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2022-12-21 00:59:35 +02:00
import re
import pickle
from secrets import token_urlsafe
2023-01-05 17:38:00 +02:00
from shutil import move
2022-12-21 00:59:35 +02:00
from magic import Magic
from datetime import datetime
from os import makedirs, path, remove
from classes.models import Video, SearchResults
2023-01-10 16:23:49 +02:00
#from modules.unified_exif_reader import extract_location
2022-12-21 00:59:35 +02:00
from import User, get_current_active_user
from import app
from modules.database import col_videos, col_albums, col_tokens
from bson.objectid import ObjectId
from bson.errors import InvalidId
from pymongo import DESCENDING
2022-12-21 00:59:35 +02:00
from fastapi import HTTPException, UploadFile, Security
from fastapi.responses import UJSONResponse, Response
from starlette.status import HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT, HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED, HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND"/albums/{album}/videos", response_class=UJSONResponse, response_model=Video, description="Upload a video to album")
async def video_upload(file: UploadFile, album: str, current_user: User = Security(get_current_active_user, scopes=["videos.write"])):
if col_albums.find_one( {"user": current_user.user, "name": album} ) is None:
return HTTPException(status_code=HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, detail=f"Provided album '{album}' does not exist.")
# if not file.content_type.startswith("video"):
# return HTTPException(status_code=HTTP_406_NOT_ACCEPTABLE, detail="Provided file is not a video, not accepting.")
makedirs(path.join("data", "users", current_user.user, "albums", album), exist_ok=True)
filename = file.filename
if path.exists(path.join("data", "users", current_user.user, "albums", album, file.filename)):
base_name = file.filename.split(".")[:-1]
extension = file.filename.split(".")[-1]
filename = ".".join(base_name)+f"_{int(}."+extension
with open(path.join("data", "users", current_user.user, "albums", album, filename), "wb") as f:
# file_hash = await get_phash(path.join("data", "users", current_user.user, "albums", album, filename))
# duplicates = await get_duplicates(file_hash, album)
# if len(duplicates) > 0 and ignore_duplicates is False:
# return UJSONResponse(
# {
# "detail": "video duplicates found. Pass 'ignore_duplicates=true' to ignore.",
# "duplicates": duplicates
# },
# status_code=HTTP_409_CONFLICT
# )
2023-01-10 16:23:49 +02:00
#coords = extract_location(path.join("data", "users", current_user.user, "albums", album, filename))
uploaded = col_videos.insert_one(
"user": current_user.user,
"album": album,
"filename": filename,
"dates": {
"uploaded": datetime.utcnow(),
"modifies": datetime.utcnow()
# "location": [
# coords["lng"],
# coords["lat"],
# coords["alt"]
# ]
2022-12-21 00:59:35 +02:00
return UJSONResponse(
"id": uploaded.inserted_id.__str__(),
"album": album,
"filename": filename
@app.get("/videos/{id}", description="Get a video by id")
async def video_get(id: str, current_user: User = Security(get_current_active_user, scopes=["videos.view"])):
video = col_videos.find_one( {"_id": ObjectId(id)} )
if video is None:
raise InvalidId(id)
except InvalidId:
return HTTPException(status_code=HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, detail="Could not find a video with such id.")
video_path = path.join("data", "users", current_user.user, "albums", video["album"], video["filename"])
mime = Magic(mime=True).from_file(video_path)
with open(video_path, "rb") as f: video_file =
return Response(video_file, media_type=mime)
2023-01-05 17:38:00 +02:00
@app.put("/videos/{id}", description="Move a video into another album")
async def video_move(id: str, album: str, current_user: User = Security(get_current_active_user, scopes=["videos.write"])):
video = col_videos.find_one( {"_id": ObjectId(id)} )
if video is None:
raise InvalidId(id)
except InvalidId:
return HTTPException(status_code=HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, detail="Could not find an video with such id.")
if col_albums.find_one( {"user": current_user.user, "name": album} ) is None:
return HTTPException(status_code=HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, detail=f"Provided album '{album}' does not exist.")
if path.exists(path.join("data", "users", current_user.user, "albums", album, video["filename"])):
base_name = video["filename"].split(".")[:-1]
extension = video["filename"].split(".")[-1]
filename = ".".join(base_name)+f"_{int(}."+extension
filename = video["filename"]
2023-01-10 16:23:49 +02:00
col_videos.find_one_and_update( {"_id": ObjectId(id)}, {"$set": {"album": album, "filename": filename, "dates.modified": datetime.utcnow()}} )
2023-01-05 17:38:00 +02:00
path.join("data", "users", current_user.user, "albums", video["album"], video["filename"]),
path.join("data", "users", current_user.user, "albums", album, filename)
return UJSONResponse(
"id": video["_id"].__str__(),
"filename": filename
2022-12-21 00:59:35 +02:00
@app.delete("/videos/{id}", description="Delete a video by id")
async def video_delete(id: str, current_user: User = Security(get_current_active_user, scopes=["videos.write"])):
video = col_videos.find_one_and_delete( {"_id": ObjectId(id)} )
if video is None:
raise InvalidId(id)
except InvalidId:
return HTTPException(status_code=HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, detail="Could not find a video with such id.")
album = col_albums.find_one( {"name": video["album"]} )
remove(path.join("data", "users", current_user.user, "albums", video["album"], video["filename"]))
return Response(status_code=HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT)
@app.get("/albums/{album}/videos", response_class=UJSONResponse, response_model=SearchResults, description="Find a video by filename")
async def video_find(q: str, album: str, page: int = 1, page_size: int = 100, current_user: User = Security(get_current_active_user, scopes=["videos.list"])):
if col_albums.find_one( {"user": current_user.user, "name": album} ) is None:
return HTTPException(status_code=HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, detail=f"Provided album '{album}' does not exist.")
if page <= 0 or page_size <= 0:
return HTTPException(status_code=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, detail="Parameters 'page' and 'page_size' must be greater or equal to 1.")
output = {"results": []}
skip = (page-1)*page_size
videos = list(col_videos.find({"user": current_user.user, "album": album, "filename": re.compile(q)}, limit=page_size, skip=skip).sort('dates.uploaded', DESCENDING))
2022-12-21 00:59:35 +02:00
for video in videos:
output["results"].append({"id": video["_id"].__str__(), "filename": video["filename"]})
if col_videos.count_documents( {"user": current_user.user, "album": album, "filename": re.compile(q)} ) > page*page_size:
token = str(token_urlsafe(32))
col_tokens.insert_one( {"token": token, "query": q, "album": album, "page": page+1, "page_size": page_size, "user": pickle.dumps(current_user)} )
output["next_page"] = f"/albums/{album}/videos/token?token={token}" # type: ignore
output["next_page"] = None # type: ignore
return UJSONResponse(output)
@app.get("/albums/{album}/videos/token", response_class=UJSONResponse, response_model=SearchResults, description="Find a video by token")
async def video_find_token(token: str):
found_record = col_tokens.find_one( {"token": token} )
if found_record is None:
return HTTPException(status_code=HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED, detail="Invalid search token.")
return await video_find(q=found_record["query"], album=found_record["album"], page=found_record["page"], page_size=found_record["page_size"], current_user=pickle.loads(found_record["user"]))