const fs = require('fs'); const leeks = require('leeks.js'); // ultra light weight alternative to chalk const now = new Date(); let date = now.getDate(); const h = now.getHours(); const m = now.getMinutes(); const s = now.getSeconds(); let timestamp = `${h}:${('0' + m).slice(-2)}:${('0' + s).slice(-2)}`; let d = ('0' + date).slice(-2); const files = fs.readdirSync('./logs/').filter(file => file.endsWith('.log')); let path = `./logs/${d}-${timestamp.replace(':', '-').replace(':', '-')}.log`; // const log = require(path); function init(x) { console.log(leeks.colours.cyan(`[INFO | ${timestamp}] Setting up...`)); console.log(`[INFO | ${timestamp}] Initialising logger`); console.log(`[INFO | ${timestamp}] Cleaning up...`); for (const file of files) { if(!file.startsWith(`${d}-`)) { fs.unlinkSync(`./logs/${file}`) console.log(`[INFO | ${timestamp}] Deleting ./logs/${file}`); }; }; try { fs.appendFileSync(path, `Discord Tickets | Log File (${timestamp})\n`, function (error) { if (error) throw error; }); console.log(`[INFO | ${timestamp}] Creating new log file (${path})`); } catch(error) { console.error(; } }; exports.init = x => { init(x) }; exports.basic = (m) => { console.log(`[${timestamp}] ${m}`) fs.writeFileSync(path, `[${timestamp}] ${m}\n`, function (error) { if (error) throw error; }); }; exports.console = (m) => { console.log(`[INFO | ${timestamp}] ${m}`); let data = fs.readFileSync(path); fs.writeFileSync(path, data + `[INFO | ${timestamp}] ${m}\n`, function (error) { if (error) throw error; }); }; = (m) => {`[INFO | ${timestamp}] ${m}`)); let data = fs.readFileSync(path); fs.writeFileSync(path, data + `[INFO | ${timestamp}] ${m}\n`, function (error) { if (error) throw error; }); }; exports.success = (m) => {`[INFO | ${timestamp}] ${m}`)); let data = fs.readFileSync(path); fs.writeFileSync(path, data + `[INFO | ${timestamp}] ${m}\n`, function (error) { if (error) throw error; }); }; exports.debug = (m) => {`[DEBUG | ${timestamp}] ${m}`)); let data = fs.readFileSync(path); fs.writeFileSync(path, data + `[DEBUG | ${timestamp}] ${m}\n`, function (error) { if (error) throw error; }); }; exports.warn = (m) => { console.warn(leeks.colours.yellowBright(`[WARN | ${timestamp}] ${m}`)); let data = fs.readFileSync(path); fs.writeFileSync(path, data + `[WARN | ${timestamp}] ${m}\n`, function (error) { if (error) throw error; }); }; exports.error = (m) => { console.error(`[ERROR | ${timestamp}] ${m}`)); let data = fs.readFileSync(path); fs.writeFileSync(path, data + `[ERROR | ${timestamp}] ${m}\n`, function (error) { if (error) throw error; }); };