from datetime import datetime from typing import Union from pyrmv.classes.Journey import Journey from pyrmv.enums.rt_mode import RealTimeMode from pyrmv.raw.journey_detail import journey_detail as raw_journey_detail from pyrmv.utility.find_exception import find_exception try: from typing import Literal except ImportError: from typing_extensions import Literal def journey_detail( access_id: str, id: str, date: Union[str, datetime] = None, # type: ignore real_time_mode: Literal[RealTimeMode.FULL, RealTimeMode.INFOS, RealTimeMode.OFF, RealTimeMode.REALTIME, RealTimeMode.SERVER_DEFAULT] = None, # type: ignore from_id: str = None, # type: ignore from_index: int = None, # type: ignore to_id: str = None, # type: ignore to_index: int = None # type: ignore ) -> Journey: """The journey_detail method will deliver information about the complete route of a vehicle. The journey identifier is part of a trip or `board_departure()` response. It contains a list of all stops/stations of this journey including all departure and arrival times (with real-time data if available) and additional information like specific attributes about facilities and other texts. More detailed request is available as `raw.journey_detail()`, however returns `dict` instead of `Journey`. ### Args: * access_id (`str`): Access ID for identifying the requesting client. Get your key on [RMV website]( * id (`str`): Specifies the internal journey id of the journey shall be retrieved. Maximum length 512. * date (`Union[str, datetime]`, **optional**): Day of operation. Represented in the format `YYYY-MM-DD` or as a datetime object. By default the current server date is used. Defaults to `None`. * real_time_mode (`Literal[RealTimeMode.FULL, RealTimeMode.INFOS, RealTimeMode.OFF, RealTimeMode.REALTIME, RealTimeMode.SERVER_DEFAULT]`, **optional**): Set the realtime mode to be used. Read more about this in HAFAS ReST Documentation. Defaults to `None`. * from_id (`str`, **optional**): Specifies the station/stop ID the partial itinerary shall start from. Defaults to `None`. * from_index (`int`, **optional**): Specifies the station/stop index the partial itinerary shall start from. Defaults to `None`. * to_id (`str`, **optional**): Specifies the station/stop ID the partial itinerary shall end at. Defaults to `None`. * to_index (`int`, **optional**): Specifies the station/stop index the partial itinerary shall end at. Defaults to `None`. ### Returns: * Journey: Instance of Journey object. """ if real_time_mode == None: real_time_mode = None else: real_time_mode = real_time_mode.code journey_raw = raw_journey_detail( accessId=access_id, id=id, date=date, rtMode=real_time_mode, fromId=from_id, fromIdx=from_index, toId=to_id, toIdx=to_index ) find_exception(journey_raw) return Journey(journey_raw)