2022-11-17 18:53:02 +02:00

1145 lines
106 KiB

[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] G'evening...[STOPLIP:]
[SHOW:185,sprite_gil][XS:giltalk,1][C:19]Gillian:[C:C] Hello.[STOPLIP:]
[BOOM:][XS:gilface,surprise][XS:giltalk,1][C:19]Gillian:[C:C] ...![STOPLIP:]
[XS:gilface,][XS:giltalk,1][C:19]Gillian:[C:C] Seems you made it just in time.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I think that's just a car backfiring.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:giltalk,1][C:19]Gillian:[C:C] Really? It sounded more like a #gunshot to me.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Have you ever heard gunshots?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:giltalk,1][C:19]Gillian:[C:C] Haven't we all at some point?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Yeah, well...[STOPLIP:]
[BOOM:][XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] See? Sounds more like a car's exhaust.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:giltalk,1][C:19]Gillian:[C:C] I don't know... It's too dry.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Yeah, but gunshots give more echo.[STOPLIP:]
[SHOW:120,sprite_dana][SHOW:280,sprite_gil][XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] What if it's a firecracker? [STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Ah, boss.[STOPLIP:]
[BOOM:][XS:giltalk,1][C:19]Gillian:[C:C] Firecrackers?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] Yup. A couple of years ago there was #an incident where some dude killed a cop. [STOPLIP:]
[XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] He managed to slip away because his #pistol was mixed up with the usual Mega #Christmas firecrackers.[STOPLIP:]
[BOOM:][XS:giltalk,1][C:19]Gillian:[C:C] Nah, it sounded too hollow for #firecrackers.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] Well, whatever. This is not a morning #talk show. [STOPLIP:]
[XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] I'm not paying you to chit-chat about #meaningless things.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:danaface,worry][XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] least not amongst yourselves.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Right, we shouldn't lose time over a #CAR'S EXHAUST.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:gilface,angry][XS:giltalk,1][C:19]Gillian:[C:C] Hey![STOPLIP:]
[BOOM:][XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Heh.[XS:danhide,1][XS:gilhide,1][XS:ph,-1][XS:juke,1][E:2][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Time to mix drinks and change lives. [STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Welcome to Valhalla.[STOPLIP:]
[SHOW:185,sprite_art][XS:arttalk,1][C:26]???:[C:C] Hello, I'm looking for some #information...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] What kind of information?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]???:[C:C] What can you tell me about a girl #nicknamed "Crimson Rose"?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Sounds like a tacky online handle.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Although "tacky online handle" is a #bit redundant.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]???:[C:C] Do you know anything about her?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Nope, sorry.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]???:[C:C] I have $80 here that might refresh your #memory.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] ...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Now that you mention it, I remember #something...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]???:[C:C] Really?![STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Yeah. Now I'm totally sure that I #have no idea whatsoever who you're talking #about.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]???:[C:C] Nothing at all?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Nothing.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:artface,sigh][XS:arttalk,1][C:26]???:[C:C] Man, you're a sucky bartender. Not #having any info I need.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] *sigh* Well. First of all, why assume #I just happen to have the info you #conveniently need?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Does that girl frequent this place? Is #there any proof that I might have the info #you so desperately need?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:artface,][XS:arttalk,1][C:26]???:[C:C] Well, I...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] And second, you're not going to get #anywhere by offering me physical money.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] In fact, what are you doing with #physical money? Do you wanna get mugged #so badly?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]???:[C:C] Yeah, well...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] MOREOVER, even if I did know #something, do you really think $80 is #enough?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] You can do almost NOTHING with $80. #It's not enough to have a decent lunch.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]???:[C:C] Why are you scolding me?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Why did you call me a sucky bartender #for not conveniently having the info you #need?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]???:[C:C] I...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]???:[C:C] Wait... of course! You want all deals #to be clean, so you need me to spend money #on the bar.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] ...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]???:[C:C] That's how it works, right? I spend #money. You give me the info.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] ...maybe, maybe not.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]???:[C:C] Okay then, get me a drink, but keep it #under $80.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] ...[XS:mix,1][XS:ph,3][E:3][STOPLIP:]
[RES:][XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Here.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]???:[C:C] Now THIS makes you a sucky bartender.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] ...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] ...I can change it if you want.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]???:[C:C] Nonononononono, don't.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]???:[C:C] In fact, I'll just forget the info #thing.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Right...[XS:mix,0][XS:ph,4][E:4][STOPLIP:]
[RES:][XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Here.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]???:[C:C] Okay then. Do you know anything about #the girl?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] No.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]???:[C:C] But you said...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] "Maybe, maybe not". Turns out that #it's maybe not.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] You were the one deluding yourself #into thinking I might know something.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] And like I said: $80 is nothing.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]???:[C:C] So -- I need to spend more?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I'll give you some intel.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Spend all the money you want, but I #know nothing and no amount will change #that.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]???:[C:C] Can I at least get my money back?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Why? The order is right, isn't it?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:artface,sigh][XS:arttalk,1][C:26]???:[C:C] *sigh* I guess.[XS:mix,0][XS:ph,4][E:5][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] So, why are you looking for that #girl, mister...?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:artface,][XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] Von Delay, Art Von Delay.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] I'm a private detective. It's what I #do.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] So, I'll assume you're either looking #for a missing girl or working for a creepy #online stalker.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] You're assuming the girl I'm looking #for is innocent, or lost.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] She's not?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] She's half of the so-called "Reapers" #of the city.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] Two guns-for-hire that work for #whoever's resourceful enough to find #them and wealthy enough to pay them.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] Crimson Rose and Cobalt Lily, they #call themselves.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] (They still sound more like teenagers' #internet nicknames.)[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] So, who wanted you to track her?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] I don't know. I got the letter with the #instructions and a paycheck.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] What if it's a prank?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:artface,sigh][XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] I have the money, so what do I care if #it is?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] Besides, considering the amount I was #able to cash in with that check, it'd be a #pretty wasteful prank.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I see.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:artface,][XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] Still, any information or rumors you #could give me?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] They don't have to be related to the #girl.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Why do you need them?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] It's always good to keep up with local #goings-ons.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Well... let's see...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Hm...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Sorry. Can't think about anything right #now. Most of the conversations you hear in #here aren't rumor-worthy.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Humor-worthy, maybe. But not much about #current events. At least, not beyond what #you see on the news.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:artface,sigh][XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] Dammit! What kind of bar is this if you #can't gather the word on the street?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] (What kind of film noir world do you #think you live in?)[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Gil might know something if you're so #fixated on finding some kind of information.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:giltalk,1][C:19]Gillian:[C:C] I-I don't know what you're talking #about.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:artface,][XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] Do you know something that might help #me, Gil?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:giltalk,1][C:19]Gillian:[C:C] I don't. I certainly don't and I'm #offended by the suggestion that I do.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] He knows something.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] On second thought, maybe it's better #if you don't get involved with him.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:artface,sigh][XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] Well, this has been a major waste of #time.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] And here I thought all the noise BTC #bars have made lately would be useful for #something.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Noise? What noise?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:artface,][XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] You don't know?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I'm asking for a reason.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] You'll find out soon enough. Don't #worry.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] ...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] In any case, I guess I'll have another #drink and leave.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] What can I get you?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] I'll have a Grizzly Temple.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Simple enough.[XS:ph,5][XS:mix,1][E:6][STOPLIP:]
[RES:][XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Here.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] Okay then. This is going to be deducted #from the $80 from earlier, right?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] No.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] Fine...[XS:ph,6][XS:mix,0][E:7][STOPLIP:]
[RES:][XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Here you go.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] Wrong! Not paying for this![STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Yeah, yeah...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Try not to look so happy at least.[XS:ph,6][XS:mix,0][E:8][STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] Come on! There has to be something.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] This week has been slow as hell. [STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] The only good thing I've heard is about #this girl who threw herself off the roof of #a nearby mall.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] And the whole thing about a woman #catching her mid-air makes me think it's #totally made up.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Aside from rumors that "The Harbingers" #are looking to cause trouble at a bank #today... no, not really.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:artface,sigh][XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] Dammit![STOPLIP:]
[XS:artface,][XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] Wait... who told you that?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] It appeared on the news, didn't it?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] Yeah, but the name "The Harbingers" #wasn't used.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] No Glitch City outlet has reported that #themselves.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] There are rumors that someone or #something is keeping them silent.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] And even the international outlets #aren't using the name "Harbingers".[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] They're avoiding acknowledging the #organization yet, for some reason.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] So you're either one of them or somebody #in the know told you about it.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] (Wow, he can be surprisingly sharp.)[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Yeah. Donovan D. Dawson was in here #for the last three days, actually.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] Really?![STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] (I wonder if he'll notice the glass #that idol signed...)[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] I mean, sure. I can't think of anything #that would be useful involving him right #now, but...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] (Guess not...)[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] Did he talk about anything interesting?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Interviewing the Idol that had a show #a couple of days ago, dealing with messy #interns...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Par for the course, I guess.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] I see, I see... that's...[STOPLIP:]
[BOOM:][XS:giltalk,1][C:19]Gillian:[C:C] Gunshot![STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] It's a backfire.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] FIRECRACKERS![STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Hey, what do you think that sound just #now was?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] Sounded like something very heavy being #dropped.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:giltalk,1][C:19]Gillian:[C:C] Something heavy? Come on! That's not #even close![STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] It was definitely more like an #explosion of some kind.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] No, you could clearly hear the clashing #of metal.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] Something that was both made out of #metal and very heavy fell down. That's #what made the sound.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Whatever it is, it's not normal for it #to be repeating so often.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I wonder if something's happening.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] I heard there were some gang spats #going on. Maybe they took the conflict here.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:giltalk,1][C:19]Gillian:[C:C] Which means... gunshots![STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] If that's the case, I just hope they #don't come too near us.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] Well, I've got to go. Seems coming here #wasn't a waste of time after all.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Really?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] Really. I just have different needs. But #there will come a time when this place might #help me.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] Goodbye.[XS:arthide,1][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Please, come again.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Gangs, then?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:giltalk,1][C:19]Gillian:[C:C] Unlikely. This is Unicorn territory. [STOPLIP:]
[XS:giltalk,1][C:19]Gillian:[C:C] They've always been a neutral and #important third party in other gangs' deals.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] The who what now?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:giltalk,1][C:19]Gillian:[C:C] ...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] *sigh* I'll just pretend I heard #nothing.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:giltalk,1][C:19]Gillian:[C:C] Thank you.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] He left me thinking about the whole #"noise from BTC bars" thing.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] What's up with that?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:giltalk,1][C:19]Gillian:[C:C] I think I heard something about #money laundering through bars.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:giltalk,1][C:19]Gillian:[C:C] Don't take my word for it though.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I see...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I guess I'll find out... soon enough. [XS:client,2][XS:ph,18][E:9][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Welco-...[STOPLIP:]
[SHOW:185,sprite_stream][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] I'm Streaming-chan! Giving #you a live video feed of my life and #adventures 24/7![CHAT:pachi][STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Bathroom time and naughty #moments only available to Premium users. [STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] It's only $99.99 a month. #Go Premium noooooow![STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Um...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,ex][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] It's Friday night, and you #all know what that means! It's time for #Streaming-chan's Escapades![CHAT:yeah][STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Today's Escapade is brought #to you by Shining Fingered dot moe.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Leaders of VR adult #entertainment since 2069.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Buy a year of Premium #membership and you'll get a code![STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,ex][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Exchange the code for a free #trial of a VR experience modeled after #yours truly![STOPLIP:][CHAT:yeah]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Excuse-...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Today I picked the shoddiest, #nastiest, smelliest, ugliest bar I could #find downtown.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,pout][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] And sadly, it actually looks #half-decent inside. So much for going to a #craphole bar that smells like dog urine.[STOPLIP:][CHAT:boo]
[XS:giltalk,1][C:19]Gillian:[C:C] Heheh...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Excuse me...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] But no matter. Tonight, I'll #give you an Escapade you'll never forget.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,ex][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Hey, you! Where's the #bartender?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] You're talking to her.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Very funny. Where is he, #really?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Right in front of you.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] ...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Hey, you! The pretty boy #over there. Where's the bartender?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:giltalk,1][C:19]Gillian:[C:C] You're looking at 'em.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] N-No way![STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,pout][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] No hot, shirtless guy playing #with fire and serving drinks while flirting #with you?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] No sexy, scantily-clad girl #jiggling around the place?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] You're telling me YOU TWO, #dressed like fucking waiters, are the #bartenders here?![STOPLIP:][CHAT:boo][CHAT:no]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Yup.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:giltalk,1][C:19]Gillian:[C:C] Seems that way...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] ...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Is that a problem?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Of course it's a problem. #Friday nights are peak viewing hours![STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] I need something sexy or #enticing to keep them interested.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Oh well, there's an easy #solution to that.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] There is?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Yeah. Just take your top off.[STOPLIP:][CHAT:yeah]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] ...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] You might need to take off #your bra too, depending on how the traffic #goes.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Wait, you're quite flat. Do #you even use a bra?[STOPLIP:][CHAT:w]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] ...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Is that piercing glare a #"no"?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,pout][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Come on! One of us is gonna #have to take off their top off and it ain't #gonna be me. I already did that once today.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Agh! And it's too late to go #somewhere else. By the time I find an even #nastier bar, they'll be closed.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] What's your policy on #wearing pants?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Somebody tried to have me fired for #wearing a skirt, so we deal with that on #a case by case basis.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] That's not a concrete answer. #I need binary yes/no answers. My viewers #have the attention span of fruit flies.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] If they wanted to use their #brains, do you think they'd watch something #like this?[STOPLIP:][CHAT:aw]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] I need to keep them #entertained, and the fact that you still #have your shirt on isn't helping.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,ex][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Wait, I know! Give me a #drink! A big one! The nastiest one you #can think of![STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] ...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Um... hello? Service here, #please.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] ...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] (Wow, it's like my brain shut down.)[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Sure...[XS:mix,1][XS:ph,7][E:10][STOPLIP:]
[RES:][XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Here.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,ex][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Alright then! Cheers![STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I don't think you should chug it #down so...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] ...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] ...quickly.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] It's like it hit me, but #I didn't feel it until a few seconds #later.[STOPLIP:][CHAT:w]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Is this what being kicked in #the balls feels like?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:giltalk,1][C:19]Gillian:[C:C] Yup.[XS:mix,0][XS:ph,8][E:11][STOPLIP:]
[RES:][XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Here you go.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,ex][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Okay! Cheers![STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Maybe you shouldn't drink that so #quickly.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Woohoo! Those were nice.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,pout][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Wait! They were nice! I #wanted nasty drinks, stuff that taste like #paint thinner.[STOPLIP:][CHAT:boo]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] No cookie for you![STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] ...[XS:mix,0][XS:ph,8][E:12][STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Okay. I've decided. I'll #just get really wasted.[STOPLIP:][CHAT:yeah]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] That's gotta be fun enough, #right?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] If you say so...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Okay! In the meantime, what #can you tell me about this bar?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] What do you mean?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Weird stories! Fun stuff! #Interesting facts! [STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] You're being seen by an #average of 6,000 people. Make their time #worth it![STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Let's see then...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Last weekend we held a party for the #Seifar Toy Company.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] And?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] It's a company run completely by dogs.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Really?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] This place was completely overrun by #Corgis.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Wait wait wait... Corgis?![STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,ex][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Did you really serve drinks #to Corgis?![STOPLIP:][CHAT:w]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Tuxedo-clad talking Corgis, yeah.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Wow! Awesome![STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,pout][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Wait, you're not shitting #me, right?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] ...I wish I was shitting you, trust #me.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,ex][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] What else? What else?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Um... let's see...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Donovan D. Dawson from The Augmented #Eye was here for three nights in a row.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] That perfumed chauvinistic #bastard?[STOPLIP:][CHAT:w]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] (Huh, there's that word again.)[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Just the other day someone #from The Augmented Eye interviewed me, #actually.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] What did they ask?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Oh, the usual bullshit. Who #I was, what I did, future plans, #inspirations...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] The one that interviewed me #was this small, meek girl with glasses.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] She seemed a bit bitter #though. I wonder why.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] But enough about tha-... #wait. Can I see that glass over there?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Hm? Sure.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] This signature... Is this #*Kira* Miki's autograph?![STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Yeah, she came here before her last #concert.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,ex][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Get out! Really?![STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Is this some kind of secret #hidden bar of the stars or something?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Not really. We're just in the right #place at the right time.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] What kind of person is she #when she's not on stage?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] I've tried to get a meeting #with her, and she actually seemed willing #but she's always busy.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] A very nice girl, actually.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] She seems to be completely invested in #her work. She loves what she does and it #shows.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] You'd think she'd be some sort of diva, #but as far as I'm concerned, she's one of #the nicest people I've met.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] I KNEW IT! I knew she was #nice.[STOPLIP:][CHAT:yeah]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Her passion shows in her #concerts, you know? She's so... spontaneous. #Her performances are never the same.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Every time she sings Shine #Spark, I feel like my soul is warming up #like a high-performance computer.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] SHIIIIIIIIIINE #SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARK!![STOPLIP:][CHAT:pachi]
[XS:streamface,][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] I find myself singing it in #the shower all the time.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] And those who pay Premium #can hear me sing everyday! At $99.99 a month, #go Premium now![STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] That aside, I was about to #call bullshit on what you said. [STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] But I guess you do have some #sort of proof for everything.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Can I keep this glass?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] No.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Pretty please?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] No.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,pout][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Party pooper.[STOPLIP:][CHAT:boo]
[XS:streamface,][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] At least this bar might be #more interesting than I initially thought.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] The one thing that'd make it #perfect is if pretty boy over there had a #past with the KGB.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:giltalk,1][C:19]Gillian:[C:C] WHO TOL-...![STOPLIP:]
[XS:giltalk,1][C:19]Gillian:[C:C] Y-Yeah... that'd be crazy, huh?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] ...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Are you gonna order anything else?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] What? Oh. Yeah, yeah. The #whole getting wasted thing.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] I heard of a drink called a #Bad Touch.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Get me a big one of those, #please. A Big Bad Touch.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] *pfffft* C-coming right up.[XS:mix,1][XS:ph,9][E:13][STOPLIP:]
[RES:][XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Here.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,pout][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] I was expecting something... #dirtier.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] We have olive brine - I can pour in a #bit, if that's what you want.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] No, not that.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] With such a dirty name, it #feels like the drink ought to come in a #phallic glass or be this thick white liquid.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] That would've skyrocketed #the watchers at least threefold.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Don't you have anything like #that?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Nope.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] *sigh* I'll have to make do #with the condensed milk when I get home.[CHAT:yeah][XS:mix,0][XS:ph,10][E:14][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] (Seems she didn't notice it's not the #right drink.)[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Wait! The order is wrong![STOPLIP:][CHAT:boo]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] (Dammit!)[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Oh, well. Doesn't look like #that would've solved anything anyway.[XS:ph,11][E:15][STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Friendly reminder that #today's Escapade is brought to you by #Shining Fingered dot moe![STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Leaders of VR adult #entertainment since 2069![STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Buy a year of Premium #membership for a neat code.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,ex][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Said code will net you a free #trial of a VR experience with a model based #on moi![STOPLIP:][CHAT:yeah]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] What's the deal with that VR #experience?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Well, a fan made an NND model #of me.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] When Shining Fingered #asked me about a model for our #partnership I just contacted him.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] He got money for polishing #the model a lot more, I got my partnership. #We all won![STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] I even got him a year of free #Premium membership and a VR set![STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] That's nice.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] ...wait. What's NND?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Don't tell me you haven't #heard of Niku Niku Dance.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I asked for a reason.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] It's... well it's music #videos with 3D models.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Yeah, that sounds like a #good enough explanation.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I see.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] To be honest though, the #model is a bit... meatier than me.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Not that I mind it #though, considering the use it gets.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] *ahem*[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] You know, I was expecting you #to be more... scared when I said that you're #being watched by a lot of people.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] It's hard to be scared when you can't #see these people.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] But they're still there, you #know?[STOPLIP:][CHAT:aw]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Sure, they're behind screens #and sometimes in the opposite corner of #the world...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] But every single one of my #viewers is a real person with a real life.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Not being here doesn't make #them any less real.[STOPLIP:][CHAT:aw]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I understand, but it's just not the #same. They're not here, visibly paying #attention to me.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I don't get paranoid because of my #phone contacts.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] That's true, I guess.[XS:ph,12][E:16][STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] So... tell me. What made a #lady like you become a bartender?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] It's not exactly an exciting story.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Does it involve a man?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] No.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] What about a crime?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Nope.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] A childhood promise?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Nah.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] A religious vow?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] A what?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,pout][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] You're not gonna tell me that #you just decided out of the blue to quit #your job and start bartending.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] That's actually what happened... sorta.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Oh, come on! No epiphany? #Quarter-life crisis? Not even a hot teacher #somewhere along the line?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] ...*cough*[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] ...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] L-Life isn't always a young adult novel #where every decision is a road cone.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] And that's a problem. One #third of my audience are teens that #shouldn't be allowed to watch my streams.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Throw me a bone here. There #must be a nice, mystical story you can tell #about yourself, Ms. Bartender.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Well...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Yeeeeeeeeeeeeees?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] ...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Some time after I started working I #got an interesting client.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] He was a DRK-S0L, a really old Lilim #model.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Apparently his power supply was running #low. [STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] His charger was destroyed, and he #didn't have the money to buy upgrades or #replacements.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] He also seemed to have neglected his #maintenance.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] He was from the time when the #Collective Source wasn't a cloud storage #system. [STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] So he wouldn't be uploaded there once #his body ran out of energy.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Keep going...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] It was weird, you know? He was the only #Lilim I've seen with a clear cut fear of #mortality.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] No transcendence for him. He would #disappear once his batteries ran out.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] "It's like knowing you'll vanish while #everyone else passes on to heaven", he said.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Oh, man...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I guess he felt bad about burdening #someone else with his problems. [STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] So he went and gave me a fingertip of #his that fell while we were talking.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Before he left, he said, "If you #remember me, maybe a part of me will #transcend."[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] ...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Um...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,ex][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Bravo! Bra-vo![STOPLIP:][CHAT:yeah]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Touching! Full of feeling! #Completely awesome![STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] I'd pay to see a movie like #that.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] So, what happened to that #finger?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I made a pendant out of it. I carry it #with me at all times.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Even while bathing?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] ALMOST all times.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Now that I think about it, how do you #handle the stream if you want to watch a #movie or something?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] I have a plugin that lays #mosaic censorship over whatever I watch #on TV or in the theater.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I see...[XS:ph,13][E:17][STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] So... Any kinky stories you #can tell us, Ms. Bartender?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C]: Kinky?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] A client that paid you with #his body. [STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Spending half an hour of #quality time with pretty boy over there in #the closet. [STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Getting a raise by pleasing #your boss...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] ...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,pout][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] No quickie with the hobos #behind the bar? No stumbling upon a furry #orgy in the alleys?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Why do I get this feeling you're trying #to see if anybody has done the same things #you have?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] That's something only my #Premium members get to know. Only $99.99 a #month! Go Premium![STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Sorry, no sexual gentlemen-magazine-#worthy stories.[STOPLIP:][CHAT:no]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Okay, maybe not here, but #what about your daily life?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] That's for me to know and you to never #hear about.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,pout][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Fiiiiiiine. What about your #clients, then? Some must've told you some #incredible stories.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Those are spur of the moment things I #don't repeat to others.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] On one hand, I'm feeling so #secure with you right now that I could tell #my life's story.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,pout][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] On the other hand, YOU'RE NOT #MAKING MY JOB ANY EASIER![STOPLIP:][CHAT:no]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Don't you have like... a #really stacked friend that's willing to #pretend to be a bartender for half an hour?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] That would at least mean some #eye candy.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] *sigh*[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Look, I don't know. Maybe, #you've got nice legs, but they don't mean #much if you're behind a counter, lady.[XS:ph,13][E:18][STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,pout][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Okay, this is getting stale. #I'm gonna heat this up this even if I have #to do it myself.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] We need to drop a cow in here. #Ms. Bartender, get me drunk. I don't care #how, just... do it.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Okay...[XS:mix,1][XS:ph,14][E:19][STOPLIP:]
[RES:][XS:mix,0][XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] So?[XS:mix,0][XS:ph,15][E:20][STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,drunk][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Lightheadedness...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Clumsy tongue...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Palms sweaty, knees weak, #arms spaghetti...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Can't feel my legs...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,drunkex][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Can't feel my legs!![STOPLIP:][CHAT:yeah]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Heheh... alright, let's get #it on with the lewd stuff![STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] ...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] First, I'll try to guess #your bust size.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,drunk][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] I must warn you, I have a #90% success rate with this.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] ...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Hm... I'd say...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] B! Not big enough to fill a #hand but not small enough to make you look #like a child.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] You're a size B, right?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I'm not discussing my bust.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Don't be like that. I can #tell you're B-cup. [STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Your attitude makes me think #you're an S, and your behavior makes me #think your blood is AB.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] So? How many did I get #right?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Who knows...[STOPLIP:][CHAT:boo]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] AAAAAAGH!!! Please let me get #on with this. I need you to cooperate if #this is going to be a success.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Can I ask something?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,drunkex][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Finally![STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] What's the point of getting drunk if #you're going to behave the same way?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Heheheh... I guess it is kind #of redundant...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,drunk][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Because you see, I'm drunk #24/7.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Eh?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Knowing people want to watch #me do anything and everything...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Seeing the viewer count #steadily raise as I take more risks and #become more adventurous...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] It's a feeling that neither #alcohol nor sex can compare to.[STOPLIP:][CHAT:aw]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Speaking of sex, if I get #lucky tonight, you only need to pay $99.99 #to see what happens afterwards! [STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Go Premium or go home![STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Umm... do you really "get lucky" if the #other person knows they're being streamed?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] You'd be surprised by how #many are actually turned on by that.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] How do you deal with people who don't #want their identities revealed?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Everything's written here.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] "By being captured by this camera, you #hereby provide consent to the use of your #face..."[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] "...on all material produced by #Streaming-chan L.L.C."[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I'm not sure how legal that is.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] People believe it is and #I've yet to be troubled by a lawyer.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] It's funny, though. When #you're on the street, unless it's somebody #really hot, you can't recall their faces...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] But learn their name and #suddenly they're a fucking snowflake #that's better than all the rest.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Huh, this is weird. I'm #feeling sleepy.[STOPLIP:][CHAT:no]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] You did ask me to get you drunk. Why #is it weird?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Because I haven't felt #sleepy in quite some time. In fact, I've #been sleep deprived for a while now.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] How long?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] A week.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] A week?![STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Weeks are the ones with 30 #days, right?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Um...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Yup, totally sleepy. I can #feel my eyes getting heavier.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] And there's this weird lag #when I try to move. What's up with that?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Anyways, I think I'll take a #little nap here before storming off and #continuing the night.[STOPLIP:][CHAT:no]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] If you'll excuse me...[XS:streamhide,1][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] ...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] ...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] ...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz[STOPLIP:]
[XS:giltalk,1][C:19]Gillian:[C:C] Should I call a cab?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] And risk waking her up? Leave her be. #I'd rather break the rules and let her #sleep than deal with her again.[XS:ph,16][E:21][STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Nope. A bit hot, but not #lightheaded. Then again, I'm always hot.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] (Hot-headed.)[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Your drinks are either too #light or I'm more resilient to alcohol than #I thought.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Okay, let's try this from a #different angle. You ask the questions.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] What kind of questions?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,pout][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] I don't know, I'm not the #bartender. Do your bartender-ish thing.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] What made you decide to start #streaming yourself 24/7?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,ex][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] See? That's what I'm talking #about. You're the bartender here, bartender.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Anyway, have you ever done #something reckless or stupid because of #peer pressure?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I think that's something everyone has #gone through.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Well, it used to be that I #very rarely succumbed to such problems.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] I was the type to never take #risks or try new things.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Every time I did, I was #scolded rather than praised. [STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] What point is there in doing #this stuff if nobody acknowledges you did #well?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] But some time ago I stumbled #upon a friend who would stream herself... #talking. [STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Nothing risque or noteworthy.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] She invited me on, and... #well... the comments were intoxicating.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] The internet is a big place. #Somehow I found within those comments #people that acknowledged me.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,ex][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] They encouraged me, even!.[STOPLIP:][CHAT:aw]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] After that stream, I tried #doing some by myself.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] I turned on the camera, put #on something cutesy and started dancing to #*Kira* Miki.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] At first, I pretended the #camera wasn't there but as soon as I saw #the comments... [STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Something snapped within me.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,ex][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Lewd comments, praises, the #usual random stuff...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] After seeing so many people #interested in me, I started moving a lot #more. No more shyness for me.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] After that I started doing #more. I sang, I cooked, I drew things, I #even did a striptease at some point.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Whenever I was streaming, I #stopped being shy.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] So, at some point I said, #"Hey, this is the way I wanna live all #my life".[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] And thus Streaming-chan was #born.[STOPLIP:][CHAT:yeah]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Is it difficult to keep that up?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Not really. It's not like I'm #acting or anything. I'm just being myself.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] I do need to mind camera #angles and that kind of stuff sometimes, #but it's nothing major.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] And when do I need to mind #that? For only $99.99 a month you can find #out. Go Premium, Go![STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,ex][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] ...hey! You're good at this #bartending stuff. Look at all the things #you've made me say.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Well...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Like, seriously. What's your #secret?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] How do you get people to #talk?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I never do that much, actually.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Well, this is a bar after all.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] And one of the reasons people come #to a bar is because, they sometimes want #to get things off their chests.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] So it's not a conscious trick #you could teach in a ten minute tutorial?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Nope.[STOPLIP:][CHAT:boo]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] You just need to be in the right place #at the right time. [STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Some professions make you that personal #stranger others feel comfortable telling #their secrets to.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] ...of course, discretion helps too.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Hey, now that you mention #it, I do blab a lot to my hairdresser.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Pretty interesting stuff.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Well, no wild night tonight. #But it did get interesting enough.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,ex][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Anyway, I should go. But #before I leave, what's your name, Ms. #Bartender?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] ...I'm Lana Smithee.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Alright, Ms. Smithee. Thank #you for a lovely night.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamface,ex][CHAT:yeah][XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] But you stay here! Because #the night is still young and there's a lot #to do![XS:streamhide,1][STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] Whoa! The floor is #moving...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:giltalk,1][C:19]Gillian:[C:C] Quite the lively girl, eh?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] People like her physically hurt me with #their presence...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:giltalk,1][C:19]Gillian:[C:C] You think she'll come back?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] My mom always says, "You never know #when the angels are saying 'amen'".[STOPLIP:]
[XS:giltalk,1][C:19]Gillian:[C:C] What does that mean?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] It means shut your mouth or you'll #jinx it.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:giltalk,1][C:19]Gillian:[C:C] Why didn't you give her your name?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Would you like to reveal your name to #someone like her?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:giltalk,1][C:19]Gillian:[C:C] Good point...[XS:ph,16][XS:ph,16][E:22][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I'm gonna take my break now. It's been #a while since I've needed a cigarette this #badly...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:giltalk,1][C:19]Gillian:[C:C] Alright.[XS:ph,17][E:23][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] All done.[STOPLIP:]
[SHOW:185,sprite_gil][XS:giltalk,1][C:19]Gillian:[C:C] Feeling better?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Fresh air does wonders for you.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Well, for a given value of "fresh", #anyway.[STOPLIP:][XS:gilhide,1]
[BOOM:][XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]???:[C:C] I insist that it sounds like dynamite.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]???:[C:C] No, it was too long to be dynamite. It #sounded more like some heavy-duty tool.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]???:[C:C] You're a heavy-duty tool.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]???:[C:C] Yes, I am.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]???:[C:C] Wait, that... dammit![STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Oh, welcome back.[STOPLIP:]
[SHOW:120,sprite_betty][SHOW:280,sprite_deal][XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] I could've sworn this place looked #a lot more... pink the last time we came. #Maybe it's the lighting.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Hey, bartender. What did that noise #just now sound like to you?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] I say it sounds like construction, but #Betty here says it's dynamite or something #like that.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Not you too...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Eh? Do you think it's dynamite then?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] What? No, I say it's a backfire.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:giltalk,1][C:19]Gillian:[C:C] It's a gunshot.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] Firecrackeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeers![STOPLIP:][BOOM:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] *sigh* See? Those sounds have been #going on all night and we can't figure out #what they are.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Well, we aren't here to discuss that. #We're here to...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettyface,grumpy][XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Um... who is he?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:giltalk,1][C:19]Gillian:[C:C] Gillian. Nice to meet you.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] I don't know, you have more of a #John face.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Where was he last weekend?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I don't know, and I don't care. He #already made amends for leaving me to fend #off all those dogs.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Anyway, what do you want?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettyface,][XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Beer.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Oh, what the hell. I'll have a Beer #too.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Two Beers coming right up.[XS:mix,1][XS:ph,2][E:24][STOPLIP:]
[RES:][XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Here you go.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Thank you.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Man, after-work Beer is always the #best Beer.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Yeah.[XS:ph,3][XS:mix,0][E:25][STOPLIP:]
[RES:][XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Here.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Thanks, but this might be too much.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] I'll take care of anything you don't #drink, don't worry.[XS:ph,3][XS:mix,0][E:26][STOPLIP:]
[RES:][XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Here you go.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Oh, I see.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] You want to see us fight for the Beer, #don't you?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Well, I'll have you know that I can #leave this guy begging for mercy.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Oklahoma! Take the Beer.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Flawless victory.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I'll regret this but... Oklahoma?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] It's my safeword.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Figured as much.[XS:ph,3][XS:mix,0][E:27][STOPLIP:]
[RES:][XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Here you are.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettyface,sigh][XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Aaaand, we're off to a good start.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] We're not the dogs, Bartender. You #can drop your guard.[XS:ph,3][XS:mix,0][E:28][STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettyface,][XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] So tell me, bartender...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Just call me Jill.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Jill? That's a nice name.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] How's business lately?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] As usual.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Wait, I guess you don't really know #what "usual" means for us.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Um... we're not the kind to be filled #to the brim during rush hours and we don't #have that many regulars.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] So... it's just the same. Nothing's #changed.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] I guess when we came here with all #the dogs, it was quite the change of pace, #huh?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] You have no idea.[XS:ph,4][E:29][STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Um... I have a question, Jill.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Is it about the girl sleeping next to #you?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] *grumble* Mmmmm... #Premium...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Please don't wake her up.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Do you regularly let people sleep here?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] No, but I'd rather have her sleeping #than talking.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:giltalk,1][C:19]Gillian:[C:C] Should you be saying that with at #least 6k people listening?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Let them hear. I don't care.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] 6k people?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] She calls herself Streaming-chan. #She's been streaming her life 24/7.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] That sounds familiar... I think one #of the dogs talked about seeing someone #doing that.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] I don't know if it's the same person.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] So, six thousand people are watching #and hearing us?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Considering the way she's sleeping, #they're probably only hearing us. Her #camera is against the table.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I don't know how many are still in the #channel, though...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] I see.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] So, there will be a lot more witnesses #if something's said?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Do any of you have a criminal past?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Nope.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Just a minor charge of petty #vandalism.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] What did you do?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Painted graffiti outside of my high #school saying "Ms. Thompson's a cunt".[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Why'd you do that?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettyface,grumpy][XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Because Ms. Thompson was a cunt![STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] She constantly humiliated whoever got #her questions wrong.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] She also constantly bullied two of #my classmates![STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] True, I got a week of suspension and #had to clean the wall.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] But it gave everyone the courage to #speak up![XS:ph,5][E:30][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] So, what brings you here today?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] I suggested coming here after work.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettyface,][XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] It's Friday. A drink to kick off the #weekend is one of those little things that #makes life worthwhile.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] But he did only suggest it after I #found him hugging a stuffed Corgi in his #office.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] A... stuffed Corgi?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] A plushie. Not an overfed dog.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I see...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Wait, you have an office?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Yeah, what's weird about that?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I thought you'd have a cubicle... or #a kennel.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] A kennel...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I mean, you don't hear much about #office boys getting their own offices.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] It's not hard, considering the rest of #the staff don't use chairs or tables. Even #I have my own office.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I don't know about that. The mess they #left in the bathroom usually requires #someone with thumbs. [STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Chairs and tables seem like lesser #evils.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] And you're the veterinarian after #all...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] A kennel...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] What about a kennel?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] I don't know, I just thought it'd be #cute if one day I went to work and they #had one waiting for me..[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Like they saw me as one of them.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettyface,sigh][XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] ...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] So... w-where did you get that plushie?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettyface,][XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Oh, I gave it to him.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] It was my gift last Mega Christmas.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Wait... so he got defensive over being #caught hugging a gift you gave him?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] That's the funniest part. He acted #like I didn't know he had it.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettyface,sigh][XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] I was just glad he was enjoying it, #you know?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Why are you two talking like I'm not #here?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettyface,][XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Because you're not giving any input #anyway.[XS:ph,5][E:31][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] So, how's stuff up at Doglandia?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Well, we recently struck a deal with #Farmer Fabrics to start a doggie clothing #line.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Farmer Fabrics? That name rings a #bell...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] It's that textile company where the #owner believes herself to be an alpaca.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Oh... yeah. That one.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] We had her here some time ago. She #got drunk and...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] much saliva everywhere.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Oh...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] B-But anyway, dog clothes?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] We hired a new employee and she showed #the higher ups some designs.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] After a couple of talks, they decided #to give the clothing production a try.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettyface,sigh][XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Those designs were embarrassing, you #know?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] But something tells me that's why #they were approved.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] You guys want anything else?[XS:ph,6][E:32][STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] I'm still handling this Beer, so I'm fine.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettyface,][XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] You're such a wuss...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] I'll have a Zen Star, please.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Sure.[XS:ph,7][XS:mix,1][E:33][STOPLIP:]
[RES:][XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Zen Star.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Thank you.[XS:ph,9][XS:mix,0][E:34][STOPLIP:]
[RES:][XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Here.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Oh... kay then...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] I'll take it.[XS:ph,9][XS:mix,0][E:35][STOPLIP:]
[RES:][XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Here.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] You don't expect me to pay for this, #do you?[XS:ph,9][XS:mix,0][E:36][STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettyface,][XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] I'll have whatever this guy orders.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Let's see... I'll have a Brandtini.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Two Brandtinis, then.[XS:mix,1][XS:ph,8][E:37][STOPLIP:]
[RES:][XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Here you go.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] You have such a... wimpy taste in #drinks, Deal.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Not all of us spent their weekends in #college partying like maniacs.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Actually, not all of us went to #college.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettyface,sigh][XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] You missed nothing. Sometimes I wish I #could go back in time and kick myself.[XS:ph,9][XS:mix,0][E:38][STOPLIP:]
[RES:][XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Here.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Hey! Why are you taking the Brandtini?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Because I said I'd have whatever you #ordered and that's what I got.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] That... doesn't make a whole lot of #sense.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Whatever. I'm still grabbing this #one.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Fine...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettyface,sigh][XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] need more of a spine or you #won't find a worthy woman.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Next time I'm really grabbing your #drink.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] O-Oh...[XS:ph,9][XS:mix,0][E:39][STOPLIP:]
[RES:][XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Here.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] You know, I COULD storm off right now #and it'd be entirely within my rights to do #so.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] But... I'll pass this time.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Shouldn't I be the outraged one?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] But you aren't.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] That's true.[XS:ph,9][XS:mix,0][E:40][STOPLIP:]
[RES:][XS:bettyface,sigh][XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Seriously, though, you need to stop #being so... passive and quiet.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] You're only assertive when dogs are #involved.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] But I like dogs.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettyface,grumpy][XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] If you were at a restaurant and the #waiter took a bite out of your order... [STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] ...would you just sit quietly because #no dogs were involved?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Um...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] I've seen you stand quietly as #someone else takes your spot in line, you #know?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Yeah. Last time that happened, you got #too involved and left the poor guy a crying #mess.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] The same way you don't get how I can be #so passive, I don't understand why you need #to be so hot-headed.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Seems like it's too much effort for #stuff that, honestly, I just don't feel is #worth the energy.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] They disrespect you.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Trust me, I'll act when I feel they've #crossed a line. Until then I'd rather not #stir up a mess.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Do you have any idea how much that #attitude annoys me?![STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettyface,][XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] But who am I kidding, if you were a #girl, I'd find that attitude adorable and #be all over you.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] That's... quite the double standard...[XS:ph,10][E:41][STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Hm...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Something on your mind?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] That girl that's designing the #clothes...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Laura? What about her?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] She's cute, but she should take more #care in her appearance.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] I mean, right now she fits the #"unkempt cutie" category so well that #it's almost painful.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettyface,grumpy][XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] It's so cliched that I can't help but #cringe when looking at her.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Cringe?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] It's like when you see something #that's such a cheesy movie cliche...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] just feel the need to kick #whatever the hell it is.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] K-Kick?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Betty, I didn't think I'd have to say #this to you twice in the same month but... #you shouldn't kick people.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettyface,sigh][XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] I wasn't gonna kick her. Why'd you #think I'd kick her?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Because I've seen you kick people #before.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Apparently unprovoked or due to #complicated reasons only you understand.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettyface,][XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Fine. Guilty as charged.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Still, I'm gonna do something about #her. I feel like I just need to.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] It's a matter of honor.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Honor, she says...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettyface,grumpy][XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Well, maybe honor isn't the right #word.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] But she has potential and I'm not #going to let her waste it.[XS:ph,10][E:42][STOPLIP:]
[SHOW:185,sprite_dana][XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] Jill, I'm gonna go check the antenna #on the roof.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Alright.[XS:danhide,1][STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettyface,][XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] She's your boss, right?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Didn't you meet her before?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Nope, I'm just the veterinarian. The #dogs were the ones that organized a meeting #with her.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettyface,grumpy][XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] I'd say she's really good looking. #But honestly, those pants rob her of her #charm.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] What do you mean?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] They make her look too uptight... and #at a glance, she doesn't seem like the type.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Some shorts or a skirt would fit her #better.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Hm...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Well, she wears a skirt or pants #depending on her mood.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] There was also this one time where she #came in wearing a kilt.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] That kilt was awesome![STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] (Damn, she has nice hearing.)[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Now that I think about it...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] You have that hobby of speculating #what someone's personality is like based #just on their looks.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] I mean, you did the same with Jill #here.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Amazing, you actually made that sound #weird as hell.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Yes, I have the habit of trying to #guess someone's behaviour based on their #looks.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] No, it's not a hobby. You made that #sound like I'm some sort of creep.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] I-I did?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] What did you think about me?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettyface,][XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Nothing much, really. Mostly that you #were too polite.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Not a natural polite, though. More #like a professional polite. You're like #that because you need to be.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] That was it, really. [STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Although the way you looked at me when #I said your boss could use a skirt or shorts #was interesting.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] You seemed... interested in what I #said. Like you'd like to see that scenario.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] You're thinking too much.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] What do you think about Gil, then?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Hm...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:giltalk,1][C:19]Gillian:[C:C] ...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Hmhm...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] He's either a total simpleton or acts #like one in a way that consumes the rest of #his character.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:giltalk,1][C:19]Gillian:[C:C] Heh... heheh... yeah...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] But anyway, I'm just a veterinarian. [STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettyface,sigh][XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] My judgement might be clouded by #seeing so many furry businessmen. [STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettyface,][XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Let's have another round.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Sounds like a good idea. I'll have...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettyface,grumpy][XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] You'll have something strong. You #need to pump some testosterone into your taste #in drinks.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] You'll thank me later. Trust me.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Then...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Two strong drinks. Manly drinks. I #don't care which ones.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Well...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] You shut up.[XS:ph,11][XS:mix,1][E:43][STOPLIP:]
[RES:][XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Here.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Now, drink.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] ...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Nf...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Oh, man up. You'll get used to it.[XS:ph,12][XS:mix,0][E:44][STOPLIP:]
[RES:][XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Here you go.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Okay, then...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] No, you get this one and I'll have #the softer one.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] *sigh*[XS:ph,12][XS:mix,0][E:45][STOPLIP:]
[RES:][XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Here you are.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] You're not helping me, Jill. It's #better he learns how to drink like a man #now rather than later.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Phew...[XS:ph,12][XS:mix,0][E:46][STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettyface,drunk][XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Hey, you piece o' scrap. There's #something I need to tell you.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Hm?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] You can listen too, Phil. I know #curiosity kills you.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Phil, she says...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Okay, here we go...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] That girl, Laura? She's head over #heels for you![XS:ph,13][E:47][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Laura?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] She's the one that's designing the #dog clothes.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Ah.[XS:ph,14][E:48][STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Huh...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Just "huh"? That's all you've got to #say?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] What? Do you want me to blush and act #flustered and shy?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Yes![STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Can Lilim blush?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Just the non-heavy duty Social #Development types... and I'm of the heavy #duty kind.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Damn it![STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Anyway. It's fucking obvious she's #all over you, you know?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] The way she steals glimpses of you... #how she looks around for you whenever she #enters a room...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Oh man, youth is awesome.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] You could be reading too deeply into #things.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Like when you read your horoscope and #start searching for supporting evidence #throughout the day.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Shut up, Will. *yawn* It's love and I #know it.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Yeah, yeah...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Are you tired?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Three of the dogs thought it was a #good idea to eat plastic foil...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] One had a paw stuck in a jar...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] They're like kids sometimes.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Sleep a bit. I'll wake you up when we #leave.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Thank you...[XS:bettyhide,1][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] That was fast.[STOPLIP:]
[SHOW:185,sprite_deal][XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Exhaustion and alcohol. What can I #say?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Are you okay?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] I'm still fine, yeah.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Can I ask you something about the #whole Laura thing?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Sure.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] If she WAS interested in you, what #would you do?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] That's a tough one...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] First, there's the whole problem of #workplace romances.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] I also don't know her very well. In #fact, I'd be lying if I said I remember #what her face looks like.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] What's the tough part, then?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Well, if I rejected her, that would #hurt her, don't you think?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] How do you handle that?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Huh...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Tough question?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] No, I was just thinking that people say #a lot about the fear of rejection but not #much about the fear of rejecting.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Anyway, it's not like she'll go tell #you her feelings just like that.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] If she were to suddenly declare her #undying love, she'd either be joking or a #total nutjob.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] So, don't worry about that right now.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Yeah, you're right.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Will Betty push her towards you, #though?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Nah, she'll forget everything in the #morning.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Speaking of which, we should be #going.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Goodbye.[XS:dealhide,1][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Please come again.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Betty, wake up. We're leaving.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Yesh mom...[XS:ph,1][XS:client,4][E:49][STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettyface,][XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Hey Jill, has someone ever proposed #to you as a prank?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] ...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] You know, make you think they're #falling in love with you just to reveal #that it was all a prank.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] ...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Jill?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] First year of high school. The guy I #had my eyes on for a whole year had asked #me out.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Saturday morning, I go to the #meeting place. What do I find? It was #all a prank by some bitches.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettyface,sigh][XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Ouch...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Sorry, I-...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] The worst part isn't that they set #me up, but rather that I saw it coming.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I knew that guy wouldn't find me #attractive enough to ask me out.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I knew those bitches would target me #sooner or later just for kicks.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I knew it all, so when it all happened #I felt nothing.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] They confirmed my suspicions that #teenagers are a plague that must be #eradicated.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] ...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] ...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Anyway, why the question?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettyface,grumpy][XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] ...hey, piece o' scrap.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Yeah?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] These are the situations where #you should've stopped me before I said #anything.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] It's better to learn by tripping #yourself.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Why the question, though?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] U-Um...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettyface,][XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] I was asking because one of my exes' #cousins has been hitting on me the past #couple of days.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] If it were somebody else, I'd pretend #to be straight with the help of this piece #o' scrap here. [STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Sadly, she knows who I am.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Worst part is, knowing Vero, she #probably put her cousin up to it as a #practical joke.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Well, I'd suggest telling the cousin #that she should cut it out.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] If she feels genuinely offended, they #might not have been in cahoots.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] But I'm just spouting nonsense based on #what you've told me. Don't pay too much #attention.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] It's better than my suggestion.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] What was yours?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Waterboarding.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I se-... what?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] The fact that she knows how to #waterboard somebody is what scares me #most.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettyface,grumpy][XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] The Girl Scouts also taught me how to #skin a deer, and I see nobody making a fuss #about that.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettyface,][XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] But yeah, your advice sounds good #enough. [STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Especially when you factor that if #Gina's being honest about her, she probably #won't feel offended.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Gina... Which one was that again?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Blonde, flat as a cutting board but #cute as a button.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Oh yeah... she came to the office #Christmas party, right?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] That's the one.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Well, it's getting late. We should be #going.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Yeah.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dealtalk,1][C:25]Deal:[C:C] Thank you again for everything, Jill.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:bettytalk,1][C:24]Betty:[C:C] Bye.[XS:bettyhide,1][XS:dealhide,1][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Please come again.[XS:ph,1][XS:client,4][E:50][STOPLIP:]
[SHOW:185,sprite_dana][XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] Back.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:danaface,worry][XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] Those damned cats moving the internet #antenna...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] Oh yeah, Gil. Some guy said I should #tell you that "the bunny's late"... whatever #that means.[STOPLIP:]
[SHOW:120,sprite_gil][SHOW:280,sprite_dana][XS:gilface,surprise][XS:giltalk,1][C:19]Gillian:[C:C] Oh, shit...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:giltalk,1][C:19]Gillian:[C:C] Boss, I'm leaving early. If I don't #come back in two days, consider me as good #as dead.[XS:gilhide,1][STOPLIP:]
[SHOW:185,sprite_dana][XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] Yeah, yeah...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Shouldn't we be worried?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:danaface,][XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] Think of him as a kid that tells #outrageous stories to get attention and #everything will be easier.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] Besides, he knows how to take care of #himself.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Yeah.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] He'll be here on Monday like nothing #ever happened.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] In any case, I'll be back in my #office. Maybe now I can finish watching #that didgeridoo tutorial.[XS:danhide,1][XS:ph,2][E:51][STOPLIP:]
[SHOW:185,sprite_stella][C:16]Stella:[C:C][XS:steltalk,1] Hello, Jill.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Ah, Stella. You're here for another #drink today?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:stelface,concern][C:16]Stella:[C:C][XS:steltalk,1] Not really. I was just around the #neighborhood, and...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] (Right...)[STOPLIP:]
[XS:stelface,][C:16]Stella:[C:C][XS:steltalk,1] A-Anyway, I found this bottle being #neglected at my house. [STOPLIP:]
[RUM:][C:16]Stella:[C:C][XS:steltalk,1] And thought someone who likes old #liquor as much as you would appreciate it.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Really? I-I don't know what to say. #Thanks![STOPLIP:]
[XS:stelface,][C:16]Stella:[C:C][XS:steltalk,1] Well, it's nothing, really...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:news,1][CHANNEL:2][XS:jilltalk,1]Newscaster: This just in![STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Hm?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1]Newscaster: The Apollo Trust bank has locked #its doors, leaving about 30 people trapped #inside.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1]Newscaster: The security system was #activated after somebody tried to steal #information from the main database.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1]Newscaster: Early this morning, the bank...[STOPLIP:][CHANGE:]
[XS:stelface,surprise][C:16]Stella:[C:C][XS:steltalk,1] Oh, gods... SEI![XS:stelhide,1][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] ...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I wonder if she'll be alright...[XS:ph,3][E:52][STOPLIP:]
[CHANNEL:2]Newscaster: This just in![STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] News? At this hour?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1]Newscaster: The Apollo Trust bank has locked #its doors, leaving around 30 people trapped #inside.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1]Newscaster: The security system was activated #after somebody tried to steal information #from the main database.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1]Newscaster: Early this morning, the bank...[STOPLIP:][CHANGE:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Damn... that's rough.[XS:ph,3][E:53][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Ah, hello Jamie.[STOPLIP:]
[SHOW:185,sprite_jamie][XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] Good evening, Jill.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] Did you see the news about the Apollo #Trust bank?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] The newsflash just ended.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Sounds like things got ugly.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] From what I heard, there was a #commotion earlier today.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] Something about people being unable #to leave the building.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] Let's hope for the best.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Yeah.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Gil stormed off just a minute ago, #though.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamieface,shy][XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] I see. I guess the bunny was late.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] (He definitely knows what's going on.)[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] What can I get you?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamieface,][XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] Give me a Marsblast.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Coming right up.[XS:ph,4][XS:mix,1][E:54][STOPLIP:]
[RES:][XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] One Marsblast.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] Yeah, this is the one.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Marsblasts have always seemed poorly #named to me. Shouldn't it be red instead of #yellow-ish?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Then again, the whole "Red Planet" #thing is still its nickname.[XS:mix,0][XS:ph,6][E:55][STOPLIP:]
[RES:][XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Ugh. Sorry, I got it wrong.[XS:mix,0][XS:ph,5][E:56][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] No problem, just be careful.[XS:ph,6][E:57][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] Did the news distress you, Jill?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] A bit, yeah.[XS:ph,6][E:58][STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] VR... can't believe I'm... #*mumble* myself...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamieface,surprise][XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] Hey, who's this girl?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] She calls herself Streaming-chan. #She's been streaming her life 24/7.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I'm guessing her equipment's still #running, so you might want to watch what #you say.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamieface,][XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] Thanks for the advice.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Changing the subject a bit, have you #been hearing explosions or something #throughout the day?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] I heard that a supersonic drone was #undergoing tests and lost its course. That #might be it.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Aaaaah...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Hey, boss! The explosions were caused #by supersonic drones![STOPLIP:]
[XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] That sounds better than firecrackers![STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] We've been trying to figure out what #they were all day.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] Ah, I see...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] Sonic booms are not sounds people can #normally identify. [STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] And this one drone made a lot of noise #when breaking the sound barrier.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Is this an area to test that kind of #stuff?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] It's not. Which makes the whole thing #quite suspicious..[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Huh.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Man, if only Gil was here to hear that #info. He thought they were gunshots.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] Are you worried about him?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Sort of. He always leaves without #notice for days, but he always comes back #unscathed.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I'd be lying if I said I'm not worried, #but at the same time, I've just kinda become #used to it.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] He can be a troublesome man, huh.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Sometimes.[XS:ph,7][E:59][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] So, how have you been doing?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] I was working a contract, actually.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamieface,shy][XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] But the target's inside the Apollo #Trust bank. Figured I'd simply leave him #be for now.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] And then you came for a drink.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamieface,][XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] Yeah.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] A part of me wants to ask who your #target is, but I'm guessing it's a secret.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] I can tell you that it appears to be #part of a power struggle somewhere.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Has a target ever made you a #counteroffer to go after the one that #sent you?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] They usually don't live long enough. #I also don't like it when a target who's #seen my face manages to survive.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] ...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamieface,surprise][XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] What happened?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] N-Nothing, I just suddenly thought... #what if someone sent you after me?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] I'd reject the contract.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] You would?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamieface,][XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] I don't ask the name of many people, #you know. And I always remember those whose #names I've asked.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] They're real in my eyes.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] I like to know them better and, to #some extent, I care about them.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] I need that because otherwise...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Otherwise...?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] ...nothing you should concern #yourself with.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] But don't worry. Unless you suddenly #find yourself caught in the middle of a #power struggle...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] The only way I see you becoming #tangled up in that kind of mess is if you #find yourself too involved with gangs.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Thanks for the advice... I guess.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Still, the thought of people hiring #others to kill somebody is...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I can't wrap my head around that, and #I don't want to either.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamieface,shy][XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] The world can be a dark place, Jill.[XS:ph,7][E:60][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Say... do you think the people in the #bank will be alright?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamieface,shy][XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] This isn't the first time a bank has #closed like that, but something is... off #about this.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Off? How?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] I don't know. Maybe it's the hour. #Maybe it's the fact that the news is #making an unusually big stink out of it.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] Let's hope I'm just overthinking it.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Yeah.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamieface,][XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] Are you worried about something?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] A girl that was in here yesterday #said she was going to that bank.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] It's not like me to be personally #invested in what happens to clients, #but...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Nevermind. Do you want something else?[XS:ph,8][E:61][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamieface,][XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] I'll take my leave here, actually.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] I've still got business to deal with #even if my target's trapped in a bank.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] Take care, Jill.[XS:jamiehide,1][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Please come again.[XS:ph,12][E:62][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] Yeah, I can make time for one more #drink.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] Fetch me a Beer. Let's keep it simple.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Sure.[XS:ph,9][XS:mix,1][E:63][STOPLIP:]
[RES:][XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Here.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] I once read that Beer played an #important part in humanity's history.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Yeah, I'm familiar with the theory. #It's an interesting one.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] The gist of it is that brewing was an #important part of society during its #development.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Drinks were ubiquitous while feasting. #They helped to foster bonds and build #faction alliances.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Given enough time and enough Beer, #larger societies would be born.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] You seem to know a lot about this.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Nah, just enough.[XS:ph,10][XS:mix,0][E:64][STOPLIP:]
[RES:][XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Here.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] Jill, this isn't Beer. You can't let #your worries cloud your judgement or the #quality of your work.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Y-Yeah...[XS:ph,10][XS:mix,0][E:65][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] Jill, have you ever thought about #brain uploading?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Brain uploading?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] I was thinking, what's the point of #uploading yourself if you're still "here"?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] Let's say you upload yourself and, #effectively, that new someone's in #cyberspace. You will still be "here".[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] Wouldn't it be weird to know that #there's a you that's not you somewhere?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] That's... an interesting point.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I guess it'd be the same as cloning, #huh? Imagine if your cyberspace self #found out about the real you, somehow.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Hell, imagine talking to your other #self.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] There's more. Imagine placing multiple #copies of you in different situations.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] Exposing each one to different #scenarios to see how they develop.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I guess it is kind of heartbreaking #in a way.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Imagine someone with some illness #uploading their brain into the ether. [STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Only to find out their physical bodies #are still alive and "here," instead of #living in a place where there is no disease.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] I remember an article from a while #back about the earliest forms of brain #uploading. [STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] It would scan the brain in such a #thorough and intense manner that it would #effectively kill the person.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] It used the words "burn the brain".[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Ouch...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] All for nothing because the data would #be corrupted or broken.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] They halted all brain uploading #research after that.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] I think they started another project #about living brains in jars or something #after that.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] That subject interests you, huh?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] It makes for a nice time sink when #I'm doing nothing.[XS:ph,11][E:66][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Last time you came, you mentioned #something about going haywire.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] What did you mean? I'm intrigued.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] Have you ever felt like your sanity #has slipped right by you?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Well, a client earlier tonight was #driving me nuts, but aside from that... #no.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamieface,shy][XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] Truth be told, neither have I. But #I'm afraid of it happening.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] How so?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] I don't know. I just have the #lingering fear that at some point #I won't be myself.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] I'll go crazy, I'll wake up a #stranger to myself and I won't care...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] It's just an irrational fear that #lingers in me and there's nothing I can do #about it.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] Like the fear of cockroaches for some #people.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Only instead of fearing a crawling #nuisance, you fear lunacy...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamieface,][XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] Something like that.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] Sometimes I wonder if uploading my #brain would solve all those problems.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Well, that technology is still a ways #off.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I've heard of a couple of experiments #regarding the technology, but it seems #everything's still too buggy.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] I'll have to wait until it's safe, #then...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Until then, don't worry too much about #those possibilities unless they're tangible #enough.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Otherwise, you're no better than a #hypochondriac.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] Good point.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] The way you said it makes it sound #less like something you feel might happen.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Something you're just afraid COULD #happen at some point.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] That's pretty much it, yeah.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Doesn't that make you saner? I mean...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Were you really on your way to #becoming an unhinged maniac, I don't know if #you'd think about it at all.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] Hm... you might have a point there.[XS:ph,11][E:67][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Hey, how did... how did you get #started in the whole gun-for-hire thing?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Is there a stormy past?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamieface,shy][XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] Hm... that's a good question.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Eh?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] It's not like I'm an amnesiac or #anything like that, but many parts of my #past seem to be blurry or vague.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] I can remember my parents but not #their names. [STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] I remember I went through compulsory #education, but not what I studied in #college [STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] ...or, for that matter, if I even #went to college at all.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] I seem to have had a fairly normal #past, but I get the sense that something #happened along the way.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Doesn't that concern you?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamieface,][XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] Not really, no.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] I am who I am right now and that's #all that matters to me.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] I won't go putting feelings where #there aren't any.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Sounds like good advice, regardless of #context.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] I have this theory that it's all from #back when I got expunged from nanomachines.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] Something must've hit my brain and #made things blurry.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] Not quite damage, but almost.[XS:ph,11][E:68][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] Well then. Nice talking to you, #Jill.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Same here. Always a pleasure.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jamietalk,1][C:23]Jamie:[C:C] Say hello to Gillian for me when he #comes back.[XS:jamiehide,1][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Please come again.[XS:ph,12][E:69][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Phew... all done.[STOPLIP:]
[SHOW:185,sprite_dana][XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] You want to stay here? Seems the #street's quite restless.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Thanks, but I'll pass. I have a #couple of matters to attend to at home.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] You do?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Yeah, I ordered a Nanocamo module for #my apartment. It should be installed by #now.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:danaface,][XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] Nanocamo? Isn't that a tad expensive?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Yup. To be honest I asked my mom for #it.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] She had been pestering me about what #gift I wanted for Mega Christmas for a #while.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] She's been asking that for four #years now and I've always said I was #fine.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] So I... took the chance and asked her #for it. Used up all the past gifts.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:danaface,][XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] Oh.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Feels a bit weird to ask your parents #for a gift like that when you're 27.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:danaface,closedsmile][XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] I'm sure she doesn't mind.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:danaface,][XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] So, what will the Nanocamo module #change from your apartment?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I got the basic plan: Walls and one #piece of cloth. So I picked my kotatsu too.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] You have a kotatsu?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] You know what a kotatsu is, Boss?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] I'm more impressed you know what it #is.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:danaface,][XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] I mean, futons are common knowledge, #but a kotatsu... not so much.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Yeah, well. Days get cold and the #heater might not be enough.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] And the Japanese have mastered how to #live comfortably in reduced spaces.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:danaface,][XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] You should invite me sometime, I wanna #see how you decorate the place with that.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Let's plan a day to grab a Beer, yeah.[XS:ph,13][E:70][STOPLIP:]
[XS:streamtalk,1][C:27]Streaming-chan:[C:C] No more... dancing... #*mumble* I'm tired.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] What do we do with her?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] I'll take care of everything, don't #worry.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Alright. Sorry for leaving her like #this.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] No problem.[XS:ph,14][E:71][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Well, I gotta go.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] See you tomorrow, Boss.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] Careful out there.[XS:ph,15][E:72][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Ah... the lovely sensation of feeling #like you're forgetting something.[XS:juke,1][XS:ph,-1][E:73][STOPLIP:]