const Discord = require('discord.js'); const { version } = require('../package.json'); const config = require('../config.json'); const log = require(`leekslazylogger`); module.exports = { name: 'help', description: 'Displays help menu', usage: '[command]', aliases: ['command', 'commands'], example: 'help new', args: false, cooldown: config.cooldown, guildOnly: true, execute(message, args) { const client = message.client; // command starts here message.delete(); const data = []; const { commands } = message.client; if (config.useEmbeds) { if (!args.length) { data.push('__**Commands**__'); data.push( => `**${config.prefix}${}** : \`${command.description}\``).join('\n')); data.push(`\nType\`${config.prefix}help [command]\` for more information about a specific command.`); const embed = new Discord.RichEmbed() .setTitle("Commands") .setColor(config.colour) .setDescription(`\nType\`${config.prefix}help [command]\` for more information about a specific command.`) // .addField("...", `...`, true) // .addField("...", `...`, true) .setFooter(`DiscordTickets by Eartharoid`); var cmds = []; cmds.push( => embed.addField(`${config.prefix}${}`, `\`${command.description}\``))); .then(() => { if ( === 'dm') return; //`A list of commands has been sent to you.`); }) .catch(error => { // console.error(`Could not send help DM to ${}.\n`, error); log.warn(`Could not DM help menu to ${}, sending to server channel instead`);`:x: **Sorry!** There was an error whilst sending the help menu via DMs.`), { split: true }) }); } else { const name = args[0].toLowerCase(); const command = commands.get(name) || commands.find(c => c.aliases && c.aliases.includes(name)); if (!command) { const notCmd = new Discord.RichEmbed() .setColor("#E74C3C") .setDescription(`:x: **Invalid command name** (\`${config.prefix}help\`)`) return } const cmd = new Discord.RichEmbed() .setColor(config.colour) .addField(`Command`,`\`${}\``, true) .setFooter(`DiscordTickets by Eartharoid`); if (command.aliases) cmd.addField("Aliases", `\`${command.aliases.join(', ')}\``, true); if (command.description) cmd.addField("Description", `\`${command.description}\``, false); if (command.usage) cmd.addField("Usage", `\`${config.prefix}${} ${command.usage}\``, false) if (command.example) cmd.addField("Example", `\`${config.prefix}${command.example}\``, false); } } else { //`**Prefix =** \`${config.prefix}\`\n**Bot Version =** \`${version}\``) if (!args.length) { data.push('__**Commands**__'); data.push( => `**${config.prefix}${}** : \`${command.description}\``).join('\n')); data.push(`\nType\`${config.prefix}help [command]\` for more information about a specific command.`); return, { split: true }) .then(() => { if ( === 'dm') return; //`A list of commands has been sent to you.`); }) .catch(error => { // console.error(`Could not send help DM to ${}.\n`, error); log.warn(`Could not DM help menu to ${}, sending to server channel instead`);`:x: **Sorry!** There was an error whilst sending the help menu via DMs.`), { split: true }) }); } const name = args[0].toLowerCase(); const command = commands.get(name) || commands.find(c => c.aliases && c.aliases.includes(name)); if (!command) { return message.reply(':x: **Invalid command**'); } data.push(`**Command:** \`${}\``); if (command.aliases) data.push(`**Aliases:** \`${command.aliases.join(', ')}\``); if (command.description) data.push(`**Description:** \`${command.description}\``); if (command.usage) data.push(`**Usage:** \`${config.prefix}${} ${command.usage}\``); if (command.example) data.push(`**Example:** \`${command.example}\``); data.push(`**Cooldown:** \`${command.cooldown || 3} second(s)\``);, { split: true }); } // command ends here }, };