> **Warning** > > This is the development branch, it may be unstable and may not work as expected. > > *dev notes:* > - https://static.eartharoid.me/k/22/08/02185801.png - for user/create, slash/force-close, slash/claim, slash/release, and slash/move > - menu question max length cannot be higher than question options > - TODO: update notifications > - TODO: user:create, force-close
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![Discord Tickets](https://static.eartharoid.me/discord-tickets/logo/wordmark/gradient-by-eartharoid.png) **A free alternative to the premium and white-label plans of other ticket management bots.**
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for affordable bot hosting ---
## πŸ“– Contents - [πŸ“– Contents](#-contents) - [✨ Features](#-features) - [Want to learn more?](#want-to-learn-more) - [⚑ Getting started](#-getting-started) - [πŸ€‘ Sponsors](#-sponsors) - [πŸŽ–οΈ Contributors](#️-contributors) - [πŸ’» Contributing](#-contributing) - [🌎 Translating](#-translating) - [πŸ˜• Support](#-support) - [⭐ Star History](#-star-history) - [πŸ₯± License](#-license) ## ✨ Features - πŸ“– [**Documentation**](https://discordtickets.app/getting-started/) - comprehensive documentation and guides to help you get started - βš™οΈ **Simple settings** - configure your bot with the included and easy-to-use dashboard - 🎨 **Highly customisable** - tweak features, colours, messages, and more to your liking - πŸ›Έ **Modern features** - including slash commands, buttons, select menus, and modals - πŸ€– **Automation** - ease your staff team's workload with configurable automation - 🏷️ [**Tags**](https://v4--discordtickets.netlify.app/features/#tags) - resolve members' problems without escalating to tickets - 🎫 **Tickets** - close inactive tickets automatically - πŸ“œ **Archiving** - store messages in the database and view transcripts later - ❓ **Context** - ask for a topic or up to 5 custom questions before creating a ticket, and see references to a message or previous ticket at a glance - πŸ—ƒοΈ **Organisation** - claim, release, move and transfer tickets between members and categories - 🌎 [**Internationalisation**](#-translating) - available in more than 10 languages - ⏱️ **Statistics** - analyse your staff members' performance - πŸͺ“ **Battle-tested** - trusted by thousands of servers, with over [half a million tickets](https://stats.discordtickets.app/) created since 2019 - 🐳 [**Docker**](https://discordtickets.app/self-hosting/installation/docker/) - reliable and quick deployment with Docker [*...and more!*](https://discordtickets.app/features/) ### Want to learn more? **Visit [the website](https://discordtickets.app/) for more features, details, and screenshots**, or skip to the [full feature tour](https://discordtickets.app/features/). ## ⚑ Getting started > *πŸ™ Please read the [documentation](https://discordtickets.app/self-hosting/installation/) before you start.* There are 3 ways to get started with Discord Tickets: - ☁️ [Add the public bot](https://discordtickets.app/public/) - instant setup, but branded *(great for testing)* - 😴 [Get a managed bot](https://discordtickets.app/managed/) - your own bot, hosted by me *(easy and cheap)* - πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» [Install your own bot](https://discordtickets.app/self-hosting/) - host it yourself *(experience recommended)* **[Read the documentation](https://discordtickets.app/getting-started/)** for more information. > **Warning** > This button is here because it looks nice, but I will cry if you click it before reading the [documentation](https://discordtickets.app/getting-started/). :) [![Deploy on Railway](https://railway.app/button.svg)](https://railway.app/new/template/eB6TkX?referralCode=Z3aYd2) ## πŸ€‘ Sponsors Discord Tickets is made possible by these awesome people and organisations: ![Sponsors](https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/eartharoid/sponsors/sponsorkit/sponsors.svg) Please consider sponsoring the project if it adds value to your business/community. **[Sponsor on GitHub](https://github.com/discord-tickets/bot/?sponsor=1)**, or [![Donate at ko-fi](https://www.ko-fi.com/img/githubbutton_sm.svg)](https://ko-fi.com/eartharoid) > **Note** > > Your logo will only appear here if you sponsor through GitHub Sponsors. > > [Create an organisation](https://github.com/account/organizations/new?plan=free) if you want to use your business/community logo. ## πŸŽ–οΈ Contributors Discord Tickets is made possible by all of the people listed in [CONTRIBUTORS.md](https://github.com/discord-tickets/bot/blob/main/CONTRIBUTORS.md). ### πŸ’» Contributing If you want to help translate, suggest a feature, submit a bug report, or contribute in any other way, please read the [contributing guidelines](https://github.com/discord-tickets/.github/blob/main//CONTRIBUTING.md). > **Note** > You can add yourself to the list of contributors [here](https://github.com/discord-tickets/bot/issues/new/choose). #### 🌎 Translating [![Translation status](https://hosted.weblate.org/widgets/discord-tickets/-/open-graph.png)](https://hosted.weblate.org/engage/discord-tickets/) ## πŸ˜• Support [![Discord](https://discordapp.com/api/guilds/451745464480432129/widget.png?style=banner4)](https://lnk.earth/discord) ## ⭐ Star History
Show graph [![Star History Chart](https://api.star-history.com/svg?repos=discord-tickets/bot&type=Date)](https://star-history.com/#discord-tickets/bot&Date)
## πŸ₯± License Discord Tickets by eartharoidℒ️ is licensed under the [GPLv3 license](https://github.com/discord-tickets/bot/blob/main/LICENSE). This is not an official Discord product. It is not affiliated with nor endorsed by Discord Inc. Β© 2023 Isaac Saunders