"""Automatically register commands and execute some scheduled tasks is the main idea of this module""" from asyncio import sleep from os import listdir, makedirs, path, sep from traceback import format_exc from apscheduler.schedulers.asyncio import AsyncIOScheduler from datetime import datetime, timedelta from ujson import dumps from app import app from pyrogram.types import ( BotCommand, BotCommandScopeChat, BotCommandScopeChatAdministrators, ) from pyrogram.errors import bad_request_400 from pyrogram.enums.chat_members_filter import ChatMembersFilter from classes.holo_user import HoloUser from modules.utils import configGet, jsonLoad, jsonSave, locale, logWrite from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta from modules.database import col_applications, col_sponsorships, col_youtube from xmltodict import parse from requests import get scheduler = AsyncIOScheduler() if configGet("enabled", "scheduler", "cache_members"): @scheduler.scheduled_job( trigger="interval", seconds=configGet("interval", "scheduler", "cache_members") ) async def cache_group_members(): list_of_users = [] async for member in app.get_chat_members(configGet("users", "groups")): list_of_users.append(member.user.id) makedirs(configGet("cache", "locations"), exist_ok=True) jsonSave( list_of_users, path.join(configGet("cache", "locations"), "group_members") ) if configGet("debug") is True: logWrite("User group caching performed", debug=True) if configGet("enabled", "scheduler", "cache_admins"): @scheduler.scheduled_job( trigger="interval", seconds=configGet("interval", "scheduler", "cache_admins") ) async def cache_admins(): list_of_users = [] async for member in app.get_chat_members(configGet("admin", "groups")): list_of_users.append(member.user.id) makedirs(configGet("cache", "locations"), exist_ok=True) jsonSave(list_of_users, path.join(configGet("cache", "locations"), "admins")) if configGet("debug") is True: logWrite("Admin group caching performed", debug=True) # Cache the avatars of group members if configGet("enabled", "scheduler", "cache_avatars"): @scheduler.scheduled_job( trigger="date", run_date=datetime.now() + timedelta(seconds=15) ) @scheduler.scheduled_job( trigger="interval", hours=configGet("interval", "scheduler", "cache_avatars") ) async def cache_avatars(): list_of_users = [] async for member in app.get_chat_members( configGet("users", "groups"), filter=ChatMembersFilter.SEARCH, query="" ): list_of_users.append(member.user) for user in list_of_users: if user.photo != None: if not path.exists( f'{configGet("cache", "locations")}{sep}avatars{sep}{user.photo.big_file_id}' ): print( f"Pre-cached avatar {user.photo.big_file_id} of {user.id}", flush=True, ) await app.download_media( user.photo.big_file_id, file_name=path.join( configGet("cache", "locations"), "avatars", user.photo.big_file_id, ), ) logWrite("Avatars caching performed") # Check for birthdays if configGet("enabled", "features", "applications") is True: if configGet("enabled", "scheduler", "birthdays") is True: @scheduler.scheduled_job( trigger="cron", hour=configGet("time", "scheduler", "birthdays") ) async def check_birthdays(): for entry in col_applications.find(): if entry["application"]["2"].strftime( "%d.%m" ) == datetime.now().strftime("%d.%m"): try: if entry["user"] not in jsonLoad( path.join(configGet("cache", "locations"), "group_members") ): continue tg_user = await app.get_users(entry["user"]) await app.send_message(configGet("admin", "groups"), locale("birthday", "message").format(str(tg_user.first_name), str(tg_user.username), str(relativedelta(datetime.now(), entry["application"]["2"], "%d.%m.%Y").years))) # type: ignore logWrite(f"Notified admins about {entry['user']}'s birthday") except Exception as exp: logWrite( f"Could not find user {entry['user']} to send a message about birthday due to '{exp}'" ) continue logWrite("Birthdays check performed") # Check for expired sponsorships if configGet("enabled", "features", "sponsorships") is True: if configGet("enabled", "scheduler", "sponsorships") is True: @scheduler.scheduled_job( trigger="cron", hour=configGet("time", "scheduler", "sponsorships") ) async def check_sponsors(): for entry in col_sponsorships.find( {"sponsorship.expires": {"$lt": datetime.now() + timedelta(days=2)}} ): try: if entry["user"] not in jsonLoad( path.join(configGet("cache", "locations"), "group_members") ): continue tg_user = await app.get_users(entry["user"]) until_expiry = ( abs( relativedelta( datetime.now(), entry["sponsorship"]["expires"] ).days ) + 1 ) await app.send_message(tg_user.id, locale("sponsorships_expires", "message").format(until_expiry)) # type: ignore logWrite( f"Notified user {entry['user']} that sponsorship expires in {until_expiry} days" ) except Exception as exp: logWrite( f"Could not find user {entry['user']} notify about sponsorship expiry due to '{exp}'" ) continue for entry in col_sponsorships.find( {"sponsorship.expires": {"$lt": datetime.now() - timedelta(days=1)}} ): try: holo_user = HoloUser(entry["user"]) col_sponsorships.find_one_and_delete({"user": holo_user.id}) if entry["user"] not in jsonLoad( path.join(configGet("cache", "locations"), "group_members") ): continue await app.send_message(entry["user"], locale("sponsorships_expired", "message")) # type: ignore await holo_user.label_reset(configGet("users", "groups")) try: tg_user = await app.get_users(entry["user"]) logWrite( f"Notified user {entry['user']} that sponsorship expired" ) except Exception as exp: logWrite( f"Could not find user {entry['user']} notify about sponsorship expired due to '{exp}'" ) except Exception as exp: logWrite( f"Could not reset label of user {entry['user']} due to '{exp}'" ) continue logWrite("Sponsorships check performed") # Register all bot commands @scheduler.scheduled_job( trigger="date", run_date=datetime.now() + timedelta(seconds=10) ) async def commands_register(): commands = { "users": [], "admins": [], "owner": [], "group_users": [], "group_admins": [], "group_users_admins": [], "locales": {}, } commands_raw = { "users": [], "admins": [], "owner": [], "group_users": [], "group_admins": [], "group_users_admins": [], "locales": {}, } valid_locales = [] files_locales = listdir(f'{configGet("locale", "locations")}') for entry in files_locales: if entry.endswith(".json"): valid_locales.append(".".join(entry.split(".")[:-1])) commands["locales"][".".join(entry.split(".")[:-1])] = { "users": [], "admins": [], "owner": [], "group_users": [], "group_admins": [], "group_users_admins": [], } if configGet("debug") is True: commands_raw["locales"][".".join(entry.split(".")[:-1])] = { "users": [], "admins": [], "owner": [], "group_users": [], "group_admins": [], "group_users_admins": [], } config_modules = configGet("features") config_commands = configGet("commands") for command in config_commands: enabled = False for module in config_commands[command]["modules"]: if config_modules[module]["enabled"] is True: enabled = True if enabled is False: logWrite(f"Not registering {command} at all", debug=True) continue for permission in config_commands[command]["permissions"]: commands[permission].append( BotCommand(command, locale("commands")[command]) ) if configGet("debug") is True: commands_raw[permission].append( {f"{command}": locale("commands")[command]} ) logWrite(f"Registering {command} for {permission}") for lc in valid_locales: commands["locales"][lc][permission].append( BotCommand(command, locale("commands", locale=lc)[command]) ) if configGet("debug") is True: commands_raw["locales"][lc][permission].append( {f"{command}": locale("commands", locale=lc)[command]} ) logWrite(f"Registering {command} for {permission} [{lc}]") # Registering user commands await app.set_bot_commands(commands["users"]) logWrite("Registered user commands for default locale") # Registering user commands for each locale for lc in valid_locales: await app.set_bot_commands(commands["locales"][lc]["users"], language_code=lc) logWrite(f"Registered user commands for locale {lc}") # Registering admin commands for admin in configGet("admins"): try: await app.set_bot_commands( commands["admins"] + commands["users"], scope=BotCommandScopeChat(chat_id=admin), ) logWrite(f"Registered admin commands for admin {admin}") except bad_request_400.PeerIdInvalid: pass # Registering owner commands try: await app.set_bot_commands( commands["admins"] + commands["owner"] + commands["users"], scope=BotCommandScopeChat(chat_id=configGet("owner")), ) for lc in valid_locales: await app.set_bot_commands( commands["locales"][lc]["admins"] + commands["locales"][lc]["owner"] + commands["locales"][lc]["users"], scope=BotCommandScopeChat(chat_id=configGet("owner")), ) logWrite(f"Registered admin commands for owner {configGet('owner')}") except bad_request_400.PeerIdInvalid: pass # Registering admin group commands try: await app.set_bot_commands( commands["group_admins"], scope=BotCommandScopeChat(chat_id=configGet("admin", "groups")), ) logWrite("Registered admin group commands for default locale") except bad_request_400.ChannelInvalid: logWrite( f"Could not register commands for admin group. Bot is likely not in the group." ) # Registering destination group commands try: await app.set_bot_commands( commands["group_users"], scope=BotCommandScopeChat(chat_id=configGet("users", "groups")), ) logWrite("Registered destination group commands") except bad_request_400.ChannelInvalid: logWrite( f"Could not register commands for destination group. Bot is likely not in the group." ) # Registering destination group admin commands try: await app.set_bot_commands( commands["group_users_admins"], scope=BotCommandScopeChatAdministrators( chat_id=configGet("users", "groups") ), ) logWrite("Registered destination group admin commands") except bad_request_400.ChannelInvalid: logWrite( f"Could not register admin commands for destination group. Bot is likely not in the group." ) if configGet("debug") is True: print(commands, flush=True) logWrite( f"Complete commands registration:\n{dumps(commands_raw, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False, encode_html_chars=False)}", debug=True, ) if configGet("enabled", "scheduler", "channels_monitor"): @scheduler.scheduled_job( trigger="interval", minutes=configGet("interval", "scheduler", "channels_monitor"), ) async def channels_monitor(): for channel in configGet("channels", "scheduler", "channels_monitor"): if configGet("debug") is True: logWrite( f'Processing videos of {channel["name"]} ({channel["id"]})', debug=True, ) try: req = get( f'https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id={channel["id"]}' ) parsed = parse(req.content) if "feed" not in parsed: continue if "entry" not in parsed["feed"]: continue for entry in parsed["feed"]["entry"]: if "yt:videoId" not in entry: continue if ( col_youtube.find_one( {"channel": channel["id"], "video": entry["yt:videoId"]} ) is None ): col_youtube.insert_one( { "channel": channel["id"], "video": entry["yt:videoId"], "date": datetime.fromisoformat(entry["published"]), } ) await app.send_message( configGet("users", "groups"), locale("youtube_video", "message").format( channel["name"], channel["link"], entry["title"], entry["link"]["@href"], ), disable_web_page_preview=False, ) await sleep(2) except Exception as exp: logWrite( f'Could not get last videos of {channel["name"]} ({channel["id"]}) due to {exp}: {format_exc()}' ) if configGet("debug") is True: logWrite("Admin group caching performed", debug=True)