2023-04-10 22:32:21 +02:00
import asyncio
from datetime import datetime
from random import choice
import traceback
2023-04-10 23:12:22 +02:00
from typing import List
2023-04-23 10:44:21 +02:00
import discord , ujson
2023-04-10 22:32:21 +02:00
import os
from modules . booruGet import booruGet
from discord import Embed , ButtonStyle , ApplicationContext , Option # type: ignore
#from discord_slash import SlashCommand, SlashContext
intents = discord . Intents ( ) . all ( )
client = discord . Bot ( intents = intents )
# Technical ==============================================================================================================
def nowtime ( ) :
return datetime . now ( ) . strftime ( " %d . % m. % Y | % H: % M: % S " )
def logWrite ( message ) :
print ( f " [ { nowtime ( ) } ] { message } " )
def jsonSave ( filename , value ) :
with open ( filename , ' w ' , encoding = " utf-8 " ) as f :
2023-04-23 10:44:21 +02:00
f . write ( ujson . dumps ( value , indent = 4 , ensure_ascii = False ) )
2023-04-10 22:32:21 +02:00
def jsonLoad ( filename ) :
with open ( filename , ' r ' , encoding = " utf-8 " ) as f :
2023-04-23 10:44:21 +02:00
value = ujson . loads ( f . read ( ) )
2023-04-10 22:32:21 +02:00
return value
# Configuration ==========================================================================================================
def configGet ( key : str , * args : str ) :
this_dict = jsonLoad ( " config.json " )
this_key = this_dict
for dict_key in args :
this_key = this_key [ dict_key ]
return this_key [ key ]
def configSet ( key , value ) :
config = jsonLoad ( " config.json " )
config [ key ] = value
jsonSave ( " config.json " , config )
# Discord Utils ==========================================================================================================
def getChan ( channels , id ) :
return discord . utils . get ( channels , id = id )
async def rmMsg ( channel_id , message_id ) :
try :
channel = client . get_channel ( channel_id )
message = await channel . fetch_message ( message_id )
await message . delete ( )
except :
def makeEmbed ( title = " " , description = " " , footer = " " , image = None , color = 0xffffff ) :
embed = Embed ( title = title , description = description , color = color )
if footer is not None :
embed . set_footer ( text = footer )
if image is not None :
embed . set_image ( url = image )
return embed
2023-04-10 23:12:22 +02:00
async def is_correct_answer ( answer : str , correct : List [ str ] ) - > bool :
for entry in correct :
if ( answer . lower ( ) . replace ( " " , " " ) . replace ( " , " , " " ) . replace ( " . " , " " ) . replace ( " – " , " - " ) . replace ( " — " , " - " ) ) . startswith ( entry . lower ( ) . replace ( " " , " " ) ) :
return True
return False
2023-04-10 22:32:21 +02:00
# Booru Function =========================================================================================================
async def booruAuto ( channel , booru , tags , limit ) :
try :
output = await booruGet ( booru , tags , limit = limit )
if output [ " kind " ] == " image " and output [ " error " ] == " " :
await channel . send (
embed = makeEmbed ( image = output [ " image " ] , footer = f ' Теги: { output [ " tags " ] } ' , color = 0x2400e8 ) ,
view = discord . ui . View ( discord . ui . Button ( style = ButtonStyle . link , label = " Джерело Фото " , url = output [ " source " ] ) )
elif output [ " kind " ] == " video " and output [ " thumbnail " ] != " " :
await channel . send (
embed = makeEmbed ( image = output [ " thumbnail " ] , footer = f ' Теги: { output [ " tags " ] } ' , color = 0x2400e8 ) ,
view = discord . ui . View ( discord . ui . Button ( style = ButtonStyle . link , label = " Дивитись Відео " , url = output [ " source " ] ) )
except :
# traceback.print_exc()
async def booruCommand ( ctx , booru , tags , limit , page , times ) :
for _ in range ( times ) :
try :
output = await booruGet ( booru , tags , limit = limit , page = page )
if output [ " kind " ] == " image " and output [ " error " ] == " " :
await ctx . respond (
embed = makeEmbed ( image = output [ " image " ] , footer = f ' Теги: { output [ " tags " ] } ' , color = 0x2400e8 ) ,
view = discord . ui . View ( discord . ui . Button ( style = ButtonStyle . link , label = " Джерело Фото " , url = output [ " source " ] ) )
elif output [ " kind " ] == " video " and output [ " thumbnail " ] != " " :
await ctx . respond (
embed = makeEmbed ( image = output [ " thumbnail " ] , footer = f ' Теги: { output [ " tags " ] } ' , color = 0x2400e8 ) ,
view = discord . ui . View ( discord . ui . Button ( style = ButtonStyle . link , label = " Дивитись Відео " , url = output [ " source " ] ) )
else :
traceback . print_exc ( )
if configGet ( " debug " ) :
await ctx . respond ( embed = makeEmbed ( image = output [ " image " ] , footer = " Exception: " + output [ " error " ] , color = 0xf74b3a ) )
else :
await ctx . respond ( embed = makeEmbed ( image = output [ " image " ] , color = 0xf74b3a ) )
except :
# traceback.print_exc()
await asyncio . sleep ( .25 )
# Auto Nudes Sender ======================================================================================================
async def sendNudes ( ) :
await client . wait_until_ready ( )
guild = client . get_guild ( configGet ( " guild " ) )
while True :
for entry in configGet ( " auto_nsfw " ) :
await booruAuto ( getChan ( guild . channels , entry [ " channel " ] ) , entry [ " booru " ] , entry [ " tags " ] , entry [ " limit " ] )
await asyncio . sleep ( .25 )
await asyncio . sleep ( 60 )
# @client.slash_command(name="autonsfw", description="2д пікча з бордів за тегом")
# async def autonsfw(
# ctx: ApplicationContext,
# booru: Option(str, "Назва booru сервісу", choices=["realbooru", "yandere", "danbooru", "konachan", "rule34"]), # type: ignore
# tags: Option(str, "Теги (через пробіл)", required=False, default=""), # type: ignore
# limit: Option(int, "Сторінки (Кількість зображень/сторінку) (20 якщо не задано)", required=False, default=20), # type: ignore
# page: Option(int, "Номер сторінки результатів (Рандомна якщо не задано)", required=False, default=None), # type: ignore
# cooldown: Option(int, "Затримка між запитами", required=False, default=1, min_value=1, max_value=5) # type: ignore
# ):
# await booruCommand(ctx, "2d", tags, limit, page, times)
# NSFW Commands ==========================================================================================================
nsfw = client . create_group ( " nsfw " , " Команди з відвертим вмістом " )
@nsfw.command ( name = " 2d " , description = " 2д пікча з бордів за тегом " )
async def nsfw_2d (
ctx : ApplicationContext ,
tags : Option ( str , " Теги (через пробіл) " , required = False , default = " " ) , # type: ignore
limit : Option ( int , " Сторінки (Кількість зображень/сторінку) " , required = False , default = 20 ) , # type: ignore
page : Option ( int , " Номер сторінки результатів " , required = False , default = None ) , # type: ignore
times : Option ( int , " Кількість бажаних зображень " , required = False , default = 1 , min_value = 1 , max_value = 5 ) # type: ignore
) :
await booruCommand ( ctx , " 2d " , tags , limit , page , times )
@nsfw.command ( name = " 3d " , description = " 3д пікча з бордів за тегом " )
async def nsfw_3d (
ctx : ApplicationContext ,
tags : Option ( str , " Теги (через пробіл) " , required = False , default = " " ) , # type: ignore
limit : Option ( int , " Сторінки (Кількість зображень/сторінку) " , required = False , default = 20 ) , # type: ignore
page : Option ( int , " Номер сторінки результатів " , required = False , default = None ) , # type: ignore
times : Option ( int , " Кількість бажаних зображень " , required = False , default = 1 , min_value = 1 , max_value = 5 ) # type: ignore
) :
await booruCommand ( ctx , " 3d " , tags , limit , page , times )
@nsfw.command ( name = " yandere " , description = " Пікча з yande.re за тегом " )
async def nsfw_yandere (
ctx : ApplicationContext ,
tags : Option ( str , " Теги (через пробіл) " , required = False , default = " " ) , # type: ignore
limit : Option ( int , " Сторінки (Кількість зображень/сторінку) " , required = False , default = 20 ) , # type: ignore
page : Option ( int , " Номер сторінки результатів " , required = False , default = None ) , # type: ignore
times : Option ( int , " Кількість бажаних зображень " , required = False , default = 1 , min_value = 1 , max_value = 5 ) # type: ignore
) :
await booruCommand ( ctx , " yandere " , tags , limit , page , times )
@nsfw.command ( name = " konachan " , description = " Пікча з konachan.com за тегом " )
async def nsfw_konachan (
ctx : ApplicationContext ,
tags : Option ( str , " Теги (через пробіл) " , required = False , default = " " ) , # type: ignore
limit : Option ( int , " Сторінки (Кількість зображень/сторінку) " , required = False , default = 20 ) , # type: ignore
page : Option ( int , " Номер сторінки результатів " , required = False , default = None ) , # type: ignore
times : Option ( int , " Кількість бажаних зображень " , required = False , default = 1 , min_value = 1 , max_value = 5 ) # type: ignore
) :
await booruCommand ( ctx , " konachan " , tags , limit , page , times )
@nsfw.command ( name = " danbooru " , description = " Пікча з danbooru.donmai.us за тегом " )
async def nsfw_danbooru (
ctx : ApplicationContext ,
tags : Option ( str , " Теги (через пробіл) " , required = False , default = " " ) , # type: ignore
limit : Option ( int , " Сторінки (Кількість зображень/сторінку) " , required = False , default = 20 ) , # type: ignore
page : Option ( int , " Номер сторінки результатів " , required = False , default = None ) , # type: ignore
times : Option ( int , " Кількість бажаних зображень " , required = False , default = 1 , min_value = 1 , max_value = 5 ) # type: ignore
) :
await booruCommand ( ctx , " danbooru " , tags , limit , page , times )
@nsfw.command ( name = " rule34 " , description = " Пікча rule34.xxx за тегом " )
async def nsfw_rule34 (
ctx : ApplicationContext ,
tags : Option ( str , " Теги (через пробіл) " , required = False , default = " " ) , # type: ignore
limit : Option ( int , " Сторінки (Кількість зображень/сторінку) " , required = False , default = 20 ) , # type: ignore
page : Option ( int , " Номер сторінки результатів " , required = False , default = None ) , # type: ignore
times : Option ( int , " Кількість бажаних зображень " , required = False , default = 1 , min_value = 1 , max_value = 5 ) # type: ignore
) :
await booruCommand ( ctx , " rule34 " , tags , limit , page , times )
@nsfw.command ( name = " realbooru " , description = " Пікча з realbooru.com за тегом " )
async def nsfw_realbooru (
ctx : ApplicationContext ,
tags : Option ( str , " Теги (через пробіл) " , required = False , default = " " ) , # type: ignore
limit : Option ( int , " Сторінки (Кількість зображень/сторінку) " , required = False , default = 20 ) , # type: ignore
page : Option ( int , " Номер сторінки результатів " , required = False , default = None ) , # type: ignore
times : Option ( int , " Кількість бажаних зображень " , required = False , default = 1 , min_value = 1 , max_value = 5 ) # type: ignore
) :
await booruCommand ( ctx , " realbooru " , tags , limit , page , times )
async def pidozra ( ctx , user , reason = " Н е вказана" ) :
userdata = jsonLoad ( " data.json " )
if str ( user . id ) not in userdata [ " dms " ] :
captcha = choice ( configGet ( " captchas " ) )
userdata [ " dms " ] [ str ( user . id ) ] = { }
userdata [ " dms " ] [ str ( user . id ) ] [ " captcha " ] = captcha
else :
captcha = userdata [ " dms " ] [ str ( user . id ) ] [ " captcha " ]
logWrite ( f " User { user . name } # { user . discriminator } manually sent to verification due to ' { reason } ' (q: ' { captcha [ ' question ' ] } ' a: { str ( captcha [ ' answer ' ] ) } ) " )
try :
sent_msg = await user . send ( content = f " { user . mention } Вибачте, але вам потрібно пройти невеличкий тест для продовження користування сервером Crue-11 Raise \n \n ** { captcha [ ' question ' ] } ...** \n \n ``` \n Продовжіть речення а б о надішліть правильну відповідь щоб пройти перевірку \n ``` " )
if not isinstance ( ctx , discord . Message ) :
await ctx . respond ( content = f " Юзеру ` { user . name } # { user . discriminator } ` оголешно про підозру " )
except Exception as exp :
if not isinstance ( ctx , discord . Message ) :
await ctx . respond ( content = f " Н е вдалось оголосити `{ user . name } # { user . discriminator } ` про підозру: \n ` { exp } ` " )
await getChan ( user . guild . channels , configGet ( " captcha_log " , " channels " , " verification " ) ) . send ( embed = makeEmbed ( title = " ❓ Відправлено на перевірку " , description = f " **Ім ' я:** ` { user . name } # { user . discriminator } ` \n **Причина:** ` { reason } ` \n **Питання:** ` { captcha [ ' question ' ] } ` \n **Відповіді:** ` { str ( captcha [ ' answer ' ] ) } ` " , color = 0x6996e4 ) )
await user . remove_roles ( getChan ( user . guild . roles , configGet ( " verified " , " roles " ) ) )
await user . add_roles ( getChan ( user . guild . roles , configGet ( " additional_verification " , " roles " ) ) )
userdata [ " dms " ] [ str ( user . id ) ] [ " question_id " ] = sent_msg . id
jsonSave ( " data.json " , userdata )
async def on_ready ( ) :
print ( f " Logged in as { client . user } " )
await client . change_presence ( activity = discord . Activity ( type = discord . ActivityType . listening , name = " Гімн України " ) )
await sendNudes ( )
# Guild Commands =========================================================================================================
@client.slash_command ( name = " verify " , description = " Підтвердити що юзер не московит " )
async def verify ( ctx : ApplicationContext , user : Option ( discord . User , " Юзер сервера " ) ) : # type: ignore
if ctx . author . id in configGet ( " admins " ) :
if ctx . guild is not None :
userdata = jsonLoad ( " data.json " )
logWrite ( f " User { user . name } # { user . discriminator } verified by admin { ctx . author . name } # { ctx . author . discriminator } " )
await ctx . respond ( content = f " { user . mention } Ласкаво просимо! \n У вас тепер є повний доступ до всього сервера. Приємного спілкування!" , delete_after = 3 )
await user . add_roles ( getChan ( user . guild . roles , configGet ( " verified " , " roles " ) ) )
await getChan ( user . guild . channels , configGet ( " chat " , " channels " , " general " ) ) . send ( content = f " У нас поповнення у вигляді { user . mention } . Познайомтесь :) " )
await user . remove_roles ( getChan ( user . guild . roles , configGet ( " failed_captcha " , " roles " ) ) )
await getChan ( user . guild . channels , configGet ( " captcha_log " , " channels " , " verification " ) ) . send ( embed = makeEmbed ( title = " ✅ Юзера верифіковано вручну " , description = f " **Ім ' я:** ` { user . name } # { user . discriminator } ` \n **Адмін**: ` { ctx . author . name } # { ctx . author . discriminator } ` " , color = 0xffc300 ) )
try :
del userdata [ str ( user . id ) ]
jsonSave ( " data.json " , userdata )
except :
else :
await ctx . respond ( content = configGet ( " denied_guild " , " msg " ) )
else :
await ctx . respond ( content = configGet ( " denied " , " msg " ) )
@client.slash_command ( name = " pidozra " , description = " Оголосити юзеру про підозру " )
async def pidozra_cmd ( ctx : ApplicationContext , user : Option ( discord . User , " Юзер сервера " ) , reason : Option ( str , " Причина " , required = False , default = " Н е вказана" ) ) : # type: ignore
if ctx . author . id in configGet ( " admins " ) :
if ctx . guild is not None :
await pidozra ( ctx , user , reason = reason )
else :
await ctx . respond ( content = configGet ( " denied_guild " , " msg " ) )
else :
await ctx . respond ( content = configGet ( " denied " , " msg " ) )
@client.slash_command ( name = " nazi " , description = " Денацифікувати обраного московита " )
async def nazi ( ctx : ApplicationContext , user : Option ( discord . User , " Обраний московит " ) ) : # type: ignore
if ctx . author . id in configGet ( " admins " ) :
if ctx . guild is not None :
userdata = jsonLoad ( " data.json " )
logWrite ( f " User { user . name } # { user . discriminator } was sent to russian warship by { ctx . author . name } # { ctx . author . discriminator } " )
await ctx . respond ( content = f " { user . mention } { choice ( configGet ( ' forbidden_replies ' ) ) } " , delete_after = 4 )
await asyncio . sleep ( 3 )
await user . ban ( reason = " Московит йобаний " , delete_message_days = 3 )
await getChan ( user . guild . channels , configGet ( " captcha_log " , " channels " , " verification " ) ) . send ( embed = makeEmbed ( title = " ☠ Юзера послано нахуй " , description = f " **Ім ' я:** ` { user . name } # { user . discriminator } ` \n **Адмін:** ` { ctx . author . name } # { ctx . author . discriminator } ` " , color = 0xea3319 ) )
try :
del userdata [ str ( user . id ) ]
jsonSave ( " data.json " , userdata )
except :
else :
await ctx . respond ( content = configGet ( " denied_guild " , " msg " ) )
else :
await ctx . respond ( content = configGet ( " denied " , " msg " ) )
# Utility Commands =======================================================================================================
@client.slash_command ( name = " debug " , description = " Переключити режим відлагодження " )
async def debug ( ctx : ApplicationContext , value : Option ( bool , " Стан режиму " ) ) : # type: ignore
if ctx . author . id in configGet ( " admins " ) :
configSet ( " debug " , value )
logWrite ( f " User { ctx . author . name } # { ctx . author . discriminator } set debug mode to { str ( value ) } " )
await ctx . respond ( content = f " Режим відлагодження змінено на ` { str ( value ) } ` " )
else :
await ctx . respond ( content = configGet ( " denied " , " msg " ) )
@client.slash_command ( name = " reboot " , description = " Перезапустити бота " )
async def reboot ( ctx : ApplicationContext ) :
if ctx . author . id in configGet ( " admins " ) :
logWrite ( f " User { ctx . author . name } # { ctx . author . discriminator } called reboot " )
await ctx . respond ( content = f " Вимикаюсь з номером процесу ` { os . getpid ( ) } ` " )
os . system ( f " kill -9 { os . getpid ( ) } " )
else :
await ctx . respond ( content = configGet ( " denied " , " msg " ) )
# Discord Events =========================================================================================================
async def on_member_join ( member ) :
userdata = jsonLoad ( " data.json " )
if str ( member . id ) not in userdata :
captcha = choice ( configGet ( " captchas " ) )
userdata [ str ( member . id ) ] = { }
userdata [ str ( member . id ) ] [ " captcha " ] = captcha
else :
captcha = userdata [ str ( member . id ) ] [ " captcha " ]
logWrite ( f " User { member . name } # { member . discriminator } joined with (q: ' { captcha [ ' question ' ] } ' a: { str ( captcha [ ' answer ' ] ) } ) " )
await getChan ( member . guild . channels , configGet ( " captcha_log " , " channels " , " verification " ) ) . send ( embed = makeEmbed ( title = " 🆕 Юзер зайшов " , description = f " **Ім ' я:** ` { member . name } # { member . discriminator } ` \n **Питання:** ` { captcha [ ' question ' ] } ` \n **Відповіді:** ` { str ( captcha [ ' answer ' ] ) } ` " , color = 0x6996e4 ) )
await asyncio . sleep ( 3 )
sent_msg = await getChan ( member . guild . channels , configGet ( " captcha " , " channels " , " verification " ) ) . send ( content = f " { member . mention } Ласкаво просимо! \n \n ** { captcha [ ' question ' ] } ...** \n \n ``` \n Продовжіть речення а б о надішліть правильну відповідь щоб пройти перевірку \n ``` " , delete_after = 1800 )
userdata [ str ( member . id ) ] [ " question_id " ] = sent_msg . id
jsonSave ( " data.json " , userdata )
await asyncio . sleep ( 300 )
userdata = jsonLoad ( " data.json " )
if str ( member . id ) in userdata :
try :
logWrite ( f " User { member . name } # { member . discriminator } ignored verification (q: ' { userdata [ str ( member . id ) ] [ ' captcha ' ] [ ' question ' ] } ' a: { str ( userdata [ str ( member . id ) ] [ ' captcha ' ] [ ' answer ' ] ) } ) " )
await getChan ( member . guild . channels , configGet ( " captcha_log " , " channels " , " verification " ) ) . send ( embed = makeEmbed ( title = " 🔇 Юзер проігнорував тест " , description = f " **Ім ' я:** ` { member . name } # { member . discriminator } ` \n **Питання:** ` { userdata [ str ( member . id ) ] [ ' captcha ' ] [ ' question ' ] } ` \n **Відповіді:** ` { str ( userdata [ str ( member . id ) ] [ ' captcha ' ] [ ' answer ' ] ) } ` " , color = 0xffc300 ) )
await getChan ( member . guild . channels , configGet ( " captcha " , " channels " , " verification " ) ) . send ( content = f " { member . mention } Тест проігноровано, до побачення " , delete_after = 4 )
await asyncio . sleep ( 3 )
await member . kick ( reason = " Ігнорування вступного тесту " )
del userdata [ str ( member . id ) ]
jsonSave ( " data.json " , userdata )
except :
traceback . print_exc ( )
async def on_member_remove ( member ) :
logWrite ( f " User { member . name } # { member . discriminator } left " )
userdata = jsonLoad ( " data.json " )
if str ( member . id ) in userdata :
try :
await getChan ( member . guild . channels , configGet ( " captcha_log " , " channels " , " verification " ) ) . send ( embed = makeEmbed ( title = " 🚪 Юзер вийшов " , description = f " **Ім ' я:** ` { member . name } # { member . discriminator } ` \n **Питання:** ` { userdata [ str ( member . id ) ] [ ' question ' ] } ` \n **Відповіді:** ` { str ( userdata [ str ( member . id ) ] [ ' answer ' ] ) } ` " , color = 0x6996e4 ) )
except :
await getChan ( member . guild . channels , configGet ( " captcha_log " , " channels " , " verification " ) ) . send ( embed = makeEmbed ( title = " 🚪 Юзер вийшов " , description = f " **Ім ' я:** ` { member . name } # { member . discriminator } ` " , color = 0x6996e4 ) )
if " question_id " in userdata [ str ( member . id ) ] :
await rmMsg ( configGet ( " captcha " , " channels " , " verification " ) , userdata [ str ( member . id ) ] [ " question_id " ] )
del userdata [ str ( member . id ) ] [ " question_id " ]
if userdata [ str ( member . id ) ] == { } :
del userdata [ str ( member . id ) ]
jsonSave ( " data.json " , userdata )
async def on_raw_reaction_add ( payload ) :
if payload . channel_id == configGet ( " access " , " channels " , " nsfw " ) :
if str ( payload . emoji ) == " ✅ " :
logWrite ( f " User { payload . member . name } # { payload . member . discriminator } gets NSFW role " )
await payload . member . add_roles ( getChan ( payload . member . guild . roles , configGet ( " nsfw " , " roles " ) ) )
async def on_raw_reaction_remove ( payload ) :
user = discord . utils . get ( client . get_all_members ( ) , id = payload . user_id )
if payload . channel_id == configGet ( " access " , " channels " , " nsfw " ) :
if str ( payload . emoji ) == " ✅ " :
logWrite ( f " User { user . name } # { user . discriminator } lost NSFW role " )
await user . remove_roles ( getChan ( user . guild . roles , configGet ( " nsfw " , " roles " ) ) )
async def on_message ( message ) :
userdata = jsonLoad ( " data.json " )
if message . channel . id == configGet ( " art " , " channels " , " general " ) :
await message . add_reaction ( ' 🔺 ' )
await message . add_reaction ( ' 🔻 ' )
thread = await message . create_thread ( name = f " { message . author . name } ( { datetime . now ( ) . strftime ( ' %d . % m. % Y ' ) } ) " , auto_archive_duration = 10080 )
await thread . send ( content = " **Гілку для коментарів створено!** \n Надсилайте коментарі до цієї роботи/фотографії користуючись гілкою. " )
elif message . channel . id == configGet ( " captcha " , " channels " , " verification " ) :
if message . author != client . user :
2023-04-10 23:12:22 +02:00
if await is_correct_answer ( message . content , userdata [ str ( message . author . id ) ] [ " captcha " ] [ " answer " ] ) :
2023-04-10 22:32:21 +02:00
2023-04-10 23:12:22 +02:00
logWrite ( f " User { message . author . name } # { message . author . discriminator } verified " )
2023-04-10 22:32:21 +02:00
2023-04-10 23:12:22 +02:00
await message . reply ( content = f " { message . author . mention } Ласкаво просимо! \n У вас тепер є повний доступ до всього сервера. Приємного спілкування!" , delete_after = 3 )
2023-04-10 22:32:21 +02:00
2023-04-10 23:12:22 +02:00
await message . delete ( )
await rmMsg ( configGet ( " captcha " , " channels " , " verification " ) , userdata [ str ( message . author . id ) ] [ " question_id " ] )
await message . author . add_roles ( getChan ( message . guild . roles , configGet ( " verified " , " roles " ) ) )
2023-04-10 22:32:21 +02:00
2023-04-10 23:12:22 +02:00
await getChan ( message . author . guild . channels , configGet ( " captcha_log " , " channels " , " verification " ) ) . send ( embed = makeEmbed ( title = " ✅ Юзера верифіковано " , description = f " **Ім ' я:** ` { message . author . name } # { message . author . discriminator } ` \n **Питання:** ` { userdata [ str ( message . author . id ) ] [ ' captcha ' ] [ ' question ' ] } ` \n **Відповіді:** ` { str ( userdata [ str ( message . author . id ) ] [ ' captcha ' ] [ ' answer ' ] ) } ` " , color = 0xffc300 ) )
2023-04-10 22:32:21 +02:00
2023-04-10 23:12:22 +02:00
await getChan ( message . author . guild . channels , configGet ( " chat " , " channels " , " general " ) ) . send ( content = f " У нас поповнення у вигляді { message . author . mention } . Познайомтесь :) " )
2023-04-10 22:32:21 +02:00
2023-04-10 23:12:22 +02:00
del userdata [ str ( message . author . id ) ] [ " captcha " ]
del userdata [ str ( message . author . id ) ]
jsonSave ( " data.json " , userdata )
2023-04-10 22:32:21 +02:00
if message . content . lower ( ) . replace ( " " , " " ) in configGet ( " forbidden_answers " ) :
logWrite ( f " User { message . author . name } # { message . author . discriminator } was piece of shit and replied ' { message . content } ' " )
await message . reply ( content = f " { message . author . mention } { choice ( configGet ( ' forbidden_replies ' ) ) } " , delete_after = 4 )
await message . delete ( )
await rmMsg ( configGet ( " captcha " , " channels " , " verification " ) , userdata [ str ( message . author . id ) ] [ " question_id " ] )
await asyncio . sleep ( 3 )
await message . author . ban ( reason = " Московит йобаний " , delete_message_days = 1 )
await getChan ( message . author . guild . channels , configGet ( " captcha_log " , " channels " , " verification " ) ) . send ( embed = makeEmbed ( title = " ☠ Юзер руснявий виблядок " , description = f " **Ім ' я:** ` { message . author . name } # { message . author . discriminator } ` \n **Питання:** ` { userdata [ str ( message . author . id ) ] [ ' captcha ' ] [ ' question ' ] } ` \n **Відповів:** ` { message . content } ` \n **Правильні відповіді:** ` { str ( userdata [ str ( message . author . id ) ] [ ' captcha ' ] [ ' answer ' ] ) } ` " , color = 0xea3319 ) )
del userdata [ str ( message . author . id ) ] [ " captcha " ]
del userdata [ str ( message . author . id ) ]
jsonSave ( " data.json " , userdata )
else :
logWrite ( f " User { message . author . name } # { message . author . discriminator } failed verification (q: ' { userdata [ str ( message . author . id ) ] [ ' captcha ' ] [ ' question ' ] } ' a: { str ( userdata [ str ( message . author . id ) ] [ ' captcha ' ] [ ' answer ' ] ) } replied: ' { message . content } ' ) " )
await message . reply ( content = f " { message . author . mention } відповідь неправильна! \n Відправляйтесь у канал { getChan ( message . guild . channels , configGet ( ' verification ' , ' channels ' , ' verification ' ) ) . mention } " , delete_after = 3 )
await getChan ( message . guild . channels , configGet ( " verification " , " channels " , " verification " ) ) . send ( content = f " Користувач { message . author . mention } потребує перевірки { getChan ( message . guild . roles , configGet ( ' admin ' , ' roles ' ) ) . mention } \n \n Питання: ` { userdata [ str ( message . author . id ) ] [ ' captcha ' ] [ ' question ' ] } ` \n Відповідь: ` { str ( userdata [ str ( message . author . id ) ] [ ' captcha ' ] [ ' answer ' ] ) } ` \n \n Відповів: ` { message . content } ` " , delete_after = 300 )
await message . delete ( )
await rmMsg ( configGet ( " captcha " , " channels " , " verification " ) , userdata [ str ( message . author . id ) ] [ " question_id " ] )
await asyncio . sleep ( 1 )
await message . author . add_roles ( getChan ( message . guild . roles , configGet ( " failed_captcha " , " roles " ) ) )
await getChan ( message . author . guild . channels , configGet ( " captcha_log " , " channels " , " verification " ) ) . send ( embed = makeEmbed ( title = " ☠ Юзер не пройшов " , description = f " **Ім ' я:** ` { message . author . name } # { message . author . discriminator } ` \n **Питання:** ` { userdata [ str ( message . author . id ) ] [ ' captcha ' ] [ ' question ' ] } ` \n **Відповів:** ` { message . content } ` \n **Правильні відповіді:** ` { str ( userdata [ str ( message . author . id ) ] [ ' captcha ' ] [ ' answer ' ] ) } ` " , color = 0xea3319 ) )
del userdata [ str ( message . author . id ) ] [ " captcha " ]
del userdata [ str ( message . author . id ) ]
jsonSave ( " data.json " , userdata )
elif isinstance ( message . channel , discord . DMChannel ) and str ( message . author . id ) in userdata [ " dms " ] :
guild = client . get_guild ( configGet ( " guild " ) )
member = guild . get_member ( message . author . id )
for answer in userdata [ " dms " ] [ str ( message . author . id ) ] [ " captcha " ] [ " answer " ] :
if answer . lower ( ) . replace ( " " , " " ) in message . content . lower ( ) . replace ( " " , " " ) . replace ( " , " , " " ) . replace ( " . " , " " ) :
logWrite ( f " User { message . author . name } # { message . author . discriminator } additionally verified " )
await message . reply ( content = f " { message . author . mention } Ласкаво просимо! \n У вас тепер є повний доступ до всього сервера. Приємного спілкування!" )
#await rmMsg(message.channel.id, userdata["dms"][str(message.author.id)]["question_id"])
await member . add_roles ( guild . get_role ( configGet ( " verified " , " roles " ) ) )
await member . remove_roles ( guild . get_role ( configGet ( " additional_verification " , " roles " ) ) )
await getChan ( guild . channels , configGet ( " captcha_log " , " channels " , " verification " ) ) . send ( embed = makeEmbed ( title = " ✅ Юзера додатково верифіковано " , description = f " **Ім ' я:** ` { message . author . name } # { message . author . discriminator } ` \n **Питання:** ` { userdata [ ' dms ' ] [ str ( message . author . id ) ] [ ' captcha ' ] [ ' question ' ] } ` \n **Відповіді:** ` { str ( userdata [ ' dms ' ] [ str ( message . author . id ) ] [ ' captcha ' ] [ ' answer ' ] ) } ` " , color = 0xffc300 ) )
del userdata [ " dms " ] [ str ( message . author . id ) ] [ " captcha " ]
del userdata [ " dms " ] [ str ( message . author . id ) ]
jsonSave ( " data.json " , userdata )
if message . content . lower ( ) . replace ( " " , " " ) in configGet ( " forbidden_answers " ) :
logWrite ( f " User { message . author . name } # { message . author . discriminator } was piece of shit and replied ' { message . content } ' " )
await message . reply ( content = f " { choice ( configGet ( ' forbidden_replies ' ) ) } " )
await rmMsg ( message . channel . id , userdata [ " dms " ] [ str ( message . author . id ) ] [ " question_id " ] )
await member . ban ( reason = " Московит йобаний " , delete_message_days = 7 )
await getChan ( guild . channels , configGet ( " captcha_log " , " channels " , " verification " ) ) . send ( embed = makeEmbed ( title = " ☠ Юзер руснявий виблядок " , description = f " **Ім ' я:** ` { message . author . name } # { message . author . discriminator } ` \n **Питання:** ` { userdata [ ' dms ' ] [ str ( message . author . id ) ] [ ' captcha ' ] [ ' question ' ] } ` \n **Відповів:** ` { message . content } ` \n **Правильні відповіді:** ` { str ( userdata [ ' dms ' ] [ str ( message . author . id ) ] [ ' captcha ' ] [ ' answer ' ] ) } ` " , color = 0xea3319 ) )
del userdata [ " dms " ] [ str ( message . author . id ) ] [ " captcha " ]
del userdata [ " dms " ] [ str ( message . author . id ) ]
jsonSave ( " data.json " , userdata )
else :
logWrite ( f " User { message . author . name } # { message . author . discriminator } failed verification (q: ' { userdata [ ' dms ' ] [ str ( message . author . id ) ] [ ' captcha ' ] [ ' question ' ] } ' a: { str ( userdata [ ' dms ' ] [ str ( message . author . id ) ] [ ' captcha ' ] [ ' answer ' ] ) } replied: ' { message . content } ' ) " )
await message . reply ( content = f " { message . author . mention } відповідь неправильна! \n Відправляйтесь у канал { getChan ( guild . channels , configGet ( ' verification ' , ' channels ' , ' verification ' ) ) . mention } " )
await getChan ( guild . channels , configGet ( " verification " , " channels " , " verification " ) ) . send ( content = f " Користувач { message . author . mention } потребує перевірки { getChan ( guild . roles , configGet ( ' admin_id ' ) ) . mention } " , delete_after = 300 )
await rmMsg ( message . channel . id , userdata [ " dms " ] [ str ( message . author . id ) ] [ " question_id " ] )
await asyncio . sleep ( 2 )
await member . add_roles ( guild . get_role ( configGet ( " failed_captcha " , " roles " ) ) )
await member . remove_roles ( guild . get_role ( configGet ( " additional_verification " , " roles " ) ) )
await getChan ( guild . channels , configGet ( " captcha_log " , " channels " , " verification " ) ) . send ( embed = makeEmbed ( title = " ☠ Юзер не пройшов " , description = f " **Ім ' я:** ` { message . author . name } # { message . author . discriminator } ` \n **Питання:** ` { userdata [ ' dms ' ] [ str ( message . author . id ) ] [ ' captcha ' ] [ ' question ' ] } ` \n **Відповів:** ` { message . content } ` \n **Правильні відповіді:** ` { str ( userdata [ ' dms ' ] [ str ( message . author . id ) ] [ ' captcha ' ] [ ' answer ' ] ) } ` " , color = 0xea3319 ) )
del userdata [ " dms " ] [ str ( message . author . id ) ] [ " captcha " ]
del userdata [ " dms " ] [ str ( message . author . id ) ]
jsonSave ( " data.json " , userdata )
if " 🇷🇺 " in message . content :
await pidozra ( message , message . author , " Прапор московитів " )
await message . delete ( )
client . run ( configGet ( " token " ) )