from traceback import print_exc from app import app, isAnAdmin import asyncio from pyrogram import filters from pyrogram.types import Message, ForceReply, InlineKeyboardMarkup, InlineKeyboardButton from pyrogram.client import Client from classes.holo_user import HoloUser from modules.utils import configGet, logWrite, locale, all_locales from modules.database import col_messages, col_spoilers async def message_involved(msg: Message) -> bool: message = col_messages.find_one({"":, "":}) if message is not None: return True return False async def message_context(msg: Message) -> tuple: message = col_messages.find_one({"":, "":}) if message is not None: return message["origin"]["chat"], message["origin"]["id"] return 0, 0 # Any other input ============================================================================================================== @app.on_message(~ filters.scheduled & filters.private) async def any_stage(app: Client, msg: Message): if msg.via_bot is None: holo_user = HoloUser(msg.from_user) if (msg.reply_to_message is not None) and (await message_involved(msg)): context = await message_context(msg) context_message = await app.get_messages(context[0], context[1]) destination_user = HoloUser(context_message.from_user) await destination_user.message( origin=context_message, context=msg, text=msg.text, caption=msg.caption,,, file=msg.document, animation=msg.animation, voice=msg.voice, adm_origin=await isAnAdmin(, adm_context=await isAnAdmin( ) return if msg.text is not None: if configGet("enabled", "features", "applications") is True: await holo_user.application_next(msg.text, msg=msg) if configGet("enabled", "features", "sponsorships") is True: await holo_user.sponsorship_next(msg.text, msg) if is not None: await holo_user.sponsorship_next(msg.text, msg=msg, if holo_user.application_state()[0] != "fill" and holo_user.sponsorship_state()[0] != "fill": spoiler = col_spoilers.find_one( {"user":, "completed": False} ) if spoiler is None: return if spoiler["category"] is None: found = False # Find category in all locales for lc in all_locales("spoiler_categories", "message"): for key in lc: if lc[key] == msg.text: found = True category = key if found is False: await msg.reply_text(locale("spoiler_incorrect_category", "message", locale=msg.from_user)) return col_spoilers.find_one_and_update( {"_id": spoiler["_id"]}, {"$set": {"category": category}} ) await msg.reply_text(locale("spoiler_send_description", "message", locale=msg.from_user), reply_markup=ForceReply(placeholder=locale("spoiler_description", "force_reply", locale=msg.from_user))) return if spoiler["description"] is None and (spoiler["photo"] is None and spoiler["video"] is None and spoiler["audio"] is None and spoiler["animation"] is None and spoiler["text"] is None): # for lc in all_locales("spoiler_description", "keyboard"): # if msg.text == lc[-1][0]: # await msg.reply_text(locale("spoiler_description_enter", "message", locale=msg.from_user), reply_markup=ForceReply(placeholder=locale("spoiler_description", "force_reply", locale=msg.from_user))) # return if msg.text != "-": col_spoilers.find_one_and_update( {"user":, "completed": False}, {"$set": {"description": msg.text}} ) else: col_spoilers.find_one_and_update( {"user":, "completed": False}, {"$set": {"description": ""}} ) logWrite(f"Adding description '{msg.text}' to {}'s spoiler") await msg.reply_text(locale("spoiler_using_description", "message", locale=msg.from_user).format(msg.text), reply_markup=ForceReply(placeholder=locale("spoiler_content", "force_reply", locale=msg.from_user))) return ready = False if is not None: col_spoilers.find_one_and_update( {"user":, "completed": False}, {"$set": {"photo":, "caption": msg.caption, "completed": True}} ) logWrite(f"Adding photo with id {} to {}'s spoiler") ready = True if is not None: col_spoilers.find_one_and_update( {"user":, "completed": False}, {"$set": {"video":, "caption": msg.caption, "completed": True}} ) logWrite(f"Adding audio with id {} to {}'s spoiler") ready = True if is not None: col_spoilers.find_one_and_update( {"user":, "completed": False}, {"$set": {"audio":, "caption": msg.caption, "completed": True}} ) logWrite(f"Adding video with id {} to {}'s spoiler") ready = True if msg.animation is not None: col_spoilers.find_one_and_update( {"user":, "completed": False}, {"$set": {"animation": msg.animation.file_id, "caption": msg.caption, "completed": True}} ) logWrite(f"Adding animation with id {msg.animation.file_id} to {}'s spoiler") ready = True if msg.document is not None: col_spoilers.find_one_and_update( {"user":, "completed": False}, {"$set": {"document": msg.document.file_id, "caption": msg.caption, "completed": True}} ) logWrite(f"Adding document with id {msg.document.file_id} to {}'s spoiler") ready = True if spoiler["photo"] is None and spoiler["video"] is None and spoiler["audio"] is None and spoiler["animation"] is None and spoiler["document"] is None and spoiler["text"] is None: if msg.text is not None: col_spoilers.find_one_and_update( {"user":, "completed": False}, {"$set": {"text": msg.text, "completed": True}} ) logWrite(f"Adding text '{msg.text}' to {}'s spoiler") ready = True if ready is True: await msg.reply_text(locale("spoiler_ready", "message", locale=msg.from_user), reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup([[InlineKeyboardButton(locale("spoiler_send", "button", locale=msg.from_user), switch_inline_query=f"spoiler:{spoiler['_id'].__str__()}")]])) else: await msg.reply_text(locale("spoiler_incorrect_content", "message", locale=msg.from_user)) @app.on_message(~ filters.scheduled & async def message_in_group(app: Client, msg: Message): if ( is not None) and (msg.via_bot is not None): if ( == (await app.get_me()).id) and ( == configGet("users", "groups")): if msg.text.startswith(locale("spoiler_described", "message").split()[0]) or msg.text.startswith(locale("spoiler_empty", "message").split()[0]): logWrite(f"User {} sent spoiler to user's group") try: logWrite("Forwarding spoiler to admin's group") await msg.copy(configGet("admin", "groups"), disable_notification=True) except Exception as exp: logWrite(f"Could not forward spoiler to admin's group due to '{exp}': {print_exc()}") return if configGet("remove_application_time") > 0: logWrite(f"User {} requested application in destination group, removing in {configGet('remove_application_time')} minutes") await asyncio.sleep(configGet("remove_application_time")*60) await msg.delete() logWrite(f"Removed application requested by {} in destination group") # ==============================================================================================================================