import asyncio from glob import iglob from os import getcwd, makedirs, path, remove from shutil import disk_usage, rmtree from traceback import format_exc from uuid import uuid4 from zipfile import ZipFile from convopyro import listen_message from pyrogram import filters from pyrogram.types import Message from classes.poster_client import PosterClient from modules.api_client import upload_pic from import app, users_with_context from modules.logger import logWrite from modules.utils import configGet, extract_and_save @app.on_message(~filters.scheduled & filters.command(["import"], prefixes=["", "/"])) async def cmd_import(app: PosterClient, msg: Message): if in app.admins: global users_with_context if not in users_with_context: users_with_context.append( else: return await msg.reply_text( f"Alright, please send me a zip archive with your media to be imported. Use /cancel if you want to abort this operation." ) answer = await listen_message(app,, timeout=600) users_with_context.remove( if answer is None: await msg.reply_text("No response, aborting import.", quote=True) return if answer.text == "/cancel": await answer.reply_text("Okay, aborting.") return if answer.document is None: await answer.reply_text( "File to import must be a zip archive. Aborting.", quote=True ) return if answer.document.mime_type != "application/zip": await answer.reply_text( "Provided file is not supported. Please send `application/zip`. Aborting.", quote=True, ) return if disk_usage(getcwd())[2] < (answer.document.file_size) * 3: await msg.reply_text( f"You archive is `{answer.document.file_size//(2**30)} GiB` big, but system has only `{disk_usage(getcwd())[2]//(2**30)} GiB` free. Unpacking may take even more space. Aborting." ) return tmp_dir = str(uuid4()) logWrite( f"Importing '{answer.document.file_name}' file {answer.document.file_size} bytes big (TMP ID {tmp_dir})" ) makedirs(path.join(configGet("tmp", "locations"), tmp_dir), exist_ok=True) tmp_path = path.join(configGet("tmp", "locations"), answer.document.file_id) downloading = await answer.reply_text("Okay, downloading...", quote=True) await app.download_media(answer, file_name=tmp_path) await downloading.edit("Downloaded, unpacking...") try: with ZipFile(tmp_path, "r") as handle: tasks = [ extract_and_save( handle, name, path.join(configGet("tmp", "locations"), tmp_dir) ) for name in handle.namelist() ] _ = await asyncio.gather(*tasks) except Exception as exp: logWrite( f"Could not import '{answer.document.file_name}' due to {exp}: {format_exc}" ) await answer.reply_text( f"Could not unpack the archive\n\nException: {exp}\n\nTraceback:\n```python\n{format_exc}\n```" ) return logWrite(f"Downloaded '{answer.document.file_name}' - awaiting upload") await downloading.edit("Unpacked, uploading...") remove(tmp_path) for filename in iglob( path.join(configGet("tmp", "locations"), tmp_dir) + "**/**", recursive=True ): if not path.isfile(filename): continue # upload filename uploaded = await upload_pic(filename) if uploaded[0] is False: logWrite( f"Could not upload '{filename}' from '{path.join(configGet('tmp', 'locations'), tmp_dir)}'. Duplicates: {str(uploaded[1])}", debug=True, ) if len(uploaded[1]) > 0: await msg.reply_text( f"Could not upload `{path.basename(filename)}` because there're duplicates on server.", disable_notification=True, ) else: await msg.reply_text( f"Could not upload `{path.basename(filename)}`. Probably disallowed filetype", disable_notification=True, ) else: logWrite( f"Uploaded '{filename}' from '{path.join(configGet('tmp', 'locations'), tmp_dir)}' and got ID {uploaded[2]}", debug=True, ) await downloading.delete() logWrite( f"Removing '{path.join(configGet('tmp', 'locations'), tmp_dir)}' after uploading", debug=True, ) rmtree(path.join(configGet("tmp", "locations"), tmp_dir), ignore_errors=True) await answer.reply_text("Done.", quote=True) return @app.on_message(~filters.scheduled & filters.command(["export"], prefixes=["", "/"])) async def cmd_export(app: PosterClient, msg: Message): if in app.admins: pass @app.on_message(~filters.scheduled & filters.command(["remove"], prefixes=["", "/"])) async def cmd_remove(app: PosterClient, msg: Message): if in app.admins: pass @app.on_message(~filters.scheduled & filters.command(["purge"], prefixes=["", "/"])) async def cmd_purge(app: PosterClient, msg: Message): if in app.admins: pass