from datetime import datetime from os import makedirs, path, sep from traceback import format_exc from uuid import uuid4 from pyrogram import filters from pyrogram.types import InlineKeyboardButton, InlineKeyboardMarkup, Message from pyrogram.enums.chat_action import ChatAction from classes.exceptions import SubmissionDuplicatesError from classes.poster_client import PosterClient from classes.user import PosterUser from import app from modules.database import col_banned, col_submitted from modules.logger import logWrite from modules.utils import configGet, locale from classes.enums.submission_types import SubmissionType @app.on_message( ~filters.scheduled & filters.private & | | filters.animation | filters.document ) async def get_submission(app: PosterClient, msg: Message): try: if col_banned.find_one({"user":}) is not None: return await app.send_chat_action(, ChatAction.TYPING) user_locale = msg.from_user.language_code save_tmp = True contents = None if PosterUser( await msg.reply_text( locale("sub_cooldown", "message", locale=user_locale).format( str(configGet("timeout", "submission")) ) ) return if msg.document is not None: if msg.document.mime_type not in configGet("mime_types", "submission"): await msg.reply_text( locale("mime_not_allowed", "message", locale=user_locale), quote=True, ) return if msg.document.file_size > configGet("file_size", "submission"): await msg.reply_text( locale("document_too_large", "message", locale=user_locale).format( str(configGet("file_size", "submission") / 1024 / 1024) ), quote=True, ) return if msg.document.file_size > configGet("tmp_size", "submission"): save_tmp = False contents = ( msg.document.file_id, SubmissionType.DOCUMENT, ) # , msg.document.file_name if is not None: if > configGet("file_size", "submission"): await msg.reply_text( locale("document_too_large", "message", locale=user_locale).format( str(configGet("file_size", "submission") / 1024 / 1024) ), quote=True, ) return if > configGet("tmp_size", "submission"): save_tmp = False contents =, SubmissionType.VIDEO # , if msg.animation is not None: if msg.animation.file_size > configGet("file_size", "submission"): await msg.reply_text( locale("document_too_large", "message", locale=user_locale).format( str(configGet("file_size", "submission") / 1024 / 1024) ), quote=True, ) return if msg.animation.file_size > configGet("tmp_size", "submission"): save_tmp = False contents = ( msg.animation.file_id, SubmissionType.ANIMATION, ) # , msg.animation.file_name if is not None: contents =, SubmissionType.PHOTO # , "please_generate" if save_tmp is not None: if contents is None: return tmp_id = str(uuid4()) # filename = tmp_id if contents[1] == "please_generate" else contents[1] makedirs( path.join(configGet("data", "locations"), "submissions", tmp_id), exist_ok=True, ) downloaded = await app.download_media( msg, path.join(configGet("data", "locations"), "submissions", tmp_id) + sep, ) inserted = col_submitted.insert_one( { "user":, "date":, "done": False, "type": contents[1].value, "temp": {"uuid": tmp_id, "file": path.basename(str(downloaded))}, "telegram": {"msg_id":, "file_id": contents[0]}, "caption": str(msg.caption) if msg.caption is not None else None, } ) else: if contents is None: return inserted = col_submitted.insert_one( { "user":, "date":, "done": False, "type": contents[1].value, "temp": {"uuid": None, "file": None}, "telegram": {"msg_id":, "file_id": contents[0]}, "caption": str(msg.caption) if msg.caption is not None else None, } ) buttons = [ [ InlineKeyboardButton( text=locale("sub_yes", "button", locale=configGet("locale")), callback_data=f"sub_yes_{str(inserted.inserted_id)}", ) ] ] if msg.caption is not None: caption = str(msg.caption) buttons[0].append( InlineKeyboardButton( text=locale( "sub_yes_caption", "button", locale=configGet("locale") ), callback_data=f"sub_yes_{str(inserted.inserted_id)}_caption", ) ) buttons[0].append( InlineKeyboardButton( text=locale("sub_no", "button", locale=configGet("locale")), callback_data=f"sub_no_{str(inserted.inserted_id)}", ) ) else: caption = "" buttons[0].append( InlineKeyboardButton( text=locale("sub_no", "button", locale=configGet("locale")), callback_data=f"sub_no_{str(inserted.inserted_id)}", ) ) caption += locale("sub_by", "message", locale=locale(configGet("locale"))) if msg.from_user.first_name is not None: caption += f" {msg.from_user.first_name}" if msg.from_user.last_name is not None: caption += f" {msg.from_user.last_name}" if msg.from_user.username is not None: caption += f" (@{msg.from_user.username})" if msg.from_user.phone_number is not None: caption += f" ({msg.from_user.phone_number})" if ( in app.admins and configGet("admins", "submission", "require_confirmation") is False ): try: submitted = await app.submit_photo(str(inserted.inserted_id)) await msg.reply_text( locale("sub_yes_auto", "message", locale=user_locale), disable_notification=True, quote=True, ) if configGet("send_uploaded_id", "submission"): caption += f"\n\nID: `{submitted[1]}`" await msg.copy(app.owner, caption=caption, disable_notification=True) return except SubmissionDuplicatesError as exp: await msg.reply_text( locale( "sub_media_duplicates_list", "message", locale=user_locale ).format("\n • ".join(exp.duplicates)), quote=True, ) return except Exception as exp: await msg.reply_text(format_exc(), quote=True) return elif ( not in app.admins and configGet("users", "submission", "require_confirmation") is False ): try: submitted = await app.submit_photo(str(inserted.inserted_id)) await msg.reply_text( locale("sub_yes_auto", "message", locale=user_locale), disable_notification=True, quote=True, ) if configGet("send_uploaded_id", "submission"): caption += f"\n\nID: `{submitted[1]}`" await msg.copy(app.owner, caption=caption) return except SubmissionDuplicatesError as exp: await msg.reply_text( locale("sub_dup", "message", locale=user_locale), quote=True ) return except Exception as exp: await app.send_message( app.owner, locale("sub_error_admin", "message").format(, format_exc() ), ) await msg.reply_text("sub_error", quote=True) return if not in app.admins: buttons += [ [ InlineKeyboardButton( text=locale("sub_block", "button", locale=configGet("locale")), callback_data=f"sub_block_{}", ) ] ] PosterUser( if != app.owner: await msg.reply_text( locale("sub_sent", "message", locale=user_locale), disable_notification=True, quote=True, ) await msg.copy( app.owner, caption=caption, reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons) ) except AttributeError: logWrite(f"from_user in function get_submission does not seem to contain id")