[![Translation status](https://hosted.weblate.org/widgets/discord-tickets/-/bot/open-graph.png)](https://hosted.weblate.org/engage/discord-tickets/) https://www.prisma.io/docs/reference/database-reference/supported-databases ![](https://static.eartharoid.me/k/22/08/02185801.png) - for user/create, slash/force-close, slash/claim, slash/release, and slash/move menu question max length cannot be higher than question options ports <1024 require root - TODO: update notifications creation requires an interaction: - [x] /new -> category? -> topic or questions -> create - [ ] user:create(self) -> category? -> topic or questions -> create - [ ] user:create(staff) -> category? -> DM (channel fallback) button -> topic or questions -> create - [x] message:create(self) -> category? -> topic or questions -> create - [ ] ~~message:create(staff) -> category? -> DM (channel fallback) button -> topic or questions -> create~~ - [x] DM -> guild? -> category? -> topic or questions -> create - [x] panel(interaction) -> topic or questions -> create - [ ] ~~panel(message) -> DM (channel fallback) button -> topic or questions -> create~~ > **Note** > > test > **Warning** > > test ## Contributing https://commitlint.js.org/#/ huksy? eslint secret scan ## Contributors [![Contributors](https://contrib.rocks/image?repo=discord-tickets/bot)](https://github.com/discord-tickets/bot/graphs/contributors)