from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone from pyrogram import filters from pyrogram.types import Message from pytz import timezone as pytz_timezone from classes.garbage_entry import GarbageEntry from classes.pyroclient import PyroClient from modules.database import col_entries @PyroClient.on_message( ~filters.scheduled & filters.private & filters.command(["upcoming"], prefixes=["/"]) # type: ignore ) async def command_upcoming(app: PyroClient, message: Message): user = await app.find_user(message.from_user) if user.location is None: await message.reply_text( "You have no location set. Use /setup to select your location." ) return date_min = ( second=0, microsecond=0 ) ).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) date_max = ( second=0, microsecond=0 ) + timedelta(days=30) ).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) entries = [ await GarbageEntry.from_record(entry) async for entry in col_entries.find( { "location": {"$in":}, "date": {"$gte": date_min, "$lte": date_max}, } ) ] entries_text = "\n\n".join( [ f"**{'date', 'formats', locale=user.locale))}**:\n{app._(str(entry.garbage_type.value), 'garbage_types')}" for entry in entries ] ) if not entries: await message.reply_text( f"No garbage collection entries found for the next 30 days at **{}**" ) return await message.reply_text(f"Upcoming garbage collection:\n\n{entries_text}")