Added access tokens for duplicates
This commit is contained in:
@ -176,6 +176,20 @@ class UserAlreadyExists(Exception):
class AccessTokenInvalidError(Exception):
"""Raises HTTP 401 if access token is not valid."""
def __init__(self):
self.openapi = {
"description": "Invalid Access Token",
"content": {
"application/json": {
"example": {
"detail": "Invalid access token."
class UserCredentialsInvalid(Exception):
"""Raises HTTP 401 if user credentials are not valid."""
def __init__(self):
@ -81,6 +81,13 @@ async def user_already_exists_exception_handler(request: Request, exc: UserAlrea
content={"detail": "User with this username already exists."},
async def access_token_invalid_exception_handler(request: Request, exc: AccessTokenInvalidError):
return UJSONResponse(
content={"detail": "Invalid access token."},
async def user_credentials_invalid_exception_handler(request: Request, exc: UserCredentialsInvalid):
return UJSONResponse(
@ -7,22 +7,26 @@ from typing import Union
from magic import Magic
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
from os import makedirs, path, remove, system
from classes.exceptions import AlbumNameNotFoundError, PhotoNotFoundError, PhotoSearchQueryEmptyError, SearchPageInvalidError, SearchTokenInvalidError
from pydantic import ValidationError
from classes.exceptions import AccessTokenInvalidError, AlbumNameNotFoundError, PhotoNotFoundError, PhotoSearchQueryEmptyError, SearchPageInvalidError, SearchTokenInvalidError
from classes.models import Photo, PhotoPublic, SearchResultsPhoto
from modules.exif_reader import extract_location
from modules.hasher import get_phash, get_duplicates
from modules.scheduler import scheduler
from import User, get_current_active_user
from import ALGORITHM, SECRET_KEY, TokenData, User, create_access_token, get_current_active_user, get_user
from import app
from modules.database import col_photos, col_albums, col_tokens
from pymongo import DESCENDING
from bson.objectid import ObjectId
from bson.errors import InvalidId
from plum.exceptions import UnpackError
from jose import JWTError, jwt
from fastapi import UploadFile, Security
from fastapi.responses import UJSONResponse, Response
from starlette.status import HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT, HTTP_409_CONFLICT
from fastapi.exceptions import HTTPException
from starlette.status import HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT, HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED, HTTP_409_CONFLICT
from modules.utils import logWrite
@ -60,7 +64,8 @@ photo_post_responses = {
"detail": "Image duplicates found. Pass 'ignore_duplicates=true' to ignore.",
"duplicates": [
"access_token": "string"
@ -88,10 +93,14 @@ async def photo_upload(file: UploadFile, album: str, ignore_duplicates: bool = F
duplicates = await get_duplicates(file_hash, album)
if len(duplicates) > 0 and ignore_duplicates is False:
duplicates_ids = []
for entry in duplicates:
return UJSONResponse(
"detail": "Image duplicates found. Pass 'ignore_duplicates=true' to ignore.",
"duplicates": duplicates
"duplicates": duplicates,
"access_token": create_access_token(data={"sub": current_user.user, "scopes": ["me", ""], "allowed": duplicates_ids}, expires_delta=timedelta(hours=1))
@ -136,6 +145,44 @@ async def photo_upload(file: UploadFile, album: str, ignore_duplicates: bool = F
photo_get_token_responses = {
401: AccessTokenInvalidError().openapi,
404: PhotoNotFoundError("id").openapi
@app.get("/photos/{id}/token/{token}", description="Get a photo by id", responses=photo_get_token_responses)
async def photo_get_token(id: str, token: str):
payload = jwt.decode(token, SECRET_KEY, algorithms=[ALGORITHM])
user: str = payload.get("sub")
if user is None:
raise AccessTokenInvalidError()
token_scopes = payload.get("scopes", [])
token_data = TokenData(scopes=token_scopes, user=user)
except (JWTError, ValidationError) as exp:
print(exp, flush=True)
raise AccessTokenInvalidError()
user = get_user(user=token_data.user)
if id not in payload.get("allowed", []):
raise AccessTokenInvalidError()
image = col_photos.find_one( {"_id": ObjectId(id)} )
if image is None:
raise InvalidId(id)
except InvalidId:
raise PhotoNotFoundError(id)
image_path = path.join("data", "users", user.user, "albums", image["album"], image["filename"])
mime = Magic(mime=True).from_file(image_path)
with open(image_path, "rb") as f: image_file =
return Response(image_file, media_type=mime)
photo_get_responses = {
404: PhotoNotFoundError("id").openapi
Reference in New Issue
Block a user