{ "metadata": { "flag": "🇬🇧", "name": "English", "codes": [ "en", "en-GB", "en-US" ] }, "commands": { "language": "Set bot's language in this group", "language_auto": "Toggle automatic language selection" }, "messages": { "help": "Hi! This bot can help you protect against annoying bots by enforcing emoji captcha on join.\n\nIn order to it, add this bot to your desired group and provide it with **Delete Messages** and **Ban Users** permissions. You can also change bot's language in the group using /language and toggle automatic per-user language using /language_auto.\n\nThis bot is open source, so feel free to host it yourself or modify to your liking: https://git.end-play.xyz/profitroll/EmojiCaptchaBot\n\nIf you want to file an issue or make a suggestion – visit bot's [issues page](https://git.end-play.xyz/profitroll/EmojiCaptchaBot/issues) on bot's git.\n\nHave a nice day :)", "locale_auto_disabled": "Automatic language selection on per-user basis has been **disabled**. Please note that group's language will now be used. You can change it using /language. If \"Default\" language is set – bot's default language ({default_locale}) will be used.", "locale_auto_enabled": "Automatic language selection on per-user basis has been **enabled**. Please note that if bot does not have a language pack for user – group's or bot's default language will be used. You can change group's language using /language. If \"Default\" language is set – bot's default language ({default_locale}) will be used.", "locale_choice": "Alright. Please choose the language using keyboard below.\n\nNote, that you can also enable automatic language selection on per-user basis using command /language_auto", "permission_denied": "You are not allowed to do so.", "verify": "Please, use the buttons below to complete the captcha. Tap on the buttons with emojis you see on this image.", "welcome_verify": "Welcome, {mention}! In order to chat here, we need to verify you're a human. Please, press the button below to start the verification.", "welcome": "Welcome to the chat, {mention}!" }, "callbacks": { "captcha_failed_force": "You have forced {user_id} to fail the captcha.", "captcha_failed": "You have failed the captcha.", "captcha_mistake": "Invalid answer. Remaining attempts: {remaining}.", "captcha_passed": "You have passed the captcha. Welcome!", "locale_set": "Group's language is now: {locale}", "nothing": "This action has already been finished.", "wrong_user": "This message is not for you." }, "buttons": { "ban": "Ban (for admins)", "locale_default": "Default", "verify": "Verify" } }