from os import listdir from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Dict, Union from libbot import sync class BotLocale: """Small addon that can be used by bot clients' classes in order to minimize I/O""" def __init__( self, locales_root: Union[str, Path] = Path("locale"), ) -> None: if isinstance(locales_root, str): locales_root = Path(locales_root) elif not isinstance(locales_root, Path): raise TypeError("'locales_root' must be a valid path or path-like object") files_locales: list = listdir(locales_root) valid_locales: list = [ ".".join(entry.split(".")[:-1]) for entry in files_locales ] self.default: str = sync.config_get("locale") self.locales: dict = {} for lc in valid_locales: self.locales[lc] = sync.json_read(Path(f"{locales_root}/{lc}.json")) def _(self, key: str, *args: str, locale: Union[str, None] = None) -> Any: """Get value of locale string ### Args: * key (`str`): The last key of the locale's keys path * *args (`list`): Path to key like: `dict[args][key]` * locale (`Union[str, None]`, *optional*): Locale to looked up in. Defaults to config's `"locale"` value ### Returns: * `Any`: Value of provided locale key. Is usually `str`, `dict` or `list` """ if locale is None: locale = self.default try: this_dict = self.locales[locale] except KeyError: try: this_dict = self.locales[self.default] except KeyError: return f'⚠️ Locale in config is invalid: could not get "{key}" in {args} from locale "{locale}"' this_key = this_dict for dict_key in args: this_key = this_key[dict_key] try: return this_key[key] except KeyError: return f'⚠️ Locale in config is invalid: could not get "{key}" in {args} from locale "{locale}"' def in_all_locales(self, key: str, *args: str) -> list: """Get value of the provided key and path in all available locales ### Args: * key (`str`): The last key of the locale's keys path. * *args (`list`): Path to key like: `dict[args][key]`. ### Returns: * `list`: List of values in all locales """ output = [] for name, lc in self.locales.items(): try: this_dict = lc except KeyError: continue this_key = this_dict for dict_key in args: this_key = this_key[dict_key] try: output.append(this_key[key]) except KeyError: continue return output def in_every_locale(self, key: str, *args: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get value of the provided key and path in every available locale with locale tag ### Args: * key (`str`): The last key of the locale's keys path. * *args (`list`): Path to key like: `dict[args][key]`. ### Returns: * `Dict[str, Any]`: Locale is a key and it's value from locale file is a value """ output = {} for name, lc in self.locales.items(): try: this_dict = lc except KeyError: continue this_key = this_dict for dict_key in args: this_key = this_key[dict_key] try: output[name] = this_key[key] except KeyError: continue return output