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from app import app
from pyrogram import filters
from pyrogram.types import ForceReply, ReplyKeyboardMarkup, Message
from pyrogram.client import Client
from classes.holo_user import HoloUser
from modules.utils import all_locales, locale, logWrite
# Welcome check ================================================================================================================
welcome_1 = []
for pattern in all_locales("welcome", "keyboard"):
for pattern in all_locales("return", "keyboard"):
@app.on_message(~ filters.scheduled & filters.private & filters.command(welcome_1, prefixes=[""]))
async def welcome_pass(app: Client, msg: Message, once_again: bool = True) -> None:
"""Set user's stage to 1 and start a fresh application
### Args:
* app (app): Pyrogram Client to use
* msg (Message): Message with attribute equal to the end-user ID whose application will be started
* once_again (bool, optional): Set to False if it's the first time as user applies. Defaults to True.
if not once_again:
await msg.reply_text(locale("privacy_notice", "message"))
holo_user = HoloUser(msg.from_user)
logWrite(f"User {} confirmed starting the application")
await msg.reply_text(locale("question1", "message", locale=msg.from_user), reply_markup=ForceReply(placeholder=locale("question1", "force_reply", locale=msg.from_user)))
# configSet(["stage"], 1, file=str(
# configSet(["sent"], False, file=str(
welcome_2 = []
for pattern in all_locales("welcome", "keyboard"):
@app.on_message(~ filters.scheduled & filters.private & filters.command(welcome_2, prefixes=[""]))
async def welcome_reject(app: Client, msg: Message):
logWrite(f"User {} rejected to start the application")
await msg.reply_text(locale("goodbye", "message", locale=msg.from_user), reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardMarkup(locale("return", "keyboard", locale=msg.from_user), resize_keyboard=True))
# ==============================================================================================================================