#!/usr/bin/env node /* eslint-disable no-console */ const fs = require('fs'); const { Composer, LineCounter, Parser, } = require('yaml'); function resolve(ast, key) { return key .split('.') .reduce( (acc, part) => acc.value.items.find(item => item.key.source === part), ast, ); } const errors = []; const locales = []; const files = fs.readdirSync('./src/i18n').filter(file => file.endsWith('.yml')); for (const file of files) { const locale = file.substring(0, file.length - 4); locales.push(locale); const content = fs.readFileSync(`./src/i18n/${file}`, 'utf8'); const lineCounter = new LineCounter(); const parser = new Parser(lineCounter.addNewLine); const tokenGenerator = parser.parse(content); // Unfortunately needs to be parsed twice because `Generator` is single-use? // Might as well use the simpler YAML.parse() instead of the Composer but I've already written this. const [ast] = Array.from(parser.parse(content)); const docs = new Composer().compose(tokenGenerator); const [doc] = Array.from(docs, doc => doc.toJS()); /** * Message context menu commands */ for (const [key, command] of Object.entries(doc.commands?.message || {})) { if (command.name?.length > 32) { const searchKey = `commands.message.${key}.name`; const { col, line, } = lineCounter.linePos(resolve(ast, searchKey).value.offset); errors.push({ col, line, locale, message: `\`${searchKey}\` is too long (${command.name.length} > 32)`, }); } } /** * Chat input (slash) commands */ for (const [key, command] of Object.entries(doc.commands?.slash || {})) { const regex = /^[-_\p{L}\p{N}\p{sc=Deva}\p{sc=Thai}]{1,32}$/u; if (command.name) { if (!regex.test(command.name)) { const searchKey = `commands.slash.${key}.name`; const { col, line, } = lineCounter.linePos(resolve(ast, searchKey).value.offset); errors.push({ col, line, locale, message: `\`${searchKey}\` does not match the regex pattern \`${regex.toString()}\``, }); } if (command.name !== command.name.toLocaleLowerCase()) { const searchKey = `commands.slash.${key}.name`; const { col, line, } = lineCounter.linePos(resolve(ast, searchKey).value.offset); errors.push({ col, line, locale, message: `\`${searchKey}\` is not lowercase`, }); } } if (command.description?.length > 100) { const searchKey = `commands.slash.${key}.description`; const { col, line, } = lineCounter.linePos(resolve(ast, searchKey).value.offset); errors.push({ col, line, locale, message: `\`${searchKey}\` is too long (${command.description.length} > 100)`, }); } for (const [key2, option] of Object.entries(command.options || {})) { if (option.name) { if (!regex.test(option.name)) { const searchKey = `commands.slash.${key}.options.${key2}.name`; const { col, line, } = lineCounter.linePos(resolve(ast, searchKey).value.offset); errors.push({ col, line, locale, message: `\`${searchKey}\` does not match the regex pattern "${regex.toString()}"`, }); } if (option.name !== option.name.toLocaleLowerCase()) { const searchKey = `commands.slash.${key}.options.${key2}.name`; const { col, line, } = lineCounter.linePos(resolve(ast, searchKey).value.offset); errors.push({ col, line, locale, message: `\`${searchKey}\` is not lowercase`, }); } } if (option.description?.length > 100) { const searchKey = `commands.slash.${key}.options.${key2}.description`; const { col, line, } = lineCounter.linePos(resolve(ast, searchKey).value.offset); errors.push({ col, line, locale, message: `\`${searchKey}\` is too long (${option.description.length} > 100)`, }); } } } /** * User context menu commands */ for (const [key, command] of Object.entries(doc.commands?.user || {})) { if (command.name?.length > 32) { const searchKey = `commands.user.${key}.name`; const { col, line, } = lineCounter.linePos(resolve(ast, searchKey).value.offset); errors.push({ col, line, locale, message: `\`${searchKey}\` is too long (${command.name.length} > 32)`, }); } } } // @actions/core: // https://github.blog/2022-05-09-supercharging-github-actions-with-job-summaries/ async function summarise() { const { markdownTable } = await import('markdown-table'); const branch = process.env.GITHUB_SHA || 'main'; let summary = '# Test results\n\n'; summary += markdownTable([ ['Locale', 'Result'], ...locales.map(locale => [ `${locale}`, errors.filter(error => error.locale === locale).length === 0 ? '✅ Passed' : '❌ Failed', ]), ]) + '\n\n'; for (const locale of locales) { // thanks copilot console.log(`::group::${locale}`); const localeErrors = errors.filter(error => error.locale === locale); summary += `## \`${locale}\`\n\n`; if (localeErrors.length > 0) { for (const error of localeErrors) { summary += `https://github.com/discord-tickets/bot/blob/${branch}/src/i18n/${locale}.yml#L${error.line}\n\n`; console.log(`::error file=src/i18n/${locale}.yml,line=${error.line},col=${error.col}::${error.message}`); } } else { summary += 'No errors found\n\n'; console.log(`::notice file=src/i18n/${locale}.yml::No errors found`); } console.log('::endgroup::'); } fs.writeFileSync(process.env.GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY || 'summary.md', summary); if (errors.length > 0) { console.error('Failed with %d errors', errors.length); process.exit(1); } } summarise();