const { FrameworkClient } = require('@eartharoid/dbf'); const { GatewayIntentBits, Partials, } = require('discord.js'); const logger = require('./lib/logger'); const { PrismaClient } = require('@prisma/client'); const Keyv = require('keyv'); const I18n = require('@eartharoid/i18n'); const fs = require('fs'); const { join } = require('path'); const YAML = require('yaml'); const TicketManager = require('./lib/tickets/manager'); const sqliteMiddleware = require('./lib/middleware/prisma-sqlite'); const ms = require('ms'); module.exports = class Client extends FrameworkClient { constructor() { super( { intents: [ ...[ GatewayIntentBits.DirectMessages, GatewayIntentBits.DirectMessageReactions, GatewayIntentBits.DirectMessageTyping, GatewayIntentBits.MessageContent, GatewayIntentBits.Guilds, GatewayIntentBits.GuildMembers, GatewayIntentBits.GuildMessages, ], ...(process.env.PUBLIC_BOT !== 'true' ? [GatewayIntentBits.GuildPresences] : []), ], partials: [ Partials.Channel, Partials.Message, Partials.Reaction, ], shards: 'auto', }, { baseDir: __dirname }, ); this.config = {}; this.log = {}; this.init(); } async init(reload = false) { const locales = {}; fs.readdirSync(join(__dirname, 'i18n')) .filter(file => file.endsWith('.yml')) .forEach(file => { const data = fs.readFileSync(join(__dirname, 'i18n/' + file), { encoding: 'utf8' }); const name = file.slice(0, file.length - 4); locales[name] = YAML.parse(data); }); /** @type {I18n} */ this.i18n = new I18n('en-GB', locales); // to maintain references, these shouldn't be reassigned Object.assign(this.config, YAML.parse(fs.readFileSync('./user/config.yml', 'utf8'))); Object.assign(this.log, logger(this.config)); this.banned_guilds = new Set( (() => { let array = fs.readFileSync('./user/banned-guilds.txt', 'utf8').trim().split(/\r?\n/); if (array[0] === '') array = []; return array; })(), );`${this.banned_guilds.size} guilds are banned`); if (reload) { await this.initAfterLogin(); } else { this.keyv = new Keyv(); = new TicketManager(this); this.supers = (process.env.SUPER ?? '').split(','); /** @param {import('discord.js/typings').Interaction} interaction */ this.commands.interceptor = async interaction => { if (!interaction.inGuild()) return; const id = interaction.guildId; const cacheKey = `cache/known/guild:${id}`; if (await this.keyv.has(cacheKey)) return; await this.prisma.guild.upsert({ create: { id, locale: this.i18n.locales.find(locale => locale === interaction.guild.preferredLocale), // undefined if not supported }, update: {}, where: { id }, }); await this.keyv.set(cacheKey, true); }; } } async initAfterLogin() { for (const id of this.banned_guilds) { if (this.guilds.cache.has(id)) {`Leaving banned guild ${id}`); await this.guilds.cache.get(id).leave(); } } } async login(token) { const levels = ['error', 'info', 'warn']; if (this.config.logs.level === 'debug') levels.push('query'); const prisma_options = { log: => ({ emit: 'event', level, })), }; if (process.env.DB_PROVIDER === 'sqlite' && !process.env.DB_CONNECTION_URL) { prisma_options.datasources = { db: { url: 'file:' + join(process.cwd(), './user/database.db') } }; } /** @type {PrismaClient} */ this.prisma = new PrismaClient(prisma_options); this.prisma.$on('error', e => this.log.error.prisma(`${} ${e.message}`)); this.prisma.$on('info', e =>`${} ${e.message}`)); this.prisma.$on('warn', e => this.log.warn.prisma(`${} ${e.message}`)); this.prisma.$on('query', e => this.log.debug.prisma(e)); if (process.env.DB_PROVIDER === 'sqlite') { // rewrite queries that use unsupported features this.prisma.$use(sqliteMiddleware); // make sqlite faster (missing parentheses are not a mistake, `$queryRaw` is a tagged template literal) this.log.debug(await this.prisma.$queryRaw`PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL;`); // this.log.debug(await this.prisma.$queryRaw`PRAGMA synchronous=normal;`); // setInterval(async () => { this.log.debug(await this.prisma.$queryRaw`PRAGMA optimize;`); // }, ms('6h')); } return super.login(token); } async destroy() { await this.prisma.$disconnect(); return super.destroy(); } };