJson(f"{path}/guilds/{str(}/config.json") return config[variable] except Exception as exp: if debug: appendLog(f"Could not get guild config key '{variable}' due to {exp}", guild) return None def guildConfSet(guild, variable, value): global path config = loadJson(f"{path}/guilds/{str(}/config.json") config[variable] = value try: saveJson(config, f"{path}/guilds/{str(}/config.json") except: os.mkdir(f"{path}/guilds/{str(}") os.mkdir(f"{path}/guilds/{str(}/channels") saveJson(config, f"{path}/guilds/{str(}/config.json") appendLog(f"Guild config key '{variable}' is now set to '{value}'", guild) def guildConfReset(guild, variable): global path try: config = loadJson(f"{path}/guilds/{str(}/config.json") del config[variable] try: saveJson(config, f"{path}/guilds/{str(}/config.json") except: os.mkdir(f"{path}/guilds/{str(}") os.mkdir(f"{path}/guilds/{str(}/channels") saveJson(config, f"{path}/guilds/{str(}/config.json") appendLog(f"Guild config key '{variable}' has been reset", guild) except Exception as exp: appendLog(f"Could not reset guild config key '{variable}' due to {exp}", guild) def guildLocaleGet(guild): global path config = loadJson(f"{path}/config.json") try: locale = guildConfGet(guild, "locale") except: return config["bot_locale"] if locale is None: return config["bot_locale"] else: return locale def getMsg(string, guild=None): global path config = loadJson("config.json") try: locale = loadJson(f'{path}/locale/{guildLocaleGet(guild)}.json') return locale["messages"][string] except Exception as exp: appendLog(f"Could not get locale string named {string} due to exception {exp}", guild) return f"Could not get locale string {string}" def isUserVoice(vc): global path try: channels_list = os.listdir(f"{path}/guilds/{str(}/channels/") if f"{str(}.json" in channels_list: return True else: return False except: return False async def removeUserVoice(vc): global path global debug channels_list = os.listdir(f"{path}/guilds/{str(}/channels/") if f"{}.json" in channels_list: vc_file = f"{path}/guilds/{str(}/channels/{str(}.json" vc_conf = loadJson(vc_file) needed_channel = discord.utils.get(vc.guild.channels, nomic_channel = discord.utils.get(vc.guild.channels, id=vc_conf["nomic"]) os.remove(vc_file) await needed_channel.delete() if debug: appendLog(f"Removed voice channel '{needed_channel}' ({str(}) of user with id {str(vc_conf['ownerid'])}", guild=vc.guild) else: appendLog(f"Removed voice channel '{needed_channel}' of user with id {str(vc_conf['ownerid'])}", guild=vc.guild) await nomic_channel.delete() if debug: appendLog(f"Removed nomic channel {nomic_channel} ({str(}) of channel with id {str(}", guild=vc.guild) else: appendLog(f"Removed nomic channel '{nomic_channel}' of channel with id {str(}", guild=vc.guild) else: return async def createUserVoice(vc, category, member): global path global debug chan = {} overwrites_channel = { vc.guild.default_role: discord.PermissionOverwrite(view_channel=True), discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True, view_channel=True, manage_channels=True), member: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True, view_channel=True, manage_channels=True) } overwrites_nomic = { vc.guild.default_role: discord.PermissionOverwrite(view_channel=False, read_messages=False), discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True, view_channel=True, manage_channels=True), member: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True, view_channel=True, manage_channels=True) } created_channel = await vc.guild.create_voice_channel(getMsg("name_voice", vc.guild).format(, category=category, overwrites=overwrites_channel) if debug: appendLog(f"Created voice channel '{created_channel}' ({str(}) for user {member} ({str(})", guild=vc.guild) else: appendLog(f"Created voice channel '{created_channel}' for user {member}", guild=vc.guild) if not os.path.isdir(f"{path}/guilds/{str(}/channels"): os.mkdir(f"{path}/guilds/{str(}/channels") vc_file = f"{path}/guilds/{str(}/channels/{str(}.json" chan["ownerid"] = saveJson(chan, vc_file) nomic_channel = await vc.guild.create_text_channel(getMsg("name_nomic", vc.guild).format(, category=category, overwrites=overwrites_nomic, topic=getMsg("description_nomic", vc.guild).format(str( if debug: appendLog(f"Created nomic channel '{nomic_channel}' ({str(}) for channel '{created_channel}' ({str(})", guild=vc.guild) else: appendLog(f"Created nomic channel '{nomic_channel}' for channel '{created_channel}'", guild=vc.guild) chan["nomic"] = saveJson(chan, vc_file) return created_channel def isVoiceOfUser(vc, member): global path vc_file = f"{path}/guilds/{str(}/channels/{str(}.json" vc_conf = loadJson(vc_file) if vc_conf["ownerid"] == return True else: return False async def changeNomicPerms(mode, vc, member): global path vc_file = f"{path}/guilds/{str(}/channels/{str(}.json" vc_conf = loadJson(vc_file) nomic_channel = discord.utils.get(vc.guild.channels, id=vc_conf["nomic"]) if mode == "deny": await nomic_channel.set_permissions(member, view_channel=False) else: await nomic_channel.set_permissions(member, view_channel=True) async def clearTrash(client): global path if not os.path.isdir(f"{path}/guilds/"): os.mkdir(f"{path}/guilds") guilds_list = os.listdir(f"{path}/guilds/") for guild in guilds_list: guild_object = client.get_guild(int(guild)) if os.path.isdir(f"{path}/guilds/{guild}/channels"): channels_list = os.listdir(f"{path}/guilds/{guild}/channels/") for channel in channels_list: channel_id = channel[:-5] try: selected_channel = discord.utils.get(guild_object.voice_channels, id=int(channel_id)) channel_owner = loadJson(f"{path}/guilds/{guild}/channels/{channel}")["ownerid"] remove_channel = True for member in selected_channel.members: if == channel_owner: remove_channel = False if remove_channel: await removeUserVoice(selected_channel) except: os.remove(f"{path}/guilds/{guild}/channels/{channel_id}.json") #async def autoClearTrash(client): # execute clearTrash every 120 seconds async def guildConfigured(guild): output = {} config = loadJson("config.json") for kind in ["channel", "category", "prefix"]: if guildConfGet(guild, kind) is not None: try: if kind == "channel": guild_object = discord.utils.get(guild.channels, id=guildConfGet(guild, kind)) output[kind] = getMsg("configured_"+kind, guild).format( elif kind == "category": guild_object = discord.utils.get(guild.categories, id=guildConfGet(guild, kind)) output[kind] = getMsg("configured_"+kind, guild).format( elif kind == "prefix": output[kind] = getMsg("info_prefix", guild).format(guildConfGet(guild, kind)) except Exception as exp: if kind == "prefix": output[kind] = getMsg("info_prefix", guild).format(config["bot_prefix"]) else: output[kind] = getMsg("unconfigured_"+kind, guild) else: if kind == "prefix": output[kind] = getMsg("info_prefix", guild).format(config["bot_prefix"]) else: output[kind] = getMsg("unconfigured_"+kind, guild) return getMsg("server_config", guild).format(output["prefix"], getMsg("info_locale", guild).format(getMsg("locale_name", guild)), output["channel"], output["category"])