diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 18e7acb..06f7e9e 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -26,42 +26,58 @@ To make this bot run at first you need to have a Python interpreter, Photos API, > it in scripts you will use (`loop.sh`, `loop.bat`, `start.sh` and `start.bat`). 1. Install Mongo and Photos API: + 1. Install MongoDB by following [official installation manual](https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/installation) 2. Install Photos API by following [Photos API's README](https://git.end-play.xyz/profitroll/PhotosAPI/src/branch/master/README.md) 2. Download the bot: + 1. `git clone -b dev https://git.end-play.xyz/profitroll/TelegramPoster.git` (if you want to use git) 2. `cd ./TelegramPoster` -3. Install project's dependencies: +3. Create virtual environment [Optional yet recommended]: + + 1. Install virtualenv module: `pip install virtualenv` + 2. Create venv: `python -m venv env` + 3. Activate it using `source venv/bin/activate` on Linux, `venv\Scripts\activate.bat` in CMD or `venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1` in PowerShell. + +4. Install project's dependencies: + `python -m pip install -r requirements.txt` Without installing those - bot cannot work at all -4. Install optional dependencies [Not required]: +5. Install optional dependencies [Not required]: + `python -m pip install -r requirements-optional.txt` These are not required but can make the bot run a bit faster -5. Configure "bot" and "owner" with your favorite text editor: +6. Configure "bot" and "owner" with your favorite text editor: + `nano config.json` You can edit with vim, nano, on Windows it's Notepad or Notepad++. Whatever. If you don't know where to find bot_token and your id - here you can find some hints: [get bot token](https://www.siteguarding.com/en/how-to-get-telegram-bot-api-token), [get your id](https://www.alphr.com/telegram-find-user-id), [get api_hash and api_id](https://core.telegram.org/api/obtaining_api_id). -6. Configure database and API: +7. Configure database and API: + 1. Configure database: 1. Change database host and port in keys `"database.host"` and `"database.port"`. For default local installation those will be `` and `27017` respectively; 2. Change database name to the one you like in `"database.name"`. It will be automatically created on start; 3. If you've changed user and password to access the db, you should also change `"database.user"` and `"database.password"` keys, otherwise leave them `null` (default). + 2. Configure Photos API: 1. Change `"posting.api.address"` to the one your API servers uses; 2. Run your bot using `python ./poster.py --create-user --create-album` to configure its new user and album. You can also use manual user and album creation described [in the wiki](https://git.end-play.xyz/profitroll/TelegramPoster/wiki/Configuring-API). You can also change username, password and album in`"posting.api"` to the user and album you have if you already have Photos API album and user set up. In that case you don't need to create a new one. -7. Add bot to the channel: +8. Add bot to the channel: + To use your bot of course you need to have a channel or group otherwise makes no sense to have such a bot. [Here](https://stackoverflow.com/a/33497769) you can find a quick guide how to add your bot to a channel. After that simply set `"posting.channel"` to your channel's ID. -8. Configure posting time: +9. Configure posting time: + To make your bot post random content you need to configure `"posting.time"` with a list of "DD:MM" formatted strings or use `"posting.interval"` formatted as "XdXhXmXs". To use interval instead of selected time set `"posting.use_interval"` to `true`. -9. Good to go, run it! +10. Good to go, run it! + Make sure MongoDB and Photos API are running and use `python ./poster.py` to start it. Or you can also use `.\start.bat` on Windows and `bash ./start.sh` on Linux. Additionally there are `loop.sh` and `loop.bat` available if you want your bot to start again after being stopped or after using `/reboot` command.