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2022-11-17 18:53:02 +02:00
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] G'evening.[STOPLIP:]
[SHOW:185,sprite_dana][XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] Ah. Hey, Jill.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] How are you feeling?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I won't say good but...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Not that bad, I guess.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:danaface,closedsmile][XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] That's nice to hear.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Where's Gil? Did he run away again?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] Nah, I have him on errand duty, #buying the drinks for tomorrow.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] That sounds... weird, coming from #the owner of a bar.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:danaface,worry][XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] Every drink from here would come out #of our own funds.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] So if we're gonna spend money, we #might as well get more variety.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:danaface,][XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] Besides, those kind of walks are #always good for Gil.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] You're the boss.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Who's coming so far?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] Well, there's the three of us, the #dogs, you invited titty hacker, Gil #invited Jamie...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] Oh yeah, I also invited Dorothy when #I called her to spend the night with you.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Sounds good so far.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] Invite anyone else you feel like #inviting. The more the merrier.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I could, but I bet everyone's made #plans by this point.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:danaface,][XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] That's true.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:danaface,][XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] I'll be in my office, call me should #anything arise.[XS:danhide,1][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Alright.[XS:ph,-1][XS:juke,1][E:2][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Time to mix drinks and change lives.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:vellatalk,1][C:39]???:[C:C] Wait here. I'll check inside.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Welcome to Valhalla.[STOPLIP:]
[SHOW:120,sprite_vella][SHOW:280,sprite_essentia][XS:vellatalk,1][C:39]???:[C:C] Oh, a BTC bar.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:vellatalk,1][C:39]???:[C:C] Excuse me. Do you know where the #Athena Convention Center is?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Why does that place make people get #lost so easily?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] They should have called it the #Minotaur Center.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:vellatalk,1][C:39]???:[C:C] ...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] ...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Hold on, let me scribble the #directions on paper.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:vellatalk,1][C:39]???:[C:C] Thanks.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] ...go to the right... when you see a #building filled with hobos...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] This should be it.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:vellatalk,1][C:39]???:[C:C] Thanks a lot.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Anything else I can help you with?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:vellatalk,1][C:39]???:[C:C] Hm... eh, what the hell. I'll have a #drink.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:vellatalk,1][C:39]???:[C:C] What about you?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:essentiatalk,1][C:40]???:[C:C] ...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Um...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:vellatalk,1][C:39]???:[C:C] A Brandtini, please.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Right.[XS:mix,1][XS:ph,3][E:3][STOPLIP:]
[RES:][XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Here you are.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:vellatalk,1][C:39]???:[C:C] Thanks.[XS:mix,0][XS:ph,4][E:4][STOPLIP:]
[RES:][XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Here.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:vellatalk,1][C:39]???:[C:C] Something's not right here...[XS:mix,0][XS:ph,4][E:5][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] That's an interesting outfit in this #cold season, Miss...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:vellatalk,1][C:39]"Vella":[C:C] Well, I'm actually cosplaying #so... call me Vella for the time being.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] And your Lilim friend is...?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:essentiatalk,1][C:40]Essentia:[C:C] ...Essentia.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I get it. You're cosplaying too?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:essentiatalk,1][C:40]Essentia:[C:C] ...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:essentiatalk,1][C:40]Essentia:[C:C] Sure, let's go with that.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:vellatalk,1][C:39]"Vella":[C:C] Have you heard of a game called #YIIK, bartender?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] That cult classic game that has seen #like three remastered versions made by six #different companies this year?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:vellatalk,1][C:39]"Vella":[C:C] That one. We're in a cosplay #group dedicated to it and we got lost on #the way.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I heard you talking to someone #outside.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:vellatalk,1][C:39]"Vella":[C:C] Oh, yeah. A friend is cosplaying #as Alex. I told him to wait outside.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Shouldn't he enter?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:vellatalk,1][C:39]"Vella":[C:C] He'll be fine.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:essentiatalk,1][C:40]Essentia:[C:C] ...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] S-Something amiss?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:essentiatalk,1][C:40]Essentia:[C:C] ...there's a girl behind you.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:essentiatalk,1][C:40]Essentia:[C:C] ...short hair, black sailor #uniform, missing an arm.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:essentiatalk,1][C:40]Essentia:[C:C] ...wearing jeans under a skirt.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] ...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:vellatalk,1][C:39]"Vella":[C:C] Now, now. Don't spook the #bartender.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:essentiatalk,1][C:40]Essentia:[C:C] Spook?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] *ahem*[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Anything else?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:vellatalk,1][C:39]"Vella":[C:C] I'll get a Fluffy Dream and be on #my way.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] And you?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:essentiatalk,1][C:40]Essentia:[C:C] ...I'm fine.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] ...[STOPLIP:][XS:mix,1][XS:ph,5][E:6]
[RES:][XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Here.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:vellatalk,1][C:39]"Vella":[C:C] Yup, this is the thing.[XS:mix,0][XS:ph,6][E:7][STOPLIP:]
[RES:][XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Here.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:vellatalk,1][C:39]"Vella":[C:C] *sigh* Whatever.[XS:mix,0][XS:ph,6][E:8][STOPLIP:]
[XS:vellatalk,1][C:39]"Vella":[C:C] Damn, I got dizzy pretty fast. I #better stop here.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:vellatalk,1][C:39]"Vella":[C:C] that I think about it. #Just who are you, um... Essentia?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Isn't she your friend?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:vellatalk,1][C:39]"Vella":[C:C] I guess? I don't know.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:vellatalk,1][C:39]"Vella":[C:C] I just kinda met her in a #convention and she stuck with me ever #since.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:vellatalk,1][C:39]"Vella":[C:C] She also seems off. Like she's #missing something or thinking too much.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:essentiatalk,1][C:40]Essentia:[C:C] Interference. Slow #synchronization.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:vellatalk,1][C:39]"Vella":[C:C] Well, I won't hold you any #longer. We should go.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:vellatalk,1][C:39]"Vella":[C:C] Goodbye.[XS:vellahide,1][XS:essentiahide,1][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Please. Come again.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:vellatalk,1][C:39]"Vella":[C:C] Why the hell are you on the floor?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:vellatalk,1][C:39]"Vella":[C:C] Tased? By the vending machines?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] (I wonder if he said something to #piss off Didi or Gogo.)[XS:ph,7][E:9][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Seriously though, should you leave #your friend outside like that?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:vellatalk,1][C:39]"Vella":[C:C] He'll be fine. He started #chatting with one of the vending machines.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:vellatalk,1][C:39]"Vella":[C:C] They were talking about R&B music.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Does your friend prefer the 1980's #R&B or the 1970's?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:vellatalk,1][C:39]"Vella":[C:C] 1980's I think.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Oh shit...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Boss! Didi! R&B![STOPLIP:]
[XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] I'm coming![STOPLIP:]
[XS:vellatalk,1][C:39]"Vella":[C:C] Um...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] You see, Didi is a 1970's purist.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] He has tased people for even liking #1980's R&B before.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] He got tased![STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] *sigh*[STOPLIP:]
[XS:vellatalk,1][C:39]"Vella":[C:C] Oh god.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] He'll be fine. Vending machines have #very weak tasers.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] He'll be confused for a couple of #minutes, but that will be that. [STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] You should go check on him though.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:vellatalk,1][C:39]"Vella":[C:C] Right. Thanks again for the #directions.[XS:vellahide,1][XS:essentiahide,1][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Please come again.[STOPLIP:]
[SHOW:185,sprite_dana][XS:danaface,worry][XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] *sigh* At least it wasn't #Franco-Belgian comic opinions #this time.[XS:danhide,1][XS:ph,7][E:10][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] ("Black sailor uniform"? I hope I'm #just overthinking it.)[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] (...more importantly though. "Jeans #under a skirt"?)[XS:client,2][XS:ph,1][E:11][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Welcome to Valhalla.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Oh! Hey, Dorothy.[STOPLIP:]
[SHOW:185,sprite_doro][XS:doroface,think][XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] O-Oh. Hi, honey.[STOPLIP:][ANNA:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Are you okay?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] I just kinda wandered in here. I #guess I'm a bit distracted.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] (Can Lilim "just wander"?)[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Can I get you something?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Oh! Uh... a Sugar Rush. Yeah, #that.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Right...[XS:mix,1][XS:ph,2][E:12][STOPLIP:]
[RES:][XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] One Sugar Rush.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Thanks.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] ...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] (Seeing her down is so... weird.)[XS:mix,0][XS:ph,3][E:13][STOPLIP:]
[RES:][XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] One Sugar Rush.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Thanks...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:doroface,angry][XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Hey! This has no alcohol![STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I got a reaction out of you, didn't #I?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:doroface,][XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Oh...[XS:mix,0][XS:ph,3][E:14][STOPLIP:]
[RES:[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Here you go.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:doroface,][XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] This is...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Didn't you say you liked having a #Piano Woman whenever you felt like #celebrating, or were feeling down? [STOPLIP:]
[XS:doroface,think][XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] I did?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:doroface,heart][XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Wait... I did! You actually #remembered such a thing.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] You're so sweet~[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] (I was half expecting her to say #that she meant a literal Piano Woman. Glad #I was wrong.)[XS:mix,0][XS:ph,3][E:15][STOPLIP:]
[RES:][XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Here.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Thanks...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] ...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] ...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] (She didn't notice it was the wrong #drink?)[XS:mix,0][XS:ph,3][E:16][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] ...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] ...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] (So much silence...)[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] By the way, thanks for staying with #me the other day. Turns out I really #needed that.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] So, did you enjoy the soda?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:doroface,][XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Oh, did you find that one out?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Was it supposed to be a secret?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] No... but don't go around telling #everyone about that.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:doroface,smug][XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] I did it because it was you who #needed my help, but a hug night is usually #one of my most expensive services.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] It is?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:doroface,angry][XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Hey, I don't know if the client #has body odor or something like that.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Not to mention it limits the #chances of getting any other client that #night.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:doroface,][XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Still, did it help?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Yeah, it helped me cool down a lot.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] So, from what Dana told me, #someone close to you died, right?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Yeah.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Do you wanna know more about it?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Do you wanna tell me about it?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I've brought it up enough times #already, I think.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] No problem then. You were sad and #that's all I needed to know.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:doroface,think][XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Sorry for the loss though. I mean #it.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Thanks.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Although I've wondered for a while, #do you Lilim really understand death?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Sorta, kinda...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Our whole database is constantly #being backed up in the Collective Source.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Even if our bodies are destroyed, #we can be deployed again with our #personalities and memories intact.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] So... our concept of "mortality" #might be different.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:doroface,sad][XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] We do have a fear of death #though...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] You do?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] We can't even begin to understand #the idea of not being redeployed.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:doroface,think][XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] While we have built-in #"warnings", the mere idea of that... #nothingness is paralyzing.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] There are a few that don't mind #it, but we do fear death and we don't wish #it on anyone.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:doroface,][XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] In fact, that was the argument #used for abolishing the whole three laws #thing.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] You seem quite knowledgeable about #robot history.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Seeing what others have done to #make sure I can live like I do helps me #not take things for granted.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:doroface,angry][XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Seriously though, those laws were #bullshit.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] "Can't harm humans, can't disobey #humans unless it's about hurting them... [STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] ...and you can protect yourself as #long as it doesn't harm humans."[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] I mean, sure. The first AIs were #just helpers and tools. [STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] But how could those laws still #apply to them after they achieved #self-awareness?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Who in their right mind would #abide only by rules inscribed in some old #book?![STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] If I remember correctly, those were #only the distilled versions of the "laws" #some writer imagined over 100 years ago.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] They were a reduced version of all #his ideas.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] However, many authors afterwards #took to them like they were the very laws #of physics, or something.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] And like many other things, people #distill and exaggerate what they need and #use it to their favor.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:doroface,smug][XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Wow, you're a nerd.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Look who's talking.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Let's change the subject a bit #though. Mood's getting gloomy.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:doroface,][XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Your apartment is very comfy, you #know?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] It's a tad small though. Sorry about #that.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] And your cat is so cute! What was #his name again?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Fore.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Why Fore?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I figured if he ever got lost, at #least I wanted to be able to yell #"FOOOOOOOOORE!!"[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] It happened once. You'd be surprised #by how many golf players you run into.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] And every time you play with him, #you can say it's Fore Play. He-he. He.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Pfft... yeah.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] He was also named after... someone.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Really? Who?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] A Lilim kid that wanted to transcend.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] What? A movie character or #something?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Sure, let's go with that.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:doroface,think][XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] ...?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Do you want anything else?[XS:ph,-2][E:17][STOPLIP:]
[XS:doroface,][XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Hmmm... Let's go with a Blue #Fairy.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Alright.[XS:mix,1][XS:ph,4][E:18][STOPLIP:]
[RES:][XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Here.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Why do they call it a Blue Fairy?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Is it because of Pinocchio?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I believe the name is based off #Absinthe, which some call the Green #Fairy.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] The first versions of the drink were #described as "Sweeter Absinthe".[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Sadly, they had to fix the formula #because people were turning green.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Not blue?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] A blue-ish green.[XS:mix,0][XS:ph,6][E:19][STOPLIP:]
[RES:][XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Here you go.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] This isn't a fairy, you know?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] It's a spirit though.[XS:mix,0][XS:ph,5][E:20][STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Still not a fairy.[XS:ph,6][E:21][STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Nope, not even that.[XS:ph,6][E:22][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] You seemed to have cheered up a bit #there.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:doroface,pachi][XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Yeah, talking to you always helps #me get my mind off things.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Hey, there's something I've wondered #for a while now.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:doroface,][XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] What?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] What kind of friends do you have?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I mean, are they in your same line #of work or...?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Friends? Aside from you?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Thank you.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Hm... well, there's Lawrence, #that vending machine is a lot of fun to be #with.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:doroface,think][XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] ...once you get past his... #quirkiness, that is.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:doroface,][XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] I've also met a lot of nice #people working in the streets.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] From the top of my head I can #think about...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Nightingale, another Lilim. He #changed himself to have fur and a more #wolf-like face. [STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] He's also a pretty good pianist. #He plays in a jazz band on the weekends.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] There's also Nadeera, a drag #queen and the owner of a club I've been #invited to a few times.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] She has an animal shelter on the #side. I help her with it occasionally.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Oh, there's also sister #Clementine, a nun from an orphanage.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:doroface,pachi][XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] I go there sometimes and play #with the kids.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Whoa, that's something I didn't #expect to hear.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:doroface,think][XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] ...I also almost got adopted once.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] I was flattered, but it was... #weird.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:doroface,][XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Oh, and it turns out I already #knew your boss.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Some years ago she...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] ...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] She what? What?![STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] ...I said too much. Client #confidentiality and all that.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] ...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] *ahem*[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Well, enough tangents. Why were you #gloomy in the first place?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Gloomy?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] When you came in. I don't know if #gloomy is the right word, but... you were #pretty quiet at the very least.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] And knowing how you normally are, it #was pretty weird.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Oh, don't worry about that. Just #had one too many things going in my mind.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] I wasn't gloomy or anything. More #like... distracted, really.[XS:ph,9][E:23][STOPLIP:]
[XS:doroface,][XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Let's see if you know me that #well. Give me something I'd like.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Okay then.[XS:mix,1][XS:ph,7][E:24][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Here.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Good! But that's cheating. You #just served me this drink.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Still right, isn't it?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Yup.[XS:mix,0][XS:ph,8][E:25][STOPLIP:]
[RES:][XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Here you are.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] This one's pretty basic, huh?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] First drink ever created on this #system. Still a favorite of the people up #till today.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Can't blame 'em.[XS:mix,0][XS:ph,8][E:26][STOPLIP:]
[RES:][XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] What about this?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Yup! Juuuuust nice.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] You always order either sweet or #girly drinks. It was a no-brainer.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Girly and Sweet drinks for a #sweet girl.[XS:mix,0][XS:ph,8][E:27][STOPLIP:]
[RES:][STOPLIP:][XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Here.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Bzzzzzt! Wrong.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] I still love you, but this is #definitely wrong.[STOPLIP:][XS:mix,0][XS:ph,8][E:28][STOPLIP:]
[XS:doroface,heart][XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] I still can't believe you #actually remembered what I said about the #Piano Woman.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] It's always good to keep note of #what regulars like, you know?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I've wondered for a while though. #Why do you keep coming back here?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:doroface,pachi][XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] For you, of course.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Come again?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Why else would I come, if not to #see you?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:doroface,][XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] You're one of the few people #willing to hear me out, always filled with #curiosity.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] And you're cute. Talking to cute #people is always nice.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] There's also the bar, the way #it's insulated from the noise of the city. #It's really comfortable.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] And it's just a bit away from the #street I'm always at. A win-win situation![STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I see.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] It was weird to see you down though. #Especially since you're always so lively.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:doroface,][XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Well, I wasn't down, really. I #was just thinking about a lot of things.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Like what?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:doroface,think][XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Well, my mom, er... guardian #asked me to go home on Monday for a bit.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] And as much as I love her, being #with her is usually... tiring.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] "Guardian"... [STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] That whole thing about someone #taking care of a Lilim after they're #deployed until they reach maturity, right?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:doroface,][XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Yup. And I'm proud to say that I #reached psychological maturity in just one #year![STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] They always try and keep a varied #pool of volunteers to make the Collective #Source grow faster.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] So, what's wrong with your guardian?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:doroface,think][XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Well, she still treats me like a #kid.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] The worst part is that sometimes #I fear she might see me as some sort of #replacement for her dead daughter.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Huh? Dead daughter?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:doroface,sad][XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] I was deployed to her not long #after she lost her daughter. A contrived #coincidence, really.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:doroface,think][XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Even when I was still developing #Self-Awareness, I always feared she might #be using me as a replacement.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] She didn't though, or at least #not consciously. [STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] At times she would just stop #doing something, or return a gift she's #given me...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] If she felt like she was projecting #too much of her daughter onto me.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:doroface,][XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] What irony that years later, I'd #make a living pretending to be someone #else in the bedroom.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] How's that?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Well, most of the time, my job #involves role-playing. A daughter, a #student, some helpless kid...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:doroface,think][XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] It means I've gotten many clients #looking exactly for that, but on the other #hand...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] From a professional standpoint, #I'd rather have them hire me because of #me.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Because of my character, not #because I'm "The one that roleplays as #little girls".[STOPLIP:]
[XS:doroface,][XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Maybe I need to exaggerate some #attribute...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] What's the problem with your #guardian then? If you do that on a daily #basis, why worry about it?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:doroface,sad][XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Because I don't wanna make her #sad.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Every time I visit her, I fear #she might look at me and see her daughter. #That seeing me makes her sad.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] At this point, I don't even care #if she's projecting her daughter onto me, #I just don't wanna make her feel sad.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Did you try talking with her?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:doroface,think][XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] How so?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Telling her just what you said to #me. Clear up those fears.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I mean, unless she's not the kind to #want anyone opening up to her, that is.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] I... never really thought about #talking to her about that.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] It doesn't sound like something #you just bring up though.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Keep it in mind, at least. Maybe #she'll appreciate the gesture.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I wouldn't know though. I haven't #met her.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:doroface,][XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] She's a really nice woman. The #problem is mostly with me, I think.[XS:ph,9][E:29][STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Well, I think I'll go now.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Thanks for lending me an ear, #honey.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] My boss told you about the party #tomorrow, right?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Yup! I wouldn't dare to miss that.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Okay then.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Alright then. See you tomorrow![XS:dorohide,1][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Good luck.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Thanks![STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] And that's that.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Boss, I'll be taking my break.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] Alright.[XS:ph,10][E:30][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Well then, I'm taking my break.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:doroface,think][XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Oh... I'll be leaving then.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] No, what I was trying to say is that #I'm taking my break, you wanna come?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:doroface,][XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Really?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] If you don't mind talking on a #chilly night in an alley behind the bar, #that is.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:doroface,smug][XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Eh, I've done worse in alleys.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:doroface,][XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Let's go![STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Boss! I'm taking my break.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] Alright![STOPLIP:][XS:ph,10][E:31][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Want one?[STOPLIP:][SHOW:0,codec_cigar]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Are you really offering a little #girl a cigarette? [STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] NOW you're a little girl?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] I always am. Innocence, however, #is another matter entirely.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] But anyway. Thanks, no. Smoking #seriously messes with my air filters and #they're a hassle to replace.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Don't mind me though. Smoke to #your heart's content.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Thanks.[STOPLIP:][XS:codechide,1]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] So, why don't you tell me about this #guardian of yours? I wanna know what kind #of woman she is.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Sure![STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Well, her name is Sophia Graem.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] (G-Graem?!)[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] She's a retired P.E. teacher. #Nowadays she works at a gym during the #morning shift.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] She's pretty fit, if I do say so #myself.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] She had a daughter. Apparently #she suffered from Nanomachine Rejection #all of her life...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] ...and when she finally healed, #she was hit by a truck.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Um... what was her daughter's name?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] I don't know, I never asked #really.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Are you okay? I'm reading fear... #or is that surprise? It's hard to tell.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I'm fine yea-... wait, "read"?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Well, I don't "see" emotions like #you do. [STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] I have to make do with a #combination of body heat readings, #face recognition and context.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] I'm still a bit confused about #some, but I've gotten better with time.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Anyway, you sure you're fine?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Yeah, yeah.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] (Scared or surprised... she's not #wrong though.)[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Wait, does that mean your last name #isn't really Haze?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Haze is just my artistic name. #Sounds more exotic and that's what people #usually look for in this business.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] I tried other names though.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Dolores Haze, Genesis Graem...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] I tried Dorothy Warrior once, but #a legal team came out of nowhere and #stopped me cold.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] So, what's your legal name, then?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Rebecca Dorothy Willow Graem. A #bit of a mouthful, if you ask me.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] So Dorothy's actually your second #name?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Should I call you something like #Becky then?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] People have always called me #Dorothy rather than Rebecca for some #reason. That's why I chose it.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] It's useful too. People have #tried to falsify stuff using my name and #they always get caught.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Because they use "Dorothy Haze" as #their name?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Yup.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Only my mom... err... guardian #calls me Rebecca, so it's weird to hear it #from others.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] What about Willow?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Willow's my first surname, #actually. [STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] When I got registered, my #guardian was married to a guy who had #"Willow" as a last name.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Shortly after I joined their #household, they separated, so I was left #with his family name first.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Hold on, so your real name in short #would be "Rebecca Willow"?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Doesn't have the same pizzaz to #it if you ask me.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Whatever you say, Becky.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Stop it![STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] It'd be like if I called you #Julianne all of a sudden.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] NGH![STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] *ahem*[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Whoa, that was anger I read just #now. Lots of anger.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I think it's weird enough already if #you call me Jill instead of "honey".[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Weird, huh? How you can end up #feeling associated with a name that's not #yours?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I have an uncle that always called #me Tina. He kept calling my cousin Tina #"Jill," for some reason.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Neither of us mind it, though. #Because he's calling us what he thinks #we're called instead of mixing us up.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] ...that and it's completely useless #to try and correct him.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] But you know, maybe that effect is #true for your clients too.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] How so?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Well, you're worried about your #clients not hiring you because you're... #you, right?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] But think about what happens when #it's announced that a character will be #played by a different actor.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Sure, it's a character, but people #are also going for the actor playing the #character.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] So you're saying they go for MY #roleplay instead of just mere roleplay?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Sounds too far-fetched?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Sounds plausible, actually.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Okay honey! I'll take my leave #now. Don't wanna take up all of your break.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dorotalk,1][C:18]Dorothy:[C:C] Thanks for the chat. See you at #the party tomorrow![STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Bye.[XS:client,-2][XS:ph,1][E:32][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Back! Did I miss something?[STOPLIP:]
[SHOW:185,sprite_dana][XS:danaface,worry][XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] Unless you count the worst PPV main #event fight I've seen all year? Not #really, no.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Alright.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Going out?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] I'll have a word with Gogo outside. #He was so hyped for that match. He must be #devastated.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Okay.[XS:danhide,1][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Welcome to Valhalla.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Oh, hi Sei.[STOPLIP:]
[SHOW:185,sprite_seiwound][XS:seiface,happy][XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] Good evening, Jill.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] How are you doing?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] The nightmares have stopped, so I'm #sleeping better.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] ...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] *ahem*[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Um... how about your injuries?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seiface,][XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] My bones are healing nicely. My #wounds finally closed... the scars itch a #bit, though.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Well, that's good to hear.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Are you by yourself today?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] Yeah, I'm running a couple of errands #by myself today, but I wanted to come here #for a while.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I also notice the big guy from last #time is outside.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] Buster? Stella doesn't want me being #alone while I'm still healing, so she #suggested taking him with me.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Ah, I see.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] What can I get you?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] Something cold.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Sure.[XS:mix,1][XS:ph,2][E:33][STOPLIP:]
[RES:][XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Here.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] Yeah! This is the one.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Why drink something cold when the #weather outside is so cold too?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] It's not that cold, actually.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] But I've always had decent tolerance #for the cold, so I'm not a good reference.[XS:mix,0][XS:ph,3][E:34][STOPLIP:]
[RES:][XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I think you'll like this one.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] Really?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] ...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seiface,happy][XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] Heheh... so sweet of you.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] Thanks![XS:mix,0][XS:ph,3][E:35][STOPLIP:]
[RES:][XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Here.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] Thanks, but.. ummm...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] It isn't cold.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Sorry. It's so chilly. My idea of #cold is a bit off.[XS:mix,0][XS:ph,3][E:36][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] So, Stella isn't with you today?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seiface,][XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] She's throwing a Mega Christmas party #tomorrow and is having a meeting today. [STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] I'm just helping her by checking on #some of the things she ordered.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] And here I was, all ready to invite #you to the party we're throwing tomorrow.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seiface,sorry][XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] You're throwing a party too? Sorry #about that! Can't really say no to Stella.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] Maybe next time?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] (If there's a next time at all.)[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Don't worry about it. It's not a big #deal.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] I-I want you to know that I want you #to have a good time.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] Have fun! Drink a couple of Beers in #our honor![STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Heh. I will, then.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] What are Stella's Christmas parties #like?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seiface,happy][XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] They're really big. There's lots of #food and drinks and music...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seiface,][XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] Sometimes there's too much food, #though. [STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] So at the end of the party, she lets #the staff take home whatever's left.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] She also buys toys for all the #children of her staff members.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Really?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seiface,happy][XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] She says something about taxes or #whatever, but during the whole thing, she #just... shines.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] She carries a beaming smile that I #don't see any other day of the year.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] Many of the kids have even started #calling her "Auntie Ella".[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Heh...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seiface,][XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] Stella always does her best to put up #a tough girl facade, but she's very much #in touch with her inner child.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] Christmas, Easter, Halloween. Name a #party and she most likely celebrates it #big.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Interesting.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] Do you like parties, Jill?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I don't mind them. They're a good #place to see people.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I'm not one to actively look for #parties to attend, though. I just... don't #mind going to them.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] Ah, I see.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] I only go to parties that Stella is #attending. Because otherwise, I'd just #stand there without anything to say.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] That and... I'm not one to wear #dresses, you know?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] You're not?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] I'm a tad too ripped. They don't look #cute on me.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] Although, with all this healing I #have to do, I won't be as fit for a while.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seiface,sad][XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] They're too... um... breezy too. I #feel like I'm wearing nothing.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seiface,][XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] But I bet you'd look good in a dress, #Jill.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] It's been years since I last wore #one. I wouldn't know.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Last time I wore one, I remember #worrying my arms were too thin or #something like that.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] We all have a complex, huh?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] I mean, even Stella has her own.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] That's... hard to imagine.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] Oh, but she does have one. She #distresses a lot about her bust size.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Really? She's not that small. I think #I'm smaller than her, in fact.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] Actually, it's the opposite. The #opposite kind of complex, I mean.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] She's a bit self-conscious about having #a big chest.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Really?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] ...again, I've seen bigger chests than #hers, to be honest.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Although I guess comparisons are #useless here. They rarely help with #complexes.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] Well, she does go the extra mile to #hide it.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] In fact, I have no idea how she does #it.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] I mean, I've seen her before and after #she tucks them away, but... I guess I never #cared enough to ask the specifics.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] That's also why when she goes out, she #styles her hair in those... um...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Drills?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] They look a bit drill-y, don't they?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] She styles her hair like that to help #divert attention away from her chest.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] She seems affluent enough, why not go #through a reduction surgery?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] Because she also kinda likes having that #size.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] She takes her bust size after her mom. #And Miss Carmine is quite proud of her #chest.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seiface,happy][XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] "Puffing out your chest is a sign of #confidence! And a bigger chest means #more confidence to show!"[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] She says something along those lines a #lot.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seiface,][XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] Stella has quite the admiration for her #mom, so I guess breast reduction would feel #like betraying her?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Huh...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] I'm making it sound like she's hiding #J cups or something like that.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] I guess in a taller or thicker person, #her size would be normal. She's just a bit #shorter or thinner than the norm.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] Do you get self-conscious about your #bust size, Jill?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Not really. I've been more #self-conscious about my height.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Although it usually comes up whenever #not being average height hinders me somehow.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] What about you?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] Yes and... no?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seiface,sad][XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] It's not my bust size, but rather that #I look too manly sometimes.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] And I can't help but wonder if bigger #boobs would help with that.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] You're fine, don't worry.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seiface,happy][XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] Thank you.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Can I get you anything else?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seiface,][XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] Hm...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] Do you have something non-alcoholic?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I do. Gimme a sec.[XS:mix,1][XS:ph,4][E:37][STOPLIP:]
[RES:][XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Here.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] Thanks![STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] You're not one to drink that much #alcohol, are you?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] It makes me feel sleepy or, at the #very least, makes my legs go numb.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seiface,sad][XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] It's an annoying feeling, to be #honest.[XS:mix,0][XS:ph,5][E:38][STOPLIP:]
[RES:][XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Here you go.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] Thanks![STOPLIP:]
[XS:seiface,sorry][XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] Um... you sure this isn't alcoholic?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Y-Yeah...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] It might be expired, then.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seiface,][XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] Seems safe enough. Not gonna make it #go to waste.[XS:mix,0][XS:ph,5][E:39][STOPLIP:]
[XS:seiface,][XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] It makes me wonder what's so good #about getting drunk.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] I mean, I'm not above it, but it's #not exactly a pleasant feeling.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] You feel like you're sleepy even when #you're not...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] Your legs go numb. Everything starts #sounding funnier than it really is...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] What's so good about not being able #to control yourself?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] That's... a good question, actually.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Usually people like feeling numb #because that numbness helps them forget #their problems.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Even if we don't talk about alcohol, #there's a portion of people that can't #afford food... [STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Or who are suffering from some pain #that only alleviates when drunk or high.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] It doesn't sound really logical on #paper, but then again, humans are rarely, #if ever, logical creatures.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Despair and pain cloud your #judgement and make you do stupid things #sometimes...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seiface,sad][XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] ...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] Yeah... I've seen that firsthand.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] This world has an ugly side nobody #deserves to be a part of.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] ...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] *ahem*[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] There's also a matter of addiction, #you know? [STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] You start just liking the drink, but #then you need more of it and before you #know it, you're hooked.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seiface,][XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] Oh yeah, that too.[XS:ph,6][E:40][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] You don't like things going to waste?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seiface,happy][XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] That's something that stuck with me, #thanks to Stella, actually.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] She's not a cheapskate by any means, #but she's a bit obsessive about making #sure things don't go to waste.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seiface,][XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] No food goes to the trash bin. [STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] She always gives it to her pets, or #makes fertilizer out of it if no one else #is gonna eat it.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seiface,sorry][XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] It can get annoying when you try to #peel a vegetable or fruit near her.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] At best, she scolds you for not doing #it right. [STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] At worst, she rambles about the #nutrients in the skin and makes you cook #it without peeling it.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] So, any time I see something that #might go to waste, I can just... HEAR #Stella scolding me for it.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Huh, you'd think it'd be the #opposite.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seiface,][XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] I can't speak for other rich people, #but Stella's family has always been #really down-to-earth.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] They do indulge in expensive things #from time to time, but otherwise they're #pretty simple people.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seiface,happy][XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] Maybe that's the reason I've been #friends with her all this time. I doubt #I would've been able to otherwise.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Oh.[XS:ph,6][E:41][STOPLIP:]
[XS:seiface,][XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] So tell me, what kind of party are #you guys throwing?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Nothing fancy. It'll just be me, #Boss, Gil and a couple of regulars.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] They'll bring food. We'll chat for a #while, and that's it.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seiface,happy][XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] Man, that sounds so good.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] At least better than the whole #planning madness Stella is throwing right #now.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] If you ever throw something like that #again, you let me know, you hear?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Sure.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] ...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Hey, Sei...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seiface,][XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] Yeah?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] What do you plan on doing now?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] I'm gonna check one last errand #before going home.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] No, I mean... what do you plan on #doing now, with the White Knights #disbanded and all?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] ...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seiface,sad][XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] To be honest, I don't know.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] I never prepared a Plan B because I #figured, if you can go with a Plan B, why #not just make it the Plan A?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] I'm not the brightest person, so I #never graduated from college or even high #school.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] I could go for a position with the #police, but it wouldn't be as #thrilling...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] ...and I'm tired of blatant #corruption. Sick of it.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Oh...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seiface,][XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] But I'm alive.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Hm?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] I learned something after that hell #in Apollo Trust.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] Life is not something that you can #just throw away easily.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] Clawing my way out of that place made #me realize just how much I wanna #be alive.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] The body count left in the bank was #ridiculous, but I'm still here.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seiface,happy][XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] I don't know what I'll do, but I'm #alive. I'll figure it out sooner or later.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] That's nice to know.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] Well, I gotta go.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:seitalk,1][C:17]Sei:[C:C] Bye Jill! Good luck with the party![XS:seihide,1][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Please come again.[XS:client,5][XS:ph,1][E:42][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Welcome to Valhalla.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Oh. Hi, Mr. Detective.[STOPLIP:]
[SHOW:185,sprite_art][XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] Ah. Hey there, girl.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] Give me a strong drink, won't you?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Alright.[XS:mix,1][XS:ph,2][E:43][STOPLIP:]
[RES:][XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Here you go.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] Yes, this'll do.[XS:mix,0][XS:ph,3][E:44][STOPLIP:]
[RES:][XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Here.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] Not strong enough, kid. I ain't #paying for this.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] (You could at least try not to look #happy saying that.)[XS:mix,0][XS:ph,3][E:45][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] So, what brought you here?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] Nothing special. I was just working #on a case and I happened to be in the area.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] What kind of work?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] Tracking someone... a gun-for-hire.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] What about the girl? Crimson #something.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] I am tracking that girl.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Didn't you just get out of that job?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:artface,sigh][XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] I did, but the guy offered a huge #amount of money and... well... I just #couldn't refuse again.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Well, it's your life. Not mine.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I wonder, though. There has to be #more to that whole thing than just acting #as middleman to look for some murderer.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] Hm...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] Say, how safe is this place?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] We're protected by the BTC property #laws, the walls are soundproof... [STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] ...and I really couldn't give less #of a shit about selling info to anyone.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:artface,][XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] Okay, then... wait. Soundproof walls? #Why?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Did you see those vending machines #outside?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] They're quite talkative, the #bastards. It'd be annoying without those #walls.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] Alright then.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] Have you heard of Lord Lance Lavender?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Nope.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] He's some big name from Kanyevania. #His blood apparently has some weird #reaction to Glitch City's nanomachines.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] Once in contact with the air, it #does nothing.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] But if still fresh and touching #someone's blood, the nanomachines will #initiate a reaction. [STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] Essentially, they'll just eat through #the other person's body until there's #nothing left.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] They're using him as a guinea pig to see #what causes that reaction and if it could #be used to fight Nanomachine Rejection.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Uh-huh...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:artface,sigh][XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] Well... turns out the Crimson Rose is #his daughter.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] She left years ago to earn her living #here and he hasn't seen her ever since.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] He could be lying, you know?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:artface,][XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] Doubt it. I did my research. She #really is his daughter.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Why didn't you figure that out #earlier?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] I had no clue who was making the #contract, and tracking all the messages to #the source would've been too costly.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] Knowing who the sender was made #things easier.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I see.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Can I get you anything else?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] Hm... what about a Cobalt Velvet?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Okay.[XS:mix,1][XS:ph,4][E:46][STOPLIP:]
[RES:][XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Here you are.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] Oh... you actually did it.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Were you expecting me to mess up so #you didn't have to pay?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] N-No...[XS:mix,0][XS:ph,5][E:47][STOPLIP:]
[RES:][XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Here.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] HA! Wrong drink![STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Sorry.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] Don't be. Free drink![XS:mix,0][XS:ph,5][E:48][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] So what made you accept the #contract, anyway? Keeping in mind all #the risks you told me last time?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] He told me he wanted to see her again #one last time or, at the very least, #deliver her a message.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] He could've been lying.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] Yes, people lie. You made your point.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] Even then, I felt like I couldn't say #no.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] I mean, I know what it's like not #being able to find your daughter...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] What it's like to be apart from her, #not knowing what she's doing or even if #she's alright.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] You do?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:artface,sigh][XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] I have a daughter. She's about your #age.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] When she was a teen, we had a big #fight and she ran away from home.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] At first, I just waited for her to #show up. But then I started getting #worried and went out to find her.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] I couldn't find any trace of her. #Nobody had seen her. Soon, I was worried #if something might've happened to her. [STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] I guess that's how my tracking skills #and list of contacts began to grow.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] I finally found her, taking cover in #some dumpster, unconscious from starvation.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] So yeah, I just couldn't say no to #his request of finding his daughter.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] But I don't expect you to understand.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] ...[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] So, how's the search going?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:artface,][XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] I'm very close to finding her... that #girl's pretty good at covering her tracks.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] Compared to the her from before the #bank incident, though, she seems slower, #somehow.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] Either she's let her guard down or #something else is happening.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] What will you do when you find her?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] I have this letter I'm supposed to #deliver to her.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] I don't know what it says and I don't #want to find out.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] What if she tries to kill you?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] I might not look like it, but I can #take care of myself, bartender.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] You don't stay so long in this #business without picking up a couple of #tricks.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Yeah, I guess you're right.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:arttalk,1][C:26]Art:[C:C] Okay, I better go back to work before #her trail goes cold.[XS:arthide,1][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Please come again.[STOPLIP:]
[SHOW:185,sprite_dana][XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] Are you done?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Yeah.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] Okay then! I want you here tomorrow #at 8 P.M. No working beforehand. The bar #will be closed tomorrow.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] Come dressed in your absolute best! #We're having a party after all.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Alright.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Where's Gil, by the way?[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] He stored all of our things in his #home because of how close it was to the #stores.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] So I told him to go home already and #bring the stuff tomorrow.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] I see.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Well, see you tomorrow, Boss.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:dantalk,1][C:15]Dana:[C:C] Hold on, wait a bit and I'll go with #you.[STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] Oh, sure. Thanks.[XS:ph,6][E:49][STOPLIP:]
[XS:jilltalk,1][C:13]Jill:[C:C] (I need to remember to buy more #cigars.)[XS:juke,1][XS:ph,-1][E:50][STOPLIP:]