from typing import List, Union from pyrmv.classes.Stop import Stop from pyrmv.raw.stop_by_coords import stop_by_coords as raw_stop_by_coords try: from typing import Literal except ImportError: from typing_extensions import Literal def stop_by_coords( access_id: str, coords_lat: Union[str, float], coords_lon: Union[str, float], lang: Literal["de", "da", "en", "es", "fr", "hu", "it", "nl", "no", "pl", "sv", "tr"] = "en", radius: Union[int, float] = 1000, max_number: int = 10, stop_type: Literal["S", "P", "SP", "SE", "SPE"] = "S", selection_mode: Literal["SLCT_N", "SLCT_A"] = None, # type: ignore ) -> List[Stop]: """Method returns a list of stops around a given center coordinate. The returned results are ordered by their distance to the center coordinate. More detailed request is available as raw.stop_by_coords(), however returns dict instead of List[Stop]. ### Args: * access_id (`str`): Access ID for identifying the requesting client. Get your key on [RMV website]( * coords_lat (`Union[str, float]`): Latitude of centre coordinate. * coords_lon (`Union[str, float]`): Longitude of centre coordinate. * lang (`Literal["de","da","en","es","fr","hu","it","nl","no","pl","sv","tr"]`, **optional**): The language of response. Defaults to "en". * radius (`Union[int, float]`, **optional**): Search radius in meter around the given coordinate if any. Defaults to 1000. * max_number (`int`, **optional**): Maximum number of returned stops. Defaults to 10. * stop_type (`Literal["S", "P", "SP", "SE", "SPE"]`, **optional**): Type filter for location types. Defaults to "S". * selection_mode (`Literal["SLCT_N", "SLCT_A"]`, **optional**): Selection mode for locations. Defaults to None. ### Returns: * dict: Output from RMV. Dict will contain "errorCode" and "errorText" if exception occurs. """ stops = [] stops_raw = raw_stop_by_coords( accessId=access_id, originCoordLat=coords_lat, originCoordLong=coords_lon, lang=lang, radius=radius, maxNo=max_number, stopType=stop_type, locationSelectionMode=selection_mode ) for stop in stops_raw["stopLocationOrCoordLocation"]: if "StopLocation" in stop: stops.append(Stop(stop["StopLocation"])) elif "CoordLocation" in stop: stops.append(Stop(stop["CoordLocation"])) return stops