import logging from datetime import datetime import pytz from convopyro import listen_message from pyrogram import filters from pyrogram.types import ForceReply, Message, ReplyKeyboardRemove from classes.pyroclient import PyroClient from modules import custom_filters logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @PyroClient.on_message( ~filters.scheduled & filters.private & filters.command(["set_offset"], prefixes=["/"]) & ~custom_filters.context # type: ignore ) async def command_set_offset(app: PyroClient, message: Message): user = await app.find_user(message.from_user) if user.location is None: await message.reply_text( app._("location_empty", "messages", locale=user.locale) ) return await message.reply_text( app._("set_offset", "messages", locale=user.locale), reply_markup=ForceReply( placeholder=app._("set_offset", "force_replies", locale=user.locale) ), ) while True: app.contexts.append( answer = await listen_message(app,, 300) app.contexts.remove( if answer is None or answer.text == "/cancel": await message.reply_text( app._("cancelled", "messages", locale=user.locale), reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove(), ) return try: num = int(answer.text) if num < 0 or num > 7: raise ValueError( "Offset bust not be less than 0 and greater than 7 days." ) except (ValueError, TypeError): await answer.reply_text( app._("set_offset_invalid", "messages", locale=user.locale).format( cancel_notice=app._("cancel", "messages", locale=user.locale) ) ) continue break offset = int(answer.text) await user.update_offset(offset)"User %s has set offset to %s",, offset) garbage_time = ( .replace(hour=user.time_hour, minute=user.time_minute) .astimezone(user.location.timezone or pytz.utc) ) await answer.reply_text( app._("set_offset_finished", "messages", locale=user.locale).format( offset=offset, time=garbage_time.strftime(app._("time", "formats", locale=user.locale)), toggle_notice=( "" if user.enabled else app._("toggle", "messages", locale=user.locale) ), ), reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove(), )