import os import random import shutil import subprocess import sys from threading import Thread import time import traceback import schedule pid = os.getpid() try: from pyrogram import Client, filters, idle # type: ignore from pyrogram.types import ChatPermissions, ReplyKeyboardMarkup, InlineKeyboardMarkup, InlineKeyboardButton, BotCommand, BotCommandScopeChat # type: ignore except ModuleNotFoundError: print(f"Module pyrogram is not installed. Run 'pip3 install -r requirements.txt' and restart the program.", flush=True) sys.exit() from modules.logging import logWrite from modules.utils import configGet, jsonLoad, jsonSave app = Client("duptsiaposter", bot_token=configGet("bot_token", "bot"), api_id=configGet("api_id", "bot"), api_hash=configGet("api_hash", "bot")) def send_content(): try: list_sent = jsonLoad(configGet("index", "locations")) list_queue = os.listdir(configGet("queue", "locations")) for file in list_queue: if not file in list_sent["sent"]: ext_match = False for ext in configGet("photo", "posting", "extensions"): if file.endswith(ext): ext_match = True ext_type = "photo" break for ext in configGet("video", "posting", "extensions"): if file.endswith(ext): ext_match = True ext_type = "video" break if not ext_match: list_queue.remove(file) else: list_queue.remove(file) if len(list_queue) > 0: candidate_file = random.choice(list_queue) candidate = configGet("queue", "locations")+os.sep+candidate_file else: logWrite(f"Could not send content due to queue folder empty with allowed extensions") if configGet("error", "reports"): app.send_message(configGet("admin", "reports"), f"Could not send content: `Queue folder is empty or contains only unsupported or already sent files.`") # type: ignore return if ext_type == "photo": # type: ignore if configGet("enabled", "caption"): if configGet("link", "caption") != None: sent = app.send_photo(configGet("channel", "posting"), candidate, caption=f"[{configGet('text', 'caption')}]({configGet('link', 'caption')})", disable_notification=configGet("silent", "posting")) # type: ignore else: sent = app.send_photo(configGet("channel", "posting"), candidate, caption=configGet('text', 'caption'), disable_notification=configGet("silent", "posting")) # type: ignore else: sent = app.send_photo(configGet("channel", "posting"), candidate, disable_notification=configGet("silent", "posting")) # type: ignore elif ext_type == "video": # type: ignore if configGet("enabled", "caption"): if configGet("link", "caption") != None: sent = app.send_video(configGet("channel", "posting"), candidate, caption=f"[{configGet('text', 'caption')}]({configGet('link', 'caption')})", disable_notification=configGet("silent", "posting")) # type: ignore else: sent = app.send_video(configGet("channel", "posting"), candidate, caption=configGet('text', 'caption'), disable_notification=configGet("silent", "posting")) # type: ignore else: sent = app.send_video(configGet("channel", "posting"), candidate, disable_notification=configGet("silent", "posting")) # type: ignore list_sent["sent"].append(candidate_file) jsonSave(list_sent, configGet("index", "locations")) if configGet("move_sent", "posting"): shutil.move(candidate, configGet("sent", "locations")+os.sep+candidate_file) if configGet("sent", "reports"): app.send_message(configGet("admin", "reports"), f"Posted `{candidate_file}`", disable_web_page_preview=True, reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup([ [InlineKeyboardButton("View in channel",] # type: ignore ])) # type: ignore except Exception as exp: logWrite(f"Could not send content due to {exp}") if configGet("error", "reports"): app.send_message(configGet("admin", "reports"), f"Could not send content due to `{exp}`\n\nTraceback:\n```{traceback.format_exc()}```") # type: ignore @app.on_message(~ filters.scheduled & filters.command(["kill", "die", "reboot"], prefixes=["", "/"])) def kill(app, msg): if == configGet("admin", "reports"): msg.reply_text(f"Shutting down bot with pid `{pid}`") os.system('kill -9 '+str(pid)) for entry in configGet("time", "posting"): schedule.every() def background_task(): try: while True: try: schedule.run_pending() time.sleep(1) except: pass except Exception as exp: logWrite(f"Exception {exp} happened on task execution") except KeyboardInterrupt: logWrite('\nShutting down...') app.send_message(configGet("admin", "reports"), f"Shutting down with PID `{pid}`") # type: ignore os.system('kill -9 '+str(pid)) if __name__ == "__main__": logWrite(f'Starting with PID {pid}') app.start() # type: ignore app.send_message(configGet("admin", "reports"), f"Starting with pid `{pid}`") # type: ignore t = Thread(target=background_task) t.start() app.set_bot_commands([ # type: ignore BotCommand("reboot", "Reboot the bot"), ], scope=BotCommandScopeChat(chat_id=configGet("admin", "reports"))) idle() app.send_message(configGet("admin", "reports"), f"Shutting down with pid `{pid}`") # type: ignore logWrite(f'Shutting down with PID {pid}')'kill -9 {pid}', shell=True) # type: ignore