from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Union import aiofiles try: from ujson import dumps, loads except ImportError: from json import dumps, loads from libbot.sync import nested_set async def json_read(path: Union[str, Path]) -> Any: """Read contents of a JSON file ### Args: * path (`Union[str, Path]`): Path-like object or path as a string ### Returns: * `Any`: File contents """ async with, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as f: data = await return loads(data) async def json_write(data: Any, path: Union[str, Path]) -> None: """Write contents to a JSON file ### Args: * data (`Any`): Contents to write. Must be a JSON serializable * path (`Union[str, Path]`): Path-like object or path as a string of a destination """ async with, mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as f: await f.write( dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False, escape_forward_slashes=False, indent=4) if hasattr(dumps, "escape_forward_slashes") else dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) ) async def config_get( key: str, *path: str, config_file: Union[str, Path] = "config.json" ) -> Any: """Get a value of the config key by its path provided For example, `` has a path of `"foo", "bar"` and the key `"key"` ### Args: * key (`str`): Key that contains the value * *path (`str`): Path to the key that contains the value * config_file (`Union[str, Path]`, *optional*): Path-like object or path as a string of a location of the config file. Defaults to `"config.json"` ### Returns: * `Any`: Key's value ### Example: Get the "salary" of "Pete" from this JSON structure: ```json { "users": { "Pete": { "salary": 10.0 } } } ``` This can be easily done with the following code: ```python import libbot salary = await libbot.config_get("salary", "users", "Pete") ``` """ this_key = await json_read(config_file) for dict_key in path: this_key = this_key[dict_key] return this_key[key] async def config_set( key: str, value: Any, *path: str, config_file: Union[str, Path] = "config.json" ) -> None: """Set config's key by its path to the value ### Args: * key (`str`): Key that leads to the value * value (`Any`): Any JSON serializable data * *path (`str`): Path to the key of the target * config_file (`Union[str, Path]`, *optional*): Path-like object or path as a string of a location of the config file. Defaults to `"config.json"` """ await json_write( nested_set(await json_read(config_file), value, *(*path, key)), config_file ) return