version: "3.9" services: mysql: image: mysql:8 restart: unless-stopped hostname: mysql networks: - discord-tickets volumes: - tickets-mysql:/var/lib/mysql environment: MYSQL_DATABASE: tickets MYSQL_PASSWORD: insecure # change this to a secure password MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: insecure # change this to a (different) secure password MYSQL_USER: tickets bot: image: eartharoid/discord-tickets:4.0 depends_on: - mysql restart: unless-stopped hostname: bot networks: - discord-tickets ports: - 8080:8080 volumes: - tickets-bot:/usr/bot/user tty: true stdin_open: true # Please refer to the documentation: # environment: DB_CONNECTION_URL: mysql://tickets:insecure@mysql/tickets # change `insecure` to the MYSQL_PASSWORD you set above DISCORD_SECRET: # required DISCORD_TOKEN: # required ENCRYPTION_KEY: # required DB_PROVIDER: mysql HTTP_EXTERNAL: # change this to your server's external IP (or domain) HTTP_HOST: HTTP_PORT: 8080 HTTP_TRUST_PROXY: false # set to true if you're using a reverse proxy OVERRIDE_ARCHIVE: null PUBLIC_BOT: false PUBLISH_COMMANDS: false SETTINGS_PORT: 8169 SETTINGS_HOST: SUPER: 319467558166069248 # optionally add `,youruseridhere` networks: discord-tickets: volumes: tickets-mysql: tickets-bot: