import logging from typing import Any, Union import discord import discord.member from modules.database import col_users, col_warnings logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class NotEnoughMoneyError(Exception): """User does not have enough money to do that""" pass class UserNotFoundError(Exception): """HoloUser could not find user with such an ID in database""" def __init__(self, user, user_id): self.user = user self.user_id = user_id super().__init__( f"User of type {type(self.user)} with id {self.user_id} was not found" ) class HoloUser: def __init__( self, user: Union[discord.User, discord.Member, discord.member.Member, int] ) -> None: """Get an object that has a proper binding between Discord ID and database ### Args: * `user` (Union[discord.User, discord.Member, discord.member.Member, int]): Object from which ID can be extracted ### Raises: * `UserNotFoundError`: User with such ID does not seem to exist in database """ if hasattr(user, "id"): = # type: ignore else: = user jav_user = col_users.find_one({"user":}) if jav_user is None: raise UserNotFoundError(user=user, self.db_id = jav_user["_id"] # self.xp = jav_user["xp"] # self.xp_next = jav_user["xp_next"] # self.level = jav_user["level"] # self.work_xp = jav_user["work_xp"] # self.balance = jav_user["balance"] self.customrole = jav_user["customrole"] self.customchannel = jav_user["customchannel"] # self.married = jav_user["married"] # self.marriage_request = jav_user["marriage_request"] # self.marriage_request_sent = jav_user["marriage_request_sent"] # self.cooldown = jav_user["cooldown"] self.warnings = self.warns() # def xp_add(self, amount: int = 1) -> None: # """Add some amount of XP points # ### Args: # * `amount` (int, optional): Amount of XP points to give. Defaults to 1. # """ # self.xp += amount # col_users.update_one(filter={"_id": self.db_id}, update={ "$set": { "xp": self.xp } }) # def xp_level_up(self) -> None: # """Add 1 to the current XP level""" # xp_diff = int(self.xp - self.xp_next) # xp_next = int(self.xp_next*configGet("multiplier", "leveling")+configGet("addition", "leveling")) # self.xp = xp_diff # self.xp_next = xp_next # self.level += 1 # col_users.update_one(filter={"_id": self.db_id}, update={ "$set": { "xp": xp_diff } }) # col_users.update_one(filter={"_id": self.db_id}, update={ "$set": { "xp_next": xp_next } }) # col_users.update_one(filter={"_id": self.db_id}, update={ "$set": { "level": self.level } }) # def balance_set(self, amount: int) -> None: # """Set the balance to amount # ### Args: # * `amount` (int): Amount of currency to be set # """ # self.balance = amount # col_users.update_one(filter={"_id": self.db_id}, update={ "$set": { "balance": self.balance } }) # def balance_add(self, amount: int) -> None: # """Add amount to the balance # ### Args: # * `amount` (int): Amount to be added # """ # self.balance_set(self.balance+amount) # def balance_take(self, amount: int) -> bool: # """Take amount from the balance # ### Args: # * `amount` (int): Amount to be taken # ### Returns: # * `bool`: True if successful and False if not # """ # if self.balance >= amount: # self.balance_set(self.balance-amount) # return True # else: # return False # #raise NotEnoughMoneyError() # def balance_transfer(self, amount: int, destination: Union[Any, int]) -> None: # """Transfer money to another user # ### Args: # * `amount` (int): Amount to be transferred # * `destination` (Union[Any, int]): Destination user of the transfer (should have attribute "id" or be id itself if int) # ### Raises: # * `NotEnoughMoneyError`: Not enough money to perform this transaction # """ # if self.balance >= amount: # if isinstance(destination, int): # destination = HoloUser(destination) # self.balance_take(amount) # destination.balance_add(amount) # type: ignore # else: # raise NotEnoughMoneyError() # def salary_get(self) -> int: # """Get the salary level depending on work_xp # ### Returns: # * `int`: Amount of money to be earned # """ # if self.work_xp >= 100: # return randint(configGet("min", "work", "level", "4"), configGet("max", "work", "level", "4")) # elif self.work_xp >= 50: # return randint(configGet("min", "work", "level", "3"), configGet("max", "work", "level", "3")) # elif self.work_xp > 10: # return randint(configGet("min", "work", "level", "2"), configGet("max", "work", "level", "2")) # else: # return randint(configGet("min", "work", "level", "1"), configGet("max", "work", "level", "1")) # def work_xp_add(self) -> None: # self.set("work_xp", self.work_xp+1) def warns(self) -> int: """Get number of warnings user has ### Returns: * `int`: Number of warnings """ warns = col_warnings.find_one({"user":}) if warns == None: return 0 else: return warns["warns"] def warn(self, count=1, reason: str = "Not provided") -> None: """Warn and add count to warns number ### Args: * `count` (int, optional): Count of warnings to be added. Defaults to 1. """ warns = col_warnings.find_one({"user":}) if warns != None: col_warnings.update_one( filter={"_id": self.db_id}, update={"$set": {"warns": warns["warns"] + count}}, ) else: col_warnings.insert_one(document={"user":, "warns": count})"User {} was warned {count} times due to: {reason}") # def cooldown_go(self, kind: Literal["work", "daily", "weekly", "monthly", "steal"]) -> None: # """Set cooldown start of kind now # ### Args: # * `kind` (Literal["work", "daily", "weekly", "monthly", "steal"]): Kind of a cooldown # """ # self.cooldown[kind] = # col_users.update_one(filter={"_id": self.db_id}, update={ "$set": { "cooldown": self.cooldown } }) def set(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None: """Set attribute data and save it into database ### Args: * `key` (str): Attribute to be changed * `value` (Any): Value to set """ if not hasattr(self, key): raise AttributeError() setattr(self, key, value) col_users.update_one( filter={"_id": self.db_id}, update={"$set": {key: value}}, upsert=True )"Set attribute {key} of user {} to {value}") # def purge(self) -> None: # """Completely remove data from database. Will not remove transactions logs and warnings.""" # col_users.delete_one(filter={"_id": self.db_id}) # self.unauthorize() # def unauthorize(self) -> None: # """Cancel Oauth2 authorization""" # col_authorized.find_one_and_delete({"user":}) # def is_authorized(self) -> bool: # """Check if user provided Oauth2 authorization # ### Returns: # * `bool`: True if yes and False if no # """ # if configGet("mode") == "secure": # authorized = col_authorized.find_one({"user":}) # if authorized is not None: # return True # else: # return False # else: # return True