from datetime import datetime from requests import get from typing import Union from xmltodict import parse as xmlparse try: from typing import Literal except ImportError: from typing_extensions import Literal # 2.17. Reconstruction (recon) def trip_recon(accessId: str, ctx: str, json: bool = True, poly: bool = False, polyEnc: Literal["DLT", "GPA", "N"] = "N", date: Union[str, datetime] = None, # type: ignore useCombinedComparison: bool = None, # type: ignore acceptGaps: bool = None, # type: ignore allowDummySections: bool = None, # type: ignore flagAllNonReachable: bool = None, # type: ignore matchCatStrict: bool = None, # type: ignore matchIdNonBlank: bool = None, # type: ignore matchIdStrict: bool = None, # type: ignore matchNumStrict: bool = None, # type: ignore matchRtType: bool = None, # type: ignore enableRtFullSearch: bool = None, # type: ignore enableReplacements: bool = None, # type: ignore arrL: int = None, # type: ignore arrU: int = None, # type: ignore depL: int = None, # type: ignore depU: int = None, # type: ignore passlist: bool = False, showPassingPoints: bool = False, rtMode: Literal["FULL", "INFOS", "OFF", "REALTIME", "SERVER_DEFAULT"] = None, # type: ignore eco: bool = False, ecoCmp: bool = False, ecoParams: str = None, # type: ignore tariff: bool = None, # type: ignore trafficMessages: bool = None, # type: ignore travellerProfileData: str = None # type: ignore ) -> dict: """Reconstructing a trip can be achieved using the resconstruction context provided by any trip result in the ctxRecon attribute of Trip element. The result will be a true copy of the original trip search result given that the underlying data did not change. Read more about this in section 2.17. "Reconstruction (recon)" of HAFAS ReST Documentation. ### Args: * accessId (str): Access ID for identifying the requesting client. Get your key on [RMV website]( * ctx (str): Specifies the reconstruction context. * json (bool, optional): Whether response should be retrieved as JSON. XML is returned if False. Defaults to True. * poly (bool, optional): Enables/disables the calculation of the polyline for each leg of the trip except any GIS route. Defaults to False. * polyEnc (Literal["DLT", "GPA", "N"], optional): Defines encoding of the returned polyline. Possible values are "N" (no encoding / compression), "DLT" (delta to the previous coordinate), "GPA" (Google encoded polyline format). Defaults to "N". * date (Union[str, datetime], optional): Sets the start date for which the departures shall be retrieved. Represented in the format `YYYY-MM-DD`. This parameter will force the ser-vice to reconstruct the trip on that specific date. If the trip is not available on that date, because it does not operate, the error code SVC_NO_RESULT will be returned. Defaults to None. * useCombinedComparison (bool, optional): Compare based on combined output name - `False`: Compare parameters (category, line, train number) individually. Defaults to None. * acceptGaps (bool, optional): Accept an incomplete description of the connection (with gaps) i.e. missing walks/transfers. Defaults to None. * allowDummySections (bool, optional): Allow a partial reconstruction that will not lead to a reconstruction failure if sections are not reconstructable. Instead, for theses inconstructable sections, dummy sections will be created in the result. Defaults to None. * flagAllNonReachable (bool, optional): Should all non-reachable journeys be flagged (`True`), or only the first one encountered? Defaults to None. * matchCatStrict (bool, optional): Should the category (Gattung) match exactly? Only applicable if `useCombinedComparison` is `False`. Defaults to None. * matchIdNonBlank (bool, optional): Should the train identifier (Zugbezeichner) without whitespace match? Defaults to None. * matchIdStrict (bool, optional): Should the train identifier (Zugbezeichner) match exactly? Defaults to None. * matchNumStrict (bool, optional): Should the train number (Zugnummer) match exactly? Only applicable if `useCombinedComparison` is `False`. Defaults to None. * matchRtType (bool, optional): Should the realtime type that journeys are based on (e.g. SOLL, IST, additional, deviation, …) be considered? Defaults to None. * enableRtFullSearch (bool, optional): By default, the reconstruction request makes one attempt for each journey within the scheduled data. However, the scheduled data may not necessarily reflect basic realtime properties of the journeys therein. In such a case, one may enable a two-step approach which we call "full search", i.e. search for matching journeys in the scheduled data in a first step. If this fails, then search for matching journeys in the realtime data. Defaults to None. * enableReplacements (bool, optional): If set to true replaces cancelled journeys with their replacement journeys if possible. Defaults to None. * arrL (int, optional): Lower deviation in minutes within interval [0, 720] indicating "how much earlier than original arrival". Defaults to None. * arrU (int, optional): Upper deviation in minutes within interval [0, 720] indicating "how much later than original arrival". Defaults to None. * depL (int, optional): Lower deviation in minutes within interval [0, 720] indicating "how much earlier than original departure". Defaults to None. * depU (int, optional): Upper deviation in minutes within interval [0, 720] indicating "how much later than original departure". Defaults to None. * passlist (bool, optional): Enables/disables the return of the passlist for each leg of the trip. Defaults to False. * showPassingPoints (bool, optional): Enables/disables the return of stops having no alighting and boarding in its passlist for each leg of the trip. Needs passlist parameter enabled. Defaults to False. * rtMode (Literal["FULL", "INFOS", "OFF", "REALTIME", "SERVER_DEFAULT"], optional): Set the realtime mode to be used. Read more about this in HAFAS ReST Documentation. Defaults to None. * eco (bool, optional): Enables/disables eco value calculation. Defaults to False. * ecoCmp (bool, optional): Enables/disables eco comparison. Defaults to False. * ecoParams (str, optional): Provide additional eco parameters. Values vary. Defaults to None. * tariff (bool, optional): Enables/disables the output of tariff data. The default is configurable via provisioning. Defaults to None. * trafficMessages (bool, optional): Enables/disables the output of traffic messages. The default is configurable via provisioning. Defaults to None. * travellerProfileData (str, optional): Traveller profile data. Structure depends on set up. Defaults to None. ### Returns: * dict: Output from RMV. Dict will contain "errorCode" and "errorText" if exception occurs. """ if json: headers = {"Accept": "application/json"} else: headers = {"Accept": "application/xml"} payload = {} for var, val in locals().items(): if str(var) == "date": if val != None: if isinstance(val, datetime): payload[str(var)] = val.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") else: payload[str(var)] = val elif str(var) not in ["json", "headers", "payload"]: if val != None: payload[str(var)] = val output = get("", params=payload, headers=headers) # Exceptions checker moved to normal methods # and exceptions will no longer raise in raw ones. # find_exception(output.json()) if json: return output.json() else: return xmlparse(output.content)