{ "bot": { "version": "Discord Tickets v%s by eartharoid" }, "commands": { "new": { "aliases": { "create": "create", "open": "open" }, "args": { "category": { "name": "category", "description": "The category you would like to create a new ticket for" }, "topic": { "name": "topic", "description": "The topic of the ticket" } }, "description": "Create a new support ticket", "name": "new" }, "settings": { "aliases": { "config": "config" }, "description": "Configure Discord Tickets", "name": "settings", "response": { "updated": "✅ Settings have been updated." } } }, "no_perm": "❌ You do not have the permissions required to use this command:\n%s", "staff_only": "❌ You must be a member of staff to use this command." }