{ "messages": { "shutdown": "Shutting down...", "locale_name": "English", "locale_set": "Bot's locale has been changed to `English`", "help": "**List of command:**\n{0}• Set parent channel: `{1}channel CHANNEL-ID`\n• Set parent category: `{2}category CATEGORY-ID`\n• Set commands prefix: `{3}prefix SYMBOL`\n• Change bot's locale on server `{4}locale LOCALE`\n\nTo reset channel/category/prefix use `reset` as argument\n\nPlease note that channel/category name ≠ ID of channel/category", "help_owner": "• Turn off the bot: `{0}shutdown`\n", "command_in_dm": "Commands can only be executed on the server", "command_forbidden": "To set up private channels, you need to have **Administrator** permission on the server", "usage_channel": "Correct usage: `{0}channel CHANNEL-ID`\nPlease note that name of channel ≠ ID of channel.\nFind out more about this here: https://support.discord.com/hc/articles/206346498-Where-can-I-find-my-User-Server-Message-ID", "usage_category": "Correct usage: `{0}category CATEGORY-ID`\nPlease note that name of category ≠ ID of category.\nFind out more about it here: https://support.discord.com/hc/articles/206346498-Where-can-I-find-my-User-Server-Message-ID", "usage_prefix": "Correct usage: `{0}prefix SYMBOL`", "usage_locale": "Correct usage: `{0}locale LOCALE`\nAvailable locales: {1}", "result_channel": "Voice channel **{0}** is now set as parent", "result_category": "Category **{0}** is now set as parent", "result_prefix": "Command prefix **{0}** is now set as primary for this server", "warn_channel": "⚠ Parent channel is not set!\nFor the bot to work, you need to set parent channel: `{0}channel CHANNEL-ID`", "warn_category": "⚠ Parent category is not set!\nFor the bot to work, you need to set parent category: `{0}category CATEGORY-ID`", "warn_text_channel": "⚠ Selected channel is a text channel!\nPlease, use an ID of the voice channel instead.", "reset_channel": "Parent voice channel has been reset", "reset_category": "Parent category has been reset", "reset_prefix": "Commands prefix has been reset and now is `{0}`", "reset_locale": "Bot's locale on this server has been reset and now is `{0}`", "none_channel": "Parent voice channel is not set", "none_category": "Parent category is not set", "none_prefix": "Commands prefix is not set, using default prefix `{0}`", "none_locale": "Bot's locale on this server is not set, using default locale: `{0}`", "server_config": "**Server status:**\n{0}\n{1}\n{2}\n{3}\n\n", "info_prefix": "ℹ Commands prefix: `{0}`", "info_locale": "ℹ Bot's server language: `{0}`", "unconfigured_channel": "⚠ Parent channel", "unconfigured_category": "⚠ Parent category", "configured_channel": "☑ Parent channel: `{0}`", "configured_category": "☑ Parent category: `{0}`", "name_voice": "{0}'s channel", "name_nomic": "no-mic-{0}", "description_nomic": "Text channel for no mic communication\nVoice room ID: {0}" } }