logger.error(f"Could not validate '{self.address_entry.get()}' due to {exp}")
messagebox.showerror(title="Invalid address",message="Address entered does not seem to be correct one. Please provide API address starting with http:// or https:// \n\nFor example:\n- https://your-api.com:8043\n- https://your-api.com")
logger.error(f"SSL certificate of '{self.address_entry.get()}' does not seem to be valid or is self-signed")
messagebox.showerror(title="Invalid SSL",message="SSL certificate seems to be invalid or self-signed and thus won't be trusted. You can overwrite this by checking 'Allow self-signed certificates'.")
logger.error(f"Could not reach '{self.address_entry.get()}' due to {exp}")
messagebox.showerror(title="Connection error",message="Address entered does not seem to be reachable. Please make sure you've entered the correct API address.")
logger.error(f"API key seems to be invalid. API returned {response_apikey.status_code} as a status code")
messagebox.showerror(title="Invalid apikey",message="API key provided does not seem to be valid. Please check for any mistakes and if none found - take a look at the docs to learn how to generate one.")