{ "database": { "name": "photos", "host": "", "port": 27017, "user": null, "password": null }, "messages": { "key_expired": "API key expired", "key_invalid": "Invalid API key", "key_valid": "Valid API key", "bad_request": "Bad request. Read the docs at photos.end-play.xyz/docs", "ip_blacklisted": "Your IP is blacklisted. Make sure you are using correct API address.", "credentials_invalid": "Incorrect user or password", "user_already_exists": "User with this username already exists.", "email_confirmed": "Email confirmed. You can now log in.", "email_code_invalid": "Confirmation code is invalid." }, "external_address": "localhost", "registration_enabled": true, "registration_requires_confirmation": true, "mailer": { "smtp": { "host": "", "port": 0, "sender": "", "login": "", "password": "", "use_ssl": true, "use_tls": false }, "messages": { "registration_confirmation": { "subject": "Email confirmation", "message": "To confirm your email please follow this link: {0}" } } } }