2022-08-11 09:59:30 +02:00

59 lines
3.8 KiB

"commands": {
"start": "Start using the bot",
"rules": "Photos submission rules"
"commands_admin": {
"reboot": "Restart the bot"
"message": {
"start": "Hi and welcome!\n\nYou can submit your pictures and videos here. We'll review and add them, if we like them. Make sure you send your stuff one at a time and have chosen media that corresponds to our rules.\n\nYou can also write something to us in the description field. We'll send it with the submission itself, if needed.\n\nAlso, make sure you follow the /rules of submission, otherwise your submission will be declined. In case of spam/abuse you may even be blocked.\n\nHave fun and happy submitting!",
"rules": "Photos submission rules:\n1. No porn, only erotics and aesthetics\n2. Nipples are semi-allowed, should be either veiled or barely visible\n3. Genitalia strictly prohibited, but labia prints on clothes or nice pubes/panties/butts - are fine",
"shutdown": "Shutting down bot with pid `{0}`",
"startup": "Starting with pid `{0}`",
"sub_yes": "✅ Submission approved and accepted",
"sub_no": "❌ Submission reviewed and declined",
"sub_blocked": "You were blocked and you can't submit media anymore.",
"sub_unblocked": "You were unblocked and you can now submit media.",
"sub_by": "\n\nSubmitted by:",
"sub_sent": "Media has been submitted.\nWe'll notify you whether it will be accepted or not soon.",
"sub_cooldown": "You can only submit 1 media per {0} seconds",
"mime_not_allowed": "File type not allowed. Please, consider using one of these: {0}",
"post_exception": "Could not send content due to `{exp}`\n\nTraceback:\n```{0}```",
"post_empty": "Could not send content: `Queue folder is empty or contains only unsupported or already sent files.`"
"button": {
"sub_yes": "✅ Accept",
"sub_yes_caption": "✅ Accept + 📝",
"sub_no": "❌ Deny",
"sub_block": "☠️ Block sender",
"sub_unblock": "🏳️ Unblock sender",
"post_view": "View in channel"
"callback": {
"sub_yes": "✅ Submission approved",
"sub_no": "❌ Submission declined",
"sub_block": "User {0} has been blocked",
"sub_unblock": "User {0} has been unblocked",
"sub_msg_unavail": "Submission message no longer exist",
"sub_media_unavail": "Could not download submission"
"console": {
"shutdown": "Shutting down bot with pid {0}",
"startup":"Starting with pid {0}",
"keyboard_interrupt": "\nShutting down...",
"exception_occured": "Exception {0} happened on task execution",
"post_exception": "Could not send content due to {0}\nTraceback: {1}",
"post_empty": "Could not send content due to queue folder empty with allowed extensions",
"deps_missing": "Required modules are not installed. Run 'pip3 install -r requirements.txt' and restart the program.",
"passed_norun": "Argument --norun passed, not running the main script",
"move_sent_doesnt_exist": "File '{0}' is already moved or does not exist",
"move_sent_doesnt_exception": "Could not move sent file '{0}' to '{1}' due to {2}",
"move_sent_completed": "Moved all sent files to the sent folder",
"cleanup_exception": "Could not remove '{0}' due to {1}",
"cleanup_completed": "Performed cleanup of the sent files",
"cleanup_unathorized": "Requested cleanup of sent files but not authorized. Please pass '--confirm' to perform that",
"cleanup_index_completed": "Performed cleanup of sent files index",
"cleanup_index_unathorized": "Requested cleanup of sent files index but not authorized. Please pass '--confirm' to perform that"