[![Run on Repl.it](https://repl.it/badge/github/eartharoid/DiscordTickets)](https://repl.it/github/eartharoid/DiscordTickets) # DiscordTickets A simple (ish) Discord™️ bot to manage support tickets to allow you and your team to provide better and quicker assistance to your community members. **Go to the [wiki](https://github.com/Eartharoid/DiscordTickets/wiki) for more information** ## Commands - `!help` - show help menu - `!new` - create a new ticket [`ticket`] - `!close` - close a ticket - `!add` - add a user to a ticket [`adduser`] - `!remove` - remove a user from a ticket [`kick`] The help menu provides an example for each command, along with usage (parameters info) and alias info. An example command / template is provided if you want to create your own command (such as `!website` for example) ### Credits - [ohlookitsderpy / leeks.js](https://github.com/ohlookitsderpy/leeks.js)