WIP: API usage as main

This commit is contained in:
Profitroll 2023-02-15 14:06:06 +01:00
parent 6eaa6019a3
commit 5b1afe2c9e
12 changed files with 211 additions and 110 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
from enum import Enum
class SubmissionType(Enum):
DOCUMENT = "document"
VIDEO = "video"
ANIMATION = "animation"
PHOTO = "photo"

View File

@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
"channel": 0,
"silent": false,
"move_sent": false,
"interval": 1,
"extensions": {
"photo": [

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
"last_id": 0,
"sent": [],
"captions": {}

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -26,10 +26,11 @@
"mime_not_allowed": "File type not allowed. Please, consider using one of these: {0}",
"post_exception": "Could not send content due to `{0}`\n\nTraceback:\n```{1}```",
"post_invalid_pic": "__TO_BE_ADDED__",
"api_queue_empty": "Could not send content: `Queue folder is empty or contains only unsupported or already sent files.`",
"api_queue_empty": "Could not send content: `Queue is empty or contains only unsupported files.`",
"api_queue_error": "__TO_BE_ADDED__",
"post_low": "Low amount of content: `There are only {0} files left in the queue.`",
"api_creds_invalid": "__TO_BE_ADDED__"
"api_creds_invalid": "__TO_BE_ADDED__",
"sub_wip": "Post submission is now WIP. It will be available again in a few days. Thank you for your patience."
"button": {
"sub_yes": "✅ Accept",
@ -58,7 +59,7 @@
"post_sent": "Sent {0} to {1} with caption {2} and silently {3}",
"post_exception": "Could not send content due to {0}. Traceback: {1}",
"post_invalid_pic": "__TO_BE_ADDED__",
"post_empty": "Could not send content due to queue folder empty with allowed extensions",
"post_empty": "Could not send content due to queue empty or contains only forbidden extensions",
"sub_mime_not_allowed": "Got submission from {0} but type of {1} which is not allowed",
"sub_document_too_large": "Got submission from {0} but but file is too large ({1} > {2})",
"sub_received": "Got submission from {0} with a caption {1}",

View File

@ -26,10 +26,11 @@
"mime_not_allowed": "Тип файлу не дозволений. Розгляньте можливість використання одного з цих: {0}",
"post_exception": "Не вдалося надіслати контент через `{0}`\n\nTraceback:\n```{1}```",
"post_invalid_pic": "__TO_BE_ADDED__",
"api_queue_empty": "Не вдалося надіслати контент: `Папка черги порожня або містить лише непідтримувані або вже надіслані файли`.",
"api_queue_empty": "Не вдалося надіслати контент: `Черга порожня або містить лише непідтримувані файли`.",
"api_queue_error": "__TO_BE_ADDED__",
"post_low": "Мала кількість контенту: `Залишилось всього {0} файлів в черзі.`",
"api_creds_invalid": "__TO_BE_ADDED__"
"api_creds_invalid": "__TO_BE_ADDED__",
"sub_wip": "Подання постів зараз знаходиться у розробці. Він буде знову доступний через кілька днів. Дякуємо за ваше терпіння."
"button": {
"sub_yes": "✅ Прийняти",
@ -58,7 +59,7 @@
"post_sent": "Надіслано {0} у {1} з підписом {2} та без звуку {3}",
"post_exception": "Не вдалося надіслати контент через {0}. Traceback: {1}",
"post_invalid_pic": "__TO_BE_ADDED__",
"post_empty": "Не вдалося надіслати контент через порожню папку черги з дозволеними розширеннями",
"post_empty": "Не вдалося надіслати контент адже черга з дозволеними розширеннями порожня",
"sub_mime_not_allowed": "Отримано подання від {0} але типу {1} який не є дозволеним",
"sub_document_too_large": "Отримано подання від {0} але файл завеликий({1} > {2})",
"sub_received": "Отримано подання від {0} з підписом {1}",

View File

@ -27,10 +27,11 @@ db = db_client.get_database(name=db_config["name"])
collections = db.list_collection_names()
for collection in ["sent", "banned", "submitted"]:
for collection in ["sent", "users", "banned", "submitted"]:
if not collection in collections:
col_sent = db.get_collection("sent")
col_users = db.get_collection("users")
col_banned = db.get_collection("banned")
col_submitted = db.get_collection("submitted")

View File

@ -1,32 +1,27 @@
from time import time
from modules.utils import jsonLoad, jsonSave, configGet
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from modules.utils import configGet
from modules.database import col_users, col_banned
from pyrogram.types.user_and_chats import User
def subLimit(user):
submit = jsonLoad(configGet("submit", "locations"))
submit[str(user.id)] = time()
jsonSave(submit, configGet("submit", "locations"))
def subLimit(user: User) -> None:
if col_users.find_one_and_update({"user": user.id}, {"$set": {"cooldown": datetime.now(tz=timezone.utc)}}) is None:
col_users.insert_one({"user": user.id, "cooldown": datetime.now(tz=timezone.utc)})
def subLimited(user):
def subLimited(user: User) -> bool:
if user.id == configGet("admin"):
return False
submit = jsonLoad(configGet("submit", "locations"))
if str(user.id) in submit:
if (time() - submit[str(user.id)]) < configGet("timeout", "submission"):
return True
return False
db_record = col_users.find_one({"user": user.id})
if db_record is None:
return False
return True if (datetime.now(tz=timezone.utc) - db_record["cooldown"]).total_seconds() < configGet("timeout", "submission") else False
def subBlock(user):
blocked = jsonLoad(configGet("blocked", "locations"))
if user not in blocked:
jsonSave(blocked, configGet("blocked", "locations"))
def subBlocked(user: User) -> bool:
return False if col_banned.find_one({"user": user.id}) is None else True
def subUnblock(user):
blocked = jsonLoad(configGet("blocked", "locations"))
if user in blocked:
jsonSave(blocked, configGet("blocked", "locations"))
def subBlock(user: User) -> None:
if col_banned.find_one({"user": user.id}) is None:
col_banned.insert_one({"user": user.id, "date": datetime.now(tz=timezone.utc)})
def subUnblock(user: User) -> None:
col_banned.find_one_and_delete({"user": user.id})

View File

@ -1,26 +1,51 @@
from os import sep
from os import path, sep
from pathlib import Path
from pyrogram import filters
from pyrogram.client import Client
from pyrogram.types import (CallbackQuery, InlineKeyboardButton,
from pyrogram.types import CallbackQuery
from modules.api_client import upload_pic
from modules.app import app
from modules.submissions import subBlock, subUnblock
from modules.utils import configGet, jsonLoad, jsonSave, locale
from modules.database import col_submitted
from bson import ObjectId
async def callback_query_yes(app: Client, clb: CallbackQuery):
fullclb = clb.data.split("_")
user_locale = clb.from_user.language_code
submission = await app.get_messages(int(fullclb[2]), int(fullclb[3]))
# Check if submission is in DB and really exists
# Upload the file to the API server
# Modify submission in DB to state that it's accepted (or so called "done")
# Change keyboard to a completed variant
# Send replies to both user and admin about accepting the application
db_entry = col_submitted.find_one({"_id": ObjectId(fullclb[2])})
if db_entry is None:
await clb.answer(text=locale("sub_msg_unavail", "message", locale=user_locale), show_alert=True)
if db_entry["tmp"]["uuid"] is not None:
if not path.exists(path.join(configGet("data", "locations"), "submissions", db_entry["tmp"]["uuid"], db_entry["tmp"]["file"])):
await clb.answer(text=locale("sub_msg_unavail", "message", locale=user_locale), show_alert=True)
submission = await app.get_messages(db_entry["user"], db_entry["telegram"]["msg_id"])
await clb.answer(text=locale("sub_msg_unavail", "message", locale=user_locale), show_alert=True)
if configGet("api_based", "mode") is True:
media = await app.download_media(submission, file_name=configGet("tmp", "locations")+sep)
@ -51,7 +76,7 @@ async def callback_query_yes(app: Client, clb: CallbackQuery):
# await clb.message.edit(text=clb.message.text, reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(edited_markup))
async def callback_query_no(app: Client, clb: CallbackQuery):
fullclb = clb.data.split("_")
user_locale = clb.from_user.language_code

View File

@ -3,15 +3,16 @@ from pyrogram.client import Client
from pyrogram.types import Message
from modules.app import app
from modules.submissions import subBlocked
from modules.utils import configGet, jsonLoad, locale
@app.on_message(~ filters.scheduled & filters.command(["start"], prefixes="/"))
async def cmd_start(app: Client, msg: Message):
if msg.from_user.id not in jsonLoad(configGet("blocked", "locations")):
if subBlocked(msg.from_user) is False:
await msg.reply_text(locale("start", "message", locale=msg.from_user.language_code))
@app.on_message(~ filters.scheduled & filters.command(["rules", "help"], prefixes="/"))
async def cmd_rules(app: Client, msg: Message):
if msg.from_user.id not in jsonLoad(configGet("blocked", "locations")):
if subBlocked(msg.from_user) is False:
await msg.reply_text(locale("rules", "message", locale=msg.from_user.language_code))

View File

@ -1,87 +1,162 @@
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from os import makedirs, path, sep
from uuid import uuid4
from pyrogram import filters
from pyrogram.client import Client
from pyrogram.types import InlineKeyboardButton, InlineKeyboardMarkup, Message
from modules.app import app
from modules.database import col_banned, col_submitted
from modules.logger import logWrite
from modules.submissions import subLimit, subLimited
from modules.utils import configGet, jsonLoad, locale
from modules.database import col_banned
from modules.utils import configGet, locale
from classes.enums.submission_types import SubmissionType
@app.on_message(~ filters.scheduled & filters.photo) # | filters.video | filters.animation | filters.document)
@app.on_message(~ filters.scheduled & filters.photo | filters.video | filters.animation | filters.document)
async def get_submission(_: Client, msg: Message):
locale("sub_wip", "message", locale=msg.from_user.language_code)
if col_banned.find_one( {"user": msg.from_user.id} ) is not None:
# try:
user_locale = msg.from_user.language_code
# if col_banned.find_one( {"user": msg.from_user.id} ) is not None:
# return
if not subLimited(msg.from_user):
# user_locale = msg.from_user.language_code
# save_tmp = True
# contents = None
if msg.document != None:
if msg.document.mime_type not in configGet("mime_types", "submission"):
await msg.reply_text(locale("mime_not_allowed", "message", locale=user_locale), quote=True)
if msg.document.file_size > configGet("file_size", "submission"):
await msg.reply_text(locale("document_too_large", "message", locale=user_locale).format(str(configGet("file_size", "submission")/1024/1024)), quote=True)
# if subLimited(msg.from_user):
# await msg.reply_text(locale("sub_cooldown", "message", locale=user_locale).format(str(configGet("timeout", "submission"))))
# return
if msg.video != None:
if msg.video.file_size > configGet("file_size", "submission"):
await msg.reply_text(locale("document_too_large", "message", locale=user_locale).format(str(configGet("file_size", "submission")/1024/1024)), quote=True)
# if msg.document is not None:
# if msg.document.mime_type not in configGet("mime_types", "submission"):
# await msg.reply_text(locale("mime_not_allowed", "message", locale=user_locale), quote=True)
# return
# if msg.document.file_size > configGet("file_size", "submission"):
# await msg.reply_text(locale("document_too_large", "message", locale=user_locale).format(str(configGet("file_size", "submission")/1024/1024)), quote=True)
# return
# if msg.document.file_size > configGet("tmp_size", "submission"):
# save_tmp = False
# contents = msg.document.file_id, SubmissionType.DOCUMENT #, msg.document.file_name
buttons = [
InlineKeyboardButton(text=locale("sub_yes", "button", locale=configGet("locale")), callback_data=f"sub_yes_{msg.from_user.id}_{msg.id}")
# if msg.video is not None:
# if msg.video.file_size > configGet("file_size", "submission"):
# await msg.reply_text(locale("document_too_large", "message", locale=user_locale).format(str(configGet("file_size", "submission")/1024/1024)), quote=True)
# return
# if msg.video.file_size > configGet("tmp_size", "submission"):
# save_tmp = False
# contents = msg.video.file_id, SubmissionType.VIDEO #, msg.video.file_name
if msg.caption != None:
caption = str(msg.caption)
InlineKeyboardButton(text=locale("sub_yes_caption", "button", locale=configGet("locale")), callback_data=f"sub_yes_{msg.from_user.id}_{msg.id}_caption")
InlineKeyboardButton(text=locale("sub_no", "button", locale=configGet("locale")), callback_data=f"sub_no_{msg.from_user.id}_{msg.id}")
caption = ""
InlineKeyboardButton(text=locale("sub_no", "button", locale=configGet("locale")), callback_data=f"sub_no_{msg.from_user.id}_{msg.id}")
# if msg.animation is not None:
# if msg.animation.file_size > configGet("file_size", "submission"):
# await msg.reply_text(locale("document_too_large", "message", locale=user_locale).format(str(configGet("file_size", "submission")/1024/1024)), quote=True)
# return
# if msg.animation.file_size > configGet("tmp_size", "submission"):
# save_tmp = False
# contents = msg.animation.file_id, SubmissionType.ANIMATION #, msg.animation.file_name
caption += locale("sub_by", "message", locale=locale(configGet("locale")))
# if msg.photo is not None:
# contents = msg.photo.file_id, SubmissionType.PHOTO #, "please_generate"
if msg.from_user.first_name != None:
caption += f" {msg.from_user.first_name}"
if msg.from_user.last_name != None:
caption += f" {msg.from_user.last_name}"
if msg.from_user.username != None:
caption += f" (@{msg.from_user.username})"
if msg.from_user.phone_number != None:
caption += f" ({msg.from_user.phone_number})"
# if save_tmp is not None:
if msg.from_user.id != configGet("admin"):
buttons += [
InlineKeyboardButton(text=locale("sub_block", "button", locale=configGet("locale")), callback_data=f"sub_block_{msg.from_user.id}")
InlineKeyboardButton(text=locale("sub_unblock", "button", locale=configGet("locale")), callback_data=f"sub_unblock_{msg.from_user.id}")
# if contents is None:
# return
await msg.reply_text(locale("sub_sent", "message", locale=user_locale), quote=True)
# tmp_id = str(uuid4())
# # filename = tmp_id if contents[1] == "please_generate" else contents[1]
# makedirs(path.join(configGet("data", "locations"), "submissions", tmp_id), exist_ok=True)
# downloaded = await app.download_media(msg, path.join(configGet("data", "locations"), "submissions", tmp_id)+sep)
# inserted = col_submitted.insert_one(
# {
# "user": msg.from_user.id,
# "date": datetime.now(tz=timezone.utc),
# "done": False,
# "type": contents[1].value,
# "temp": {
# "uuid": tmp_id,
# "file": path.basename(str(downloaded))
# },
# "telegram": {
# "msg_id": msg.id,
# "file_id": contents[0]
# },
# "caption": str(msg.caption) if msg.caption is not None else None
# }
# )
# else:
await msg.copy(configGet("admin"), caption=caption, reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons))
# if contents is None:
# return
await msg.reply_text(locale("sub_cooldown", "message", locale=user_locale).format(str(configGet("timeout", "submission"))))
# inserted = col_submitted.insert_one(
# {
# "user": msg.from_user.id,
# "date": datetime.now(tz=timezone.utc),
# "done": False,
# "type": contents[1].value,
# "temp": {
# "uuid": None,
# "file": None
# },
# "telegram": {
# "msg_id": msg.id,
# "file_id": contents[0]
# },
# "caption": str(msg.caption) if msg.caption is not None else None
# }
# )
# buttons = [
# [
# InlineKeyboardButton(text=locale("sub_yes", "button", locale=configGet("locale")), callback_data=f"sub_yes_{str(inserted.inserted_id)}")
# ]
# ]
except AttributeError:
logWrite(f"from_user in function get_submission does not seem to contain id")
# if msg.caption is not None:
# caption = str(msg.caption)
# buttons[0].append(
# InlineKeyboardButton(text=locale("sub_yes_caption", "button", locale=configGet("locale")), callback_data=f"sub_yes_{str(inserted.inserted_id)}_caption")
# )
# buttons[0].append(
# InlineKeyboardButton(text=locale("sub_no", "button", locale=configGet("locale")), callback_data=f"sub_no_{str(inserted.inserted_id)}")
# )
# else:
# caption = ""
# buttons[0].append(
# InlineKeyboardButton(text=locale("sub_no", "button", locale=configGet("locale")), callback_data=f"sub_no_{str(inserted.inserted_id)}")
# )
# caption += locale("sub_by", "message", locale=locale(configGet("locale")))
# if msg.from_user.first_name is not None:
# caption += f" {msg.from_user.first_name}"
# if msg.from_user.last_name is not None:
# caption += f" {msg.from_user.last_name}"
# if msg.from_user.username is not None:
# caption += f" (@{msg.from_user.username})"
# if msg.from_user.phone_number is not None:
# caption += f" ({msg.from_user.phone_number})"
# if msg.from_user.id != configGet("admin"):
# buttons += [
# [
# InlineKeyboardButton(text=locale("sub_block", "button", locale=configGet("locale")), callback_data=f"sub_block_{msg.from_user.id}")
# ]
# # [
# # InlineKeyboardButton(text=locale("sub_unblock", "button", locale=configGet("locale")), callback_data=f"sub_unblock_{msg.from_user.id}")
# # ]
# ]
# await msg.reply_text(locale("sub_sent", "message", locale=user_locale), quote=True)
# subLimit(msg.from_user)
# await msg.copy(configGet("admin"), caption=caption, reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons))
# except AttributeError:
# logWrite(f"from_user in function get_submission does not seem to contain id")