{ "metadata": { "flag": "🇬🇧", "name": "English", "codes": [ "en", "en-GB" ] }, "formats": { "date": "%d/%m/%Y", "time": "%H:%M" }, "garbage_types": { "0": "🟤 Bio", "1": "🟡 Plastic", "2": "🔵 Paper", "3": "⚫️ General", "4": "🟢 Glass", "5": "❓ Unspecified" }, "commands": { "help": "Show help message", "setup": "Select the location", "toggle": "Enable/disable notifications", "set_time": "Set notification time", "set_offset": "Set notification days offset", "upcoming": "Collection for the next 30 days", "language": "Change bot's messages language", "checkout": "Export or delete user data", "import": "Upload from JSON to database", "shutdown": "Turn off the bot", "remove_commands": "Unregister all commands" }, "messages": { "help": "This bot sends you the notifications about garbage collection according to your local schedule.\n\n**Available commands**\n/help - Show this message\n/setup - Select the location\n/toggle - Disable/enable the reminders\n/set_time - Set the reminders' time\n/set_offset - Set offset between reminders and collection\n/upcoming - Show the upcoming collection\n/language - Select the bot's language\n/checkout - Export or remove your data\n\nYou can also suggest adding your town/district to the bot by contacting the admins using [this link]({url_contact}) and providing your schedule.\n\nWant to host this bot yourself or make some changes? It's open-source, so you can basically fork it. Take a look at [bot's repository]({url_repo}) for details.\n\nHappy using!", "start": "👋 Welcome!\n\nThis small open-source bot is made to simplify your life a bit easier by sending you notifications about upcoming garbage collection in your location.\n\nBy using this bot you accept [Privacy Policy]({privacy_policy}), otherwise please block and remove this bot before further interaction.\n\nNow the official part is over so you can dive into the bot.", "locale_choice": "Alright. Please choose the language using keyboard below." }, "buttons": { "configure": "Let's configure the bot" }, "callbacks": { "locale_set": "Your language now is: {locale}" }, "force_replies": {} }