import tkinter as tk from PIL import Image, ImageTk from itertools import count, cycle class ImageLabel(tk.Label): """ A Label that displays images, and plays them if they are gifs :im: A PIL Image instance or a string filename """ def load(self, im): if isinstance(im, str): im = frames = [] try: for i in count(1): frames.append(ImageTk.PhotoImage(im.copy())) except EOFError: pass self.frames = cycle(frames) try: self.delay =['duration'] except: self.delay = 100 if len(frames) == 1: self.config(image=next(self.frames)) else: self.next_frame() def unload(self): self.config(image=None) self.frames = None def next_frame(self): if self.frames: self.config(image=next(self.frames)) self.after(self.delay, self.next_frame)