From 14febceeb8c2452cc3d7fd15ae168508a6c6ff1e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Isaac Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2021 16:53:41 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] New Crowdin updates (#127) * New translations en-GB.json (French) * New translations en-GB.json (Spanish) * New translations en-GB.json (Czech) * New translations en-GB.json (German) * New translations en-GB.json (Italian) * New translations en-GB.json (Russian) * New translations en-GB.json (French) * New translations en-GB.json (Spanish) * New translations en-GB.json (Czech) * New translations en-GB.json (German) * New translations en-GB.json (Italian) * New translations en-GB.json (Russian) * New translations en-GB.json (Czech) * New translations en-GB.json (Czech) * New translations en-GB.json (Czech) * New translations en-GB.json (Czech) * New translations en-GB.json (Norwegian) * New translations en-GB.json (Indonesian) * New translations en-GB.json (Hindi) * New translations en-GB.json (Indonesian) * New translations en-GB.json (Indonesian) * New translations en-GB.json (Norwegian) --- src/locales/cs-CZ.json | 166 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ src/locales/hi-IN.json | 166 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ src/locales/id-ID.json | 166 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ src/locales/no-NO.json | 166 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4 files changed, 664 insertions(+) create mode 100644 src/locales/cs-CZ.json create mode 100644 src/locales/hi-IN.json create mode 100644 src/locales/id-ID.json create mode 100644 src/locales/no-NO.json diff --git a/src/locales/cs-CZ.json b/src/locales/cs-CZ.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a38dfb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locales/cs-CZ.json @@ -0,0 +1,166 @@ +{ + "bot": { + "version": "[Discord tickety](%s) v%s vytvořeny uživatelem [eartharoid](%s)" + }, + "cmd_usage": { + "args": { + "description": "**Popis:** %s", + "example": "**Příklad:** `%s`" + }, + "description": "**Použití:**\n`%s`\n\n**Příklad:**\n`%s`\n\nPožadované argumenty jsou označeny `❗`.", + "named_args": "Tento příkaz používá jmenné argumenty.\n\n", + "title": "Použití příkazu `%s`" + }, + "collector_expires_in": "Expiruje za %d sekund", + "commands": { + "blacklist": { + "aliases": { + "unblacklist": "unblacklist" + }, + "args": { + "member_or_role": { + "name": "uživatelNeboRole", + "description": "Označení člena, role nebo ID člena popřípadě ID role", + "example": "@nezbedný-člen" + } + }, + "description": "Zablokuje/povolí uživateli interakci s botem", + "name": "blacklist", + "response": { + "empty_list": { + "title": "📃 Zablokovaní uživatelé a role", + "description": "Na černé listině nejsou žádní uživatelé nebo role. Použij `%sblacklist ` pro přidání uživatele nebo role na černou listinu." + }, + "illegal_action": { + "title": "❌ Tohoto člena nemůžeš přidat na černou listinu", + "description": "%s je člen serveru a nemůže být na černé listině." + }, + "list": { + "title": "📃 Zablokovaní uživatelé a role" + }, + "member_added": { + "title": "✅ Uživatel přidán na blacklist", + "description": "Uživatel <@%s> byl přidán na černou listinu. Už nebude moci využívat bota." + }, + "member_removed": { + "title": "✅ Uživatel odstraněn z blacklistu", + "description": "Uživatel <@%s> byl odebrán z černé listiny. Nyní bude moci využívat bota." + }, + "role_added": { + "title": "✅ Role přidána na blacklist", + "description": "Role <@&%s> byla přidána na černou listinu. Uživatelé s touto rolí nyní nebudou moci využívat bota." + }, + "role_removed": { + "title": "✅ Role odstraněna z blacklistu", + "description": "Role <@&%s> byla odebrána z černé listiny. Nyní bude moci využívat bota." + } + } + }, + "close": { + "aliases": { + "delete": "delete" + }, + "args": { + "ticket": { + "name": "ticket", + "description": "Číslo nebo označení kanálu s ticketem pro uzaření", + "example": "217" + } + }, + "description": "Uzavře kanál s ticketem", + "name": "close", + "response": { + "closed": { + "title": "✅ Ticket uzavřen", + "description": "Tento ticket byl uzavřen.\nTento kanál se smaže za 5 sekund." + }, + "closed_by_member": { + "title": "✅ Ticket uzavřen", + "description": "Tento ticket byl uzavřen uživatelem %s.\nTento kanál se smaže za 5 sekund." + }, + "closed_by_member_with_reason": { + "title": "✅ Ticket uzavřen", + "description": "Tento ticket byl uzavřen uživatelem %s: `%s`\nTento kanál se smaže za 5 sekund." + }, + "closed_with_reason": { + "title": "✅ Ticket uzavřen", + "description": "Tento ticket byl uzavřen: `%s`\nTento kanál se smaže za 5 sekund." + } + } + }, + "new": { + "aliases": { + "create": "create", + "open": "open" + }, + "args": { + "topic": { + "name": "topic", + "description": "Téma ticketu", + "example": "Problém s fakturací" + } + }, + "description": "Vytvoří ticket", + "name": "new", + "opening_message": { + "fields": { + "topic": "Téma" + } + }, + "questions": "Prosím odpovězte na níže položené otázky:\n\n%s", + "response": { + "created": { + "title": "✅ Ticket vytvořen", + "description": "Tvůj ticket byl vytvořen: %s." + }, + "has_a_ticket": { + "title": "❌ Již máte otevřený ticket", + "description": "Prosím použij již existující ticket (<#%s>) nebo jej uzavři pro vytvoření nového." + }, + "max_tickets": { + "title": "❌ Již máš %d otevřených ticketů", + "description": "Prosím použij `%sclose` pro uzavření nepotřebných ticketů.\n\n%s" + }, + "no_categories": { + "title": "❌ Nelze vytvořit ticket", + "description": "Než budete moci vytvořit nový ticket, musí správce serveru vytvořit alespoň jednu kategorii pro tickety." + }, + "select_category": { + "title": "🔤 Prosím vyber kategorii ticketu", + "description": "Vyber kategorii, která je nejrelevantnější pro téma ticketu:\n\n%s" + }, + "select_category_timeout": { + "title": "❌ Doba pro reakci vypršela", + "description": "Výběr kategorie ticketu trvala příliš dlouho." + } + }, + "request_topic": { + "title": "Téma ticketu", + "description": "Prosím stručně popiš několika slovy o čem je tento ticket." + } + }, + "settings": { + "aliases": { + "config": "config" + }, + "description": "Konfigurace Discord ticketů", + "name": "settings", + "response": { + "updated": "✅ Nastavení bylo aktualizováno." + } + } + }, + "command_execution_error": { + "title": "⚠️", + "description": "Během provádění příkazu došlo k neočekávané chybě.\nPožádejte správce serveru, aby zkontroloval výstup konzole / log pro více detailů." + }, + "message_will_be_deleted_in": "Tato zpráva bude smazána za %d sekund", + "missing_perms": { + "title": "❌", + "description": "Na provedení tohoto příkazu nemáte dostatečné oprávnění:\n%s" + }, + "staff_only": { + "title": "❌", + "description": "Na provedení tohoto příkazu musíte být členem týmu." + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/locales/hi-IN.json b/src/locales/hi-IN.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..44b4e0a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locales/hi-IN.json @@ -0,0 +1,166 @@ +{ + "bot": { + "version": "[Discord टिकट] (%s) v%s [eartharoid](%s) द्वारा" + }, + "cmd_usage": { + "args": { + "description": "**Description:** %s", + "example": "**उदाहरण:** '%s'" + }, + "description": "*** उपयोग: **\n'%s'\n\n**उदाहरण: **\n'%s'\n\nआवश्यक तर्क '❗' के साथ पूर्वनिर्धारित हैं।", + "named_args": "This command uses named arguments.\n\n", + "title": "`%s` command usage" + }, + "collector_expires_in": "Expires in %d seconds", + "commands": { + "blacklist": { + "aliases": { + "unblacklist": "unblacklist" + }, + "args": { + "member_or_role": { + "name": "memberOrRole", + "description": "A member mention, a role mention, or the ID of a member or role", + "example": "@naughty-member" + } + }, + "description": "Blacklist/unblacklist a member from interacting with the bot", + "name": "blacklist", + "response": { + "empty_list": { + "title": "📃 Blacklisted members and roles", + "description": "There are no members or roles blacklisted. Type `%sblacklist ` to add a member or role to the blacklist." + }, + "illegal_action": { + "title": "❌ You can't blacklist this member", + "description": "%s is a staff member and cannot be blacklisted." + }, + "list": { + "title": "📃 Blacklisted members and roles" + }, + "member_added": { + "title": "✅ Added member to blacklist", + "description": "<@%s> has been added to the blacklist. They will no longer be able to interact with the bot." + }, + "member_removed": { + "title": "✅ Removed member from blacklist", + "description": "<@%s> has been removed from the blacklist. They can now use the bot again." + }, + "role_added": { + "title": "✅ Added role to blacklist", + "description": "<@&%s> has been added to the blacklist. Members with this role will no longer be able to interact with the bot." + }, + "role_removed": { + "title": "✅ Removed role from blacklist", + "description": "<@&%s> has been removed from the blacklist. Members with this role can now use the bot again." + } + } + }, + "close": { + "aliases": { + "delete": "delete" + }, + "args": { + "ticket": { + "name": "ticket", + "description": "The number or a channel mention of the ticket to close", + "example": "217" + } + }, + "description": "Close a ticket channel", + "name": "close", + "response": { + "closed": { + "title": "✅ Ticket closed", + "description": "This ticket has been closed.\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds." + }, + "closed_by_member": { + "title": "✅ Ticket closed", + "description": "This ticket has been closed by %s.\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds." + }, + "closed_by_member_with_reason": { + "title": "✅ Ticket closed", + "description": "This ticket has been closed by %s: `%s`\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds." + }, + "closed_with_reason": { + "title": "✅ Ticket closed", + "description": "This ticket has been closed: `%s`\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds." + } + } + }, + "new": { + "aliases": { + "create": "create", + "open": "open" + }, + "args": { + "topic": { + "name": "topic", + "description": "The topic of the ticket", + "example": "Problem with billing" + } + }, + "description": "Create a new ticket", + "name": "new", + "opening_message": { + "fields": { + "topic": "Topic" + } + }, + "questions": "Please answer the following questions:\n\n%s", + "response": { + "created": { + "title": "✅ Ticket created", + "description": "Your ticket has been created: %s." + }, + "has_a_ticket": { + "title": "❌ You already have an open ticket", + "description": "Please use your existing ticket (<#%s>) or close it before creating another." + }, + "max_tickets": { + "title": "❌ You already have %d open tickets", + "description": "Please use `%sclose` to close any unneeded tickets.\n\n%s" + }, + "no_categories": { + "title": "❌ Can't create ticket", + "description": "A server administrator must create at least one ticket category before a new ticket can be opened." + }, + "select_category": { + "title": "🔤 Please select the ticket category", + "description": "Select the category most relevant to your ticket's topic:\n\n%s" + }, + "select_category_timeout": { + "title": "❌ Reaction time expired", + "description": "You took too long to select the ticket category." + } + }, + "request_topic": { + "title": "Ticket topic", + "description": "Please briefly state what this ticket is about in a a few words." + } + }, + "settings": { + "aliases": { + "config": "config" + }, + "description": "Configure Discord Tickets", + "name": "settings", + "response": { + "updated": "✅ Settings have been updated." + } + } + }, + "command_execution_error": { + "title": "⚠️", + "description": "An unexpected error occurred during command execution.\nPlease ask an administrator to check the console output / logs for details." + }, + "message_will_be_deleted_in": "This message will be deleted in %d seconds", + "missing_perms": { + "title": "❌", + "description": "You do not have the permissions required to use this command:\n%s" + }, + "staff_only": { + "title": "❌", + "description": "You must be a member of staff to use this command." + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/locales/id-ID.json b/src/locales/id-ID.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7dae64e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locales/id-ID.json @@ -0,0 +1,166 @@ +{ + "bot": { + "version": "[Discord Tickets](%s) versi %s oleh [eartharoid](%s)" + }, + "cmd_usage": { + "args": { + "description": "**Deskripsi:** %s", + "example": "**Contoh:** '%s'" + }, + "description": "**Pemakaian:**\n'%s'\n\n**Contoh:**\n'%s'\n\nArgumen-argumen yang dibutuhkan dimulai dengan `❗`.", + "named_args": "Command ini membutuhkan argument bernama.\n\n", + "title": "Pemakaian command '%s'" + }, + "collector_expires_in": "Kadaluwarsa dalam %d detik", + "commands": { + "blacklist": { + "aliases": { + "unblacklist": "hapus blokir" + }, + "args": { + "member_or_role": { + "name": "anggota atau role", + "description": "Sebuah mention anggota, mention role, atau ID sebuah member atau role", + "example": "@anggota-nakal" + } + }, + "description": "Blok/hapus blok seorang anggota dari berinteraksi dengan bot ini", + "name": "blok", + "response": { + "empty_list": { + "title": "📃 Daftar anggota-anggota yang di blok", + "description": "Tidak ada anggota atau role yang di blok. Ketik `%sblok ` untuk menambahkan member atau role ke daftar blokir." + }, + "illegal_action": { + "title": "❌ Anda tidak bisa blokir anggota ini", + "description": "%s adalah seorang anggota staf dan tidak bisa di blokir." + }, + "list": { + "title": "📃 Daftar anggota-anggota yang di blok" + }, + "member_added": { + "title": "✅ Berhasil menambahkan anggota ke daftar blokir", + "description": "<@%s> telah ditambahkan ke daftar blokir. Mereka tidak akan lagi dapat berinteraksi dengan bot ini." + }, + "member_removed": { + "title": "✅ Berhasil menghapus anggota dari daftar blokir", + "description": "<@%s> telah dihapus dari daftar blokir. Sekarang mereka dapat menggunakan bot ini lagi." + }, + "role_added": { + "title": "✅ Berhasil menambahkan role ke daftar blokir", + "description": "<@&%s> telah ditambahkan ke daftar blokir. Anggota-anggota dengan role ini tidak akan lagi dapat berinteraksi dengan bot ini." + }, + "role_removed": { + "title": "✅ Berhasil menghapus role dari daftar blokir", + "description": "<@&%s> telah dihapus dari daftar blokir. Anggota-anggota dengan role ini sekarang dapat menggunakan bot ini lagi." + } + } + }, + "close": { + "aliases": { + "delete": "hapus" + }, + "args": { + "ticket": { + "name": "tiket", + "description": "Nomor tiket atau mention channel tiket yang ingin ditutup", + "example": "217" + } + }, + "description": "Tutup sebuah channel tiket", + "name": "tutup", + "response": { + "closed": { + "title": "✅ Tiket ditutup", + "description": "Tiket ini telah ditutup.\nChannel ini akan ditutup dalam 5 detik." + }, + "closed_by_member": { + "title": "✅ Tiket ditutup", + "description": "Tiket ini telah ditutup oleh %s.\nChannel ini akan ditutup dalam 5 detik." + }, + "closed_by_member_with_reason": { + "title": "✅ Tiket ditutup", + "description": "Tiket ini telah ditutup oleh %s: `%s`\nChannel ini akan ditutup dalam 5 detik." + }, + "closed_with_reason": { + "title": "✅ Tiket ditutup", + "description": "Tiket ini telah ditutup: `%s`\nChannel ini akan ditutup dalam 5 detik." + } + } + }, + "new": { + "aliases": { + "create": "buat", + "open": "buka" + }, + "args": { + "topic": { + "name": "topik", + "description": "Topik tiket", + "example": "Masalah dengan penagihan" + } + }, + "description": "Buat tiket baru", + "name": "baru", + "opening_message": { + "fields": { + "topic": "Topik" + } + }, + "questions": "Tolong jawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut:\n\n%s", + "response": { + "created": { + "title": "✅ Tiket dibuat", + "description": "Tiket anda telah dibuat: %s." + }, + "has_a_ticket": { + "title": "❌ Anda sudah memiliki tiket yang buka", + "description": "Silahkan gunakan tiket yang ada (<#%s>) atau tutup tiket tersebut sebelum membuat tiket lain." + }, + "max_tickets": { + "title": "❌ Anda sudah memiliki %d tiket yang buka", + "description": "Tolong gunakan `%stutup` untuk menutup tiket yang tidak perlu.\n\n%s" + }, + "no_categories": { + "title": "❌ Tidak dapat membuat tiket", + "description": "Seorang administrator server harus membuat setidaknya satu kategori tikey sebelum tiket baru dapat dibuka." + }, + "select_category": { + "title": "🔤 Tolong pilih kategori tiket", + "description": "Pilih kategory yang paling relevan denga topik tiket anda:\n\n%s" + }, + "select_category_timeout": { + "title": "❌ Waktu reaksi habis", + "description": "Anda terlalu lama untuk memilih kategori tiket." + } + }, + "request_topic": { + "title": "Topik tiket", + "description": "Tolong beri tahu secara singkat untuk apa tiket ini dibuat dalam beberapa kata." + } + }, + "settings": { + "aliases": { + "config": "konfigurasi" + }, + "description": "Konfigurasi Discord Tickets", + "name": "pengaturan", + "response": { + "updated": "✅ Pengaturan telah diperbarui." + } + } + }, + "command_execution_error": { + "title": "⚠️", + "description": "Eror tak terduga ketika mengeksekusi command.\nTolong tanya seorang adminstrator untuk memeriksa console atau log konsol untuk detail." + }, + "message_will_be_deleted_in": "Pesan ini akan dihapus dalam %d detik", + "missing_perms": { + "title": "❌", + "description": "Anda tidak memiliki izin yang diperlukan untuk menggunakan command ini:\n%s" + }, + "staff_only": { + "title": "❌", + "description": "Anda harus menjadi salah seorang anggota staf untuk menggunakan command ini." + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/locales/no-NO.json b/src/locales/no-NO.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a1266d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locales/no-NO.json @@ -0,0 +1,166 @@ +{ + "bot": { + "version": "[Discord Tickets](%s) v%s Av [eartharoid](%s)" + }, + "cmd_usage": { + "args": { + "description": "**Beskrivelse:** %s", + "example": "**Example:** `%s`" + }, + "description": "**Usage:**\n`%s`\n\n**Example:**\n`%s`\n\nRequired arguments are prefixed with `❗`.", + "named_args": "This command uses named arguments.\n\n", + "title": "`%s` command usage" + }, + "collector_expires_in": "Expires in %d seconds", + "commands": { + "blacklist": { + "aliases": { + "unblacklist": "unblacklist" + }, + "args": { + "member_or_role": { + "name": "memberOrRole", + "description": "A member mention, a role mention, or the ID of a member or role", + "example": "@naughty-member" + } + }, + "description": "Blacklist/unblacklist a member from interacting with the bot", + "name": "blacklist", + "response": { + "empty_list": { + "title": "📃 Blacklisted members and roles", + "description": "There are no members or roles blacklisted. Type `%sblacklist ` to add a member or role to the blacklist." + }, + "illegal_action": { + "title": "❌ You can't blacklist this member", + "description": "%s is a staff member and cannot be blacklisted." + }, + "list": { + "title": "📃 Blacklisted members and roles" + }, + "member_added": { + "title": "✅ Added member to blacklist", + "description": "<@%s> has been added to the blacklist. They will no longer be able to interact with the bot." + }, + "member_removed": { + "title": "✅ Removed member from blacklist", + "description": "<@%s> has been removed from the blacklist. They can now use the bot again." + }, + "role_added": { + "title": "✅ Added role to blacklist", + "description": "<@&%s> has been added to the blacklist. Members with this role will no longer be able to interact with the bot." + }, + "role_removed": { + "title": "✅ Removed role from blacklist", + "description": "<@&%s> has been removed from the blacklist. Members with this role can now use the bot again." + } + } + }, + "close": { + "aliases": { + "delete": "delete" + }, + "args": { + "ticket": { + "name": "ticket", + "description": "The number or a channel mention of the ticket to close", + "example": "217" + } + }, + "description": "Close a ticket channel", + "name": "close", + "response": { + "closed": { + "title": "✅ Ticket closed", + "description": "This ticket has been closed.\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds." + }, + "closed_by_member": { + "title": "✅ Ticket closed", + "description": "This ticket has been closed by %s.\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds." + }, + "closed_by_member_with_reason": { + "title": "✅ Ticket closed", + "description": "This ticket has been closed by %s: `%s`\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds." + }, + "closed_with_reason": { + "title": "✅ Ticket closed", + "description": "This ticket has been closed: `%s`\nThe channel will be deleted in 5 seconds." + } + } + }, + "new": { + "aliases": { + "create": "create", + "open": "open" + }, + "args": { + "topic": { + "name": "topic", + "description": "The topic of the ticket", + "example": "Problem with billing" + } + }, + "description": "Create a new ticket", + "name": "new", + "opening_message": { + "fields": { + "topic": "Topic" + } + }, + "questions": "Please answer the following questions:\n\n%s", + "response": { + "created": { + "title": "✅ Ticket created", + "description": "Your ticket has been created: %s." + }, + "has_a_ticket": { + "title": "❌ You already have an open ticket", + "description": "Please use your existing ticket (<#%s>) or close it before creating another." + }, + "max_tickets": { + "title": "❌ You already have %d open tickets", + "description": "Please use `%sclose` to close any unneeded tickets.\n\n%s" + }, + "no_categories": { + "title": "❌ Can't create ticket", + "description": "A server administrator must create at least one ticket category before a new ticket can be opened." + }, + "select_category": { + "title": "🔤 Please select the ticket category", + "description": "Select the category most relevant to your ticket's topic:\n\n%s" + }, + "select_category_timeout": { + "title": "❌ Reaction time expired", + "description": "You took too long to select the ticket category." + } + }, + "request_topic": { + "title": "Ticket topic", + "description": "Please briefly state what this ticket is about in a a few words." + } + }, + "settings": { + "aliases": { + "config": "config" + }, + "description": "Configure Discord Tickets", + "name": "settings", + "response": { + "updated": "✅ Settings have been updated." + } + } + }, + "command_execution_error": { + "title": "⚠️", + "description": "An unexpected error occurred during command execution.\nPlease ask an administrator to check the console output / logs for details." + }, + "message_will_be_deleted_in": "This message will be deleted in %d seconds", + "missing_perms": { + "title": "❌", + "description": "You do not have the permissions required to use this command:\n%s" + }, + "staff_only": { + "title": "❌", + "description": "You must be a member of staff to use this command." + } +} \ No newline at end of file