from ujson import JSONDecodeError as JSONDecodeError from ujson import loads, dumps from sys import exit from os import kill from os import name as osname from traceback import print_exc from modules.logging import logWrite def jsonLoad(filename): """Loads arg1 as json and returns its contents""" with open(filename, "r", encoding='utf8') as file: try: output = loads( except JSONDecodeError: logWrite(f"Could not load json file {filename}: file seems to be incorrect!\n{print_exc()}") raise except FileNotFoundError: logWrite(f"Could not load json file {filename}: file does not seem to exist!\n{print_exc()}") raise file.close() return output def jsonSave(contents, filename): """Dumps dict/list arg1 to file arg2""" try: with open(filename, "w", encoding='utf8') as file: file.write(dumps(contents, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)) file.close() except Exception as exp: logWrite(f"Could not save json file {filename}: {exp}\n{print_exc()}") return def configSet(key: str, value, *args: str): """Set key to a value Args: * key (str): The last key of the keys path. * value (str/int/float/list/dict/None): Some needed value. * *args (str): Path to key like: dict[args][key]. """ this_dict = jsonLoad("config.json") string = "this_dict" for arg in args: string += f'["{arg}"]' if type(value) in [str]: string += f'["{key}"] = "{value}"' else: string += f'["{key}"] = {value}' exec(string) jsonSave(this_dict, "config.json") return def configGet(key: str, *args: str): """Get value of the config key Args: * key (str): The last key of the keys path. * *args (str): Path to key like: dict[args][key]. Returns: * any: Value of provided key """ this_dict = jsonLoad("config.json") this_key = this_dict for dict_key in args: this_key = this_key[dict_key] return this_key[key] # def locale(key: str, *args: str, locale=configGet("locale")): # """Get value of locale string # Args: # * key (str): The last key of the locale's keys path. # * *args (list): Path to key like: dict[args][key]. # * locale (str): Locale to looked up in. Defaults to config's locale value. # Returns: # * any: Value of provided locale key # """ # if (locale == None): # locale = configGet("locale") # try: # this_dict = jsonLoad(f'{configGet("locale", "locations")}{sep}{locale}.json') # except FileNotFoundError: # try: # this_dict = jsonLoad(f'{configGet("locale", "locations")}{sep}{configGet("locale")}.json') # except FileNotFoundError: # try: # this_dict = jsonLoad(f'{configGet("locale_fallback", "locations")}{sep}{configGet("locale")}.json') # except: # return f'⚠️ Locale in config is invalid: could not get "{key}" in {str(args)} from locale "{locale}"' # this_key = this_dict # for dict_key in args: # this_key = this_key[dict_key] # try: # return this_key[key] # except KeyError: # return f'⚠️ Locale in config is invalid: could not get "{key}" in {str(args)} from locale "{locale}"' try: from psutil import Process except ModuleNotFoundError: # print(locale("deps_missing", "console", locale=configGet("locale")), flush=True) print("Missing dependencies! Please install all needed dependencies and run the bot again!") exit() def killProc(pid): if osname == "posix": from signal import SIGKILL # type: ignore kill(pid, SIGKILL) else: p = Process(pid) p.kill()