This commit is contained in:
Profitroll 2023-01-23 11:15:26 +01:00
parent e3fd4b3576
commit adc8c83102
4 changed files with 0 additions and 26 deletions

View File

@ -31,7 +31,6 @@
"approved_joined": "Congratulations! Your application has been reviewed and confirmed as correct. Thank you for your time and have a nice day!",
"read_rules": "Please read these rules before clicking the button and joining the chat.",
"rejected.": "Oh dear! Your application has been reviewed but not confirmed as eligible to join the community. Better luck next time!\n\nYou can try to reapply with the /reapply command.",
"rejected_aggressive": "Oh dear! Your application has been reviewed, but not confirmed as eligible to join the community.",
"rejected_russian": "Russian warship, go fuck yourself!",
"approved_by": "✅ **Application approved**\nAdmin **{0}** has reviewed and approved application `{1}`.",
"rejected_by": "❌ **Form rejected**\nAdmin **{0}** has reviewed and rejected form `{1}`.",
@ -122,7 +121,6 @@
"button": {
"sub_yes": "✅ Accept",
"sub_no": "❌ Reject",
"sub_aggressive": "🤡 Reject (Toxic)",
"sub_russian": "🇷🇺 Reject (Russian)",
"accepted": "✅ Accepted",
"declined": "❌ Rejected",
@ -145,7 +143,6 @@
"callback": {
"sub_accepted": "✅ Application {0} has been approved",
"sub_rejected": "❌ Application {0} rejected",
"sub_aggressive": "🤡 Application {0} rejected",
"sub_russian": "🇷🇺 Application {0} rejected",
"sus_allowed": "✅ Access {0} allowed",
"sus_rejected": "❌ Access {0} denied",

View File

@ -48,7 +48,6 @@
"approved_joined": "Вітаємо! Твою анкету переглянули та підтвердили її правильність. Дякуємо за витрачений на заповнення час та гарного дня!",
"read_rules": "Будь ласка, прочитай ці правила перш ніж натискати на кнопку та приєднуватись до чату.",
"rejected": "Ой лишенько! Твою анкету переглянули, однак не підтвердили право на вступ до спільноти. Better luck next time!\n\nТи можеш спробувати повторно заповнити анкету командою /reapply",
"rejected_aggressive": "Ой лишенько! Твою анкету переглянули, однак не підтвердили право на вступ до спільноти.",
"rejected_russian": "русский военньій корабль, иди нахуй!",
"approved_by": "✅ **Анкету схвалено**\nАдмін **{0}** переглянув та схвалив анкету `{1}`.",
"rejected_by": "❌ **Анкету відхилено**\nАдмін **{0}** переглянув та відхилив анкету `{1}`.",
@ -206,7 +205,6 @@
"button": {
"sub_yes": "✅ Прийняти",
"sub_no": "❌ Відхилити",
"sub_aggressive": "🤡 Відхилити (Токс)",
"sub_russian": "🇷🇺 Відхилити (Русак)",
"sponsor_yes": "✅ Прийняти",
"sponsor_no": "❌ Відхилити",
@ -237,7 +235,6 @@
"callback": {
"sub_accepted": "✅ Анкету {0} схвалено",
"sub_rejected": "❌ Анкету {0} відхилено",
"sub_aggressive": "🤡 Анкету {0} відхилено",
"sub_russian": "🇷🇺 Анкету {0} відхилено",
"sus_allowed": "✅ Доступ {0} дозволено",
"sus_rejected": "❌ Доступ {0} заборонено",

View File

@ -68,23 +68,6 @@ async def callback_query_reject(app: Client, clb: CallbackQuery):
await clb.message.edit(text=clb.message.text, reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(edited_markup))
await clb.answer(text=locale("sub_rejected", "callback", locale=clb.from_user).format(, show_alert=True)
async def callback_query_reject_aggressive(app: Client, clb: CallbackQuery):
fullclb ="_")
holo_user = HoloUser(int(fullclb[2]))
await app.send_message(configGet("admin", "groups"), locale("rejected_by_agr", "message").format(clb.from_user.first_name,, disable_notification=True)
await app.send_message(, locale("rejected_aggressive", "message", locale=holo_user))
logWrite(f"User {} got rejected by {} due to being aggressive")
col_tmp.update_one({"user": {"$eq":}, "type": {"$eq": "application"}}, {"$set": {"state": "rejected", "sent": False}})
edited_markup = [[InlineKeyboardButton(text=str(locale("declined", "button")), callback_data="nothing")]]
await clb.message.edit(text=clb.message.text, reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(edited_markup))
await clb.answer(text=locale("sub_aggressive", "callback", locale=clb.from_user).format(, show_alert=True)
async def callback_query_reject_russian(app: Client, clb: CallbackQuery):

View File

@ -83,9 +83,6 @@ async def confirm_yes(app: Client, msg: Message, kind: Literal["application", "s
InlineKeyboardButton(text=str(locale("sub_no", "button")), callback_data=f"sub_no_{}")
InlineKeyboardButton(text=str(locale("sub_aggressive", "button")), callback_data=f"sub_aggressive_{}")
InlineKeyboardButton(text=str(locale("sub_russian", "button")), callback_data=f"sub_russian_{}")