Photos API

License: GPL Code style: black

Small and simple API server for saving photos and videos. ## Dependencies * [Python 3.7+]( (3.9+ recommended) * [MongoDB]( * [exiftool]( * [jpegoptim]( * [optipng]( ## Installation First you need to have a Python interpreter, MongoDB and optionally git. You can also ignore git and simply download source code, should also work fine. After that you're ready to go. > In this README I assume that you're using default python in your > system and your system's PATH contains it. If your default python > is `python3` or for example `/home/user/.local/bin/python3.9` - use it instead. 1. Install Mongo: Please follow [official installation manual]( for that. 2. Download Photos API: 1. `git clone` (if you're using git) 2. `cd PhotosAPI` 3. Create virtual environment [Optional yet recommended]: 1. Install virtualenv module: `pip install virtualenv` 2. Create venv: `python -m venv env` 3. Activate it using `source venv/bin/activate` on Linux, `venv\Scripts\activate.bat` in CMD or `venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1` in PowerShell. 4. Install project's dependencies: `python -m pip install -r requirements.txt` 5. Configure your API: 1. Copy file `config_example.json` to `config.json` 2. Open `config.json` using your favorite text editor. For example `nano config.json` 3. Change `"database"` keys to match your MongoDB setup 4. Change `"external_address"` to the ip/http address you may get in responses. By default it's `"localhost"`. This is extremely useful when running behind reverse-proxy. After configuring everything listed above your API will be able to boot, however further configuration can be done. You can read about it in [repository's wiki]( There's no need to focus on that now, it makes more sense to configure it afterwards. 6. Start your API: You can run your API by the following command: `uvicorn photos_api:app --host --port 8054` Learn more about available uvicorn arguments using `uvicorn --help` ## Using as a service It's a good practice to use your API as a systemd service on Linux. Here's a quick overview how that can be done. 1. Create user and move your API You don't always need to do so, but that's a cleaner way to deploy a service. 1. Create service user `photosapi` using `sudo useradd -r -U photosapi` 2. Assuming you are still in directory `PhotosAPI`, use `cd ..` to go up a level and then move your API to the distinguished folder. For example, `/opt/`: `sudo mv ./PhotosAPI /opt/` 3. Make your user and its group own their directory using `sudo chown -R photosapi:photosapi /opt/PhotosAPI` 2. Configure service Here's an example service file for PhotosAPI that is using virtual environment: ```systemd [Unit] Description=Photos API mongod.service mongod.service [Service] Restart=always Type=simple ExecStart=/bin/bash -c 'source venv/bin/activate && venv/bin/uvicorn photos_api:app --port 8054' WorkingDirectory=/opt/PhotosAPI User=photosapi Group=photosapi [Install] ``` 1. Create a service by pasting code above into `/etc/systemd/system/photos-api.service` 2. Enable your service to start on system boot using `sudo systemctl enable photos-api.service` 3. Start your service now using `sudo systemctl start photos-api.service` 4. Check if it's running using `sudo systemctl status photos-api.service` 5. If something goes wrong - check API's logs using `sudo journalctl -u photos-api.service`